499 research outputs found

    El origen de la identidad salvadoreña : etnicidad en la antigua Villa de San Salvador

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    Definiciones de identidad y de etnicidad. Contacto, aculturación y conflicto. Etnicidad en la Villa de San salvador. Los españoles. Los nativos. Otros grupos étnicos. Un entorno político social hostil en el territorio donde fue establecido San Salvador. Dificultad en obtener bienes importados de España.UNIVERSIDAD TECNOLÓGICA DE EL SALVADOR

    The Determinants of Household Debt Defa

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    Based on a new dataset obtained from survey data, we study household debt default behavior in Chile. Previous research in this area suggests financial and personal variables that can help estimate individual and group probabilities of default. We study mortgage and consumer default separately, as the default decisions and overall borrower behavior are different for each type of debt. Our study finds that income and income-related variables are the only significant and robust variables that explain default for both types of debt. Demographic or personal variables are specific to one or the other type of debt but not to both. For example, level of education is a factor that affects mortgage default, whereas the determinants of consumer debt default include the age of the household head, and the number of people within the household that contribute to the total family income. We derive threshold probabilities of default for each type of debt and compare them to those obtained from results of previous work based on the same Chilean data, but with a different approach. We find that the probability of default decreases as the family income increases, and that our estimates are consistent with other studies similar to ours. Also consistently with previous research, we find that, in terms of the distribution of debt and default risk, the largest portion of the country’s household debt is in the hands of families in the upper quintiles, who have the lowest risk of default. This implies that the overall financial system should be relatively stable, even in the face of moderate macroeconomic shocks.

    La divulgación científica, una tarea pendiente

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    El hombre apasionado, por buscar mas allá de las cosas, recurre a la ciencia, esto resulta un verdadero reto, específicamente en México, ya que el PIB que se aparta para la ciencia y la tecnología en el país es de .4% Es evidente las carencias de tercermundistas como pobreza extrema, analfabetismo funcional, escolaridad de bajo desempeño, poco o nulo desarrollo científico y tecnológico aun con el esfuerzo de la Secretaria de Educación Publica, nos damos cuenta que las estadísticas no mejoran

    Internet Use for Small Businesses: Does It Matter?

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    Should small businesses invest time and effort in online presence strategies? Results from the study reported here indicate that younger and smaller businesses benefit, with higher revenues from implementing an online presence strategy over time. The implications for Extension educators include expanding their digital literacy programming to assist small businesses and entrepreneurs in their communities

    Broadband Availability vs. Adoption: Which Matters More for Economic Development?

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    Many academic articles have explored the relationship between broadband and economic development in the United States. Looking at research published since 2012, we find that studies focusing on broadband availability find impacts on local employment and entrepreneurship- but mostly use outdated speed thresholds. Other studies show that broadband adoption is closely linked to household- and farm- level outcomes. When both elements are considered simultaneously, adoption seems to matter more

    Financial time series forecasting using Artificial Neural Networks

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    This paper contains a financial forecast using Artificial Neural Networks. The analysis used the traditional Backpropagation algorithm, followed by Resilient Backpropagation, to estimate the network weights. Using Resilient Backpropagation Neural Networks solves the learning rate determination problem. Both algorithms are consistent and offer similar predictions. Six major Stock Exchange Market indices from Asia, Europe, and North America were analyzed to obtain hit ratios that could then be compared among markets. A dependent variable was constructed using daily close prices, which was then used for supervised learning and in a matrix of characteristic variables constructed using technical analysis indicators. The time series dataset ranges from January 2000 to June 2019, a period of large fluctuations due to improvements in information technology and high capital mobility. Instead of prediction itself, the scientific objective was to evaluate the relative importance of characteristic variables that allow prediction. Two contribution measures found in the literature were used to evaluate the relevance of each variable for all six financial markets analyzed. Finding that these measures are not always consistent, a simple contribution measure was constructed, giving each weight a geometric interpretation. Evidence is provided that the Rate-of-Change (ROC) is the most useful prediction tool for four aggregate indices, the exceptions being the Hang Seng and EU50 indices, where fastK is the most prominent tool.(Predicción financiera de series de tiempo utilizando Redes Neuronales Artificiales)Este documento contiene una predicción financiera utilizando Redes Neuronales Artificiales. Hacemos nuestro análisis utilizando el algoritmo de Backpropagation tradicional y luego Backpropagation Resiliente para estimar los pesos en las redes. El uso del algorithm de Bacpropagation Resiliente permite resolver el problema de la determinación de la tasa de aprendizaje. Ambos algoritmos son bastante consistentes y arrojan predicciones similares. Analizamos seis índices principales de los mercados bursátiles de Europa, Asia y América del Norte para generar índices de aciertos que puedan compararse entre mercados. Usamos precios de cierre diarios para construir una variable de dependiente para dirigir el aprendizaje (aprendizaje supervisado) y una matriz de variables de características construidas utilizando indicadores de análisis técnico. El rango de datos de la serie de tiempo va desde Enero de 2000 a Junio de 2019, un periodo de grandes fluctuaciones debido a mejoras en la tecnología de la información y una alta movilidad de capital. En lugar de la predicción en sí misma, el objetivo científico es evaluar la importancia relativa de las variables independientes que permiten la predicción. Utilizamos dos medidas de contribución utilizadas en la literatura para evaluar la relevancia de cada variable para los seis mercados financieros analizados. Descubrimos que estas medidas no siempre son consistentes, por lo que construimos una medida de contribución simple que le da a cada peso una interpretación geométrica. Proporcionamos algunas pruebas de que la tasa de cambio (ROC) es la herramienta de predicción más útil para cuatro índices generales, con las excepciones siendo el índice Hang Sheng y EU50, en donde el fastK es el más destacado

    A Granular Look at Internet Speeds and Demographic Groups: Implications for Digital Equity

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    This brief takes a granular look at broadband access using three broadband speed thresholds and 2020 Census block-level data in the nation and southern region of the U.S. Results indicate that rural Census blocks continue to lag urban blocks and that the share of population, including children, declines significantly when looking at faster speeds. Surprisingly, a higher share of minorities resided in Census blocks with broadband at faster speeds compared to Whites. Robust efforts, including leveraging Extension’s trust and partnerships with providers, are needed to ensure everybody can benefit from adequate internet

    Indicadores Educativos UANL: Criterios metodológicos

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