89 research outputs found

    Metallodielectric eutectic composite for plasmonic applications

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    META'15, City College of New York, New York City, NY, USA August 4, 2015 – August 7, 2015; http://metaconferences.org/ocs/index.php/META15/META15Metallodielectric composites are very interesting from the point of view of metamaterials and plasmonics. For the fabrication of self-organized metallodielectric micro/nanostructures, one particularly promising approach is based on the directional solidification of eutectics. Here we demonstrate a bulk three-dimensional nanoplasmonic eutectic composite which was obtained by bottom-up approach. This material exhibits localized surface plasmon resonance (LSPR) at visible wavelengths.The authors thank the Maestro Project 2011/02/A/ST5/00471 and the Preludium Project 2012/07/N/ST5/02428 from the National Science Centre, the Project operated within the Foundation for Polish Science Team Programme cofinanced by the EU European Regional Development Fund and the U.S. Air Force Office of Scientific Research under Grant FA9550-14-1-0061 for support of this work. Additional information: The authors have applied for a patent regarding this work.Peer Reviewe

    History of wellness, massage and reflexotherapy

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    Biological regeneration, known as wellness is a wide department that has a considerable tradition. Since the ancient times, the beneficial effects of biological regeneration treatments on the human body have been known. The treatments, that offer Spas and wellness centers support people with different medical conditions, but also those who want to experience deep relaxation. Treatments often used in this type of centers are massage and reflexotherapy. Reflexology is an old field of science and therapy, but still not very popular in European countries. Reflexotherapy is designed trigger is a self-healing process and body regeneration. This action is possible by stimulating points and zones on the skin of the face, hands or feet, Which Causes a reflex reaction of internal organs and systems, and a cycle chain of biochemical processes That Their Own trigger processes of stimulation and regeneration of the body. By the activities of spa and wellness center, patient has opportunity to take care of his body's health and additionall a rise of the level of his psychophysical health. All activities Proposed by the biological regeneration strive for body regeneration and it is Mobilize the patient habituate healthy lifestyle habits

    Use of network analysis to capture key traits affecting tomato organoleptic quality

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    The long-term objective of tomato breeders is to identify metabolites that contribute to defining the target flavour and to design strategies to enhance it. This paper reports the results of network analysis, based on metabolic phenotypic and sensory data, to highlight important relationships among such traits. This tool allowed a reduction in data set complexity, building a network consisting of 35 nodes and 74 links corresponding to the 74 significant (positive or negative) correlations among the variables studied. A number of links among traits contributing to fruit organoleptic quality and to the perception of sensory attributes were identified. Modular partitioning of the characteristics involved in fruit organoleptic perception captured the essential fruit parameters that regulate interactions among different class traits. The main feature of the network was the presence of three nodes interconnected among themselves (dry matter, pH, and °Brix) and with other traits, and nodes with widely different linkage degrees. Identification of strong associations between some metabolic and sensory traits, such as citric acid with tomato smell, glycine with tomato smell, and granulosity with dry matter, suggests a basis for more targeted investigations in the future

    Agricultural uses of plant biostimulants

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    The Colloquial Style in the Reportage of “Polityka” (as Instanced by the Column “With One’s Own Eyes”)

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    The colloquial style in the press reportage is manifested both at the syntactic and lexical levels. It embraces the neutral and emotional forms. The colloquial language dominates in the quotes, where it serves to stylise dialogues as authentic conversations; to a lesser degree it shapes the narrative text and is conducive to remove the communicative distance. The narrative texts are constructed by interrogative series and parentheses that constitute the subjective aspect. In the quotes there are numerous structures of expressive and impressive function. The fact that reportage is imbued with colloquial elements follows the specific character of the genre. The reporter’s task is to reflect reality, and the most effective manner to authenticate the text by quoting its heroes and their authentic language

    Overview of fabrication methods of plasmonic materials and selected alternative materials for plasmonic applications

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    Praca przedstawia przegląd literaturowy dotyczący technologii otrzymywania materiałów plazmonicznych oraz propozycji materiałów alternatywnych do obecnie stosowanych materiałów w obszarze plazmoniki. W analizie literaturowej przedstawiono porównanie metod top-down i bottom-up do otrzymywania materiałów plazmonicznych w postaci warstw, jak również jako materiałów objętościowych. Dodatkowo wybrano potencjalnie najkorzystniejsze alternatywne materiały plazmoniczne, które mogą zastąpić współcześnie używane materiały konwencjonalne stosowane w dziedzinie plazmoniki.In this work we reviewed the fabrication methods of both plasmonic materials and novel alternative materials for plasmonics. The analysis of the literature enabled a comparison of 'top-down' and 'bottom-up' preparation methods of plasmonic materials, in the form of layers as well as bulk materials. In addition, potentially the best alternative plasmonic materials which can replace conventional materials for plasmonics are proposed

    Wpływ rodzaju podłoża i szczepienia rozsady na plonowanie pomidora cherry

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    The most popular and efficient growing medium in soilless crop are rockwool but researches try to introduce as well other growing media to horticultural practice. Nowadays cherry tomato is a widespread typ grown under greenhouse conditions and grafting can be a resource let to obtain cultivars with a higher fruit yielding. Two tomato cultivars: typical cherry ones as ‘Dasher’ with red skin and ‘Organza‘ with yellow skin were grown in the years 2008–2009. Half of the plants were grafted on the stock of ‘Maxifort.‘Tomatoes were cultivated on organic media such as coconut fiber slabs, wood fiber slabs and rockwool slabs. Grafting increased yielding of cherry tomato in particular cultivated on coconut fiber and wood fiber slabs. The grafting plants of ‘Dasher’ cultivar produced much more fruit than not grafted ones. The increase of fruit weight as a result of grafting was observed in ‘Organza’ cultivar. Grafted plants of ‘Organza’ had significantly less fruit with BER than not grafted ones. ‘Dasher’ yielded considerably less than ‘Organza’. ‘Dasher’ produced the highest yield at the begining of harvest time. The yielding of ‘Organza’ was at the same level during the entire harvest time. Early yield of both cultivars was the highest on the wood fibre slabs with grafted plants. The growing media used in the experiment – coconut fiber and wood fiber, proved their suitability in tomato soilless cultivation.W uprawach bezglebowych wełna mineralna jest najbardziej popularnym i wydajnym podłożem, ale naukowcy próbują do praktyki ogrodniczej wprowadzać także inne podłoża. Obecnie w warunkach szklarniowych rozprzestrzenia się uprawa pomidora cherry, a szczepienie może być zabiegiem pozwalającym uzyskać wysokie plonowanie odmian. W latach 2008 i 2009 uprawiano dwie odmiany pomidora: ‘Dasher’ – odmianę typu cherry o czerwonej skórce i ‘Organza’ –o żółtej skórce. Połowę roślin szczepiono na podkładce Maxifort F1. Pomidory uprawiano na podłożach organicznych, takich jak włókno kokosowe i włókno drzewne oraz na wełnie mineralnej. Szczepienie zwiększyło plonowanie pomidora cherry, szczególnie uprawianego na matach z włókna kokosowego i z włókna drzewnego. Szczepione rośliny odmiany ‘Dasher’ produkowały znacznie więcej owoców niż nieszczepione. U odmiany ‘Organza’, jako wynik szczepienia, obserwowano zwiększenie masy owoców. Szczepione rośliny odmiany ‘Organza’ miały istotnie mniej owoców z BER w porównaniu z nieszczepionymi. Odmiana ‘Dasher’ zdecydowanie słabiej plonowała niż ‘Organza’. ‘Dasher‘ produkowała wyższy plon na początku okresu owocowania. Plonowanie odmiany ‘Organza’ było bardzo wyrównane w ciągu całego okresu zbiorów. Najwyższy plon wczesny u obu odmian zebrano z roślin szczepionych i uprawianych na matach z włókna drzewnego. Uzyskane wyniki potwierdzają przydatność zastosowanych w doświadczeniu podłoży – włókna kokosowego i włókna drzewnego w bezglebowej uprawie pomidora