2,040 research outputs found

    Frequent burning promotes invasions of alien plants into a mesic African savanna

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    Fire is both inevitable and necessary for maintaining the structure and functioning of mesic savannas. Without disturbances such as fire and herbivory, tree cover can increase at the expense of grass cover and over time dominate mesic savannas. Consequently, repeated burning is widely used to suppress tree recruitment and control bush encroachment. However, the effect of regular burning on invasion by alien plant species is little understood. Here, vegetation data from a long-term fire experiment, which began in 1953 in a mesic Zimbabwean savanna, were used to test whether the frequency of burning promoted alien plant invasion. The fire treatments consisted of late season fires, lit at 1-, 2-, 3-, and 4-year intervals, and these regularly burnt plots were compared with unburnt plots. Results show that over half a century of frequent burning promoted the invasion by alien plants relative to areas where fire was excluded. More alien plant species became established in plots that had a higher frequency of burning. The proportion of alien species in the species assemblage was highest in the annually burnt plots followed by plots burnt biennially. Alien plant invasion was lowest in plots protected from fire but did not differ significantly between plots burnt triennially and quadrennially. Further, the abundance of five alien forbs increased significantly as the interval (in years) between fires became shorter. On average, the density of these alien forbs in annually burnt plots was at least ten times as high as the density of unburnt plots. Plant diversity was also altered by long-term burning. Total plant species richness was significantly lower in the unburnt plots compared to regularly burnt plots. These findings suggest that frequent burning of mesic savannas enhances invasion by alien plants, with short intervals between fires favouring alien forbs. Therefore, reducing the frequency of burning may be a key to minimising the risk of alien plant spread into mesic savannas, which is important because invasive plants pose a threat to native biodiversity and may alter savanna functioning

    Neoproterozoic to Paleozoic long-lived accretionary orogeny in the northern Tarim Craton

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    The Tarim Craton, located in the center of Asia, was involved in the assembly and breakup of the Rodinia supercontinent during the Neoproterozoic and the subduction-accretion of the Central Asian Orogenic Belt (CAOB) during the Paleozoic. However, its tectonic evolution during these events is controversial, and a link between the Neoproterozoic and Paleozoic tectonic processes is missing. Here we present zircon U-Pb ages, Hf isotopes, and whole-rock geochemical data for the extensive granitoids in the western Kuruktag area, northeastern Tarim Craton. Three distinct periods of granitoid magmatism are evident: circa 830–820 Ma, 660–630 Ma, and 420–400 Ma. The magma sources, melting conditions (pressure, temperature, and water availability), and tectonic settings of various granitoids from each period are determined. Based on our results and the geological, geochronological, geochemical, and isotopic data from adjacent areas, a long-lived accretionary orogenic model is proposed. This model involves an early phase (circa 950–780 Ma) of southward advancing accretion from the Tianshan to northern Tarim and a late phase (circa 780–600 Ma) of northward retreating accretion, followed by back-arc opening and subsequent bidirectional subduction (circa 460–400 Ma) of a composite back-arc basin (i.e., the South Tianshan Ocean). Our model highlights a long-lived accretionary history of the southwestern CAOB, which may have initiated as part of the circum-Rodinia subduction zone and was comparable with events occurring at the southern margin of the Siberian Craton, thus challenging the traditional southward migrating accretionary models for the CAOB

    Chronic non-specific low back pain - sub-groups or a single mechanism?

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    Copyright 2008 Wand and O'Connell; licensee BioMed Central Ltd. This is an Open Access article distributed under the terms of the Creative Commons Attribution License (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/2.0), which permits unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided the original work is properly cited.Background: Low back pain is a substantial health problem and has subsequently attracted a considerable amount of research. Clinical trials evaluating the efficacy of a variety of interventions for chronic non-specific low back pain indicate limited effectiveness for most commonly applied interventions and approaches. Discussion: Many clinicians challenge the results of clinical trials as they feel that this lack of effectiveness is at odds with their clinical experience of managing patients with back pain. A common explanation for this discrepancy is the perceived heterogeneity of patients with chronic non-specific low back pain. It is felt that the effects of treatment may be diluted by the application of a single intervention to a complex, heterogeneous group with diverse treatment needs. This argument presupposes that current treatment is effective when applied to the correct patient. An alternative perspective is that the clinical trials are correct and current treatments have limited efficacy. Preoccupation with sub-grouping may stifle engagement with this view and it is important that the sub-grouping paradigm is closely examined. This paper argues that there are numerous problems with the sub-grouping approach and that it may not be an important reason for the disappointing results of clinical trials. We propose instead that current treatment may be ineffective because it has been misdirected. Recent evidence that demonstrates changes within the brain in chronic low back pain sufferers raises the possibility that persistent back pain may be a problem of cortical reorganisation and degeneration. This perspective offers interesting insights into the chronic low back pain experience and suggests alternative models of intervention. Summary: The disappointing results of clinical research are commonly explained by the failure of researchers to adequately attend to sub-grouping of the chronic non-specific low back pain population. Alternatively, current approaches may be ineffective and clinicians and researchers may need to radically rethink the nature of the problem and how it should best be managed

    PD-1 Dynamically Regulates Inflammation and Development of Brain-Resident Memory CD8 T Cells During Persistent Viral Encephalitis

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    Programmed cell death-1 (PD-1) receptor signaling dampens the functionality of T cells faced with repetitive antigenic stimulation from chronic infections or tumors. Using intracerebral (i.c.) inoculation with mouse polyomavirus (MuPyV), we have shown that CD8 T cells establish a PD-1hi, tissue-resident memory population in the brains (bTRM) of mice with a low-level persistent infection. In MuPyV encephalitis, PD-L1 was expressed on infiltrating myeloid cells, microglia and astrocytes, but not on oligodendrocytes. Engagement of PD-1 on anti-MuPyV CD8 T cells limited their effector activity. NanoString gene expression analysis showed that neuroinflammation was higher in PD-L1−/− than wild type mice at day 8 post-infection, the peak of the MuPyV-specific CD8 response. During the persistent phase of infection, however, the absence of PD-1 signaling was found to be associated with a lower inflammatory response than in wild type mice. Genetic disruption and intracerebroventricular blockade of PD-1 signaling resulted in an increase in number of MuPyV-specific CD8 bTRM and the fraction of these cells expressing CD103, the αE integrin commonly used to define tissue-resident T cells. However, PD-L1−/− mice persistently infected with MuPyV showed impaired virus control upon i.c. re-infection with MuPyV. Collectively, these data reveal a temporal duality in PD-1-mediated regulation of MuPyV-associated neuroinflammation. PD-1 signaling limited the severity of neuroinflammation during acute infection but sustained a level of inflammation during persistent infection for maintaining control of virus re-infection

    Femoral revision knee Arthroplasty with Metaphyseal sleeves: the use of a stem is not mandatory of a structural point of view

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    Purpose Metaphyseal sleeves are an option for patients with severe metaphyseal bony defects requiring TKA revision. Although sleeves are usually used with stems, little is known about the exact contribution/need of the stem for the initial sleeve-bone interface stability, particularly in the femur, if the intramedullary canal is deformed or bowed. It is hypothesised that diaphyseal-stem addition increases the sleeve-femur interface stability and the strain-shielding effect on the metaphyseal femur relatively to the stemless condition. Material and methods Synthetic-femur was used to measure cortex strain behaviour and implant cortex micromotions for three techniques: only femoral-component, stemless-sleeve and stemmed-sleeve. Paired t-tests were performed to evaluate the statistical significance of the difference between mean principal strains and implant-cortex micromotions. Finite-element models were developed to assess the cancellous-bone strain behaviour and sleeve-bone interface micromotions; these models were validated against the measurements. Results Cortex strains are reduced significantly (p<0.05) in 83% of strain gauges on stemmed-sleeve, which compares with 33% in stemless condition. Both techniques presented a cancellous bone strain reduction of 50% at the distal region and an increase of nearly four times at the sleeve proximal region relative to the model only with the femoral component. Both techniques presented sleeve-bone micromotions amplitude below 50-150μm, suitable for bone ingrowth. Conclusions The use of a supplemental diaphyseal-stem potentiates the risk of cortex bone resorption compared with the stemless-sleeve condition; however, the stem is not vital for increasing the initial sleeve-bone stability and has a minor effect on the cancellous-bone strain behaviour. Of a purely structural point view, appears that the use of a diaphyseal-femoral-stem with the metaphyseal sleeve is not mandatory in the revision TKA which is particularly relevant in cases where the use of stems is impracticable.publishe

    Impacts of an Invasive Snail (Tarebia granifera) on Nutrient Cycling in Tropical Streams: The Role of Riparian Deforestation in Trinidad, West Indies

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    Non-native species and habitat degradation are two major catalysts of environmental change and often occur simultaneously. In freshwater systems, degradation of adjacent terrestrial vegetation may facilitate introduced species by altering resource availability. Here we examine how the presence of intact riparian cover influences the impact of an invasive herbivorous snail, Tarebia granifera, on nitrogen (N) cycling in aquatic systems on the island of Trinidad. We quantified snail biomass, growth, and N excretion in locations where riparian vegetation was present or removed to determine how snail demographics and excretion were related to the condition of the riparian zone. In three Neotropical streams, we measured snail biomass and N excretion in open and closed canopy habitats to generate estimates of mass- and area-specific N excretion rates. Snail biomass was 2 to 8 times greater and areal N excretion rates ranged from 3 to 9 times greater in open canopy habitats. Snails foraging in open canopy habitat also had access to more abundant food resources and exhibited greater growth and mass-specific N excretion rates. Estimates of ecosystem N demand indicated that snail N excretion in fully closed, partially closed, and open canopy habitats supplied 2%, 11%, and 16% of integrated ecosystem N demand, respectively. We conclude that human-mediated riparian canopy loss can generate hotspots of snail biomass, growth, and N excretion along tropical stream networks, altering the impacts of an invasive snail on the biogeochemical cycling of N

    Disentangling manual muscle testing and Applied Kinesiology: critique and reinterpretation of a literature review

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    Cuthbert and Goodheart recently published a narrative review on the reliability and validity of manual muscle testing (MMT) in the Journal. The authors should be recognized for their effort to synthesize this vast body of literature. However, the review contains critical errors in the search methods, inclusion criteria, quality assessment, validity definitions, study interpretation, literature synthesis, generalizability of study findings, and conclusion formulation that merit a reconsideration of the authors' findings. Most importantly, a misunderstanding of the review could easily arise because the authors did not distinguish the general use of muscle strength testing from the specific applications that distinguish the Applied Kinesiology (AK) chiropractic technique. The article makes the fundamental error of implying that the reliability and validity of manual muscle testing lends some degree of credibility to the unique diagnostic procedures of AK. The purpose of this commentary is to provide a critical appraisal of the review, suggest conclusions consistent with the literature both reviewed and omitted, and extricate conclusions that can be made about AK in particular from those that can be made about MMT. When AK is disentangled from standard orthopedic muscle testing, the few studies evaluating unique AK procedures either refute or cannot support the validity of AK procedures as diagnostic tests. The evidence to date does not support the use of MMT for the diagnosis of organic disease or pre/subclinical conditions

    The Effects of Social Ties on Coordination: Conceptual Foundations for an Empirical Analysis

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    International audienceThis paper investigates the influence that social ties can have on behavior. After defining the concept of social ties that we consider, we introduce an original model of social ties. The impact of such ties on social preferences is studied in a coordination game with outside option. We provide a detailed game theoretical analysis of this game while considering various types of players, i.e., self-interest maximizing, inequity averse, and fair agents. In addition to these approaches that require strategic reasoning in order to reach some equilibrium, we also present an alternative hypothesis that relies on the concept of team reasoning. After having discussed the differences between the latter and our model of social ties, we show how an experiment can be designed so as to discriminate among the models presented in the paper
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