332 research outputs found

    Consultas planteadas al ICAC

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    BOICAC núm.55, 09-2003. Consulta 1 BOICAC núm.54, 06-2003. Consulta

    Inclusive Assessment and Sustainability Dimensions: Pre-Service Teachers' Ideas and Knowledge

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    The eco-social crisis urges the transformation of teacher training programmes. It is imperative for educators to be able to respond to global challenges. This transformation involves working from new perspectives that integrate assessment processes focused on eco-social justice and inclusion from a broad perspective. Bearing this in mind, a training process focused on the theoretical construction of assessment practice from the perspective of Education for Sustainability and Inclusive Education was designed. It is framed within the context of the Master's Degree in Educational Research for Teachers' Professional Development. The study presented, which is of a qualitative and interpretative nature, focuses on knowing the impact of the process in the progression of the participating students' ideas and knowledge construction. The students' group work, two questionnaires of a different nature and a teaching journal, were used to collect data. Likewise, an ad hoc analysis system was developed that allowed transforming and interpreting the data obtained. The results show progress in the ideas and knowledge of the students in aspects related to the socio-environmental and ethical dimension of the assessment, integrating the principles of Education for Sustainability and Inclusive Education in the design of assessment activities in the classroom. The results reflect that the developed training process has influenced the complexity of the ideas of the students with regard to the content worked on. The proposal could hence serve as a reference for other training processes that have similar characteristics

    Entre el sentimiento de pérdida y pertenencia

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    Este trabajo recoge un estudio acerca de la vivencia del duelo migratorio en las mujeres de procedencia latinoamericana asi como una propuesta de intervención desde el Trabajo Social

    Dynamic changes of the extracellular matrix during corneal wound healing

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    Producción CientíficaThe extracellular matrix (ECM) confers transparency to the cornea because of the precise organization of collagen fibrils and a wide variety of proteoglycans. We monitored the corneal wound healing process after alkali burns in rabbits. We analyzed the location and expression of collagens and proteoglycans, the clinical impact, and the recovery of optical transparency. After the animals received both general and ocular topical anesthesia, the central cornea of the left eye was burned by placing an 8-mm diameter filter paper soaked in 0.5 N NaOH for 60 s. The eyes were evaluated under a surgical microscope at 1, 3, and 6 months after burning. At each time point, the clinical conditions of the burned and control corneas were observed. The arrangement of collagen fibers in the corneal stroma was visualized by Picrosirius-red staining, Gomori's silver impregnation and transmission electronic microscopy. Corneal light transmittance was also measured. Myofibroblasts presence was analyzed by immunohistochemistry. mRNA expression levels of collagen types I and III, lumican, decorin, keratocan and alpha-smooth muscle actin were determined by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction. One month after alkali burn, the ECM was disorganized and filled with lacunae containing different types of cells and collagen type III fibers in the wound area. Corneal opacities were present with attendant loss of light transmittance. Collagen and proteoglycan mRNA expression levels were up-regulated. After three months, wound healing progress was indicated by reduced corneal opacity, increased light transmittance, reorganization of collagen fibers and only collagen type I expression levels were at control levels. After six months, the wound area ECM morphology was similar to controls, but transmittance values remained low, denoting incomplete restoration of the stromal architecture. This multidisciplinary study of the stromal wound healing process revealed changes in corneal transmittance, collagen organization, myofibroblasts presence and ECM composition at 1, 3, and 6 months after alkali burning. Documenting wound resolution during the six-month period provided reliable information that can be used to test new therapies.Instituto de Salud Carlos III (Health Research Fund PI15/01906 )Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad ( project BFU2016-75360-R)Junta de Castilla y León (Project VA114P17

    Preliminary Studies of the Toxicity of Agaricus Bisporous Aqueous Enzymatic Extracts (AbAEE) In Rats

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    The health benefits of extracts from Agaricus bisporus greatly extend its use as components of new functional foods for the treatment and prevention of diseases, rather than restricting it to a good food with high nutritional value and good flavor. A. bisporus aqueous enzymatic extracts (AbAEE) have unique flavor, good taste, and health benefits which makes it a good candidate for its incorporation in different matrices for development of new functional foods and nutraceuticals. The potential use of AbAEE as nutraceutical or incorporated as a part of new functional foods requires its characterization and a subsequent food safety study. The focus of this paper was to carry out a preliminary toxicological study on experimental animals (rats in this case) by acute and sub-chronic oral administration. To evaluate potential adverse effects of AbAEE at high doses the acute toxic class method was used. After administration of the preset doses, behavior changes, toxic symptoms, and deaths were observed continuously for 1 h after treatment and then intermittently at 4th, 8th and 24th h. After these initial observations, the rats were further observed for up to 14 consecutive days for any signs of toxicity and/or death. Because of the likelihood that the results obtained in this preliminary acute toxicity test have a direct relevance for protecting human health with respect to the use of AbAEE as a functional food or nutraceutial, an additional upper dose level of 5000 mg/kg b.wt. was used. Since no death was observed, the LD50 could not be estimated but is expected to exceed 5000 mg/kg and this extract could be classified as hazard category 5 (in Globally Harmonized Classification System for Chemical Substances and Mixtures.) or even unclassified for its acute toxicity by the oral route. The sub-chronic oral toxicity study of AbAEE (250 and 500 mg/kg b.wt. day) did not induce significant alterations in almost all hematological and biochemical parameters in rats. Therefore, the overall results of the present study provide supportive data on the use of AbAEE and provide a promising first step for their use as component of new functional foods or as nutraceutical. Though, further studies in both, animals and humans are needed for better evaluation of the food safety of this extract.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad (MINECO). España IPT- 2011-1418-060000FEDER IPT- 2011-1418-06000

    Butyric acid-based feed additives help protect broiler chickens from Salmonella Enteritidis infection

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    [EN] Sodium butyrate is a sodium salt of a volatile short-chain fatty acid (butyric acid) used to prevent Salmonella Enteritidis infection in birds. Three groups of fifty 1-d-old broilers each were fed the following diets: T0 = standard broiler diet (control); T1 = standard broiler diet supplemented with 0.92 g/kg of an additive with free sodium butyrate (Gustor XXI B92); and T2 = standard broiler diet supplemented with 0.92 g/kg of an additive with sodium butyrate partially protected with vegetable fats (Gustor XXI BP70). Twenty percent of the birds were orally infected with Salmonella Enteritidis at d 5 posthatching and fecal Salmonella shedding was assessed at d 6, 9, 13, 20, 27, 34, and 41 of the trial. At d 42, all birds were slaughtered and 20 of them dissected: crop, cecum, liver, and spleen were sampled for bacteriological analyses. Both butyrate-based additives showed a significant reduction (P < 0.05) of Salmonella Enteritidis infection in birds from d 27 onward. However, the partially protected butyrate additive was more effective at the late phase of infection. Partially protected butyrate treatment successfully decreased infection not only in the crop and cecum but also in the liver. There were no differences in the spleen. These results suggest that sodium butyrate partially protected with vegetable fats offers a unique balance of free and protected active substances effective all along the gastrointestinal tract because it is slowly released during digestion.S

    Estudio Exploratorio sobre la educación de los estudiantes de los colegios públicos de Bogotá durante el confinamiento

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    Este libro es un estudio exploratorio sobre la educación de los estudiantes de los colegios públicos de Bogotá durante el confinamiento. levamos un año en este camino. Hubo un tiempo de shock con la pandemia cuando se cerraron las escuelas y nadie sabía qué hacer. Era como quedarse sin saber por dónde y cómo seguir... Cada actor educativo (estudiantes, padres, maestros y directivos) nombra este momento emocional. Sin embargo, lentamente empiezan a trazarse rutas nuevas: estudiantes y padres experimentan la educación desde la casa, los directivos emprenden acciones institucionales, allí hay cruces, desvíos, retrocesos… caminos comunes y otros muy singulares. Los maestros trazan nuevas rutas pedagógicas (guías, proyectos, otras experiencias). Estas rutas suponen nuevos vínculos y nuevas preguntas por el derecho a la educación, por los obstáculos que trae la desigualdad social, por el lugar de la virtualidad, por lo aprendido en el trayecto

    Value The Experience, Go Back to School. Approaches To the Practices of The Official Schools of Bogotá in Times of Confinement

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    The text describes some of the main findings of the exploratory study titled: “Value the experience, go back to school”. For most educational actors, post-pandemic education demands examination and foresight, especially because of the great concern about its effects on pedagogical links and the rise gained by new technologies and their modifications on school grammar. Collaborative works, relocations, twist and learning crossed the pedagogical practice of the teachers reaffirming how much educational institutions can change, but also revaluing the social, strategic and cultural role of an essential classroom course school.El texto describe algunos de los principales hallazgos del estudio exploratorio titulado: “Valorar la experiencia, volver a la escuela”. Para la mayoría de los actores educativos, la educación pos-pandemia reclama examen y previsión, en especial por lo mucho que preocupan sus efectos sobre los vínculos pedagógicos y por el auge ganado por las nuevas tecnologías y sus modificaciones sobre la gramática de la escuela. Trabajos colaborativos, deslocalizaciones, giros y aprendizajes atravesaron la práctica pedagógica de los maestros reafirmando lo mucho que las instituciones educativas pueden cambiar, pero también revalorando el papel social, estratégico y cultural de una escuela presencial imprescindible

    Akt phosphorylation of HCV NS5B regulates polymerase activity and HCV infection

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    Hepatitis C virus (HCV) is a single-stranded RNA virus of positive polarity [ssRNA(+)] that replicates its genome through the activity of one of its proteins, called NS5B. This viral protein is responsible for copying the positive-polarity RNA genome into a negative-polarity RNA strand, which will be the template for new positive-polarity RNA genomes. The NS5B protein is phosphorylated by cellular kinases, including Akt. In this work, we have identified several amino acids of NS5B that are phosphorylated by Akt, with positions S27, T53, T267, and S282 giving the most robust results. Site-directed mutagenesis of these residues to mimic (Glu mutants) or prevent (Ala mutants) their phosphorylation resulted in a reduced NS5B in vitro RNA polymerase activity, except for the T267E mutant, the only non-conserved position of all those that are phosphorylated. In addition, in vitro transcribed RNAs derived from HCV complete infectious clones carrying mutations T53E/A and S282E/A were transfected in Huh-7.5 permissive cells, and supernatant viral titers were measured at 6 and 15 days post-transfection. No virus was rescued from the mutants except for T53A at 15 days post-transfection whose viral titer was statistically lower as compared to the wild type. Therefore, phosphorylation of NS5B by cellular kinases is a mechanism of viral polymerase inactivation. Whether this inactivation is a consequence of interaction with cellular kinases or a way to generate inactive NS5B that may have other functions are questions that need further experimental workMinisterio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MCIU), PI18/00210 from Instituto de Salud Carlos III, and S2018/BAA-4370 (PLATESA2 from Comunidad de Madrid/FEDER). CP was supported by the Miguel Servet program of the Instituto de Salud Carlos III (CPII19/00001), cofinanced by the European Regional Development Fund (ERDF). CG-C was supported by the predoctoral contract PRE2018-083422 from MCIU. CIBERehd (Centro de Investigación en Red de Enfermedades Hepáticas y Digestivas) was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III. Institutional grants from the Fundación Ramón Areces and Banco Santander to the CBMS