36 research outputs found

    Kinome-Wide Functional Genomics Screen Reveals a Novel Mechanism of TNFα-Induced Nuclear Accumulation of the HIF-1α Transcription Factor in Cancer Cells

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    Hypoxia-inducible factor-1 (HIF-1) and its most important subunit, HIF-1α, plays a central role in tumor progression by regulating genes involved in cancer cell survival, proliferation and metastasis. HIF-1α activity is associated with nuclear accumulation of the transcription factor and regulated by several mechanisms including modulation of protein stability and degradation. Among recent advances are the discoveries that inflammation-induced cytokines and growth factors affect protein accumulation of HIF-1α under normoxia conditions. TNFα, a major pro-inflammatory cytokine that promotes tumorigenesis is known as a stimulator of HIF-1α activity. To improve our understanding of TNFα-mediated regulation of HIF-1α nuclear accumulation we screened a kinase-specific siRNA library using a cell imaging–based HIF-1α-eGFP chimera reporter assay. Interestingly, this systematic analysis determined that depletion of kinases involved in conventional TNFα signaling (IKK/NFκB and JNK pathways) has no detrimental effect on HIF-1α accumulation. On the other hand, depletion of PRKAR2B, ADCK2, TRPM7, and TRIB2 significantly decreases the effect of TNFα on HIF-1α stability in osteosarcoma and prostate cancer cell lines. These newly discovered regulators conveyed their activity through a non-conventional RELB-depended NFκB signaling pathway and regulation of superoxide activity. Taken together our data allow us to conclude that TNFα uses a distinct and complex signaling mechanism to induce accumulation of HIF-1α in cancer cells. In summary, our results illuminate a novel mechanism through which cancer initiation and progression may be promoted by inflammatory cytokines, highlighting new potential avenues for fighting this disease

    A Trigger Enzyme in Mycoplasma pneumoniae: Impact of the Glycerophosphodiesterase GlpQ on Virulence and Gene Expression

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    Mycoplasma pneumoniae is a causative agent of atypical pneumonia. The formation of hydrogen peroxide, a product of glycerol metabolism, is essential for host cell cytotoxicity. Phosphatidylcholine is the major carbon source available on lung epithelia, and its utilization requires the cleavage of deacylated phospholipids to glycerol-3-phosphate and choline. M. pneumoniae possesses two potential glycerophosphodiesterases, MPN420 (GlpQ) and MPN566. In this work, the function of these proteins was analyzed by biochemical, genetic, and physiological studies. The results indicate that only GlpQ is an active glycerophosphodiesterase. MPN566 has no enzymatic activity as glycerophosphodiesterase and the inactivation of the gene did not result in any detectable phenotype. Inactivation of the glpQ gene resulted in reduced growth in medium with glucose as the carbon source, in loss of hydrogen peroxide production when phosphatidylcholine was present, and in a complete loss of cytotoxicity towards HeLa cells. All these phenotypes were reverted upon complementation of the mutant. Moreover, the glpQ mutant strain exhibited a reduced gliding velocity. A comparison of the proteomes of the wild type strain and the glpQ mutant revealed that this enzyme is also implicated in the control of gene expression. Several proteins were present in higher or lower amounts in the mutant. This apparent regulation by GlpQ is exerted at the level of transcription as determined by mRNA slot blot analyses. All genes subject to GlpQ-dependent control have a conserved potential cis-acting element upstream of the coding region. This element overlaps the promoter in the case of the genes that are repressed in a GlpQ-dependent manner and it is located upstream of the promoter for GlpQ-activated genes. We may suggest that GlpQ acts as a trigger enzyme that measures the availability of its product glycerol-3-phosphate and uses this information to differentially control gene expression

    The propeptide domain of lysyl oxidase induces phenotypic reversion of ras-transformed cells.

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    International audienceLysyl oxidase is an extracellular enzyme critical for the normal biosynthesis of collagens and elastin. In addition, lysyl oxidase reverts ras-mediated transformation, and lysyl oxidase expression is down-regulated in human cancers. Since suramin inhibits growth factor signaling pathways and induces lysyl oxidase in ras-transformed NIH3T3 cells (RS485 cells), we sought to investigate the effects of suramin on the phenotype of transformed cells and the role of lysyl oxidase in mediating these effects. Suramin treatment resulted in a more normal phenotype as judged by growth rate, cell cycle parameters, and morphology. beta-aminopropionitrile, the selective inhibitor of lysyl oxidase enzyme activity, was remarkably unable to block suramin-induced reversion. By contrast, ectopic antisense lysyl oxidase demonstrated that lysyl oxidase gene expression mediated phenotypic reversion. Since lysyl oxidase is synthesized as a 50 kDa precursor and processed to a 30 kDa active enzyme and 18 kDa propeptide, the effects of these two products on the transformed phenotype of RS485 cells were then directly assessed in the absence of suramin. Here we report, for the first time, that the lysyl oxidase propeptide, and not the lysyl oxidase enzyme, inhibits ras-dependent transformation as determined by effects on cell proliferation assays, growth in soft agar, and Akt-dependent induction of NF-kappaB activity. Thus, the lysyl oxidase propeptide, which is released during extracellular proteolytic processing of pro-lysyl oxidase, functions to inhibit ras-dependent cell transformation.Lysyl oxidase is an extracellular enzyme critical for the normal biosynthesis of collagens and elastin. In addition, lysyl oxidase reverts ras-mediated transformation, and lysyl oxidase expression is down-regulated in human cancers. Since suramin inhibits growth factor signaling pathways and induces lysyl oxidase in ras-transformed NIH3T3 cells (RS485 cells), we sought to investigate the effects of suramin on the phenotype of transformed cells and the role of lysyl oxidase in mediating these effects. Suramin treatment resulted in a more normal phenotype as judged by growth rate, cell cycle parameters, and morphology. beta-aminopropionitrile, the selective inhibitor of lysyl oxidase enzyme activity, was remarkably unable to block suramin-induced reversion. By contrast, ectopic antisense lysyl oxidase demonstrated that lysyl oxidase gene expression mediated phenotypic reversion. Since lysyl oxidase is synthesized as a 50 kDa precursor and processed to a 30 kDa active enzyme and 18 kDa propeptide, the effects of these two products on the transformed phenotype of RS485 cells were then directly assessed in the absence of suramin. Here we report, for the first time, that the lysyl oxidase propeptide, and not the lysyl oxidase enzyme, inhibits ras-dependent transformation as determined by effects on cell proliferation assays, growth in soft agar, and Akt-dependent induction of NF-kappaB activity. Thus, the lysyl oxidase propeptide, which is released during extracellular proteolytic processing of pro-lysyl oxidase, functions to inhibit ras-dependent cell transformation

    Inhibition of CIN85-mediated invasion by a novel SH3 domain binding motif in the lysyl oxidase propeptide

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    The lysyl oxidase gene inhibits Ras signaling in transformed fibroblasts and breast cancer cells. Its activity was mapped to the 162 amino acid propeptide domain (LOX-PP) of the lysyl oxidase precursor protein. LOX-PP inhibited the Her-2/Ras signaling axis in breast cancer cells, and reduced the Her-2-driven breast tumor burden in a xenograft model. Since its mechanism of action is largely unknown, co-affinity-purification/mass spectrometry was performed and the “Cbl-interacting protein of 85-kDa” (CIN85) identified as an associating protein. CIN85 is an SH3-containing adapter protein that is overexpressed in invasive breast cancers. The CIN85 SH3 domains interact with c-Cbl, an E3 ubiquitin ligase, via an unconventional PxxxPR ligand sequence, with the highest affinity displayed by the SH3-B domain. Interaction with CIN85 recruits c-Cbl to the AMAP1 complex where its ubiquitination activity is necessary for cancer cells to develop an invasive phenotype and to degrade the matrix. Direct interaction of LOX-PP with CIN85 was confirmed using co-immunoprecipitation analysis of lysates from breast cancer cells and of purified expressed proteins. CIN85 interaction with c-Cbl was reduced by LOX-PP. Domain specific CIN85 regions and deletion mutants of LOX-PP were prepared and used to map the sites of interaction to the SH3-B domain of CIN85 and to an epitope encompassing amino acids 111 to 116 of LOX-PP. Specific LOX-PP point mutant proteins P111A and R116A failed to interact with CIN85 or to compete for CIN85 binding with c-Cbl. Structural modeling identified a new atypical PxpxxRh SH3-binding motif in this region of LOX-PP. The LOX-PP interaction with CIN85 was shown to reduce the invasive phenotype of breast cancer cells, including their ability to degrade the surrounding extracellular matrix and for Matrigel outgrowth. Thus, LOX-PP interacts with CIN85 via a novel SH3-binding motif and this association reduces CIN85-promoted invasion by breast cancer cells