61 research outputs found

    Dynamics of Scaphoideus titanus population in southern South Tyrol (Italy) and detection of Grapevine Flavescence Dorée phytoplasma in the insect with a multiplex real-time PCR

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    In South Tyrol the population of Scaphoideus titanus, the vector of Grapevine Flavescence dorée phytoplasma (FD), has been steadily increasing since 2010. The present work provides an overview of the monitoring activity of Scaphoideus titanus in South Tyrolean vineyards coupled with the description of a sensitive and reliable detection method of FD in the insect vector. We have developed an endogenous control of Scaphoideus titanus to be used in a multiplex real-time PCR, amplifying the map gene of FD phytoplasma. We present evidence on the performance of this new vector reference and its compatibility with FD detection

    Ecological regime shift preserved in the Anthropocene stratigraphic record

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    Palaeoecological data are unique historical archives that extend back far beyond the last several decades of ecological observations. However, the fossil record of continental shelves has been perceived as too coarse (with centennial-millennial resolution) and incomplete to detect processes occurring at yearly or decadal scales relevant to ecology and conservation. Here, we show that the youngest (Anthropocene) fossil record on the northern Adriatic continental shelf provides decadal-scale resolution that accurately documents an abrupt ecological change affecting benthic communities during the twentieth century. The magnitude and the duration of the twentieth century shift in body size of the bivalve Corbula gibba is unprecedented given that regional populations of this species were dominated by small-size classes throughout the Holocene. The shift coincided with compositional changes in benthic assemblages, driven by an increase from approximately 25% to approximately 70% in median per-assemblage abundance of C. gibba. This regime shift increase occurred preferentially at sites that experienced at least one hypoxic event per decade in the twentieth century. Larger size and higher abundance of C. gibba probably reflect ecological release as it coincides with an increase in the frequency of seasonal hypoxia that triggered mass mortality of competitors and predators. Higher frequency of hypoxic events is coupled with a decline in the depth of intense sediment mixing by burrowing benthic organisms from several decimetres to less than 20 cm, significantly improving the stratigraphic resolution of the Anthropocene fossil record and making it possible to detect sub-centennial ecological changes on continental shelves

    An insight into the role of trissolcus mitsukurii as biological control agent of halyomorpha halys in Northeastern Italy

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    11noSustainable strategies such as classical or augmentative biological control are currently being evaluated for the long-term management of the alien invasive pest Halyomorpha halys (StĂ„l) (Hemiptera: Pentatomidae). A three-year study carried out in northeastern Italy was performed to investigate the distribution and field performance of the H. halys egg parasitoid Trissolcus mitsukurii (Ashmead) (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae), in comparison with other parasitoid species. In the study area, adventive populations of T. mitsukurii were present since 2016, representing the earliest detection of this species in Europe. Trissolcus mitsukurii was the most abundant parasitoid and showed a higher “parasitoid impact” (i.e., number of parasitized eggs over the total number of field-collected eggs) compared to the other species, i.e., Anastatus bifasciatus (Geoffroy) (Hymenoptera: Eupelmidae), Trissolcus basalis (Wollaston) and Trissolcus kozlovi Rjachovskij (Hymenoptera: Scelionidae). The hyperparasitoid Acroclisoides sinicus (Huang and Liao) (Hymenoptera: Pteromalidae) was also recorded. Phylogenetic analysis of T. mitsukurii population distinguished two clades, one covering samples from Italy, Japan and China, the other from South Korea. The present study provides promising results for the biological control of a pest that is having a dramatic impact on a wide range of crops worldwide.openopenScaccini D.; Falagiarda M.; Tortorici F.; Martinez-Sanudo I.; Tirello P.; Reyes-Dominguez Y.; Gallmetzer A.; Tavella L.; Zandigiacomo P.; Duso C.; Pozzebon A.Scaccini, D.; Falagiarda, M.; Tortorici, F.; Martinez-Sanudo, I.; Tirello, P.; Reyes-Dominguez, Y.; Gallmetzer, A.; Tavella, L.; Zandigiacomo, P.; Duso, C.; Pozzebon, A

    A well-kept treasure at depth: precious red coral rediscovered in Atlantic deep coral gardens (SW Portugal) after 300 years

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    The highly valuable red coral Corallium rubrum is listed in several Mediterranean Conventions for species protection and management since the 1980s. Yet, the lack of data about its Atlantic distribution has hindered its protection there. This culminated in the recent discovery of poaching activities harvesting tens of kg of coral per day from deep rocky reefs off SW Portugal. Red coral was irregularly exploited in Portugal between the 1200s and 1700s, until the fishery collapsed. Its occurrence has not been reported for the last 300 years.info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio

    Fumarate Reductase Activity Maintains an Energized Membrane in Anaerobic Mycobacterium tuberculosis

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    Oxygen depletion of Mycobacterium tuberculosis engages the DosR regulon that coordinates an overall down-regulation of metabolism while up-regulating specific genes involved in respiration and central metabolism. We have developed a chemostat model of M. tuberculosis where growth rate was a function of dissolved oxygen concentration to analyze metabolic adaptation to hypoxia. A drop in dissolved oxygen concentration from 50 mmHg to 0.42 mmHg led to a 2.3 fold decrease in intracellular ATP levels with an almost 70-fold increase in the ratio of NADH/NAD+. This suggests that re-oxidation of this co-factor becomes limiting in the absence of a terminal electron acceptor. Upon oxygen limitation genes involved in the reverse TCA cycle were upregulated and this upregulation was associated with a significant accumulation of succinate in the extracellular milieu. We confirmed that this succinate was produced by a reversal of the TCA cycle towards the non-oxidative direction with net CO2 incorporation by analysis of the isotopomers of secreted succinate after feeding stable isotope (13C) labeled precursors. This showed that the resulting succinate retained both carbons lost during oxidative operation of the TCA cycle. Metabolomic analyses of all glycolytic and TCA cycle intermediates from 13C-glucose fed cells under aerobic and anaerobic conditions showed a clear reversal of isotope labeling patterns accompanying the switch from normoxic to anoxic conditions. M. tuberculosis encodes three potential succinate-producing enzymes including a canonical fumarate reductase which was highly upregulated under hypoxia. Knockout of frd, however, failed to reduce succinate accumulation and gene expression studies revealed a compensatory upregulation of two homologous enzymes. These major realignments of central metabolism are consistent with a model of oxygen-induced stasis in which an energized membrane is maintained by coupling the reductive branch of the TCA cycle to succinate secretion. This fermentative process may offer unique targets for the treatment of latent tuberculosis

    Interaction of Yna1 and Yna2 Is Required for Nuclear Accumulation and Transcriptional Activation of the Nitrate Assimilation Pathway in the Yeast Hansenula polymorpha

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    A few yeasts, including Hansenula polymorpha are able to assimilate nitrate and use it as nitrogen source. The genes necessary for nitrate assimilation are organised in this organism as a cluster comprising those encoding nitrate reductase (YNR1), nitrite reductase (YNI1), a high affinity transporter (YNT1), as well as the two pathway specific Zn(II)2Cys2 transcriptional activators (YNA1, YNA2). Yna1p and Yna2p mediate induction of the system and here we show that their functions are interdependent. Yna1p activates YNA2 as well as its own (YNA1) transcription thus forming a nitrate-dependent autoactivation loop. Using a split-YFP approach we demonstrate here that Yna1p and Yna2p form a heterodimer independently of the inducer and despite both Yna1p and Yna2p can occupy the target promoter as mono- or homodimer individually, these proteins are transcriptionally incompetent. Subsequently, the transcription factors target genes containing a conserved DNA motif (termed nitrate-UAS) determined in this work by in vitro and in vivo protein-DNA interaction studies. These events lead to a rearrangement of the chromatin landscape on the target promoters and are associated with the onset of transcription of these target genes. In contrast to other fungi and plants, in which nuclear accumulation of the pathway-specific transcription factors only occur in the presence of nitrate, Yna1p and Yna2p are constitutively nuclear in H. polymorpha. Yna2p is needed for this nuclear accumulation and Yna1p is incapable of strictly positioning in the nucleus without Yna2p. In vivo DNA footprinting and ChIP analyses revealed that the permanently nuclear Yna1p/Yna2p heterodimer only binds to the nitrate-UAS when the inducer is present. The nitrate-dependent up-regulation of one partner protein in the heterodimeric complex is functionally similar to the nitrate-dependent activation of nuclear accumulation in other systems

    Pseudo-constitutivity of nitrate-responsive genes in nitrate reductase mutants

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    In fungi, transcriptional activation of genes involved in NO3- assimilation requires the presence of an inducer (nitrate or nitrite) and low intracellular concentrations of the pathway products ammonium or glutamine. In Aspergillus nidulans, the two transcription factors NirA and AreA act synergistically to mediate nitrate/nitrite induction and nitrogen metabolite derepression, respectively. In all studied fungi and in plants, mutants lacking nitrate reductase (NR) activity express nitrate-metabolizing enzymes constitutively without the addition of inducer molecules. Based on their work in A. nidulans, Cove and Pateman proposed an " autoregulation control" model for the synthesis of nitrate metabolizing enzymes in which the functional nitrate reductase molecule would act as co-repressor in the absence and as co-inducer in the presence of nitrate. However, NR mutants could simply show " pseudo-constitutivity" due to induction by nitrate which accumulates over time in NR-deficient strains. Here we examined this possibility using strains which lack flavohemoglobins (fhbs), and are thus unable to generate nitrate internally, in combination with nitrate transporter mutations (nrtA, nrtB) and a GFP-labeled NirA protein. Using different combinations of genotypes we demonstrate that nitrate transporters are functional also in NR null mutants and show that the constitutive phenotype of NR mutants is not due to nitrate accumulation from intracellular sources but depends on the activity of nitrate transporters. However, these transporters are not required for nitrate signaling because addition of external nitrate (10. mM) leads to standard induction of nitrate assimilatory genes in the nitrate transporter double mutants. We finally show that NR does not regulate NirA localization and activity, and thus the autoregulation model, in which NR would act as a co-repressor of NirA in the absence of nitrate, is unlikely to be correct. Results from this study instead suggest that transporter-mediated NO3- accumulation in NR deficient mutants, originating from traces of nitrate in the media, is responsible for the constitutive expression of NirA-regulated genes, and the associated phenotype is thus termed " pseudo-constitutive" © 2013 Elsevier Inc

    Concept Design of a Digital Shop Floor Information System for Assembly Operators in Machine Industry

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    Industry 4.0 and digitization are currently changing shop floor management in production. Especially in the production of highly customized and individual products, digitization offers many opportunities for more efficient processes. Providing the right information in the right time at the right place can help to reduce lead time as well as production costs. This paper shows the use of Axiomatic Design to develop a conceptual design for an innovative and digital shop floor information system for supporting assembly operators in machine industry in their daily work. The research is based on a real industrial case study with a medium sized manufacturer of customized machines. Needs from practice were collected through workshops with the industry partner and were translated into functional requirements. These functional requirements were derived with an Axiomatic Design decomposition to design solutions. The results of the AD analysis were used as a basis for the concept design of an operator information system in the company

    Reversible Oxidation of a Conserved Methionine in the Nuclear Export Sequence Determines Subcellular Distribution and Activity of the Fungal Nitrate Regulator NirA

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    The assimilation of nitrate, a most important soil nitrogen source, is tightly regulated in microorganisms and plants. In Aspergillus nidulans, during the transcriptional activation process of nitrate assimilatory genes, the interaction between the pathway-specific transcription factor NirA and the exportin KapK/CRM1 is disrupted, and this leads to rapid nuclear accumulation and transcriptional activity of NirA. In this work by mass spectrometry, we found that in the absence of nitrate, when NirA is inactive and predominantly cytosolic, methionine 169 in the nuclear export sequence (NES) is oxidized to methionine sulfoxide (Metox169). This oxidation depends on FmoB, a flavin-containing monooxygenase which in vitro uses methionine and cysteine, but not glutathione, as oxidation substrates. The function of FmoB cannot be replaced by alternative Fmo proteins present in A. nidulans. Exposure of A. nidulans cells to nitrate led to rapid reduction of NirA-Metox169 to Met169; this reduction being independent from thioredoxin and classical methionine sulfoxide reductases. Replacement of Met169 by isoleucine, a sterically similar but not oxidizable residue, led to partial loss of NirA activity and insensitivity to FmoB-mediated nuclear export. In contrast, replacement of Met169 by alanine transformed the protein into a permanently nuclear and active transcription factor. Co-immunoprecipitation analysis of NirA-KapK interactions and subcellular localization studies of NirA mutants lacking different parts of the protein provided evidence that Met169 oxidation leads to a change in NirA conformation. Based on these results we propose that in the presence of nitrate the activation domain is exposed,Peer reviewe
