107 research outputs found

    Qué es y cómo surgió el PSE. La coyuntura, el contenido y los efectos del Pacto de Solidaridad Económica

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    Siete son los lineamientos que marcan el contenido del PSE: escala móvil de topes salariales, recomendación de los empresarios de moderar las alzas de los precios, restricción del déficit y del gasto público, venta de empresas paraestatales, apertura comercial, cautela en las devaluaciones y baja de la tasa de interés

    Estrategia para la toma de desiciones en la adquisición de tecnología aplicable a las Licenciaturas de Arquitectura y Diseño Industrial

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    Tesis ( Maestro en Ciencias de la Administración con Especialidad en Investigación de Operaciones) U.A.N.L.UANLhttp://www.uanl.mx

    ZnO nanoparticles synthesized by chemical precipitation to increase germination and bioactive compounds in sprouts of Raphanus sa-tivus L.

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    ABSTRACT Objective: To examine the influence of priming with zinc oxide nanoparticles (NPs-ZnO) on germination, photosynthetic pigments, phenolic compounds and zinc content of radish sprouts. Design/methodology/approach: A total of five NPs-ZnO treatments and one control treatment each with four replications under a completely randomized design were evaluated. Results: The NPs-ZnO evaluated increased the variables of germination, photosynthetic pigments, phenolic compounds and zinc content compared to untreated radish sprouts. Limitations on study/implications: It is difficult to establish a response model of the effects of NPs because the shape, size, surface charge, chemical composition and concentration of NPs can cause different impacts on seed germination. Findings/conclusions: The use of NPs-ZnO could be an effective way to enrich crops, since moving Zn through plant tissues will cause an accumulation of this micronutrient. Keywords: Raphanus sativus, nanofertilizer, zinc oxideObjective: To examine how priming radish (Raphanus sativus L.) sprouts with zinc oxide nanoparticles (NPs-ZnO) affects their germination, photosynthetic pigments, phenolic compounds, and zinc content. Design/methodology/approach: We evaluated five NPs-ZnO treatments and a control sample with four replications under a completely randomized design. Results: Sprouts treated with NPs-ZnO showed increased germination variables, photosynthetic pigments, phenolic compounds, and zinc content as compared to untreated radish sprouts. Study limitations/implications: It is hard to establish a response model for the effects of NPs since their shape, size, surface charge, chemical composition, and concentration may have a differentiated impact on seed germination. Findings/conclusions: Using NPs-ZnO could be an effective way to enrich crops, since the passage of Zn through plant tissues will cause an accumulation of this micronutrient

    Formulation and optimization of polymeric nanoparticles loaded with riolozatrione: a promising nanoformulation with potential anti-herpetic activity

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    Riolozatrione (RZ) is a diterpenoid compound isolated from a dichloromethane extract of the Jatropha dioica root. This compound has been shown to possess moderate anti-herpetic activity in vitro. However, because of the poor solubility of this compound in aqueous vehicles, generating a stable formulation for potential use in the treatment of infection is challenging. The aim of this work was to optimize and physiochemically characterize Eudragit® L100-55-based polymeric nanoparticles (NPs) loaded with RZ (NPR) for in vitro anti-herpetic application. The NPs formulation was initially optimized using the dichloromethane extract of J. dioica, the major component of which was RZ. The optimized NPR formulation was stable, with a size of 263 nm, polydispersity index < 0.2, the zeta potential of –37 mV, and RZ encapsulation efficiency of 89 %. The NPR showed sustained release of RZ for 48 h with release percentages of 95 and 97 % at neutral and slightly acidic pH, respectively. Regarding in vitro anti-herpetic activity, the optimized NPR showed a selectivity index for HSV-1 of ≈16 and for HSV-2 of 13

    Journalistic coverage of the artist’s exhibition ‘Si nuevas cadenas preparan… el pasito marcha’ of Ecuadorian plastic Miguel Varea

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    El presente trabajo plantea un análisis sobre la cobertura periodística entre abril y agosto del año 2009, de la exhibición de pintura Si nuevas cadenas preparan… el paisito marcha, del artista plástico ecuatoriano Miguel Varea. Además de la discusión a partir de textos académicos de arte y periodismo, este estudio busca analizar la información cultural en los medios impresos, respecto al artista, en medio de la coyuntura de su muestra de pintura, la misma que fue mostrada en tres ocasiones, en las ciudades de Quito y Cuenca. Para ello se recurre a la metodología cualitativa y se efectúa una observación de veinte y dos documentos periodísticos, los mismos que han sido desagregados e insertados en una matriz para aplicar el valor noticioso como una alternativa de análisis de contenido, con el fin de identificar las principales características de la prensa respecto a la exposición de Varea. Este estudio permitirá reconocer las prácticas periodísticas de distintos medios impresos respecto al artista y su obra que ha promovido un potente discurso social y político. En este sentido, se busca determinar el género periodístico más utilizado, las palabras recurrentes en los textos, los titulares de las notas, los medios que le dieron mayor cobertura, identificando fuentes que contribuyeron a la construcción de las noticias en análisis. Los principales resultados indican que el género más utilizado para la cobertura de Varea han sido las notas informativas, seguido de los reportajes y artículos de opinión.The present work proposes an analysis of the journalistic coverage between April and August of the year 2009, of the painting exhibition ‘If new chains prepare... the little country marches’, by the Ecuadorian plastic artist Miguel Varea. In addition to the discussion based on academic texts on art and journalism, this study seeks to analyze the cultural information in the printed media, regarding the artist, in the midst of the conjuncture of his painting exhibition, the same one that was shown on three occasions, in the cities of Quito and Cuenca. For this, qualitative methodology is used and an observation of twenty-two journalistic documents is made, the same ones that have been disaggregated and inserted in a matrix to apply the news value as an alternative of content analysis, in order to identify the Main characteristics of the press regarding Varea's exhibition. This study will allow us to recognize the journalistic practices of different print media regarding the artist and his work, which has promoted a powerful social and political discourse. In this sense, it seeks to determine the most used journalistic genre, the recurring words in the texts, the headlines of the notes, the media that gave it the most coverage, identifying sources that contributed to the construction of the news under analysis. The main results indicate that the most used genre for coverage of Varea has been informative notes, followed by reports and opinion articles

    AMZET: una red interuniversitaria para el estudio del espacio iberoamericano y transatlántico

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    El Aula María Zambrano de Estudios Transatlánticos, de la Universidadde Málaga, es una iniciativa académica, interuniversitaria y multidisciplinar, que nacecomo puente de colaboración y de transferencia de conocimiento entre los diferentespaíses que constituyen el mundo atlántico. Quienes formamos parte de este proyectoestamos convencidos de que este espacio de conocimiento, sumado a la red de vínculosque se produce, establece el marco propicio para generar una «cultura transatlántica».AMZET tiene, además, una importante presencia en la Argentina, con una de sus sedesen la provincia de Misiones, desde donde se coordinan actividades y relaciones en prodel diálogo y de la multiculturalidad

    Osteoarticular Expression of Musashi-1 in an Experimental Model of Arthritis

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    Background. Collagen-induced arthritis (CIA), a murine experimental disease model induced by immunization with type II collagen (CII), is used to evaluate novel therapeutic strategies for rheumatoid arthritis. Adult stem cell marker Musashi-1 (Msi1) plays an important role in regulating the maintenance and differentiation of stem/precursor cells. The objectives of this investigation were to perform a morphological study of the experimental CIA model, evaluate the effect of TNFα-blocker (etanercept) treatment, and determine the immunohistochemical expression of Msi1 protein. Methods. CIA was induced in 50 male DBA1/J mice for analyses of tissue and serum cytokine; clinical and morphological lesions in limbs; and immunohistochemical expression of Msi1. Results. Clinically, TNFα-blocker treatment attenuated CIA on day 32 after immunization (). Msi1 protein expression was significantly higher in joints damaged by CIA than in those with no lesions () and was related to the severity of the lesions (Spearman’s rho = 0.775, ). Conclusions. Treatment with etanercept attenuates osteoarticular lesions in the murine CIA model. Osteoarticular expression of Msi1 protein is increased in joints with CIA-induced lesion and absent in nonlesioned joints, suggesting that this protein is expressed when the lesion is produced in order to favor tissue repair.This investigation was partially supported by Research Group #CTS-138 (Junta de Andalucía, Spain)

    Momento Económico (34-35)

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    En este número Temas de hoy. 21 El Pacto de Solidaridad Económica (PSE) y la inflación en México Fausto Burgueño Lomelí. 3/ El pacto, hacia la rectoría trasnacional: significa la expropiación del salario Mario J. Zepeda. 4/ El PSE: Desinflación con más estancamiento lfigenia Martínez, 5/ Inflación y PSE Arturo Guillén Romo, 7/ Qué es y cómo surgió el PSE Magdalena Galindo, 9/ El PSE o después del pueblo ahogado...tapen el pozo Victor M. Bernal Sahagún, 13/ Monetarismo en el pacto lrma Manrique Campos, 14/ El pacto contra inflación: segundo round Emilio Romero Polanco. 11/ Aspectos monetarios y cambiarios del PSE Alma Chapoy Bonifaz, 18/ Financiamiento externo y PSE Andrés Blancas Neria, 23/ Apertura comercial y privatización: dos caras del proyecto del gran capital Patricia Olave C. 28

    Modelo Estratégico Integral para la implementación del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el trabajo (SG-SST) en el Grupo Empresarial Cosargo S.A.S.

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    El presente proyecto está orientado a elaborar el Modelo Estratégico Integral para la implementación del Sistema de Gestión de la Seguridad y Salud en el trabajo (SG-SST) en el Grupo Empresarial Cosargo S.A.S, de acuerdo con los requisitos del Decreto No. 1072 de 2015, Capitulo 6, con el fin de proponer planes de acción de mejora que permitan controlar los riesgos latentes de la empresa.The present project is oriented to elaborate the Integral Strategic Model for the implementation of the Occupational Health and Safety Management System (SG-SST) in the Cosargo SAS Business Group, in accordance with the requirements of Decree No. 1072 of 2015 , Chapter 6, in order to propose plans of action to improve the latent risks of the company

    Comentario bibliográfico de "La revisión judicial de las políticas sociales. Estudio de casos"

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    Fil: Bulit Goñi, Magdalena. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho; ArgentinaFil: Coto, Alejandro E. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho; ArgentinaFil: Demacópulo, Augusto. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho; ArgentinaFil: Furfaro, Lautaro. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho; ArgentinaFil: Galindo Roldán, Juan Manuel. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho; ArgentinaFil: Grané, Patricio. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho; ArgentinaFil: Magneschi, Mauro. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Derecho; Argentin