5,337 research outputs found

    Pseudo-Diagonals and Uniqueness Theorems

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    We examine a certain type of abelian C*-subalgebras that allow one to give a unified treatment of two uniqueness theorems: for graph C*-algebras and for certain reduced crossed products

    Systematic review and meta-analysis of bovine cysticercosis in Brazil : current knowledge and way forward

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    Background Taenia saginata taeniosis/cysticercosis has been well studied in several countries. Brazil is one of the most important beef exporting countries and has one of the highest cattle population size in the world. In this country, bovine cysticercosis (BCC) remains the most frequent reported zoonosis detected during post-mortem inspection, resulting in costs for the beef sector and public health. We performed a systematic literature review regarding data about BCC epidemiology in Brazil and meta-analyses for its prevalence in different administrative regions and the distribution over time, and based on this discussed possible control strategies. Methods A systematic review was conducted to obtain data about BCC in Brazil using the words "bovine cysticercosis" and "Brazil" to construct the search phrase. The inclusion criteria used to select articles were: (i) published from 2000 to 2018; (ii) full text available online in Portuguese or English; and (iii) contain information at least regarding one of the following aspects of BCC in Brazil: prevalence, incidence, spatial distribution, risk-factors, economic burden and measures for control. Results A set of 42 articles was included, covering the prevalence of BCC in Brazil, ranging between 0.01-18.75%. Prevalence results of 40 articles were included in a meta-analysis per administrative region. The highest prevalence was found in the South (3.4%; 95% CI: 2.0-5.2%), followed by the Southeast (2.7%; 95% CI: 1.9-3.6%), Northeast (1.5%; 95% CI: 0.6-2.7%), Central-western (0.9%; 95% CI: 0.3-1.7%) and North (0.0%; 95% CI: 0.0-0.6%) region. In addition, a reduction in prevalence over time was observed in all the evaluated states except for Alagoas and Para. Conclusions Besides the large availability of data, a critical lack of information about BCC epidemiology remains in Brazil. Nevertheless, the available data on prevalence, high risk-areas and risk factors should contribute to a better understanding of transmission and the formulation of recommendations for control. A One Health approach will be required to reduce T. saginata taeniosis/cysticercosis prevalence and the consequent economic burden for the beef sector in Brazil, one of the most important beef exporters in the world

    "Jo treballo els meus fantasmes". Entrevista a Joan Prat

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    En aquesta ocasió el Projecte Entrevistes2 ha sortit més enllà de les parets de la UAB per arribar-se fins a Tarragona, on ha entrevistat el catedràtic recent jubilat de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili, el Dr. Joan Prat. A través de l'agradable conversa que vam mantenir amb ell, el professor Prat ens explicà els seus inicis en l'antropologia, els temes que han marcat la seva trajectòria intel·lectual i la seva visió general de la disciplina. Però paral·lelament, al llarg de la seva biografia apareix també el relat de com foren els inicis de l'antropologia a Catalunya. I més específicament, com es generà i desenvolupà l'actual nucli de potent creació intel·lectual i de recerca antropològica que existeix a la URV.En esta ocasión, el Projecte Entrevistes3 se ha desplazado más allá del marco de la UAB para ir hasta Tarragona, donde ha entrevistado al catedrático recién jubilado de la Universitat Rovira i Virgili, el Dr. Joan Prat. En la agradable conversación que mantuvimos con él, el profesor Prat nos explicó sus inicios en la antropología, los temas que han marcado su trayectoria intelectual, y su visión general de la disciplina. Paralelamente al relato biográfico descubrimos también los inicios de la antropología en Cataluña. Y más específicamente, como se generó y desarrolló el actual núcleo de potente creación intelectual y de investigación antropológica que se halla en la URV

    Health and the built environment: Expert seminar report for public health England

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    The connection between health and the built environment is not new. The sanitary revolution of the 19th century was largely based on tackling problems in the urban environment. The connection between health and issues such as housing, transport, air pollution and leisure provision is as important in relation to non-communicable disease today as it was to the infectious diseases of the past. The projection that 86% of the UK’s population will be urbanised by 2050 adds to the importance of the agenda for towns and cities.With a new public health system coming into being in England and, in particular, the move of public health responsibilities to local authorities, there exists a real opportunity to make further progress on tackling some of the social determinants of health associated with urban environments.At the invitation of Public Health England, the WHO Collaborating Centre for Healthy Urban Environments arranged a small expert seminar on health and the built environment in Bristol on the morning of 14 March 2013. The goals of the seminar were to:a)review the current situation in respect of health and the built environment;b)to develop a broad set of short and medium-term strategic actions;c)to strengthen understanding of the potential for public health interests to influence the built environment in England; andd)to establish the ground work for the PHE programme on Healthy Places.This report is a record of the activities and discussions at the seminar


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    Postgraduate theses and dissertations include diversified sources of print and electronic information resources that contributed as building blocks of the research output. Students cite and list these resources for purposes of making deduction and/or induction of their felt positions; essentially, to shape the research discourses as well as to resolve societal problem(s). This study ascertains the extent of information resources utilisation among five approved postgraduate programmes (PGDIM, MIS, MLS, MARM & MIM) in the Department of Library and Information Sciences, Ahmadu Bello University, Zaria using their bibliographies. The study adopted the ex post facto design of the quantitative method to collate data from the approved theses and dissertations from 2014-2018 (five years period). A total of 40,930 information resources were cited that accounted for 82.69% for print and 17.31% for e-resources in 638 theses and dissertations combined. Even though, the reference style approved is American Psychological Association, 6th edition, traces of Harvard (29.90%) and Chicago (18.70%) were recorded. It is concluded that the net worth of e-resources utilisation in bibliography of postgraduate theses and dissertations were significantly low (17.31%) compared to 82.69% recorded for print resources utilized. It is recommended that the student’s exposure to diverse information resources be deliberate to help them balance synthesised ideas and mindful of the audiences served from pool of resources that can enhance knowledge

    Persuasão e emoções: fraudes ao consumidor na Black Friday Brasil

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    This research aimed at analyzing the relation between emotions and consumer fraud, based on the Elaboration Likelihood Model (ELM). For this purpose, Sentiment Analysis was performed using the Natural Language Processing (NLP) from Twitter data obtained on the day of the event, and content analysis to understand the factors involved in the event and whether companies with reported complaints on PROCON/SP (2019) and the website Reclame Aqui (2019) were related. The results show that most emotions arising from Black Friday Brazil are both negative and related to consumer fraud. They also reveal that individuals who had low involvement with the persuasive messages used emotions as simple indications, unlike individuals who were highly involved and used emotions as an argument in the persuasive process to avoid being victims of fraud.La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo analizar la relación entre las emociones y el fraude al consumidor, basado en el modelo de probabilidad de elaboración (ELM). Para eso, se realizó un análisis de sentimiento, utilizando el método de procesamiento del lenguaje natural (PLN), con datos de Twitter obtenidos el día del evento, y análisis de contenido para comprender los factores que componen el evento y si empresas con quejas en los informes PROCON/SP y el sitio web de Reclame Aquí estaban relacionados. Los datos muestran que la mayoría de los sentimientos del Black Friday Brasil son negativos y están relacionados con el fraude al consumidor. También revelan que las personas que tenían poca implicación con mensajes persuasivos utilizaron las emociones como simples indicaciones, a diferencia de las personas que tenían una alta implicación y que utilizaron las emociones como argumento en el proceso persuasivo para no ser víctimas de fraude.A presente pesquisa teve como objetivo analisar a relação entre emoções e fraudes ao consumidor, tendo como base o Modelo de Probabilidade de Elaboração (ELM). Para isso, foi realizada análise de sentimentos, por meio do método de Processamento de Linguagem Natural (PLN), com dados do Twitter obtidos no dia do evento, e análise de conteúdo para compreender os fatores que englobam o evento e se empresas com reclamações nos relatórios do PROCON/SP e do site Reclame Aqui estavam relacionadas. Os dados evidenciam que a maioria dos sentimentos provenientes da Black Friday Brasil são negativos e estão relacionados à fraude ao consumidor. Também revelam que indivíduos que apresentaram baixo envolvimento com mensagens persuasivas, utilizaram as emoções como simples indicações, diferente de indivíduos que apresentaram alto envolvimento e que utilizaram as emoções como argumento no processo persuasivo para não serem vítimas de fraude

    Application of RAPID Guidance on an International Policy

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    As higher level in terms of geo-political integration policy making goes as larger the impact of policies and consequently benefits and hazards related to policies can be. In the globalized world nations states give up their policy making roles on certain areas of policy making to higher, international or transnational level of policy making. Therefore a policy risk assessment tool should be able to assess risks related to such international or transnational policies and strategies. Previous chapters of this book described development of RAPID guidance both top-down and bottom-up methodology on level of national policies. This sub-chapter is going to discuss testing of the top-down RAPID guidance on level of a European Union (EU) policy. The EU Health Strategy 2008-2013 "Together for health" was subjected to the assessment after a negotiation process with the Executive Agency for health and Consumers (EAHC) and the Directorate for health and consumer protection (DG SANCO) of the European Commission. The main objective of testing the developed policy risk assessment tool on a real case on international level was to identify weaknesses and missing elements which could be applicable on international level, but not necessarily relevant on national level policies. The chapter describes results of this testing.