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    Digitalisat der Ausgabe von 1919, erschienen 201

    Adaptive Local Multigrid Methods for the Solution of Time Harmonic Eddy Current Problems

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    The efficient computation of large eddy current problems with finite elements requires adaptive methods and fast optimal iterative solvers like multigrid methods. This paper provides an overview of the most important implementation aspects of an adaptive multigrid scheme for time-harmonic eddy currents. It is shown how the standard multigrid scheme can be modified to yield an O(N) complexity even for general adaptive refinement strategies, where the number of unknowns N can grow slowly from one to the next refinement level. Algorithmic details and numerical examples are given

    What do Eumerus Meigen larvae feed on? New immature stages of three species (Diptera: Syrphidae) breeding in different plants

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    The genus Eumerus Meigen 1822 (Diptera: Syrphidae) is widely distributed in the Old World, though recently introduced into America, and their larvae feed on decaying vegetal material and/or inside underground storage organs of many plants, sometimes generating economic losses as pests. However, little is known about Eumerus larval cycles and their interactions with host plants. Here, immatures of three Eumerus species from different continents are described, noting their feeding habits and host plants. Larvae of Eumerus figurans Walker 1859 were obtained from Hawaiian cultured ginger roots; puparium of Eumerus alpinus Rondani 1857 originated from larvae collected in Asphodelus ramosus L. in France; puparia of Eumerus superbus Shannon 1927 were reared from larvae found in two Zamiaceae species from Australia. Mitochondrial COI sequences served for diagnosing E. figurans larvae. Optical and scanning electron microscopy were used to describe body features, head skeletons, anterior spiracles, pupal spiracles, and posterior respiratory processes. Overall, E. alpinus resembles E. nudus Loew 1848 immatures. Eumerus superbus has a remarkable morphology among all described immatures of the genus, being the only Eumerus reported from gymnosperms. Head skeleton of E. figurans suggests this species is a filtering one. Present findings show that larvae of Eumerus can be separated at the species level and that this genus is polyphagous, feeding on a wide range of plant tissues and taxa, including commercial species. This study emphasizes immature stages and breeding sites as important means to understand species life cycles and the interactions with their host plants and ecosystems.This study is part of Gabriel J. Souba-Dols’ PhD thesis. His position at the University of Alicante (FPU-UA 2016), as well as that of Antonio Ricarte (Ref. UATAL05), are funded by the “Vicerrectorado de Investigación y Transferencia del Conocimiento.” Additionally, this research was partly funded by the Project PGC2018-095851-A-C65 of the Spanish Ministry of Science, Innovation and Universities

    Near-optimal experimental design for model selection in systems biology

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    Motivation: Biological systems are understood through iterations of modeling and experimentation. Not all experiments, however, are equally valuable for predictive modeling. This study introduces an efficient method for experimental design aimed at selecting dynamical models from data. Motivated by biological applications, the method enables the design of crucial experiments: it determines a highly informative selection of measurement readouts and time points. Results: We demonstrate formal guarantees of design efficiency on the basis of previous results. By reducing our task to the setting of graphical models, we prove that the method finds a near-optimal design selection with a polynomial number of evaluations. Moreover, the method exhibits the best polynomial-complexity constant approximation factor, unless P = NP. We measure the performance of the method in comparison with established alternatives, such as ensemble non-centrality, on example models of different complexity. Efficient design accelerates the loop between modeling and experimentation: it enables the inference of complex mechanisms, such as those controlling central metabolic operation. Availability: Toolbox ‘NearOED' available with source code under GPL on the Machine Learning Open Source Software Web site (mloss.org). Contact: [email protected] Supplementary information: Supplementary data are available at Bioinformatics onlin

    A review of the early stages and host plants of the genera Eumerus and Merodon (Diptera: Syrphidae), with new data on four species

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    The genera Eumerus and Merodon (Diptera: Syrphidae) have a high taxonomic diversity (300+ species altogether), but life histories of most species are unknown. In addition, these hoverfly genera are recognised to be pests (ornamental plants and vegetable crops). In this paper, early stages of four hoverfly species are described, Eumerus hungaricus Szilády, 1940, Eumerus nudus Loew, 1848 and Merodon geniculatus Strobl, 1909, from Spain, and Eumerus strigatus Walker, 1859, from California, USA. Larvae of E. nudus were obtained from swollen roots of Asphodelus cerasiferus J. Gay. Larvae of E. hungaricus were found in bulbs of Narcissus confusus Pugsley. The host plant of the examined specimen of Eumerus strigatus is unknown. Larvae of M. geniculatus were reared from bulbs of different species of Narcissus L. Scanning electron microscope imaging was used to study and illustrate the anterior respiratory processes, pupal spiracles and posterior respiratory processes of the new early stages. A compilation of all available information on the early stages and host plants of Eumerus (21 spp.) and Merodon (15 spp) is provided, as well as an identification key to all known larvae/puparia of these genera. Eumerus elavarensis Séguy, 1961 is proposed as a new synonym of E. hungaricus and first data of this species are reported from Austria, Bulgaria, Spain and Turkey. In Eumerus, larvae are alleged to rely on the previous presence of decay organisms, but in the larvae of E. nudus the sclerotisation and size of the mandibular hooks suggest that this larva can generate decay from intact plant tissue.GS and AR positions at CIBIO (University of Alicante) were funded by Generalitat Valenciana (Prometeo 2013/034; http://www.ceice.gva.es/en) and CAMPUSHÁBITAT5U (CEI15-05; http://campushabitat5u.es/), respectively

    Sequence Capture and Next Generation Resequencing of the MHC Region Highlights Potential Transplantation Determinants in HLA Identical Haematopoietic Stem Cell Transplantation

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    How cells coordinate the immune system activities is important for potentially life-saving organ or stem cell transplantations. Polymorphic immunoregulatory genes, many of them located in the human major histocompatibility complex, impact the process and assure the proper execution of tolerance-versus-activity mechanisms. In haematopoietic stem cell transplantation, on the basis of fully human leukocyte antigen (HLA)-matched donor–recipient pairs, adverse effects like graft versus leukaemia and graft versus host are observed and difficult to handle. So far, high-resolution HLA typing was performed with Sanger sequencing, but for methodological reasons information on additional immunocompetent major histocompatibility complex loci has not been revealed. Now, we have used microarray sequence capture and targeted enrichment combined with next generation pyrosequencing for 3.5 million base pair human major histocompatibility complex resequencing in a clinical transplant setting and describe 3025 variant single nucleotide polymorphisms, insertions and deletions among recipient and donor in a single sequencing experiment. Taken together, the presented data show that sequence capture and massively parallel pyrosequencing can be used as a new tool for risk assessment in the setting of allogeneic stem cell transplantation

    Detecting the human fingerprint in the summer 2022 western-central European soil drought

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    In the 2022 summer, western-central Europe and several other regions in the northern extratropics experienced substantial soil moisture deficits in the wake of precipitation shortages and elevated temperatures. Much of Europe has not witnessed a more severe soil drought since at least the mid-20th century, raising the question whether this is a manifestation of our warming climate. Here, we employ a well-established statistical approach to attribute the low 2022 summer soil moisture to human-induced climate change using observation-driven soil moisture estimates and climate models. We find that in western-central Europe, a June-August root zone soil moisture drought such as in 2022 is expected to occur once in 20 years in the present climate but would have occurred only about once per century during preindustrial times. The entire northern extratropics show an even stronger global warming imprint with a 20-fold soil drought probability increase or higher, but we note that the underlying uncertainty is large. Reasons are manifold but include the lack of direct soil moisture observations at the required spatiotemporal scales, the limitations of remotely sensed estimates, and the resulting need to simulate soil moisture with land surface models driven by meteorological data. Nevertheless, observation-based products indicate long-term declining summer soil moisture for both regions, and this tendency is likely fueled by regional warming, while no clear trends emerge for precipitation. Finally, our climate model analysis suggests that under 2C global warming, 2022-like soil drought conditions would become twice as likely for western-central Europe compared to today and would take place nearly every year across the northern extratropics.</p

    Atividade de extensão universitária com adolescentes na pandemia de COVID-19: Relato de experiência

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    Durante a pandemia, as restrições relativas ao distanciamento social representaram as principais medidas para reduzir a propagação do COVID-19, com potenciais implicações sobre a rotina dos adolescentes. Objetivo: relatar a experiência do processo de adaptação de um projeto extensionista e as vivências no desenvolvimento das atividades remotas realizadas com adolescentes durante a pandemia. Métodos: Projeto de extensão envolvendo docentes e discentes de Farmácia, Nutrição e Medicina da Universidade Federal do Paraná. Através de reuniões virtuais, as etapas de planejamento, diagnóstico, intervenção e avaliação foram adequadas, adotando o uso de ferramentas online para elaboração de questionário para avaliação dos comportamentos relacionados à saúde e aplicação em adolescentes de uma escola estadual em Curitiba-PR, além de ações educativas com os participantes. Resultados: participaram do questionário 59 adolescentes, de ambos os sexos, com média de idade de 15,38 anos. Foi possível detectar o aumento do comportamento sedentário, e frequência expressiva do consumo de alimentos ultraprocessados como lanches. Nos momentos síncronos online, onde houve uma maior participação comparado à etapa anterior (n=77), resultaram em interação dialógica entre os alunos da UFPR e os adolescentes. A maioria dos adolescentes avaliou positivamente as atividades realizadas pelo projeto, e demonstrou intenção de realizar modificações nos hábitos alimentares e na redução do tempo de tela. Conclusão: Apesar das adversidades diante da suspensão das atividades presenciais, a equipe do projeto conseguiu desenvolver suas ações por meio do exercício da capacidade criativa da equipe e reinvenção de métodos, servindo de aporte de vivência para a formação humana e profissional

    DNA methylation signatures predicting bevacizumab efficacy in metastatic breast cancer

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    Background: Biomarkers predicting response to bevacizumab in breast cancer are still missing. Since epigenetic modifications can contribute to an aberrant regulation of angiogenesis and treatment resistance, we investigated the influence of DNA methylation patterns on bevacizumab efficacy. Methods: Genome-wide methylation profiling using the Illumina Infinium HumanMethylation450 BeadChip was performed in archival FFPE specimens of 36 patients with HER2-negative metastatic breast cancer treated with chemotherapy in combination with bevacizumab as first-line therapy (learning set). Based on objective response and progression-free survival (PFS) and considering ER expression, patients were divided in responders (R) and non-responders (NR). Significantly differentially methylated gene loci (CpGs) with a strong change in methylation levels (>0.15 or <-0.15) between R and NR were identified and further investigated in 80 bevacizumab-treated breast cancer patients (optimization set) and in 15 patients treated with chemotherapy alone (control set) using targeted deep amplicon bisulfite sequencing. Methylated gene loci were considered predictive if there was a significant association with outcome (PFS) in the optimization set but not in the control set using Spearman rank correlation, Cox regression, and logrank test. Results: Differentially methylated loci in 48 genes were identified, allowing a good separation between R and NR (odds ratio (OR) 101, p<0.0001). Methylation of at least one cytosine in 26 gene-regions was significantly associated with progression-free survival (PFS) in the optimization set, but not in the control set. Using information from the optimization set, the panel was reduced to a 9-gene signature, which could divide patients from the learning set into 2 clusters, thereby predicting response with an OR of 40 (p<0.001) and an AUC of 0.91 (LOOCV). A further restricted 3-gene methylation model showed a significant association of predicted responders with longer PFS in the learning and optimization set even in multivariate analysis with an excellent and good separation of R and NR with AUC=0.94 and AUC=0.86, respectively. Conclusion: Both a 9-gene and 3-gene methylation signature can discriminate between R and NR to a bevacizumab-based therapy in MBC and could help identify patients deriving greater benefit from bevacizumab.(VLID)251037