938 research outputs found

    "Arenaria cerastioides" Poiret en España

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    Se cita la presencia de Arenaria cerastioides Poiret en el Sur de España, incluyendo descripción y comentario de sus caracteres diferenciales con Arenaria hispanica Sprengel.Arenaria cerastioides Poiret is recorded from South Spain. Description, commentary and differencial characters from Arenaria hispanica Sprengel are included

    Politiche educative e integrazione delle ICT nei sistemi educativi. La situazione italiana all’interno dello scenario internazionale

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    L’articolo offre uno scenario aggiornato sul tema dell’integrazione delle tecnologiedell’informazione e della comunicazione (ICT) nel sistema di istruzione italiano. Nella prima partedel lavoro viene presentato un excursus delle politiche educative sviluppate nel nostro paese apartire dalla metà degli anni Novanta, lette all’interno del contesto di riferimento europeo. Nellaseconda parte vengono evidenziate le attuali problematiche legate alla difficoltà di diffusionedelle tecnologie digitali nelle pratiche di insegnamento sulla base di quanto emerge dalle indaginicomparative internazionali (IEA, OCSE) e da quelle condotte sul territorio nazionale (IARD, FGA).L’analisi dei documenti presi in esame permette di evidenziare la distanza che intercorre tra leintenzioni dei policy makers e la realtà delle scuole. Dalle indicazioni delle principali agenzieeducative emerge una visione delle ICT improntata ad un forte ottimismo sulla capacità di talistrumenti nel generare una profonda innovazione dei processi di insegnamento-apprendimento,orientandoli verso modelli pedagogici di impronta costruttivista. D’altra parte le indaginicondotte mostrano che, nonostante la disponibilità sempre crescente di risorse digitali all’internodelle scuole, queste svolgono ancora un ruolo secondario e spesso di retroscena nelle pratiche diinsegnamento

    Personal Learning Environments (PLE) in the Academic Achievement of University Students

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    The main purpose of this research is to analyze the elements that compose the PLE of pre-service teachers and to determine whether the composition of these environments is related to academic achievement in a course on Information and Communication Technologies in Education. The hypothesis is that a PLE with more components is related to a higher level of performance (higher grade in the course) and thus acts as a predictor of student achievement. A descriptive study is carried out. We analyze the PLE(tools, applications, services, and websites) of 245 university students who are pre-service teachers. The main outcomes and results are: the variability of components is very high, although there is a tendency toward concentration on seven elements and being different according specializations; also the students with a higher number of components in their PLE obtain higher grades. Finally, we draw implications for further research and for improving teachers’ practices

    La muestra de empresas en los modelos de predicción del fracaso: Influencia en los resultados de clasificación

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    This paper focuses on the development of both failure prediction models on a paired sample and a random sample of small and medium-sized firms with head offices located in the region of Castilla y León (Spain), in order to prove if the predictive power of the developed models is affected by the method used to derive the sample aim of each study. To estimate both models, we consider a set of financial ratios as independent variables in each one, which is first reduced by the application of a principal components analysis. Next, a logistic regression analysis is applied to identify those variables that best explain and predict failure in the two samples, where differences in the significant variables and the classification results are observed, which confirms the influence of the sampling method on the business failure prediction results

    Syntrichia papillosa (Wilson ex Spruce) Spruce (Pottiaceae) en Colombia

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    Background and aims: During the study of the bryoflora of Bogotá, individuals of Syntrichia papillosa were found in urban localities. The aim of this contribution is to confirm the presence of this epiphytic species to the Colombian flora. M&M:: Living plants and herbarium material from the Natural History Museum (BM), the New York Botanical Garden (NY) and Jardín Botánico José Celestino Mutis (JBB) herbaria, were analyzed. Recently collected specimens were deposited in JBB. Results: A conspectus of the morphological features of the species based on herbarium specimens are provided, along with morpho-anatomical photographs. Further, the presence of the species in different localities belonging to the area around Bogotá was confirmed. Conclusion: This paper confirms the presence of Syntrichia papillosa in the surroundings of Bogotá. This species is known from Asia, Australia, Europe, New Zealand, North America, Africa, Argentina, Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Chile, and Ecuador. Thus, the genus Syntrichia is represented in Colombia by eight taxa: S. andicola, S. bogotensis, S. breviseta, S. fragilis, S. kingii, S. lacerifolia, S. laevipila and S. papillosa.Introduccióny objetivos: Durante el estudio de la brioflora de Bogotá, se encontraron individuos de Syntrichia papillosa en localidades urbanas. El objetivo de esta contribución es confirmar la presencia de esta especie epífita en la flora colombiana. My M: Se analizaron plantas vivas y material de herbario de los herbarios del Natural History Museum (BM), New York Botanical Garden (NY) y del Jardín Botánico José Celestino Mutis (JBB). Los ejemplares recolectados recientemente fueron depositados en JBB. Resultados: Se presenta un resumen de las características morfológicas de la especie a partir de especímenes de herbario, junto con fotografías morfoanatómicas. Además, se confirmó la presencia de la especie en diferentes localidades del área de Bogotá. Conclusión: Este trabajo confirma la presencia de Syntrichia papillosa en los alrededores de Bogotá. Esta especie se conoce en Asia, Australia, Europa, Nueva Zelanda, América del Norte, África, Argentina, Bolivia, Brasil, Colombia, Chile y Ecuador. Así, el género Syntrichia está representado en Colombia por ocho taxones: S. andicola, S. bogotensis, S. breviseta, S. fragilis, S. kingii, S. lacerifolia, S. laevipila y S. papillos

    Perception of democracy in computer-mediated communication: Participation, responsibility, collaboration, and reflection.

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    We present a case study to analyze how higher education students attending a Spanish University (N = 100) democratize the virtual classroom by assuming responsibility for their learning and that of the other members of the class; participate actively in social, cognitive, and teaching issues; and collaborate by creating a learning community and reflecting individually and as a group. Our mixed methodology includes the following: (1) content analysis with a categorization system adapted from the community of inquiry approach and (2) two questionnaires on students’ perception of the democratic elements in the virtual classroom. The results show that the students assume democratic principles of responsibility, critique, participation, and collaboration. We observe the role that the teachers play in facilitating democratization of the classroom through flexible design of instruction, promotion of social relationships, and orientation of the debate toward the learning objectives. This investigation shows the implementation of democratic principles in the virtual classroom

    Pre-service teachers’ perceptions of data protection in primary education

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    The protection of personal data and privacy are important issues closely related to use of social media, information and communication technologies, and the Internet in the area of education. The treatment of academic information and use of tools and programs for instruction, communication, and learning have revealed the handling of a significant volume of personal data from different sources. It is essential to protect this information from possible privacy violations. This descriptive study, which is of transversal nonexperimental design, focuses on how 384 pre-service teachers’ enrolled in educational technology courses in their education programs view the protection of personal data. The goals are to describe and analyze how these teachers perceive the risks associated with protection of data on the Internet and what they know about protection of data in primary education. We administered a questionnaire within the framework of an educational activity that focused on digital competence in data protection in education. The results show a high perception of risk in topics such as accepting cookies when surfing the Internet or transferring banking information. The knowledge the students claim to have shown a lack of information on the protection of minors’ data in issues related to the development and schooling of primary school students, as well as their health, background, and family environment. Curricular treatment of these areas that includes content, practices on regulations, and adopts a situated, critical, and responsible approach in pre-service teacher education is recommended.Spanish Ministry of Education & Vocational Training (Reference: FPU17/05164

    Indicators to assess preservice teachers’ digital competence in security: A systematic review

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    Funding for open access charge: Universidad de Granada/CBUA. Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport.The goal of this review is to analyse the state of inquiry in the field of digital competence in security in initial teacher education, via indicators to assess preservice teachers’ digital competence in security, in order to help find opportunities to improve their competence level. Following the parameters defined in the PRISMA declaration, the review uses a bibliographic research methodology to explore the WoS, Scopus and ERIC databases. After a search identifying a sample of 31 scholarly articles published between 2010 and 2021, we analyse the information obtained using descriptive statistics and content analysis. The results show a predominance of empirical research in the European context. These studies are quantitative and tend to use questionnaires. Our conclusion proposes the need to train preservice teachers in data protection and privacy, searching for and using Internet images with authorship screening, use of open software programs, and respect for online communication norms, as well as ethical and responsible technology use. All of these issues are implicitly and transversally linked to the area of digital competence in security.Spanish Governmen