1,123 research outputs found

    Imaging dielectric relaxation in nanostructured polymers by frequency modulation electrostatic force microscopy

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    We have developed a method for imaging the temperature-frequency dependence of the dynamics of nanostructured polymer films with spatial resolution. This method provides images with dielectric compositional contrast well decoupled from topography. Using frequency-modulation electrostatic-force-microscopy, we probe the local frequency-dependent (0.1–100 Hz) dielectric response through measurement of the amplitude and phase of the force gradient in response to an oscillating applied electric field. When the phase is imaged at fixed frequency, it reveals the spatial variation in dielectric losses, i.e., the spatial variation in molecular/dipolar dynamics, with 40 nm lateral resolution. This is demonstrated by using as a model system; a phase separated polystyrene/polyvinyl-acetate (PVAc) blend. We show that nanoscale dynamic domains of PVAc are clearly identifiable in phase images as those which light-up in a band of temperature, reflecting the variations in the molecular/dipolar dynamics approaching the glass transition temperature of PVAc

    Critical Infrastructures You Can Trust: Where Telecommunications Fits

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    This paper discusses two NISs: the public telephone network (PTN) and the Internet. Being themselves large and complex NISs, they not only merit study in their own right but can help us to understand some of the technical problems faced by the developers and operators of other NISs. In addition, the high cost of building a global communications infrastructure from the ground up implies that one or both of these two networks is likely to furnish communications services for most other NISs. Therefore, an understanding of the vulnerabilties of the PTN and Internet informs the assessment of the trustworthiness of other NISs. Ideas for improving the trustworthiness of the PTN and Internet are also proposed, both for the short-term (by improved use of existing technologies and procedures) and for the long-term (by identifying some areas where the state-of-the-art is inadequate and research is therefore needed). Finally, some observations are offered about Internet telephony and the use of the Internet for critical infrastructures

    Data concatenation, Bayesian concordance and coalescent-based analyses of the species tree for the rapid radiation of Triturus newts

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    The phylogenetic relationships for rapid species radiations are difficult to disentangle. Here we study one such case, namely the genus Triturus, which is composed of the marbled and crested newts. We analyze data for 38 genetic markers, positioned in 3-prime untranslated regions of protein-coding genes, obtained with 454 sequencing. Our dataset includes twenty Triturus newts and represents all nine species. Bayesian analysis of population structure allocates all individuals to their respective species. The branching patterns obtained by data concatenation, Bayesian concordance analysis and coalescent-based estimations of the species tree differ from one another. The data concatenation based species tree shows high branch support but branching order is considerably affected by allele choice in the case of heterozygotes in the concatenation process. Bayesian concordance analysis expresses the conflict between individual gene trees for part of the Triturus species tree as low concordance factors. The coalescent-based species tree is relatively similar to a previously published species tree based upon morphology and full mtDNA and any conflicting internal branches are not highly supported. Our findings reflect high gene tree discordance due to incomplete lineage sorting (possibly aggravated by hybridization) in combination with low information content of the markers employed (as can be expected for relatively recent species radiations). This case study highlights the complexity of resolving rapid radiations and we acknowledge that to convincingly resolve the Triturus species tree even more genes will have to be consulted

    Aggregated dynamic demand equations for specialistic-outpatient medical care:(Estimated from a time-series of cross-sections)

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    In this paper a dynamic model is presented which describes the development of the demand for specialistic medical care in The Netherlands, during the period 1960-1972. The "regionally correlated, time-wise auto-regressive" model is consistently estimated from a time-series of cross-sections, using a modified Aitken estimator. The dependent variables are the number of publicly insured patients referred from general care to specialistic care, and the amount of care consumed per patient referred. As independent variables we took demographic factors, the supply of different levels of medical care and the insurance system. The estimation results show a.o. important substitution possibilities between general and specialistic care, and a significant influence of supply and supply-related variables on the demand for specialistic care.</p

    On the effect of treating poly(acrylic acid) with argon and tetrafluoromethane plasmas:kinetics and degradation mechanism

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    Poly(acrylic acid) (PAAc) films were treated with either an argon or a tetrafluoromethane (CF4) plasma and subsequently analyzed with X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy (XPS). PAAc films were decarboxylated during both types of plasma treatments. In addition, during the CF4 plasma treatment, the PAAc films became fluorinated. The plasma phase during the argon plasma treatment of PAAc films was investigated with optical emission spectroscopy. It was shown that during this plasma treatment carbon dioxide, water, and possibly hydrogen were liberated from the PAAc surface. By covering the surface of PAAc films with different materials (lithium fluoride, UV fused silica, and glass) during the plasma treatment, it was possible to differentiate between photochemically induced and particle-induced changes of the surface. This method was used to show that decarboxylation during the argon plasma treatment was caused by vacuum UV radiation (wavelength &lt; 150 nm) and the decarboxylation/fluorination during the CF4 plasma treatment was induced by reactive fluorine-containing species from the plasma phase. Furthermore, during both processes, etching of the PAAc surface occurred. Based on these mechanisms, kinetic models were derived that could be used to describe the measured kinetic data adequately

    Transnational reflections on transnational research projects on men, boys and gender relations

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    This article reflects on the research project, ‘Engaging South African and Finnish youth towards new traditions of non-violence, equality and social well-being’, funded by the Finnish and South African national research councils, in the context of wider debates on research, projects and transnational processes. The project is located within a broader analysis of research projects and projectization (the reduction of research to separate projects), and the increasing tendencies for research to be framed within and as projects, with their own specific temporal and organizational characteristics. This approach is developed further in terms of different understandings of research across borders: international, comparative, multinational and transnational. Special attention is given to differences between research projects that are in the Europe and the EU, and projects that are between the global North and the global South. The theoretical, political and practical challenges of the North-South research project are discussed