3,045 research outputs found

    Tras las huellas del príncipe Ahmose-Sapair

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    El príncipe Ahmose-Sapair debió fallecer en torno al año 1550 a. C., y poco tiempo después comenzó a ser venerado y luego percibido como un miembro memorable de la familia real en Tebas durante cinco siglos. Mientras que su parentesco, recuerdo y culto ha sido objeto de estudio por diferentes autores, la cuestión de la posible ubicación de su tumba no ha sido nunca tratada en profundidad, a pesar de ser un aspecto relevante de su veneración postuma. El presente artículo aborda esta cuestión, revisando la documentación de excavaciones anteriores y a la luz de los recientes hallazgos realizados por la misión arqueológica española que excava en Dra Abu el-Naga, al suroeste del patio de entrada a la tumba-capilla de Djehuty (TT 11)Prince Ahmose-Sapair passed away around 155O BC. He was worshipped soon after his death and was regarded as a memorable member of the royal family in Thebes for around five centuries. While his ancestry, remembrance and worship have been the subject of several studies, the location of his tomb has not been discussed in depth, despite the fact that it appears to be a significant aspect in his posthumous cult. This matter is hereby addressed, re-examining the data from earlier excavations and in the light of recent discoveries made by the Spanish mission working in Dra Abu el-Naga North, southwest of the open courtyard of the tomb-chapel of Djehuty (TT 11

    Two Fundamental Concepts in Skeletal Parallel Programming

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    We define the concepts of nesting mode and interaction mode as they arise in the description of skeletal parallel programming systems. We sugegs

    Odor-driven attractor dynamics in the antennal lobe allow for simple and rapid olfactory pattern classification

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    The antennal lobe plays a central role for odor processing in insects, as demonstrated by electrophysiological and imaging experiments. Here we analyze the detailed temporal evolution of glomerular activity patterns in the antennal lobe of honeybees. We represent these spatiotemporal patterns as trajectories in a multidimensional space, where each dimension accounts for the activity of one glomerulus. Our data show that the trajectories reach odor-specific steady states (attractors) that correspond to stable activity patterns at about 1 second after stimulus onset. As revealed by a detailed mathematical investigation, the trajectories are characterized by different phases: response onset, steady-state plateau, response offset, and periods of spontaneous activity. An analysis based on support-vector machines quantifies the odor specificity of the attractors and the optimal time needed for odor discrimination. The results support the hypothesis of a spatial olfactory code in the antennal lobe and suggest a perceptron-like readout mechanism that is biologically implemented in a downstream network, such as the mushroom body

    Derecho a transmitir libremente información veraz

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    The Museum of Pedagogy of Belgrade (Serbia) and the communication of educational heritage

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    El presente artículo tiene como objetivo ofrecer una aproximación al Museo de la Pedagogía de Belgrado (Serbia), y su nueva museografía inaugurada en el año 2007, que destaca por ofrecer un mensaje claro y divulgativo de la Historia de la Educación en Serbia desde sus orígenes hasta el siglo XX. Dicho museo fue visitado en agosto de 2015, compilando información documental y fotográfica para el presente trabajo. Comprendiendo el patrimonio educativo como protagonista del museo, iniciamos el discurso del artículo con el concepto de museografía didáctica, para tratar a continuación el origen e historia del Museo y sus colecciones con mención especial a los agentes involucrados en la gestión del museo. Finalmente, apoyándonos en la documentación fotográfica, tratamos el desarrollo museo-gráfico.This article aims to provide an approach to the Museum of Pedagogy in Belgrade (Serbia) and its exhibition display. Opened in 2007, the Museum can offer a clear and informative message of the History of Education in Serbia since its beginning to the Twentieth century. The museum was visited in August 2015 by the author of this paper, that collected the Catalogue and others, and tooked pictures about it in order to be able to write this paper. Understanding the Educational Heritage as the main subject of the Museum, we began the paper with the concept of didactical museography, to then treat the origin and the history of the museum and its collections with a mention of the Museum stakeholders.. Subsequently, following the pho-tographic documentation, we try the display development

    Students and teacher's perceptions and motivation in a Galician Plurilingual High School: a study in CLIL Physics and Chemistry

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    Programa Oficial de Doutoramento en Estudos Ingleses Avanzados: Lingüística, Literatura e Cultura . 5018P01[Resumo] Nas últimas décadas, a educación en linguas estranxeiras e as súas políticas volvéronse un dos elementos máis significativos promocionados desde a Unión Europea (Cumio de Milán, 1985, Tratado de Maastrich, 1992, MCER, 2001) para atender a realidade multilingüe e plurilingüe dos seus estados membros. Con este propósito, implementáronse diferentes iniciativas nos últimos anos como AICLE (Aprendizaxe Integrado de Contidos e Lingua Estranxeira). En Galicia AICLE introduciuse mediante o Decreto para o Plurilingüismo 79/2010 e a Orde do 12 de maio de 2011. Nembargante, a pesar do crecemento do número de centros plurilingües (Villar, 2016, 2017), non hai estudos sobre a motivación e as percepcións sobre AICLE en institutos galegos plurilingües. Esta tese de doutoramento estuda as percepcións e motivación en relación a AICLE en tres grupos de estudantes de Física e Química AICLE (N=61) e o seu profesor nun instituto plurilingüe nunha cidade galega. Os resultados principais do estudo mostran que o uso do inglés na clase motiva o estudantado debido o seu carácter instrumental (Gardner & Lambert, 1972) e o seu valor extrínsico (Deci & Ryan, 2000). En canto o profesor, a súa motivación é principalmente intrínsica.[Resumen] En las últimas décadas, la educación en lenguas extranjeras y sus políticas se han vuelto uno de los elementos clave promocionados desde la Unión Europea (Cumbre de Milán, 1985, Tratado de Maastrich, 1992, MCER, 2001) para atender a la realidad multilingüe y plurilingüe de sus estados miembros. Con este propósito, se han implementado diferentes iniciativas en los últimos años como AICLE (Aprendizaje Integrado de Contenidos y Lengua Extranjera). En Galicia AICLE se ha introducido mediante el Decreto para el Plurilingüismo 79/2010 y la Orden del 12 de mayo de 2011. Sin embargo, a pesar del crecemento del número de centros plurilingües (Villar, 2016, 2017), non hay estudios sobre la motivación e las percepciones sobre AICLE en institutos gallegos plurilingües. Esta tesis de doctorado estudia las percepciones y motivación en relación a AICLE en tres grupos de alumnos de Física y Química AICLE (N=61) y su profesor en un instituto plurilingüe en una ciudad gallega. Los resultados principales del estudio muestran que el uso del inglés en la clase motiva a los estudantes debido a su carácter instrumental (Gardner & Lambert, 1972) y a su valor extrínsico (Deci & Ryan, 2000). En cuanto al profesor, su motivación es principalmente intrínsica.[Abstract] In the last couple of decades, foreign language education and its policies has become one of the key points encouraged by the European Union (Milan Summit, 1985; Maastrich Treaty, 1992; CEFR, 2001) so to cater to the multilingual and plurilingual reality in the member states. In order to accomplish this, several initiatives have taken place in the last couple of years such as CLIL (Content and Language Integrated Learning). In Galicia, CLIL has been introduced by the Plurilingual Decree 79/2010 and the Orde do 12 de maio de 2011. However, despite its ever increasing number of plurilingual centres (Villar, 2016, 2017), no CLIL research on motivation and perceptions in Galician plurlingual high-schools has been carried out. This doctoral dissertation studies the perceptions and motivation regarding CLIL in three CLIL Physics and Chemistry students’ groups (N=61) and their CLIL teacher in a plurilingual high-school located in a city in Galicia. The main results of the study show that using English in the CLIL classroom motivates students because of its instrumental (Gardner and Lambert, 1972) and extrinsic (Deci & Ryan, 2000) value while the CLIL teacher shows to be overall intrinsically motivated

    Concurrent focal-plane generation of compressed samples fromtime-encoded pixel values

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    Compressive sampling allows wrapping the relevant content of an image in a reduced set of data. It exploits the sparsity of natural images. This principle can be employed to deliver images over a network under a restricted data rate and still receive enough meaningful information. An efficient implementation of this principle lies in the generation of the compressed samples right at the imager. Otherwise, i. e. digitizing the complete image and then composing the compressed samples in the digital plane, the required memory and processing resources can seriously compromise the budget of an autonomous camera node. In this paper we present the design of a pixel architecture that encodes light intensity into time, followed by a global strategy to pseudo-randomly combine pixel values and generate, on-chip and on-line, the compressed samples.Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad TEC 2015-66878-C3-1-RJunta de Andalucía TIC 2338-2013Office of Naval Research (USA) N000141410355CONACYT (Mexico) MZO-2017-29106

    La Odisea desde la Egiptología

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    The author's aim is to show how the Classical sources, as in this case the Odyssey, can shine even brighter if they are read from a Near Eastern perspective. Cultures, artists and craftsmen are not isolated phenomena in time and space, and for that matter it is sound to approach the Classic culture and authors from previous times and from near by places with which they themselves or their predecessors maintained contacts. In this paper the author brings together some topics from the Odyssey and their counterparts in ancient Egyptian sources