3,138 research outputs found

    Desarrollo Municipal, Una visión contemporanea

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    El desarrollo político de los países occidentales ha tenido un efecto decisivo en las transformaciones estructurales de las sociedades en proceso de modernización. La modificación de las economías tradicionales por la noción de economías de mercado o la estabilidad política por un escenario de dinamismo político, son un claro ejemplo

    Swimming training repercussion on metabolic and structural bone development; benefits of the incorporation of whole body vibration or pilometric training; the RENACIMIENTO project

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    Introduction: Enviromental factors such as exercise participation and nutrition have often been linked to bone improvements. However, not all sports have the same effects, being non-osteogenic sports such as swimming defined as negative or neutral sports to practice regarding bone mass by some authors, similarly exercisediet interaction in especific groups is still not clear. Objective: To present the methodology of the RENACIMENTO project that aims to evaluate body composition and more specifically bone mass by several techniques in adolescent swimmers and to observe the effects and perdurability of whole body vibration (WBV) and jumping intervention (JIN) on body composition and fitness on this population and explore posible diet interactions. Design: Randomized controlled trial. Methods: 78 swimmers (12-17 y) and 26 sex- and agematched controls will participate in this study. Dual energy X-ray, peripheral Quantitative Computed Tomography, Quantitative Ultrasound, Bioelectrical Impedance Analysis, and anthropometry measurements will be performed in order to evaluate body composition. Physical activity, nutrition, pubertal development and socio-economical status may act as confounders of body composition and therefore will also be registered. Several fitness factors regarding strength, endurance, performance and others will also be registered to evaluate differences with controls and act as confounders. A 7- month WBV therapy will be performed by 26 swimmers consisting of a training of 15 minutes 3 times per week. An 8 month JIM will also be performed by 26 swimmers 3 times per week. The remaining 26 swimmers will continue their normal swimming training. Four evaluations will be performed, the first one in order to describe differences between swimmers and controls. The second one to describe the effects of the interventions and the third and fourth evaluations to describe the perdurability of the effects of the WBV and JIN. Conclusion: The RENACIMIENTO project will allow to answer several questions regarding body composition, fitness, bone mass and interaction with diet of adolescent swimmers, describe swimming as a positive, negative or neutral sport to practice regarding these parameters and elucidate the effects and perdurability of WBV and JIM on body composition. Introducción: En la actualidad se ha demostrado que el ejercicio físico y la nutrición mejoran la masa ósea. Sin embargo, existen deportes de bajo impacto como la natación que no presentan efectos positivos en su desarrollo. Además, la interacción ejercicio-dieta y su efecto osteogénico sigue sin estar clara. Objetivo: Presentar la metodología del proyecto RENACIMIENTO que tiene por objetivo evaluar la composición corporal del nadador adolescente y más concretamente la masa ósea a través de diversas técnicas. Además se pretenden determinar los efectos y la perdurabilidad que pueden tener el entrenamiento vibratorio (WBV) y una intervención con saltos (JIN) sobre la composición corporal y condición física de estos adolescentes, explorando la posible interacción con la dieta. Diseño: Ensayo clínico aleatorizado. Metodología: 78 nadadores (12-17 años) y 26 controles del mismo sexo y edad participarán en el estudio. Se utilizarán absorciometría dual de rayos-x, tomografía axial computerizada, ultrasonidos cuantitativo, bioimpedancia eléctrica, y medidas antropométricas para evaluar la composición corporal. La actividad física, nutrición, desarrollo puberal y status socio-económico podrían actuar como covariables de la composición corporal y por lo tanto también serán registradas. Se evaluarán diversos factores de la condición física relacionados con la fuerza, resistencia, rendimiento y otros para definir las diferencias con los controles y para que sirvan como covariables. 26 nadadores realizarán una intervención de WBV 7 meses 15 minutos 3 veces por semana. Además otros 26 nadadores realizarán una JIN 3 veces por semana durante 8 meses. Los 26 nadadores restantes continuarán con su entrenamiento habitual de natación. Se realizaran 4 evaluaciones, la primera de ellas para describir las diferencias existentes entre nadadores y controles, la segunda para describir los efectos de las intervenciones realizadas y la tercera y cuarta para evaluar la perdurabilidad de estas intervenciones. Conclusión: El proyecto RENACIMIENTO permitirá contestar a diversas preguntas relacionadas con la composición corporal, condición física y masa ósea de los nadadores adolescentes y el posible efecto combinado dieta-ejercicio en esta población. Definirá la natación como un deporte positivo, neutral o negativo en relación con estos parámetros y esclarecerá los efectos y perdurabilidad de la WBV y JIN sobre la composición corporal

    On Managing Knowledge for MAPE-K Loops in Self-Adaptive Robotics Using a Graph-Based Runtime Model

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    Service robotics involves the design of robots that work in a dynamic and very open environment, usually shared with people. In this scenario, it is very difficult for decision-making processes to be completely closed at design time, and it is necessary to define a certain variability that will be closed at runtime. MAPE-K (Monitor–Analyze–Plan–Execute over a shared Knowledge) loops are a very popular scheme to address this real-time self-adaptation. As stated in their own definition, they include monitoring, analysis, planning, and execution modules, which interact through a knowledge model. As the problems to be solved by the robot can be very complex, it may be necessary for several MAPE loops to coexist simultaneously in the robotic software architecture endowed in the robot. The loops will then need to be coordinated, for which they can use the knowledge model, a representation that will include information about the environment and the robot, but also about the actions being executed. This paper describes the use of a graph-based representation, the Deep State Representation (DSR), as the knowledge component of the MAPE-K scheme applied in robotics. The DSR manages perceptions and actions, and allows for inter- and intra-coordination of MAPE-K loops. The graph is updated at runtime, representing symbolic and geometric information. The scheme has been successfully applied in a retail intralogistics scenario, where a pallet truck robot has to manage roll containers for satisfying requests from human pickers working in the warehousePartial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málaga. This work has been partially developed within SA3IR (an experiment funded by EU H2020 ESMERA Project under Grant Agreement 780265), the project RTI2018-099522-B-C4X, funded by the Gobierno de España and FEDER funds, and the B1-2021_26 project, funded by the University of Málaga

    Modelos mentales: analisis comparativo entre los distintos profesionales.

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    150 p.El objetivo de la presente investigación es determinar si existen similitudes entre los distintos profesionales de la industria, agrupados por sectores. Entre los sectores elegidos encontramos los siguientes: Salud, Educación, Construcción, Servicio, Milicia o Uniformados, Administración Nivel Medio, Ingeniería. Para lograr el objetivo general de la investigación, se realizo la búsqueda de información que fue recolectada a través de una exhaustiva revisión bibliográfica, apoyándonos en libros, tesis y publicaciones en Internet, acerca de los Modelos Mentales y las variables que lo afectan como el Aprendizaje, la Autoridad, el Liderazgo y las Actitudes. Después se continuo con una investigación empírica, donde se realizaron tres encuestas, validadas y usadas anteriormente, de las cuales destacan la de “Inventario de estilos de Aprendizaje” del Señor David Kolb”, “Tipos de Autoridad” de Chester Bernard, “Estilo de Liderazgo” de Hersey & Blanchard. De los cuales se extrajeron los datos y fueron tabulados y procesados por los programas Excel y SPSS versión 11.0 respectivamente. Finalmente se pudo concluir en la investigación, una caracterización de los Modelos Mentales de los Profesionales, identificando en ellos el estilo de aprendizaje de Asimilador, un estilo de Autoridad de Experto y un estilo de liderazgo Participativo

    Effect of flocculation on lipid extraction from Chlorella vulgaris Utex 1803 using response surface methodology

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    Microalgae are an attractive source of metabolites, such as lipids, proteins, pigments and carbohydrates, of potential interest to the pharmaceutical, food and energy sectors. The aim of this study was to evaluate the effect of flocculation on lipid extraction from Chlorella Vulgaris. A 3 3 experimental design was performed with STATISTICA 7.0 software in order to determine the effects of flocculant (AlCl 3 ) addition, pH and time. The best strategy of pH adjustment-flocculant addition was evaluated, followed by lipid extraction under optimal conditions. pH adjustment after the addition of flocculant provided higher flocculation efficiencies (87.2-98.9%) compared to adjustments made before adding the flocculant (67.8-85.9%). Experiments performed according to the experimental design led to a flocculation efficiency of 99.7% when 100 mg/L of AlCl 3 , pH 7 and a cultivation time of 18.3 days were used. The percentage of a lipid extract from the flocculated biomass was 2.7% and the flocculant did not affect the production of fatty acid methyl esters

    Effectiveness of a muticomponent workout program integrated in an evidence based multimodal program in hyperfrail elderly patients: POWERAGING randomized clinical trial protocol

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    BackgroundShort-term and mid-term comparison of the efficacy of a multimodal program that incorporates a therapeutic workout program, medication review, diet adjustment and health education, in comparison to the standard medical practice in the improvement of the neuromuscular and physiological condition. Furthermore, it is intended to analyse the maintenance of these effects in a long-term follow-up (12months) from the onset of the intervention.MethodsA randomized clinical trial of elderly frail patients drawn from the Clinical Management Unit Tiro de Pichon, Health District of Malaga, will be included in the study (after meeting the inclusion / exclusion criteria) will be randomized in two groups: a control group that will undergo an intervention consistent of medication review + diet adjustment + health education (regular workout recommendations within a complete advice on healthy lifestyles) and an experimental group whose intervention will consist of a multimodal treatment: therapeutic workout program+ medication review+ diet adjustment + health education. The sociodemographic, clinical and tracing variables will be reflected at the beginning of the study. In addition, the follow-up variables will be gathered at the second and sixth months after the beginning of the treatment and at the third and sixth months after the treatment (follow-up). The follow-up variables that will be measured are: body mass index, general health condition, fatigue, frailty, motor control, attention- concentration- memory, motor memory, spatial orientation, grip strength, balance (static, semi-dynamic), gait speed and metabolomics.A descriptive analysis of the sociodemographic variables of the participants will be conducted. One-Factor ANOVA will be used for the Within-Subject analysis and as for the Between-Subject analysis, the outcome variables between both the groups in each moment of the data collection will be compared.DiscussionA multimodal program that incorporates a therapeutic workout program, medication review, diet adjustment and health education may be effective treatment to reduce the functional decline in elderly. The results of the study will provide information on the possible strengths and benefits in multimodal program in elderly.Trial registrationClinicalTrials.gov NCT02772952 registered May 201

    Critical plane based method for multiaxial fatigue analysis of 316 stainless steel

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    In this work, the fatigue behaviour of 316 stainless steel is studied with different critical plane models. Seven cylindrical samples were used for the study, being subjected to different complex loading paths, generating combined stresses along the axial and transversal sample directions, these being: individual axial stress, individual hoop stress, alternating axial and hoop stress, a proportional combination of axial and hoop stress, and a non-proportional combination of L-shaped and square-shaped axial and hoop stress. The fatigue analysis is performed using five critical plane models; named Fatemi-Socie, Varvani-Farahani, Gan-Wu-Zhong, Liu I and Liu II. The models were assessed based on their fatigue life and crack angle prediction capacity. The Gan-Wu-Zhong recently proposed critical plane model was examined and provided acceptable results for the multiaxial loads tested on 316 steel. Nevertheless, Fatemi-Socie produced the most accurate results in terms of cracking orientation and Liu II gave the best fatigue life predictions.Financial support of Programa Operativo FEDER from the Junta de Andalucia (Spain) through grant reference UMA18-FEDERJA-250 is greatly acknowledged. Support from the Oceanic Engineering Research Institute from Malaga is also acknowledged. Industrial support from Bettergy and Dr Nicolas Ordo ̃nez is greatly acknowledged, as well as access to different structures and materials in the energy industry. We would also like to acknowledge funding for open access charge: Universidad de Malaga / CBUA

    Biocomponents from Opuntia robusta and Opuntia streptacantha fruits protect against diclofenac-induced acute liver damage in vivo and in vitro

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    This study aimed to investigate whether Opuntia spp-extracts protect against diclofenac (DF)-induced hepatotoxicity. Rats were pretreated with Opuntia extracts, betanin (Bet) and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) followed by a single challenge of diclofenac. Liver tissue was collected for biochemical and histological analysis. Primary rat hepatocytes were treated with diclofenac (400 mu mol/L) with and without pretreatment with Opuntia extract. Apoptosis was measured by caspase-3 activity and necrosis by Sytox green staining. RNA was isolated, and realtime qPCR was performed to assess mRNA levels of stress and apoptosis-related genes MnSOD (SOD2), GADD45B and P53. ROS production was measured using the fluorescent MitoSOX assay. Results demonstrated that Opuntia spp-extracts protect against DF-induced liver toxicity via reducing oxidative stress and the inhibition of P53