311 research outputs found

    Preneoplasias cutáneas y de mucosa oral

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    Este trabajo hace foco sobre aquellas dermatosis que pueden dar origen a tumores. Enfatiza el reconocimiento de las mismas a partir del examen clínico y de los métodos de laboratorio que aseveran ese diagnóstico. Presenta iconografía relativa sobre algunos temas y todos son avalados por una extensa bibliografía, indicada en los 49 capítulos de las cinco secciones que consta el documento

    A New Method to Solve Fuzzy Interval Flexible Linear Programming Using a Multi-Objective Approach

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    The first author would like to appreciate from the research grant of University of Mazandaran. The research of Jose Luis Verdegay is supported in part by the project TIN2017-86647-P (Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness) which includes FEDER funds from the European Union.Recently fuzzy interval flexible linear programs have attracted many interests. These models are an extension of the classical linear programming which deal with crisp parameters. However, in most of the real-world applications, the nature of the parameters of the decisionmaking problems is generally imprecise. Such uncertainties can lead to increased complexities in the related optimisation efforts. Simply ignoring these uncertainties is considered undesired as it may result in inferior or wrong decisions. Therefore, inexact linear programming methods are desired under uncertainty. In this paper,weconcentrate a fuzzy flexible linear programming model with flexible constraints and the interval objective function and then propose a new solving approach based on solving an associated multi-objective model. Finally, numerical example is included to illustrate the mentioned solving process.University of MazandaranSpanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness TIN2017-86647-PEuropean Commissio

    Modulating Ligand Dissociation through Methyl Isomerism in Accessory Sites: Binding of Retinol to Cellular Carriers

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    Due to the poor aqueous solubility of retinoids, evolution has tuned their binding to cellular proteins to address specialized physiological roles by modulating uptake, storage, and delivery to specific targets. With the aim to disentangle the structure-function relationships in these proteins and disclose clues for engineering selective carriers, the binding mechanism of the two most abundant retinol-binding isoforms was explored by using enhanced sampling molecular dynamics simulations and surface plasmon resonance. The distinctive dynamics of the entry portal site in the holo species was crucial to modulate retinol dissociation. Remarkably, this process is controlled at large extent by the replacement of Ile by Leu in the two isoforms, thus suggesting that a fine control of ligand release can be achieved through a rigorous selection of conservative mutations in accessory sites

    Tectonic denudation and topographic development in the Spanish Sierra Nevada

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    The denudation history of the rapidly uplifting western part of the Spanish Sierra Nevada was assessed using apatite fission track (AFT) ages and 10Be analyses of bedrock and fluvial sediments. Major contrasts in the denudation history are recorded within the 27 km2 Río Torrente catchment. Upland areas are characterized by low-relief, low slope angles, and locally the preservation of shallow marine sediments, which have experienced <200 m of erosion in the last 9 Myr. However, AFT age determinations from samples collected close to the marine sediments imply >2 km of denudation since circa 4 Ma. The minimum denudation rates of 0.4 mm yr−1 derived from AFT also contrast with the slow medium-term (104 years) erosion rates (0.044 ± 0.015 mm yr−1) estimated from 10Be measurements at high elevations. The local medium-long-term contrasts in denudation rates within the high Sierra Nevada indicate that much of the unroofing occurs by tectonic denudation on flat-lying detachments. In lower elevation parts of the catchment, rapid river incision coupled to rock uplift has produced ∼1.6 km of relief, implying that the rivers and adjacent hillslopes close to the edge of the orogen are sensitive to normal-fault-driven changes in base level. However, these changes are not transmitted into the low-relief slowly eroding upland areas. Thus the core of the mountain range continues to increase in elevation until the limits of crustal strength are reached and denudation is initiated along planes of structural weakness. We propose that this form of tectonic denudation provides an effective limit to relief in young orogens

    Manual para Produção de Mix de Cereais Aglomerados com Farinha de Casca de Uva.

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    A demanda dos consumidores por novos produtos que, além do apelo saudável, sejam práticos, nutritivos e principalmente saborosos, vem direcionando o desenvolvimento de produtos diferenciados. Em paralelo, observa-se também um estímulo em se adicionar ingredientes oriundos de coprodutos da agroindústria, não só pelo menor impacto ambiental decorrente de seu aproveitamento, mas também pelas características nutritivas que podem agregar ao produto. Este trabalho teve como foco apresentar uma forma de aproveitamento da farinha de casca de uva, que é oriundo do resíduo do processamento de vinho tinto, na elaboração de um mix de cereais aglomerados rico em fibras bastante conhecido no exterior mais ainda pouco difundido em território nacional.bitstream/item/205162/1/DOC-136-Mix-de-cereais-pronto.pdf; bitstream/item/205162/1/DOC-136-Mix-de-cereais-pronto.pd

    Active faulting and earthquakes in the central Alboran Sea

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    Central Alboran Sea constitutes a key area to analyze the relationships between active tectonic structures and moderate seismicity. The heterogeneous crustal layered structure and the propagation of the deformation along the fault zones are key features to relate active faults and seismic hazard. The NW-SE oblique convergence between Eurasian and African plates determines the broad band of tectonic deformation and seismicity along the Alboran Sea basin (westernmost Mediterranean). The Betic-Rif Cordilleras are connected through the Gibraltar Arc and surround the Alboran Sea formed by thinned continental crust. This basin is filled since the Neogene by sedimentary and volcanic rocks. Central Alboran Sea is now undergoing shortening and is mainly deformed by a system of conjugated WNW-ESE dextral and NE-SW sinistral faults with recent activity formed by indenter tectonics related to a heterogeneous crustal behavior. In addition a NNW-SSE normal fault set and large ENE-WSW folds deform the central and northern Alboran Sea. These structures support a present-day N160 E maximum compression and orthogonal extension. In this setting, most of the recent seismicity is concentrated along a NNE-SSW zone that extends landward from Campo de Dalias (SE Spain) to Al Hoceima (Morocco). The Campo de Dalias 1993-1994 seismic crisis reached up to magnitudes Mw= 5.3, while the Al Hoceima area was affected by seismic crisis of 1994 (May 26, Mw=5.6) and 2004 (Feb 24, Mw= 6.4). The main active fault related to the 2004 earthquakes, even that it was a vertical NNE-SSW oriented fault and focal depth was 6 km, did not reach the surface probably due to the presence of a mechanically layered crust. The main active surface faults located in Al Hoceima area (the NNE-SSW transtensional sinistral Trougout fault zone) extended northwards towards the NE-SW sinistral Al Idrissi Fault that intersects the Alboran Sea and are connected with the normal NNW-SSE Balanegra Fault zone. Although these active faults determine most of the seismicity of the central Alboran Sea, the seismic crisis that occurred since January 2016, reaching Mw= 6.3 is located in a region westward of Al Idrissi Fault, underlining the relevance of growth of new faults to determine the seismic hazard of the region. Earthquake focal mechanisms support that the main active fault has a NNE-SSW orientation, similar to Al Idrissi Fault zone. Maximum magnitude suggests a surface rupture length of at least 12 km and a subsurface rupture of 20 km. Propagation of a new fault is more efficient to accumulate elastic deformation, and to produce highest magnitude earthquakes than already formed faults. This new fault is connected probably in deep crustal levels with the blind sinistral fault responsible of the 2004 Al Hoceima earthquake. The tsunami hazard of the region should be consequence of both seabottom displacement due to fault activity and co-seismic submarine landslides. The INCRISIS cruise, scheduled by May 2016, will provide evidences of seabottom effects of this seismic crisis

    Degradation of buried ice and permafrost in the Veleta cirque (Sierra Nevada, Spain) from 2006 to 2013 as a response to recent climate trends

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    The Veleta cirque is located at the foot of the Veleta peak, one of the highest summits of the Sierra Nevada National Park (southern Spain). This cirque was the source of a glacier valley during the Quaternary cold periods. During the Little Ice Age it sheltered a small glacier, the most southerly in Europe, about which we have possessed written records since the 17th century. This glacier still had ice residues until the mid-20th century. This ice is no longer visible, but a residue persists along with discontinuous permafrost trapped under strata of rock blocks that make up an incipient rock glacier. From 2006 to 2013, this rock glacier was monitored by measurement of the temperature of the active layer, the degree of snow cover on the ground, movements of the body of the rock glacier and geophysical prospection inside it. The results show that the relict ice and trapped permafrost have been steadily declining. The processes that explain this degradation occur in chain, starting from the external radiation that affects the ground in summer, which is when the temperatures are higher. In effect, when this radiation steadily melts the snow on the ground, the thermal expansive wave advances into the heart of the active layer, reaching the ceiling of the frozen mass, which it then degrades and melts. In this entire linked process, the circulation of meltwaters fulfils a highly significant function, as they act as heat transmitters. The complementary nature of these processes explains the subsidence and continuous changes in the entire clastic pack and the melting of the frozen ceiling on which it rests. This happens in summer in just a few weeks. All these events, in particular the geomorphological ones, take place on the Sierra Nevada peaks within certain climate conditions that are at present unfavourable to the maintenance of snow on the ground in summer. These conditions could be related to recent variations in the climate, starting in the mid-19th century and most markedly since the second half of the 20th century. The work and results highlight the climate sensitivity of the peaks of the Sierra Nevada to the effect of climate change and its impact on the dynamics of ecosystems, which is a benchmark for evaluating the current evolution of landscapes of Mediterranean high mountains.We are grateful to the research projects 018/2007 of the Autonomous Organisation of National Parks and CSO2012-30681 from the Ministry of Economy and Competition