669 research outputs found


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    The Ciric Valley, which is located in the northeastern region of Iași, integrates a considerable variety of habitats. Wetlands are dominant, being partially covered with compact reed beds. The other habitats are the deciduous forest, and meadows located in the northern part of the studied area. These allow the settlement of a diverse bird fauna in the area. Using the method of transects, the fixed-point observation, and sound identification, we identified 84 bird species between March 2020 and February 2021. Most species belong to the order Passeriformes (53 species), the rest of the orders having a significantly lower diversity. With the exception of the 20 sedentary species, Ciric’s avifauna consisted mostly of migratory species (39 summer visitors, 8 winter visitors, 13 vagrant species), and 5 partial migrant species during the research period. Among the identified bird species are 58 breeding species and 5 possible breeding species, representing 75% of the total number of the observed bird species. During the study, we identified 2 vulnerable species (Nycticorax nycticorax - black-crowned night-heron and Streptopelia turtur - european turtle-dove), 2 endangered species (Egretta garzetta - small egret and Ardea alba – great white egret) included in The Red Book of Vertebrates in Romania, and 13 species that require special conservation measures according to the Annex 1 of the Birds’ Directive

    Contribution à l'étude de la symbolique des animaux dans l'oeuvre "Chantecler" d'Edmond Rostand

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    Chantecler est une pièce en quatre actes, en vers, d'Edmond Rostand, représentée pour la première fois à Paris en février 1910. Elle met en scène, autour de Chantecler (le Coq), des animaux de basse cour, de jardin et des bois. Chantecler croit avoir pour mission de faire lever le soleil, auquel il chante un hymne. Cependant ses ennemis font en sorte qu'il perde cette illusion. Il n'en continuera pas moins à remplir sa fonction: après la foi perdue, il reste le devoir Une étude des différents personnages de la pièce montre que ces animaux symboliques représentent les prétentions et les jalousies des hommes, en particulier des milieux littéraires. Chantecler connut tout au plus un succès d'estime. Et pourtant, la poésie de Rostand y apparaît dans toute sa splendeur

    Considerações sobre a escrita assêmica: o caso de Mirtha Dermisache

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    The text addresses the writing of Argentine artist Mirtha Dermisache, one of the main devotees of asemic writing. Her texts unfold into a series of different writing systems in which we come across traits that develop from the concepts of repetition, alternation, symmetry and rhythm in a form of writing without a precise semantic content. As they lack words, the reader can only look at them.El texto aborda la escritura de la artista argentina Mirtha Dermisache, una de las principales cultoras de la escritura asémica. Sus textos se despliegan en una serie de sistemas escriturarios diferentes en los que nos enfrentamos con unos trazos que se desarrollan a partir de los conceptos de repetición, alternancia, simetria y ritmo en una forma de escritura sin um contenido semántico preciso. Como carecen de palabras, el lector solo puede mirarlas.  O texto aborda a escrita da artista argentina Mirtha Dermisache, uma das principais devotas da escrita assêmica. Seus textos se desdobram em uma série de diferentes sistemas de escrita nos quais nos deparamos com traços que se desenvolvem a partir dos conceitos de repetição, alternância, simetria e ritmo em uma forma de escrita sem um conteúdo semântico preciso. Como carecem de palavras, o leitor só pode olhar para elas

    Connaissance des pharmaciens d'officine à propos du droit de prescription des sages-femmes

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    Introduction : La profession de sage-femme est une profession médicale à compétences définies. L'une d'entre elles nous intéresse particulièrement : le droit de prescription. Nous avons voulu évaluer les connaissances des pharmaciens d'officine, principaux intéressés de la mise en application de cette compétence. Matériel et méthode : L'objectif de ce travail de recherche était d'évaluer les connaissances des pharmaciens d'officine à propos du droit de prescription des sages-femmes ainsi que de faire un état des lieux de l'utilisation des différents moyens de mise à jour des connaissances. Il s'agit d'une étude descriptive, transversale à visée étiologique. Un questionnaire d'évaluation des connaissances des compétences et du droit de prescription des sages-femmes a été distribué aux pharmaciens d'officine de la région Auvergne. Résultats et discussion : Les pharmaciens d'officine peuvent améliorer leurs connaissances des compétences des sages-femmes : par exemple, trop peu savent que la sage-femme a le droit de prescription auprès des nouveau-nés. Cependant, les taux de réponses exactes concernant les différents domaines du droit de prescription des sages-femmes avoisinaient les 2/3 : taux satisfaisants mais perfectibles. En outre, les moyens de mise à jour des connaissances sont inégalement utilisés et semblent inefficaces puisque les dernières modifications législatives ne sont pas connues. Conclusion : Les connaissances des pharmaciens sont inégales en ce qui concerne les différents domaines du droit de prescription des sages-femmes et l'utilisation des différents moyens de mises à jour des connaissances est insuffisante

    Desarrollo del Liderazgo: un recurso para mejorar el clima y desempeño en seguridad.

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    Treball Final de Màster Universitari en Psicologia del Treball, de les Organitzacions i en Recursos Humans. Codi: SBE513. Curs acadèmic: 2018/2019.The present corresponds to the work of completion of the Master in Work Psychology, organizations and Human Resources, which consists of the development of a project of professional intervention in an organization, applying the knowledge and skills acquired during the course of the Master and reflecting on the lessons learned. The proposed project seeks, starting from the Positive Organizational Psychology, to apply the HERO model (Salanova, 2008, Salanova, Llorens, Martínez, & Cifre, 2012) to the study of safety at the Embalse Nuclear Power Plant, and to increase the Safety climate and Safety performance of work teams, through the promotion of transformational leadership. To do this, an initial assessment of transformational leadership, safety climate and safety performance at the work team level at the Embalse Nuclear Power Plant is carried out; and an intervention proposal to promote transformational leadership in middle management, which consists of a 16-hour training program in small groups. It is expected that when carrying out a subsequent evaluation, the transformational leadership at the level of work teams will increase and as a correlate, they will also increase the safety climate and safety performance in them. At the end, a reflection is presented on the competences acquired during the master's course and its possible transfer to professional practice.El presente corresponde al trabajo de finalización del Máster en Psicología del trabajo, de las organizaciones y en Recursos Humanos, el cual se propone a través del desarrollo de un proyecto de intervención profesional en una organización, aplicar los conocimientos y competencias adquiridos durante el cursado del máster y reflexionar sobre los aprendizajes realizados. El proyecto propuesto busca, partiendo de la Psicología Organizacional Positiva, aplicar el modelo HERO (Salanova, 2008; Salanova, Llorens, Martínez, & Cifre, 2012) al estudio de la seguridad en la Central Nuclear Embalse, e incrementar el clima y el desempeño en seguridad de los equipos de trabajo, a través de la promoción de liderazgo transformacional. Para ello se realiza una evaluación inicial del liderazgo transformacional, el clima y desempeño en seguridad a nivel de equipos de trabajo en la Central Nuclear de Embalse; y una propuesta de intervención para fomentar el liderazgo transformacional en los mandos medios de dichos equipos, la cual consiste en un programa de entrenamiento de 16 hs. en grupos reducidos. Se espera que al realizar una evaluación posterior, el liderazgo transformacional a nivel de equipos de trabajo aumente y como correlato aumenten también el clima y desempeño en seguridad en los mismos. Al finalizar se presenta una reflexión sobre las competencias adquiridas durante el cursado del master y su posible transferencia a la práctica profesional

    El juego y la educación moral

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    Leyendo los diarios de Buenos Aires, ha sido para mí una nueva y dolorosa sorpresa saber que al finalizar el corriente año se habrá jugado en esa ciudad, solamente en las carreras, más de cien millones de pesos. Permanecí helado ante la cifra. La imaginación representóme los hogares numerosos de donde, junto con el dinero, huye el bienestar, base de la buena inspiración. Imaginé el exacerbamiento de la neurosis del juego, haciendo presa en los padres y en los hijos, por encima del afecto y del respeto constituyentes del alma de la familia. Consideré el ausentismo de los ideales, correlativo á un estado de apasionamiento servil, como es el estado de jugador. Y, mirando al pasado, deduje un contagio progresivo, desde el tiempo romántico de nuestra ingenua sociedad criolla á los días de hoy, contaminados de novedad sin análisis, de sensualismo inferior, de culto al dinero.Carta dirigida por el doctor Gache al doctor Joaquín V. González, desde Barcelona.Facultad de Ciencias Jurídicas y Sociale

    : Tubulin dimer binding proteins

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    International audienceMicrotubules play an essential role in eukaryotic cells, where they perform a wide variety of functions. In this paper, we describe the characterization of proteins associated to tubulin dimer in its native form, using affinity chromatography and mass spectrometry. We used an immunoaffinity column with coupled-monoclonal antibody directed against the alpha-tubulin C-terminus. Tubulin was first loaded onto the column, then interphase and mitotic cell lysates were chromatographed. Tubulin-binding proteins were eluted using a peptide mimicking the alpha-tubulin C-terminus. Elution fractions were analyzed by SDS-PAGE, and a total of 14 proteins were identified with high confidence by mass spectrometry. These proteins could be grouped in four classes: known tubulin-binding proteins, one microtubule-associated protein, heat shock proteins, and proteins that were not shown previously to bind tubulin dimer or microtubules

    Preliminary Studies Regarding the Selection of Species and Types of Pot and Container for Vegetable Growing

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    The purpose of the research reported in this paper was to evaluate the possibility of growing vegetable plants in pots and containers by optimizing the choice of species and cultivars and the type of pot or container based on the information available in the literature and on the basis of our own experience. Taking into account the purpose and objectives of this paper, the study is structured to respond to each  bjective considered. Information on crops in pot and containers shows that if the climatic conditions necessary for growth and development areoptimal, basically any vegetable species can be grown in this system (Purnell, 2007). Concerning the pots in which vegetable plants can be grown, they are diverse and may be chosen specifically for this type of culture or can be assigned to provide the space necessary for plant growth for different species

    Systematic review of the effects of coffee or its components on platelets and their regulators

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    Coffee includes some potentially bioactive components that can interfere with platelets, which can influence coagulation, despite generating controversy. The aim of this systematic review is to verify whether coffee or its components can influence platelet regulators and/or aggregation. Materials and Methods: The research was conducted on July 29, 2021, in PubMed, Scopus, andWeb of Science, using the followingmesh-terms: (caffeine)) OR (coffee)) AND (platelets). Eligibility criteria were: studies carried out in humans, referring to the effects of coffee consumption, or one of its components, on platelets or their regulators. We exclude in vitro or animal studies, reviews, editorials, and non-English written studies. From a total of 836 publications, 17 articles were included from which we extracted the relationship between coffee consumption and changes in blood platelets and performed a subjective assessment of bias. Results: Ten articles refer to the non-interference of coffee or its components with platelets, nine affirm results that support the increase in platelet aggregation, and eight articles observe the decrease in platelet aggregation when coffee is consumed. Some articles presented the lack of data regarding the sample collection location, age group, or classification as to the type of study, which is limiting. Conclusions: The heterogeneity of results makes it difficult to correctly interpret the possible interaction of coffee or its components with platelets or their regulators. For better interpretation, further studies on this topic should be carried out considering the individualization of coffee components, different platelet regulators, and the size of the sample used.The Centro de Investigac¸a˜o de Montanha (CIMO) received financial support from Fundac¸a˜o para Ciencia e a Tecnologia (FCT, Portugal) and from Fundo Europeu de Desenvolvimento Regional (FEDER), under PT2020 program (UIDB/00690/2020).info:eu-repo/semantics/publishedVersio