109 research outputs found

    Ecological indicators applied to urban and suburban floras

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    Among the many approaches to ecological indicators, ecological indicators derived from the floristic composition of a site (i.e. Raunkiaer’s forms spectrum or the percentage of different geographical distribution types-chorotypes) are well established in botanical and ecological literature. Nonetheless their relationship with other indicators, such as Ellenberg’s ecological indicators, or the Grime model [Grime, J.P., 2002. Plant Strategies, Vegetation Processes and Ecosystem Properties. Wiley, Chichester] and the Hemeroby index [Kowarik, I., 1990. Some responses of flora and vegetation to urbanization in Central Europe. In: Sukopp, H., Hejny, S., Kowarik, I. (Eds.), Urban Ecology. Plants and plant communities in urban environments. SPB Academic Publishing, The Hague] is still poorly explored. We concentrated on an urban ecosystem because such areas, due to heir high degree of artificialization, are particularly well suited for studying the interaction of anthropical disturbance with other processes of the ecosystems. This paper attempts to select a small indicator frameset of many already proposed indicators which best express the variability of the sites studied. A floristic-ecological investigation has been carried out in 10 urban sites, of which 6 were archeological, located in the centre of Rome and 4 suburban, semi-natural, in the NE of the town. Ecological indicators have been calculated on this data set. The Pearson correlation test was then applied to verify whether the indicators were independent, while stepwise regression analysis was done to evaluate the statistical weight of each ecoindicator. Disturbance and temperature are the main factors shaping the composition of the sites studied. They are largely interacting and are well expressed with the help of a small subset of the initial set of 19 indicators, namely, by indicators related to life forms and to the geographical distribution of species: Therophytes/Hemicryptophytes, Mediterranean/large distribution, Eurasiatic/large distribution, Mediterranean/Eurasiatic species. The information provided by Ellenberg’s indicators values and Grime’s life strategies are largely summarized by these chorological indicators

    Phytosociology and taxonomic notes on some endemic-rich associations of the Naples Gulf

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    The Gulf of Naples is an important centre of endemism, well known from the floristic point of view, but much less from the phytosociological one. In this paper we investigated the non-forest vegetation focusing on communities rich in endemics. We described two communities as new: Eryngio amethystini-Santolinetum neapolitanae for the garrigues on limestone, Globulario neapolitanae-Loniceretum stabianae for the vegetation on dolomitic rocks, both from the Lattari mountains, and we extend the area of Crithmo maritimi-Limonietum cumani for the vegetation on volcanic rocks and rarely on limestones along the coast, which was known for a few localities. The syntaxonomical position and the phytogeographical context of these communities are discussed. A few taxonomic notes are added on rare or interesting species retrieved in the course of the enquiry

    Climate, soil management, and cultivar affect Fusarium head blight incidence and deoxynivalenol accumulation in durum wheat of Southern Italy

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    Fusarium head blight (FHB) is a multifaceted disease caused by some species of Fusarium spp. A huge production of mycotoxins, mostly trichothecenes, often accompanied this disease. Amongst these toxic compounds, deoxynivalenol (DON) and its derivatives represent a major issue for human as well as for animal health and farming. Common and durum wheat are amongst the hosts of trichothecene-producing Fusaria. Differences in susceptibility to fungal infection and toxin accumulation occur in wheat cultivars. Recently, increasing incidence and severity of Fusarium infection and a higher DON accumulation in durum wheat were observed in Italy, especially in Northern regions. In this study, we analyzed wheat yield, technological parameters, the incidence of Fusarium infection and DON content in kernel samples of durum wheat coming from three locations of Southern Italy with different climatic conditions and grown during two seasons, with two methods of cultivation. Four different durum wheat cultivars prevalently cultivated in Southern Italian areas were chosen for this study. Our analysis showed the effects of environment and cultivar types on wheat productivity and key technological parameters for the quality level of the end-product, namely pasta. Notably, although a low rate of mycotoxin contamination in all study sites was assessed, an inverse relation emerged between fungal infection/DON production and durum wheat yield. Further, our study pinpoints the importance of environment conditions on several quality traits of durum wheat grown under Mediterranean climate. The environmental conditions at local level (microscale) and soil management practices may drive FHB outbreak and mycotoxin contamination even in growing area suitable for cropping this wheat species

    Phytosociological overview of the Fagus and Corylus forests in Albania

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    Aim: The aim of this study is to analyze the mesophilous forests of Albania including Fagus sylvatica and submontane Corylus avellana forests. Mesophilous Albanian forests are poorly known and were not included in the recent syntaxonomic revisions at the European scale. Study area: Albania. Methods: We used a dataset of 284 published and unpublished relevés. They were classified using the Ward's minimum variance. NMDS ordination was conducted, with over-laying of climatic and geological variables, to analyze the ecological gradients along which these forests develop and segregate. Random Forest was used to define the potential distribution of the identified forest groups in Albania. Results: The study identified seven groups of forests in Albania: Corylus avellana forests, Ostrya carpinifolia-Fagus sylvatica forests, lower montane mesophytic Fagus sylvatica forests, middle montane mesophytic Fagus sylvatica forests, middle montane basiphytic Fagus sylvatica forests, upper montane basiphytic Fagus sylvatica forests, upper montane acidophytic Fagus sylvatica forests. These can be grouped into four main types: Corylus avellana and Ostrya carpinifolia-Fagus sylvatica forests, thermo-basiphytic Fagus sylvatica forest, meso-basiphytic Fagus sylvatica forest and acidophytic Fagus sylvatica forests. This scheme corresponds to the ecological classification recently proposed in a European revision for Fagus sylvatica forests Conclusion: Our study supports an ecological classification of mesophilous forests of Albania at the level of suballiance. Analysis is still preliminary at the level of association, but it shows a high diversity of forest types. Taxonomic reference: Euro+Med PlantBase (http://ww2.bgbm.org/EuroPlusMed/) [accessed 25 Novemeber 2019]. Syntaxonomic references: Mucina et al. (2016) for alliances, orders and classes; Willner et al. (2017) for suballiances

    Un settore di 'Campagna Romana' a rischio di urbanizzazione (Valle Fontana - Valle delle Campanelle; Roma; Italia centrale). Un primo inquadramento finalizzato alla tutela

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    We carried out a first arrangement (by field study and literature) aimed at developing a local conservation strategy. Direct and indirect evidence were collected for 53 breeding bird species (23 from the original field study), with a significant dominance of the agro-forest species, including species declining at a regional/national level (e.g., Emberiza calandra). The area was recently indicated as the subject of anthropogenic changes by urbanization. In this regard, there is an urgent need for its inclusion in the natural reserve system of RomaNatura Protected Areas

    Finite mixture model-based classification of a complex vegetation system

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    To propose a Finite Mixture Model (FMM) as an additional approach for classifying large datasets of georeferenced vegetation plots from complex vegetation systems. Study area: The Italian peninsula including the two main islands (Sicily and Sardinia), but excluding the Alps and the Po plain. Methods: We used a database of 5,593 georeferenced plots and 1,586 vascular species of forest vegetation, created in TURBOVEG by storing published and unpublished phytosociological plots collected over the last 30 years. The plots were classified according to species composition and environmental variables using a FMM. Classification results were compared with those obtained by TWINSPAN algorithm. Groups were characterized in terms of ecological parameters, dominant and diagnostic species using the fidelity coefficient. Interpretation of resulting forest vegetation types was supported by a predictive map, produced using discriminant functions on environmental predictors, and by a non\u2010metric multidimensional scaling ordination. Results: FMM clustering obtained 24 groups that were compared with those from TWINSPAN, and similarities were found only at a higher classification level corresponding to the main orders of the Italian broadleaf forest vegetation: Fagetalia sylvaticae, Carpinetalia betuli, Quercetalia pubescenti-petraeae and Quercetalia ilicis. At lower syntaxonomic level, these 24 groups were referred to alliances and sub-alliances. Conclusions: Despite a greater computational complexity, FMM appears to be an effective alternative to the traditional classification methods through the incorporation of modelling in the classificatory process. This allows classification of both the co-occurrence of species and environmental factors so that groups are identified not only on their species composition, as in the case of TWINSPAN, but also on their specific environmental niche

    The Vegetation of the Buna River Protected Landscape (Albania)

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    AbstractThe vegetation of Buna River Protected Landscape is described. The area comprises both the alluvial plain of the lower course of the Buna river that marks the boundary between Montenegro and Albania, and a carbonatic range. The vegetation is characterized by a high ÎČ-diversity (27 alliances and 46 associations), especially in wetlands and dry grasslands. In the area it is possible to distinguish 1 dunal and 4 hygro-sequences in the alluvial plain and 3 xeroseries in the carbonatic range. Associations Clematido viticellae-Punicetum granati and Periploco graecae-Alnetum glutinosae are described as new

    Intraspecific variability of leaf form and function across habitat types

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    : Trait-based ecology has already revealed main independent axes of trait variation defining trait spaces that summarize plant adaptive strategies, but often ignoring intraspecific trait variability (ITV). By using empirical ITV-level data for two independent dimensions of leaf form and function and 167 species across five habitat types (coastal dunes, forests, grasslands, heathlands, wetlands) in the Italian peninsula, we found that ITV: (i) rotated the axes of trait variation that define the trait space; (ii) increased the variance explained by these axes and (iii) affected the functional structure of the target trait space. However, the magnitude of these effects was rather small and depended on the trait and habitat type. Our results reinforce the idea that ITV is context-dependent, calling for careful extrapolations of ITV patterns across traits and spatial scales. Importantly, our study provides a framework that can be used to start integrating ITV into trait space analyses
