225 research outputs found

    String Model with Dynamical Geometry and Torsion

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    A string model with dynamical metric and torsion is proposed. The geometry of the string is described by an effective Lagrangian for the scalar and vector fields. The path integral quantization of the string is considered

    Momentum-Transfer to and Elementary-Excitations of a Bose-Einstein Condensate by a Time-Dependent Optical Potential

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    We present results of calculations on Bose-Einstein condensed 87^{87}Rb atoms subjected to a moving standing-wave light-potential of the form VL(z,t)=V0(t)cos(qzωt)V_L(z,t) = V_0(t) \cos(q z-\omega t). We calculate the mean-field dynamics (the order paramter) of the condensate and determine the resulting condensate momentum in the zz direction, Pz(q,ω,V0,tp)P_z(q,\omega,V_0,t_p), where V0V_0 is the peak optical potential strength and tpt_p is the pulse duration. Although the local density approximation for the Bogoliubov excitation spectral distribution is a good approximation for very low optical intensities, long pulse duration and sufficiently large values of the wavevector qq of the light-potential, for small qq, short duration pulses, or for not-so-low intensities, the local density perturbative description of the excitation spectrum breaks down badly, as shown by our results.Comment: 8 pages, 7 figure

    The fate of conformal symmetry in the non-linear Schr\"{o}dinger theory

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    The free Schroedinger theory in d space dimensions is a non-relativistic conformal field theory. The interacting non-linear theory preserves this symmetry in specific numbers of dimensions at the classical (tree) level. This holds in particular for the Phi^4-theory in d = 2. We compute the full quantum corrections to the 4-point function to show that the symmetry is broken by an anomalous contribution proportional to the exact beta-functionComment: 22 pages, 5 figures. v3: version to be published; reference added; imaginary part of 4-point function corrected, unitarity checke

    Space-time evolution induced by spinor fields with canonical and non-canonical kinetic terms

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    We study spinor field theories as an origin to induce space-time evolution. Self-interacting spinor fields with canonical and non-canonical kinetic terms are considered in a Friedman-Robertson-Walker universe. The deceleration parameter is calculated by solving the equation of motion and the Friedman equation, simultaneously. It is shown that the spinor fields can accelerate and decelerate the universe expansion. To construct realistic models we discuss the contributions from the dynamical symmetry breaking.Comment: 16 pages, 19 figure

    Condensate fluctuations in finite Bose-Einstein condensates at finite temperature

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    A Langevin equation for the complex amplitude of a single-mode Bose-Einstein condensate is derived. The equation is first formulated phenomenologically, defining three transport parameters. It is then also derived microscopically. Expressions for the transport parameters in the form of Green-Kubo formulas are thereby derived and evaluated for simple trap geometries, a cubic box with cyclic boundary conditions and an isotropic parabolic trap. The number fluctuations in the condensate, their correlation time, and the temperature-dependent collapse-time of the order parameter as well as its phase-diffusion coefficient are calculated.Comment: 29 pages, Revtex, to appear in Phys.Rev.

    Spinor condensates and light scattering from Bose-Einstein condensates

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    These notes discuss two aspects of the physics of atomic Bose-Einstein condensates: optical properties and spinor condensates. The first topic includes light scattering experiments which probe the excitations of a condensate in both the free-particle and phonon regime. At higher light intensity, a new form of superradiance and phase-coherent matter wave amplification were observed. We also discuss properties of spinor condensates and describe studies of ground--state spin domain structures and dynamical studies which revealed metastable excited states and quantum tunneling.Comment: 58 pages, 33 figures, to appear in Proceedings of Les Houches 1999 Summer School, Session LXXI

    Crustins: enigmatic WAP domain-containing antibacterial proteins from crustaceans

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    Crustins are antibacterial proteins of ca. 7�14 kDa with a characteristic four-disulphide core-containing whey acidic protein (WAP) domain, expressed by the circulating haemocytes of crustaceans. Over 50 crustin sequences have been now reported from a variety of decapods, including crabs, lobsters, shrimp and crayfish. Three main types seem to occur but all possess a signal sequence at the amino terminus and a WAP domain at the carboxyl end. Differences between types lie in the structure of the central region. Those crustins purified as the native protein or expressed recombinantly all kill Gram-positive bacteria, and gene studies have shown that they are constitutively expressed, often at high levels, but show no consistent patterns of change in expression following injection ofbacteria. This variable response to infection is enigmatic but indicates that these proteins could perform additional functions, perhaps as immune regulators in recovery from wounding, trauma or physiological stress

    Physics with the KLOE-2 experiment at the upgraded DAϕ\phiNE

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    Investigation at a ϕ\phi--factory can shed light on several debated issues in particle physics. We discuss: i) recent theoretical development and experimental progress in kaon physics relevant for the Standard Model tests in the flavor sector, ii) the sensitivity we can reach in probing CPT and Quantum Mechanics from time evolution of entangled kaon states, iii) the interest for improving on the present measurements of non-leptonic and radiative decays of kaons and eta/eta^\prime mesons, iv) the contribution to understand the nature of light scalar mesons, and v) the opportunity to search for narrow di-lepton resonances suggested by recent models proposing a hidden dark-matter sector. We also report on the e+ee^+ e^- physics in the continuum with the measurements of (multi)hadronic cross sections and the study of gamma gamma processes.Comment: 60 pages, 41 figures; added affiliation for one of the authors; added reference to section

    Apoptose e maturação placentária bovina: um estudo imunohistoquímico e morfométrico

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    Resumo: A liberação da placenta após o parto envolve a perda da adesão materno-fetal e ocorre somente após a maturação completa do placentoma, que está relacionada com a diminuição da celularidade dos tecidos fetal e materno. A apoptose é requerida tanto para a maturação quanto para a liberação normal da placenta após o parto. O objetivo do presente estudo foi avaliar a ocorrência de apoptose em amostras de placenta de vacas em diferentes fases de gestação. Amostras de placentomas de 15 vacas saudáveis com 4 (n=5), 6 (n=5) e 9 (n=5) meses de gestação foram colhidas e processadas rotineiramente para a histologia, imunoistoquímica e histoquímica. As lâminas obtidas foram coradas em HE, Picrosirius Red e submetidas à análise imunoistoquímica das proteínas Caspase 3, Caspase 8, Bax e Bid. O aumento no número de vasos não necessariamente se associou ao aumento do calibre destes durante a evolução da gestação. Os resultados de histomorfometria revelaram aumento da marcação para Bax e Caspases 3 e 8 em células trofoblásticas binucleadas no final da gestação, enquanto o Bid se manteve sem alteração significativa. A histomorfometria das células trofoblásticas mononucleadas revelou expressão alta para Bax no início de gestação, com diminuição aos 6 meses de gestação e aumento das imunomarcações para Caspases 3 e 8, e Bid com o avanço gestacional. Os colágenos tipo I e III não aumentaram do terço médio ao final da gestação, o que é importante para a diminuição da adesão materno-fetal. Esses resultados confirmam que as Caspases 3 e 8, e o Bax estão envolvidos nos mecanismos de ativação da apoptose pela via intrínseca mitocondrial e/ou extrínseca ao longo da gestação em células trofoblásticas binucleadas, e que nas células trofoblásticas mononucleadas o Bax deixa de ser importante, enquanto o Bid e as Caspases 3 e 8 se tornam os mais significativos