18 research outputs found

    Levantamento de Polychaeta (Annelida) na Baía do Almirantado, Ilha Rei George (Antártica)

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    Foram estudados os Polychaeta coletados durante três Expedições Oceanografcias brasilaeiras a Antarticia (Dezembro - 1996 a Janeiro - 1997; Dezembro - 1997 a Janeiro - 1998; Janeiro a Abril - 2001) para a Baia do Almirantado. Um total de 127 espécimes foi examinado e 18 espécies, pertencentes a 12 famílias, foram identificados. A família Terebellidae foi a que apresentou o maior número de espécies, e Terebellidae, Nephtyidae e Polynoidae apresentaram os maiores número de indivíduos coletados. As espécies Terebellides longicaudatus e Aglaophamus trissophyllus foram reportadas pela primeira vez na Baía e os gêneros Proclea (Terebellidae), Neanthes (Nereididae), Bradabyssa (Flabelligeridae), Euclymene (Maldanidae), foram reportados pela primeira vez na enseada de Martel.The Polychaeta collected during three distinct Brazilian Antarctic Expeditions (December 1996 to January-1997; December 1997 to January 1998; January to April 2001) in the Admiralty Bay have been studied. A total of 127 specimens have been examined and 18 species, belonging to 12 families, have been identified. The family Terebellidae was the most important family in number of species, and Terebellidae, Nephtyidae and Polynoidae in number of individuals. The species Terebellides longicaudatus and Aglaophamus trissophyllus were reported from the first time to the Bay and the genera Proclea (Terebellidae), Neanthes (Nereididae), Bradabyssa (Flabelligeridae), Euclymene (Maldanidae) were reported from the first time in the Martel Inlet

    Taxonomy based on science is necessary for global conservation

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    The Bandits Among Romans: The Elite's Texts And Popular Perceptions [os Bandidos Entre Os Romanos: Leituras Eruditas E Percepções Populares]

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    This paper discusses two interrelated topics. The first one explores how the Roman elite represented ancient robbers in satirical literature. In this part I shall comment Apuleius' Metamorphoses. The second one focuses on Epigraphy (metallic tablets dedicated to the godess Sulis Minerva that were found in Bath, England) in order to discuss some images of the thievery at Roman popular culture. Archaeological Epigraphic evidence can provide us different approaches to study the banditry perceptions; it can also help us to propose more pluralist approaches to the Roman culture and past.261115133CUBILLOS POBLETE, M.A.E. (2004) La mirada juvenaliana: la cocina romana como reflejo de la sociedad, in: Semanas de Estudios Romanos, pp. 125-142FUNARI, P. P. A. La cultura popular en la Antigüedad Clásica, Madrid: Editorial Gráficas Sol, 1989. FUNARI, P. P. A. Arqueologia, História e Arqueologia Histórica no contexto sul-americano. In: Cultura Material e Arqueologia Histórica. Campinas: IFCH/Unicamp, 1998. p.7-34FUNARI, P. P. A. The consumption of olive oil in Roman Britain and the role of the army. In: The Roman Army and the Economy (ERDKAMP, P., org.), J. C. Gieben, Amsterdã, 2000a. p.235-263HORSFALL, N. La Cultura della plebs romana. Barcelona: PPU, 1996GONZALBES CRAVIOTO, E. El bandolerismo en Andalucia. In: Actas de tas VIII Jornadas, Lucerna, 2005. p.119-173Sobre esta questão, cf., ainda, no século XIX: MOMMSEN, T. El mundo de los Cesares. Madri: Fondo de Cultura Económica, 1885/1983 e FRIEDLÄNDER, L. Los espectáculos. In: La sociedad romana - Historia de las costumbres en Roma, desde Augusto hasta los Antoninos. Madrid: Fondo de la Cultura, Económica, 1885/1947. p.497-519 e 546-606Já no século XX em diferentes momentos este tipo de abordagem aparece em: CARCOPINO, J. Roma no apogeu do Império. São Paulo: Cia. das Letras, 1990. (1990 - 1a. Edição nos anos de 1940);ROBERT, J.-N., (1995) Os prazeres de Roma, , São Paulo: Martins FontesGRIMAL, P., (1981) A vida em Roma na Antigüidade, , Portugal: Publicações Europa-AméricaVEYNE, P. O Império Romano. In: DUBY, G. et ARIÈS, P. História da vida privada. São Paulo: Cia. das Letras, 1990,. v.1, p.19-223Este trabalho foi publicado pela Editora Annablume: GARRAFFONI, R.S. Bandidos e Salteadores na Roma Antiga. São Paulo: Annablume/ Fapesp, 2002HOOFF, A. J. L. van,. Ancient robbers: reflections behind the facts. In: Ancient Society, 1998. p.105-124Idem, p. 105-106HOBSBAWM, E. J. Bandidos. Rio de Janeiro: Forense-Universitária, 1976. Embora tenhamos discutido mais explicitamente o trabalho de Hooff, é importante destacar que outros estudos também foram escritos a partir de um diálogo com as pesquisas de Hobsbawm e, principalmente, a aceitação de muitos de seus conceitos, como a idéia de bandido social e rebelde primitivo. Cf., por exemplo, HOPWOOD, K., Bandits, elites and rural order in: WALLACE-HADRILL (Org.) Patronage in ancient Society, Routledge, Londres, 1989: pp.171-187HOBSBAWM, E.J., , p. 13BLÁNQUEZ PÉREZ, C. El mundo romano a traves de la obra de Apuleyo - délito, defincuentes y castigo en las Metamorfosis. Madrid, 1986. Tese de doutorado apresentada na Facultad de Geografía y Historia da Universidad Complutense de Madrid,.BLÁNQUEZ PÉREZ, C. Desigualdades sociales y praxis juridica en Apuleyo. In: Gerión, 5: 119-131, 1987JOYCE, P. The end of Social History? In: The Postmodern History Reader. Londres/NY: Routledge, 1988. p.341-365HIDALGO de la VEGA, M. J. Sociedad e ideologia en el Imperio Romano: Apuleyo de Madaura. Espanha: Gráficas Ortega, 1986SHAW, B., El bandido, D., (1991) El hombre romano (Andrea Giardina, org.), , Madrid: Alianza EditorialPor exemplo: antesignaus, i, commilito, onis, hostis, tis, entre outrosSHAW, B.D., , p. 353HOOFF, A. J. L. van. Op. cit., p.114. ifirmam que latro era um termo utilizado para designar um inimigo politico. Cícero, por exemplo, se referia a seus inimigos Catilina e Verres como latronesA punição para o roubo em banhos públicos está registrada no Digesto de Justiniano: o ladrão deveria cumprir pena de trabalho forçado e, se por acaso estivesse armado, seria enviado às minas. Caso o acusado fosse um militar, deveria ser punido com a desonra. Cf. Sobre los ladrones de los baños publicos. In: JUSTINIANO. El Digesto. Pamplona: Editorial Aranzadi, 1975. t.IIIA edição utilizada é a publicada pela Loeb em 1989 e a tradução é de nossa autoria APULEIO. Metamorphoses, tradução de J. Arthur Hanson. Londres: Harvard University Press, 1989. v.1 e-IIBARTHES, R. Racine. L&PM: Porto Alegre, 1987LACAPRA, D. Rethinking Intellectual History and Reading Texts. In: Rethinking Intellectual History - Texts, Contexts, Language. Nova York: Comell University Press, 1985. p.23-71FUNARI, P.P.A., Antigüidade Clássica - a história e cultura a partir dos documentos (2002) Campinas: Editora da, , UnicampFUNARI, P. P. A. Bretanha Romana: Estudos recentes sobre a Arqueologia da Bretanha Romana. In: Revista de História da Arte e Arqueologia (Unicamp), n°01, p.249-252, 1994O texto latino, bem, como a tradução, foram refirados de: FUNARI, P. P. A. Op. cit., 2002b, p.51-53Idem, p.53Lembramos que tais questões foram desenvolvidas com mais detalhes em: GARRAFFONI, R.S. Op. ci

    Long distance dispersal and pseudo-cryptic species in Gastrotricha: first description of a new species (Chaetonotida, Chaetonotidae, <i>Polymerurus</i>) from an oceanic island with volcanic rocks

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    The majority of meiofaunal organisms have limited abilities to disperse over long distances, yet they may still have disjointed distributions. Many studies have found evidence of long distance meiofauna dispersal due to passive transport by wind and/or animals that serve as vectors for these widespread distributions. Our research on an archipelago in northeast Brazil uncovered a species of freshwater gastrotrich that at first sight appeared to be a ‘cosmopolitanʼ species that had surpassed the connectivity constraint to occupy an island more than 350 km from the mainland. However, through an integrative approach using molecular sequences and morphology, we have uncovered evidence of a pseudo-cryptic species in this freshwater gastrotrich. Polymerurus insularis sp. nov. closely resembles its congeners and can easily be mistaken for similar species such as P. nodicaudus, a cosmopolitan gastrotrich. Unique to P. insularis sp. nov. are (1) a cuticular armature composed of simple spined scales with polygonal shape (Type 1 scales), (2) a single, spineless dorsal scale with a triangular shape located terminally next to the furca base (Type 2 scale), (3) a spineless zone composed by a patch lacking cuticular ornamentation and flat, rounded or polygonal scales without spines (Type 4 scales) (4) particular sets of terminal spined or keeled scales located both dorsally and ventrally around the furca base (Types 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 scales). The presence of this species on a volcanic island is discussed, as is the relationship between pseudocryptism and dispersal in gastrotrichs and other meiofauna.</p

    Chave de identificação de Gastrotricha de águas continentais e marinhas do Brasil

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    Os Gastrotricha são microinvertebrados de vida livre, caracterizados por um estilo de vida meiobentônico em ambientes marinhos e de água doce. Apesar de este grupo ser abundante e ecologicamente importante nas teias alimentares, o seu conhecimento no Brasil é muito subestimado. Com este estudo, considerando a importância dos Gastrotricha nas comunidades bênticas intersticiais, esperamos ajudar e estimular novas pesquisas com este grupo no Brasil. Assim, esse trabalho fornece uma chave dicotômica para todas as espécies previamente reportadas em águas continentais brasileiras. Além disso, apresentamos informações sobre métodos de coleta, técnicas de preservação e de fotografias dos Gastrotricha. As terminologias, em português, das principais características morfológicas utilizadas para distinguir as espécies são apresentas na forma de um glossário.<br>Gastrotricha are free-living microscopic invertebrates, characterized by a meiobenthic life style in freshwater and marine habitats. In spite of the high number of individuals and their ecological importance, this taxon is underestimated in Brazil. Considering the importance of the Gastrotricha in the interstitial benthic community we aimed to help and stimulate new research with this group in Brazil. Thus, the present study provides a taxonomic key for the Brazilian freshwater and marine Gastrotricha based on the available data. Furthermore, we pointed out methods of collecting, preserving and photographing Gastrotricha. Portuguese terminologies of the main morphological characters used to identify species were also listed as a glossary

    Seek and you shall find: new species of the rare genus Ornamentula (Gastrotricha: Chaetonotida) and first record outside of type-locality

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    Ornamentula Kisielewski, 1991 is a monospecific genus in Order Chaetonotida. The sole species, O. paraensis Kisielewsk, 1991, is a semiplanktonic gastrotrich found in a single pond in the Amazon region of Brazil. Herein we describe a new species of the genus Ornamentula, collected in a small urban lagoon in the Atlantic Forest of southeast Brazil. Ornamentula miyazakii sp. nov. resembles O. paraensis, but it shows differences in the ornamented trunk scales and spinal spines distribution, sufficient to proposte it as it’s a new species

    Long distance dispersal and pseudo-cryptic species in Gastrotricha: first description of a new species (Chaetonotida, Chaetonotidae, Polymerurus) from an oceanic island with volcanic rocks

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    The majority of meiofaunal organisms have limited abilities to disperse over long distances, yet they may still have disjointed distributions. Many studies have found evidence of long distance meiofauna dispersal due to passive transport by wind and/or animals that serve as vectors for these widespread distributions. Our research on an archipelago in northeast Brazil uncovered a species of freshwater gastrotrich that at first sight appeared to be a ‘cosmopolitanʼ species that had surpassed the connectivity constraint to occupy an island more than 350 km from the mainland. However, through an integrative approach using molecular sequences and morphology, we have uncovered evidence of a pseudo-cryptic species in this freshwater gastrotrich. Polymerurus insularis sp. nov. closely resembles its congeners and can easily be mistaken for similar species such as P. nodicaudus, a cosmopolitan gastrotrich. Unique to P. insularis sp. nov. are (1) a cuticular armature composed of simple spined scales with polygonal shape (Type 1 scales), (2) a single, spineless dorsal scale with a triangular shape located terminally next to the furca base (Type 2 scale), (3) a spineless zone composed by a patch lacking cuticular ornamentation and flat, rounded or polygonal scales without spines (Type 4 scales) (4) particular sets of terminal spined or keeled scales located both dorsally and ventrally around the furca base (Types 3, 5, 6, 7 and 8 scales). The presence of this species on a volcanic island is discussed, as is the relationship between pseudocryptism and dispersal in gastrotrichs and other meiofauna

    Are freshwater Macrodasyida as rare as previously thought? Integrative taxonomy identifies a new taxon of Gastrotricha Macrodasyida

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    Macrodasyida are worm-like, hermaphroditic and marine gastrotrichs with about 350 species. Among all known Macrodasyida only Marinellina flagellata, Redudasys fornerise and Redudasys sp. (Kånneby & Wicksten, 2014), were found in fresh waters respectively from an Austrian stream, a Brazilian artificial reservoir and a USA aquifer. Herein we describe a new freshwater taxon of Macrodasyida from different streams in Minas Gerais State, Southeastern Brazil. The external morphology and internal anatomy were investigated using Differential Interference Contrast (DIC), Confocal Laser Scanning Microscopy (CLSM) Scanning Electron Microscopy (SEM), and Transmission Electron Microscopy (TEM). The systematization of the new taxon within Macrodasyida was inferred by 18S rRNA gene, and the relationships with the other freshwater Macrodasyida species were investigated by COI mtDNA. The adult has a body length from 193 to 376 m and 1+1 anterior adhesive tubes, 2 pairs of posterior adhesive tubes of unequal length, numerouscephalic cilia arranged into irregular bands, short around the mouth and longer on the anterolateral head margins, 6 pairs of lateral tactile bristles. Pharynx surrounded dorsally, laterally and ventrally by 10–12 longitudinal muscles which are inserted on the mouth rim and lie externally to circular muscles; the pair of main ventrolateral longitudinal muscles is inserted at the level of the anterior adhesive tubes. Intestine circular musculature external to the splanchnic longitudinal one and not surrounding dorsal and ventrolateral somatic longitudinal muscles. Maximum Likelihood and Bayesian Inference analyses yielded topologies congruent with each other and the new taxon nested within the family Redudasyidae, but COI mtDNA analyses showed clear distances between Redudasys fornerise, Redudasys sp. and the new taxon. Results suggest that Macrodasyida invaded freshwater environment only once and the Neotropical region seems to be a peculiar place for the evolution of the freshwater macrodasyidan clade