100 research outputs found

    Comunicación e interacción de las casas de apuestas en sus redes sociales

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    Las redes sociales se han convertido en un potente altavoz para las casas de apuestas. A través de ellas, el sector del juego se da a conocer, ofrece promociones y ofertas y presenta información, con el fin de atraer nuevos clientes o usuarios. La presente investigación analiza el contenido de Twitter e Instagram de Sportium y Luckia, dos casas de apuestas que comenzaron a operar en España y que, en 2019, se convirtieron en las empresas del sector del juego líderes en facturación en apuestas deportivas. Para alcanzar los objetivos de la investigación se recurrió a un análisis de contenido a través de la elaboración de una ficha de análisis que permitió analizar cada post o tuit y clasificarlo según su el tipo y contenido, entre otras categorías. En total, se analizaron 459 publicaciones en un periodo de tiempo que se extendió desde el 12 de abril de 2021 hasta el 26 de abril del mismo año. Los resultados demuestran que las publicaciones que más interactividad generan entre los usuarios son las denominadas publicaciones participativasSocial networks have become a powerful loudspeaker for bookmakers. Through them, the gambling sector makes itself known, offers promotions and offers and presents information in order to attract new customers or users. This research analyses the Twitter and Instagram content of Sportium and Luckia, two bookmakers that started operating in Spain for the first time in their history and that, in 2019, became the leading companies in the gambling sector in terms of turnover in sports betting alone. In order to achieve the research objectives, a content analysis was carried out through the development of an analysis sheet that allowed each post or tweet to be analysed and classified according to its type and content, among other categories. In total, 459 publications were analysed over a period of time that lasted from 12 April 2021 to 26 April of the same year. The results show that the publications that generate the most interactivity among users are the so-called participatory publicationsDepartamento de Historia Moderna, Contemporánea y de América, Periodismo y Comunicación Audiovisual y PublicidadGrado en Periodism

    Impacto de la incorporación del vehículo eléctrico en la integración de energías renovables en el sistema eléctrico

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    El presente proyecto es un análisis del impacto que tendrá el vehículo eléctrico en la integración de las energías renovables en el sistema eléctrico. Se comienza con un resumen del Sistema Eléctrico Español y un estudio de investigación del estado del arte del vehículo eléctrico, desglosado en tres partes fundamentales: el vehículo, las baterías y los puntos de recarga. Una vez conocida la tecnología y el estado del Sistema Eléctrico, se realiza un análisis de la integración de las energías renovables y sus principales problemas, así como del impacto que la incorporación del vehículo eléctrico podría tener en esta integración y en la solución de los principales problemas.Ingeniería Industria

    Real-time incidents detection in the highways of the future

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    Due to ever increasing transportation of people and goods, automatic traffic surveillance is becoming a key issue for both providing safety to road users and improving traffic control in an efficient way. In this paper, we propose a new system that, exploiting the capabilities that both computer vision and machine learning offer, is able to detect and track different types of real incidents on a highway. Specifically, it is able to accurately detect not only stopped vehicles, but also drivers and passengers leaving the stopped vehicle, and other pedestrians present in the roadway. Additionally, a theoretical approach for detecting vehicles which may leave the road in an unexpected way is also presented. The system works in real-time and it has been optimized for working outdoor, being thus appropriate for its deployment in a real-world environment like a highway. First experimental results on a dataset created with videos provided by two Spanish highway operators demonstrate the effectiveness of the proposed system and its robustness against noise and low-quality videos

    Dried orange juice waste as a source of bioactive compounds

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    [EN] Purpose The waste generated in the process of obtaining orange juice (J) may be used as a natural source of bioactive compounds, thus contributing to the profitability and sustainability of the process. To offer orange J as a dried matter would contribute to the integral valorisation of the J waste and also may expand the field of application. Design/methodology/approach To find out whether the JW matrix protects the bioactive compounds, the study compares the behaviour of the extracts of the compounds against drying with that resulting from drying the JW for further extraction. Dehydration was carried out at 25 or 50 C and gum Arabic (GA) and bamboo fibre (BF) were used as stabilising biopolymers (Bp). Vitamin C (VC) (L-ascorbic and L-dehydroascorbic acids [AA and DHAA, respectively]) and hesperidin (HES) were analysed before and after the drying. Findings The results suggest that to dry the JW gives a higher yield of bioactive compounds, which are also more stable, than when the extract is dried. Furthermore, both the higher temperature and the presence of the Bp favour the extraction of both VC and HES. In this way, all the waste from the orange J-processing industries is converted into a high-value product to be used for cosmeceutical or nutraceutical purposes and also as an ingredient for human food. Social implications The utilisation of organic waste for use in human food, but also in other sectors, is part of the new economic model that aims to do away with the concept of waste as people know it, focussing on a new paradigm in which each resource is a nutrient for nature, industry or society. Originality/value The results suggest that to dry the waste gives a higher yield of bioactive compounds, which are also more stable, than when the extract is dried. Furthermore, both the higher temperature and the presence of the Bp favour the extraction of both VC and HES. In that way, all the waste from the orange J-processing industries are converted into a high-value product to be used for cosmeceutical or nutraceutical purposes and also as an ingredient for human food.The authors thank the Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad and the Vicerrectorado de Investigación de la Universitat Politècnica de València for the financial support given through the Projects AGL 2017-89251-R (AEI/FEDER-UE) and (PAID-11-21), respectively.Galindo, RG.; Chis, MS.; Martínez-Navarrete, N.; Camacho Vidal, MM. (2022). Dried orange juice waste as a source of bioactive compounds. British Food Journal. 124(12):4653-4665. https://doi.org/10.1108/bfj-06-2021-0616465346651241

    Chemical composition of PM10 at a rural site in the western Mediterranean and its relationship with the oxidative potential

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    A comprehensive chemical characterization (water-soluble ions, organic and elemental carbon, water- and methanol-soluble organic carbon, levoglucosan, and major and trace metals) of PM10 samples collected in a rural area located in the southeast of the Iberian Peninsula was performed. Additionally, the oxidative potential of the samples, used as an indicator of aerosol toxicity, was determined by the ascorbic acid (OPAA) and dithiothreitol (OPDTT) assays. The average concentration of PM10 during the study period, spanning from late winter to early spring, was 20.2 ± 10.8 μg m 3. Nitrate, carbonate and calcium (accounting for 20% of the average PM10 mass concentration) and organic matter (with a contribution of 28%) were the main chemical components of PM10. Average concentrations of traffic tracers such as elemental carbon, copper and zinc (0.31 μg m 3, 3 ng m 3, and 9 ng m 3, respectively) were low compared with those obtained at an urban site in the same region, due to the almost total absence of traffic in the surrounding of the sampling site. Regarding levoglucosan and K+, which can be considered as tracers of biomass burning, their concentrations (0.12 μg m 3 and 55 ng m 3, respectively) were in the lower range of values reported for other rural areas in Europe, suggesting a moderate contribution form this source to PM10 levels. The results of the Pearson’s correlation analysis showed that volume-normalised OPAA and OPDTT levels (average values of 0.11 and 0.32 nmol min 1 m 3, respectively) were sensitive to different PM10 chemical components. Whereas OPAA was not strongly correlated with any of the species measured, good correlation coefficients of OPDTT with water-soluble organic carbon (r = 0.81) and K+ (r = 0.73) were obtained, which points to biomass burning as an important driver of the DTT activity

    Characterization of homologous and heterologous adaptive immune responses in porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus infection

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    The present study characterized the homologous and heterologous immune response in type-I porcine reproductive and respiratory syndrome virus (PRRSV) infection. Two experiments were conducted: in experiment 1, eight pigs were inoculated with PRRSV strain 3262 and 84 days post-inoculation (dpi) they were challenged with either strain 3262 or strain 3267 and followed for the next 14 days (98 dpi). In experiment 2, eight pigs were inoculated with strain 3267 and challenged at 84 dpi as above. Clinical course, viremia, humoral response (neutralizing and non-neutralizing antibodies, NA) and virus-specific IFN-γ responses (ELISPOT) were evaluated all throughout the study. Serum levels of IL-1, IL-6, IL-8, TNF-α and TGF-β were determined (ELISA) after the second challenge. In experiment 1 primo-inoculation with strain 3262 induced viremia of ≤ 28 days, low titres of homologous NA but strong IFN-γ responses. In contrast, strain 3267 induced longer viremias (up to 56 days), higher NA titres (≤ 6 log2) and lower IFN-γ responses. Inoculation with 3267 produced higher serum IL-8 levels. After the re-challenge at 84 dpi, pigs in experiment 1 developed mostly a one week viremia regardless of the strain used. In experiment 2, neither the homologous nor the heterologous challenge resulted in detectable viremia although PRRSV was present in tonsils of some animals. Homologous re-inoculation with 3267 produced elevated TGF-β levels in serum for 7-14 days but this did not occur with the heterologous re-inoculation. In conclusion, inoculation with different PRRSV strains result in different virological and immunological outcomes and in different degrees of homologous and heterologous protection

    Estudio morfológico de los restos mandibulares del género Canis en el yacimiento holoceno de El Portalón (Sierra de Atapuerca). Implicaciones en la aparición del perro en la prehistoria

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    El Portalón de Cueva Mayor es uno de los yacimientos arqueo-paleontológicos holocenos más importantes de la Meseta Norte y forma parte del complejo kárstico de la Sierra de Atapuerca (Burgos). La Edad del Bronce constituye un importante legado arqueo-paleontológico en la región central de la Península Ibérica. En este período se registran la mayor parte de los procesos de domesticación de fauna silvestre. Una de las especies propuestas para haber sido domesticada en este contexto es el lobo (Canis lupus). La falta de evidencias de un haplotipo específico en perros que permita distinguirlos a nivel molecular como ocurre con ganado bovino y caprino, hace imprescindible que el problema se aborde desde una perspectiva morfométrica. Por tanto, el objetivo de este trabajo es analizar características morfométricas en mandíbulas del género Canis del Bronce inicial–medio, y compararlas con perros y lobos modernos, con el objetivo de aportar conocimiento sobre el proceso de evolución de la forma silvestre a doméstica de la especie Canis lupus. Los resultados sugieren que las mandíbulas de El Portalón son más pequeñas en tamaño que la de los lobos modernos, sin embargo, conservan ciertas morfologías primitivas presentes en lobos en la rama mandibular y el M1


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    [ES] El Consorcio Regional de Transportes de Madrid (CRTM), como autoridad de transporte público de la región, coordina los más de 40 operadores públicos y privados para dar una respuesta óptima a las necesidades de movilidad de los ciudadanos. El transporte público en la Comunidad de Madrid constituye un sistema complejo de carácter intermodal, en el que operan modos de transporte urbanos e interurbanos, conectados mediante un conjunto de intercambiadores o áreas intermodales que canalizan la movilidad radial entre la corona metropolitana y la capital. En este contexto, el CRTM ha puesto en servicio su Centro de Innovación y Gestión del Transporte Público, CITRAM, que representa un nuevo paso en la integración del sistema, modificando el papel de la autoridad de transporte, que pasa de ser un mero observador del sistema a un componente activo del mismo. La misión de CITRAM es proporcionar servicios de información integrada, conectividad y cooperación entre todos los agentes implicados en el sistema de transporte público de la región. Es una prioridad para el CRTM estar preparado para la gestión multimodal ante eventos especiales que puedan suponer una reordenación del sistema de transporte: grandes afecciones en superficie que afecten a las redes de autobuses, restricciones de tráfico por episodios de contaminación atmosférica, cortes de metro por obras, etc.. La gestión de este tipo de situaciones exige un nivel de coordinación e información muy complejo, que implica una planificación adecuada de las alternativas de transporte de los usuarios, así como la coordinación de todos los agentes involucrados (autoridad de transporte público, agencias de gestión de tráfico, operadores de transporte, servicios de emergencias, etc.). Además, a través del uso de TICs, la implantación dinámica de las acciones coordinadas es más ágil y flexible y se aumenta la capacidad de reacción para su despliegue.Galindo González, P.; Blanco Caballero, N.; Moreno Muñoz, C.; Chico González, A. (2016). LA REORDENACIÓN DEL SISTEMA DE TRANSPORTE PÚBLICO ANTE EVENTOS ESPECIALES, UN EJERCICIO PRÁCTICO DE COORDINACIÓN INTERMODAL. En XII Congreso de ingeniería del transporte. 7, 8 y 9 de Junio, Valencia (España). Editorial Universitat Politècnica de València. 2284-2295. https://doi.org/10.4995/CIT2016.2015.4272OCS2284229

    Size segregated ionic species collected in a harbour area

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    Water-soluble ions were analysed in size segregated aerosol samples collected in the port of Alicante (Southeastern Spain) during summer and winter using a multistage cascade impactor. Seasonal variations in the size distributions of the analysed components and the influence of bulk materials handling (loading/unloading and stockpiling) at the docks were investigated. The size distributions of SO42−, NH4+ and K+ were characterized by prominent peaks in the condensation and droplet modes, both in summer and winter, while those of Ca2+, Na+, Mg2+ and Cl− had a main peak centred at ∼4 μm. Although oxalate size distributions were similar during both seasons, the fraction of coarse-mode oxalate increased in summer most likely as a result of volatilization and repartition processes or reactions of oxalic acid with coarse alkaline particles. Nitrate size distributions were dominated by a coarse mode; however, during winter, modal peaks in the submicron size range were also observed due to favourable conditions for the formation of fine-mode NH4NO3. Harbour activities had a significant impact only on the concentrations of calcium, particularly in the coarse fraction, during both summer and winter.This work was supported by the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities (COSMOS Project, ref. RTI2018-098639-B-I00). The authors would also like to thank ACTRIS-Spain network (CGL2017-90884-REDT). A. Clemente thanks the Spanish Ministry of Education for a predoctoral grant (FPU18/00081)

    Shock hemorrágico secundario a hematoma espontáneo retroperitoneal como complicación en la neumonía por Covid-19

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    We present two clinical cases with pneumonia due to covid-19 which showed benignant progress after two weeks of treatment with hidroxychloroquine, antibiotics, corticosteroids and low-molecular-weight heparin anticoagulation according to protocol, and developed abrupt hypotension, decreased level of consciousness and blood loss anemia. After myocardial dysfunction was dismissed, an abdominal computed tomographic scan revealed an unilateral large hematoma of the iliopsoas muscle. Anticoagulation was stopped and fluids, vasoactive drugs and packed red blood cells were infused as needed. Septic shock and organ dysfunction appear to occur in a significant proportion of critical illness covid-19 patients. An adequate index of suspicion of retroperitoneal hematoma is needed in covid-19 patients with shock and hemoglobin level drop as a complication of anticoagulation.Presentamos dos casos con diagnóstico de neumonía por Covid-19 que tras dos semanas de evolución favorable habiendo recibido tratamiento con hidroxicloroquina, antibioterapia, bolos de corticoide y heparina de bajo peso molecular según protocolo, desarrollaron cuadro brusco de hipotensión con disminución del nivel de conciencia y anemización. Tras comprobarse en la ecocardiografía una función ventricular aceptable se realizó una tomografía abdominal donde se objetivó una colección de gran tamaño unilateral compatible con la presencia de hematoma del músculo psoas. Se suspendió la anticoagulación, se infundieron fármacos vasoactivos y se transfundieron concentrados de hematíes según necesidades. El shock séptico y el fallo multiorgánico parecen ocurrir en una proporción significativa de pacientes con neumonía grave por covid-19, pero en los pacientes anticoagulados que presentan shock y anemización sin sangrado aparente pensamos que debemos sospechar la posible aparición de hematoma espontáneo retroperitoneal como complicación de la anticoagulación.    