928 research outputs found

    Quaternary sediment patterns in the Weddell Sea: relations and environmental conditions

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    Sediment patterns such as texture, composition, and facies from three selected areas of the Antarctic continental margin of the Weddell Sea are discussed in relation to environmental variations of the Quaternary hydrosphere and kryosphere. Advance and retreat of ice shelves as well as oscillations in sea ice coverage are reflected by particular sediment facies. The distribution of ice-rafted detritus tracks the Antarctic Coastal Current, and the Weddell Sea Bottom water contour current can be recognized by its distinctive winnowing and erosion pattern. Distribution and abundance of biogenic sediment components are mainly controlled by duration of sea ice coverage reflecting the long-term climatic evolution

    Estilización de la monstruosidad : nuevas concepciones del ser mitológico y su resignificación como otredad amenazante en series televisivas fantásticas

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    Valorando la potencialidad del dispositivo televisual para propiciar la reflexión acerca de procesos socio-históricos, en el presente abordaje nos interrogamos acerca de la construcción del ser mitológico y su reconfiguración como otredad amenazante en las series televisivas fantásticas Being Human UK (BBC Three, 2008-2013) y Once Upon A time (ABC, 2011-2013) asumiendo la estilización de la monstruosidad y/o de la extrañeza como una novedosa estrategia que propone el diseño de seres sobrenaturales que atentan contra los estereotipos más convencionales y adoptan los cánones de belleza y normalidad establecidos en la sociedad actual.Recognizing the potential of the televisual medium to encourage reflection about socio-historical processes, we wondered about the construction of the mythological being and its reconfiguration as threatening otherness in the fantastic television series Being Human UK (BBC Three, 2009) and Once Upon A Time (ABC, 2011-2013). The stylisation of monstrosity and/or strangeness is considered an original strategy to generate supernatural beings that transgress conventional stereotypes and adopt standards of beauty and normality set out in contemporary society

    Microsatellite-Based Quantification Method to Estimate Biomass of Endophytic Phialocephala Species in Strain Mixtures

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    Fungi of the Phialocephala fortinii sensu lato-Acephala applanata species complex (PAC) are ubiquitous endophytic colonizers of tree roots in which they form genotypically diverse communities. Measurement of the colonization density of each of the fungal colonizers is a prerequisite to study the ecology of these communities. Up to now, there is no method readily available for the quantification of PAC strains co-colonizing the same root. The new DNA quantification method presented here is based on the amplification of microsatellites by competitive polymerase chain reaction (PCR). The method proved to be suitable to detect and quantify at least two strains within one single sample by the addition of a known amount of mycelium of a reference strain before DNA extraction. The method exploits the correlation between the reference/target ratio of light emitted during microsatellite detection (peak ratio) and the reference/target ratio of mycelial weights to determine the biomass of the target strain. Hence, calibration curves were obtained by linear regression of the peak ratios on the weight ratios for different mixtures of reference and target strains. The slopes of the calibration curves and the coefficients of determination were close to 1, indicating that peak ratios are good predictors of weight ratios. Estimates of fungal biomass in mycelial test mixtures of known composition laid within the 95% prediction interval and deviated on average by 16% (maximally 50%) from the true biomass. On average, 3-6% of the root biomass of Norway spruce seedlings consisted of mycelial biomass of either one of two inoculated PAC strains. Biomass estimates obtained by real-time quantitative PCR were correlated with the estimates obtained by the microsatellite-based method, but variation between the two estimates from the same root was high in some samples. The microsatellite-based DNA quantification method described here is currently the best method for strainwise estimation of endophytic biomass of PAC fungi in small root sample

    Vegetation change and effects of cattle grazing in the transition mire "Burgmoos”

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    Mires are highly threatened ecosystems in the lowlands of Central Europe. Reduced water levels and eutrophication promote shrub encroachment and the expansion of tall species, such as common reed (Phragmites australis). In the "Burgmoos”, a Swiss mire of national importance, attempts have been made to reverse these developments through cattle grazing in parts of the mire area. To monitor overall vegetation change and to assess the influence of grazing (which started in 2004), the vegetation was surveyed in 1995, 2001 and 2007. Ecological indicator values of the vegetation changed considerably between 1995 and 2007: mean indicator values for nutrients and soil pH increased in 80 and 72% of the relevés, respectively, while mean indicator values for moisture, humus and light decreased in 81, 86 and 76% of the relevés, respectively. Plant species from bogs, transition mires and fens decreased, while trees, pasture species and P. australis increased. Grazing had a weak effect on P. australis and did not prevent an increase in abundance of this species. The abundance of transition mire species was maintained in the grazed area between 2001 and 2007, whereas it continued to decrease in the ungrazed areas. This positive effect of grazing was, however, compensated by several adverse effects: In the non-forested parts of the mire, grazing accelerated the increase of nutrient indicator values, the decrease of bog species and the increase of pasture species. We conclude that grazing has not been effective in preventing undesirable vegetation changes in the Burgmoo

    Mitochondrial genome evolution in species belonging to the Phialocephala fortinii s.l. - Acephala applanata species complex

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    BACKGROUND: Mitochondrial (mt) markers are successfully applied in evolutionary biology and systematics because mt genomes often evolve faster than the nuclear genomes. In addition, they allow robust phylogenetic analysis based on conserved proteins of the oxidative phosphorylation system. In the present study we sequenced and annotated the complete mt genome of P. subalpina, a member of the Phialocephala fortinii s.l. – Acephala applanata species complex (PAC). PAC belongs to the Helotiales, which is one of the most diverse groups of ascomycetes including more than 2,000 species. The gene order was compared to deduce the mt genome evolution in the Pezizomycotina. Genetic variation in coding and intergenic regions of the mtDNA was studied for PAC to assess the usefulness of mt DNA for species diagnosis. RESULTS: The mt genome of P. subalpina is 43,742 bp long and codes for 14 mt genes associated with the oxidative phosphorylation. In addition, a GIY-YIG endonuclease, the ribosomal protein S3 (Rps3) and a putative N-acetyl-transferase were recognized. A complete set of tRNA genes as well as the large and small rRNA genes but no introns were found. All protein-coding genes were confirmed by EST sequences. The gene order in P. subalpina deviated from the gene order in Sclerotinia sclerotiorum, the only other helotialean species with a fully sequenced and annotated mt genome. Gene order analysis within Pezizomycotina suggests that the evolution of gene orders is mostly driven by transpositions. Furthermore, sequence diversity in coding and non-coding mtDNA regions in seven additional PAC species was pronounced and allowed for unequivocal species diagnosis in PAC. CONCLUSIONS: The combination of non-interrupted ORFs and EST sequences resulted in a high quality annotation of the mt genome of P. subalpina, which can be used as a reference for the annotation of other mt genomes in the Helotiales. In addition, our analyses show that mtDNA loci will be the marker of choice for future analysis of PAC communities

    Expression von Caspase-14, Filaggrin, Loricrin und Involucrin bei entzündlichen Hauterkrankungen (atopisches Ekzem, Psoriasis und allergisches Kontaktekzem) im Vergleich zu Normalpersonen

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    Die Haut ist permanent der Umwelt mit ihren teilweise schädigenden Einflüssen ausgesetzt. Sie muss sowohl Allergenen und Infektionserregern als auch einer Dehydratation entgegenwirken. Dabei kommt der Ausbildung einer intakten Hautbarriere mit regelrechter Differenzierung der Keratinozyten eine wichtige Aufgabe zu. Im Zuge der terminalen Differenzierung verformen sich die Zellen ab dem oberen Stratum granulosum zu kernlosen Korneozyten mit dem hoch belastbaren „cornified cell envelope“ und den cornified envelope Proteinen Loricrin und Involucrin. Zudem kommt es zur Umwandlung und Aggregation der Keratine. Dieser Prozess ist durch die Expression spezifischer Proteine charakterisiert. Eine Veränderung in der Prozessierung dieser Strukturproteine ist mit entzündlichen Hauterkrankungen wie beispielsweise dem atopischen Ekzem und der Psoriasis assoziiert. Caspase-14, ein Mitglied der Cystein-Aspartat-spezifischen Proteasen, nimmt eine bedeutsame Rolle bei der Formation des Stratum corneum ein. Das Polyprotein Profilaggrin wird zu Filaggrin und letzteres weiter zu Filaggrin-Monomeren und Aminosäuren mittels Caspase-14 abgebaut. Dabei ist Caspase 14 jedoch nur eines von mehreren Enzymen, die an der Prozessierung von Filaggrin beteiligt sind. Die wichtigste Funktion des Filaggrins (filament aggregating Protein) ist die Aggregation der Keratine während der Umwandlung der Keratinozyten in der lebenden Epidermis zu den Korneozyten im Stratum corneum. Filaggrin-Abbauprodukte, Aminosäuren wie Urocaninsäure, Pyrrolidoncarbonsäure und Alanin, dienen wiederum als wichtiger Feuchtigkeitsspender („natural moisturizing factor“). Bei Patienten mit einem atopischen Ekzem weist die Haut eine Barrierestörung mit Rötung und Trockenheit auf, die mit Filaggrin-Mutationen assoziiert ist. Im Rahmen dieser Arbeit wurden die drei entzündlichen Hauterkrankungen des atopischen Ekzems, der Psoriasis und des allergischen Kontaktekzems auf die Expression von Caspase-14 sowie die Expression der epidermalen Strukturproteine Filaggrin, Loricrin und Involucrin untersucht. Als Vergleich dienten Normalhautproben. Ziel war es, die Expression dieser Proteine der Hauterkrankungen untereinander und zur Normalhaut zu vergleichen, um zu pathogenetischen Krankheitsprozessen vermehrte Erkenntnisse zu erlangen. Mit Hilfe von immunhistochemischen Färbungen ließen sich die Proteine im Verlauf der Differenzierung darstellen. Die Ergebnisse der Dissertation zeigen eine Veränderung der Expression der Caspase-14 innerhalb aller entzündlichen Hauterkrankungen im Sinne eines verspäteten Auftretens. Die immunhistologische Anfärbung bei entzündlichen Hauterkrankungen ist erst im mittleren Stratum spinosum feststellbar, während diese bei Normalhaut bereits im unteren Stratum spinosum erfolgt. Das hat eine verminderte Profilaggrin-Spaltung mit einer verminderten Hydratation der Haut zur Folge. Die Filaggrin-Expression zeigte sich beim atopischen Ekzem und bei der Psoriasis immunhistologisch zwar in einem gering verbreitertem Band entsprechend der Verbreiterung der Epidermis, insgesamt jedoch zeigte sich eine lückenhaft und in der Intensität verringerte Anfärbung. Eine Verbreiterung des Anfärbemusters und eine verfrühte Expressionen im Vergleich zur Normalhaut ließen sich auch für die Strukturproteine Loricrin und Involucrin bei allen drei entzündlichen Hauterkrankungen feststellen. Im Vergleich zur Normalhaut zeigte die Haut für alle entzündlichen Hauterkrankungen somit ähnliche Veränderungen im Expressionsmuster der Proteine, die am Aufbau eines funktionsfähigen „cornified cell envelope“ und der Keratinaggregation beteiligt sind. Das ist erstaunlich insofern, als dass sich diese klinisch immunologisch und hinsichtlich der Triggerfaktoren unterschiedlichen Dermatosen in den untersuchten Parametern der epidermalen Barriere kaum unterscheiden. Es ist jedoch zu berücksichtigen, dass es sich bei allen Patienten um akute bis subakute Entzündungsreaktionen handelte, die offensichtlich eine gemeinsame Endstrecke der Barrierestörungen aufweisen. Somit wäre interessant, ob sich die Erkrankungen subklinisch oder im Stadium einer beginnenden Entzündung hinsichtlich der untersuchten Barriereparameter unterscheiden. Diese Erkenntnisse sollten zu weiterführenden Untersuchungen führen, auch mit dem Ziel der Entwicklung neuer Medikamente

    Molecular mechanisms of drug-induced hepatic steatosis

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    Steatosis of the liver is defined by an excess accumulation of intracellular triglycerides within the hepatocytes. Nonalcoholic fatty liver disease ranges from simple steatosis to nonalcoholic steatohepatitis. It is a serious health problem worldwide, reported to affect 15 – 30 % of the population in developed countries. Inordinate accumulation of fat is damaging to the liver, because high levels of triglycerides, free fatty acids, or intermediates of lipid metabolism are extremely problematic for a cell. A further problem is that nonalcoholic fatty liver disease can be a risk factor for developing adverse reactions to drugs, interfering with hepatic lipid metabolism, leading to idiosyncratic drug-induced liver injury. Drug-induced liver injury has been the major cause of drugs failing market-approval or for later withdrawal from the market. An improved preclinical detectability of such adverse reactions would therefore be highly appreciated by the industry, as well as by patients. The present work consists of three projects investigating molecular mechanisms of drug-induced hepatic steatosis in vitro, and is emphasizing on the application of an optimized method to measure the acylcarnitine pattern of cells, treated with toxicants. We focused on the measurement of acylcarnitines, because they are known to reflect the cellular acyl-CoA pattern, allowing us to make interpretations on the specific location of inhibition by a substance. Furthermore, the liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry method, used for this determination, allows for a fast and economic workup and analysis of a high number of samples, applicable for high-throughput screenings. Additionally, the small sample volume needed for the analysis allows this assay to be linked together with many other 96-well format assays. An important finding in our study was that the acylcarnitine method repeatedly turned out to be a more sensitive approach to identify drugs inhibiting fatty acid oxidation, as the older, well-established methods, such as radio-enzymatic determination of β-oxidation inhibition, or lipid accumulation experiments. In the first paper, we aimed to establish and optimize the semi-quantitative acylcarnitine measurement with three specific and well-characterized inhibitors of fatty acid oxidation. We compared, as well as supplemented, the results of the new method with older, well-established methods. In a second step of the study, we applied the same methods on three compounds, of which adverse reactions are not well understood, to obtain new insights about their steatogenic mechanisms. In the two following papers, investigating the catechol-O-methyl-transferase inhibitors tolcapone and entacapone, we aimed to expand the knowledge of tolcapone-associated steatosis and liver toxicity observed in clinics. Entacapone was included as well, because of its structural similarity. We studied in detail effects on lipid metabolism, as well as on their actions on mitochondrial respiration and cell death, for a comprehensive toxicological study about the two drugs

    Mitologías e identidades en la televisualidad contemporánea

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    Los diversos planes de fomento a la producción de contenidos audiovisuales impulsados tras la sanción de la Ley de Servicios de Comunicación Audiovisual han inaugurado en nuestro país un novedoso régimen televisual. Ante este panorama, advertimos que uno de los ejes que emerge con mayor potencia es la construcción imaginal de localismo, territorio e identidades regionales, y en esa dirección, el abordaje de lo mitológico como temática matriz que asumen las narrativas. Desde esta perspectiva, nos interrogamos por los rasgos que subyacen en la construcción de identidades narrativas en series televisivas nacionales que abordan lo mitológico como su temática principal. Para ello, proponemos un análisis de las series televisivas Payé (Camilo Gómez Montero, 2011) y El aparecido (Mariano Rosa y Alejandro Leiva, 2011), ambas producidas en el interior del país a través de los Concursos Series de Ficción Federal.The promotion of audiovisual content driven by the enactment of the Law on Audiovisual Communication Services inaugurated a new televisual regime, within which the “imaginal” construction of local, territorial and regional identities emerged as one of the foundations. This article focuses on the traits underlying the construction of narrative identities in nationally produced television series produced about myths. Therefore, it analyzes two TV shows: Payé (Camilo Gomez Montero, 2011) and El Aparecido (Mariano Rosa and Alejandro Leiva, 2011), produced with the support of the Federal Fiction Series Competitions.Fil: Grünig, Ana Karen. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Centro Científico Tecnológico Conicet - Córdoba; Argentina. Universidad Nacional de Villa María; Argentin

    Fluorescence assisted capillary electrophoresis of glycans enabled by the negatively charged auxochromes in 1-Aminopyrenes

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    A compact and negatively charged acceptor group, N-(cyanamino)sulfonyl, is introduced for dye design and its influence on the absorption and emission spectra of the “push–pull” chromophores is demonstrated with 1,3,6-tris[(cyanamino)sulfonyl]-8-aminopyrene. The new sulfonamides, including O-phosphorylated (3-hydroxyazetidine)-N-sulfonyl, are negatively charged electron acceptors and auxochromes. 1-Aminopyrenes decorated with the new sulfonamides have three or six negative charges (pH ≥8), low m/z ratios, high mobilities in an electric field, and yellow to orange emission. We labeled maltodextrin oligomers by reductive amination, separated the products by electrophoresis, and demonstrated their high brightness in a commercial DNA analyzer and the distribution of the emission signal among the detection channels

    Bericht zur GDM-Nachwuchskonferenz 2019 in Heidelberg

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