363 research outputs found

    High temporal resolution mapping of total suspended matter in Belgian coastal waters with SEVIRI data: a feasibility study

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    This study aims to investigate the potential of The Spinning Enhanced Visible and InfraRed Imager (SEVIRI) of the ‘Meteosat Second Generation’ (MSG) geostationary satellite system for suspended matter mapping in Belgian Coastal Waters. The SEVIRI radiometer has 12 spectral channels with a spatial resolution of 3km in all channels except the High Resolution Visual (HRV) channel, where the resolution is 1km. Data is available in near real time every 15 minutes. A test data set was obtained from the SEVIRI Archive of the Royal Meteorological Institute of Belgium reflectance values using a simple atmospheric correction algorithm. Total suspended matter is then estimated from reflectance at the higher spatial resolution offered by the HRV band. This preliminary study provides the basis for generation of geostationary ocean colour sensors opens the perspective of studying high frequency dynamics of the coastal ecosystem (resuspension of bottom sediments, growth and decay of algal blooms) as well as mitigating the problems of cloudiness encountered with the current generation of polar-orbiters (MODIS, MERIS, SeaWiFS). This sensitivity, wavelengths needed for atmospheric correction and the use of a high spatial resolution broadband channel

    Optical in situ and geostationary satellite-borne observations of suspended particles in coastal waters

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    Les particules en suspension dans l'eau de mer incluent les sédiments, le phytoplancton, le zooplancton, les bactéries, les virus et des détritus. Ces particules sont communément appelés matière en suspension (MES). Dans les eaux côtières, la MES peut parcourir de longues distances et être transportée verticalement à travers la colonne d'eau sous l'effet des vents et des marées favorisant les processus d'advection et de resuspension. Ceci implique une large variabilité spatio-temporelle de MES et quasiment impossible à reconstituer à travers les mesures traditionnelles des concentrations de MES [MES], par filtration de l'eau de mer à bord de bateaux. La [MES] peut être obtenue à partir de capteurs optiques enregistrant la diffusion et déployés soit de manière in-situ, soit à partir d'un satellite dans l'espace. Depuis la fin des années 70, par exemple, les satellites "couleur de l'eau" permettent d'établir des cartes de [MES] globales. La fréquence d'une image par jour pour la mer di Nord de ces capteurs polaires représente un obstacle non négligeable pour l'étude de variabilité de la [MES] dans les eaux côtières où la marée et les vents engendrent des variations rapides au cours de la journée. Cette limitation est d'autant plus importante pour les régions avec une couverture nuageuse fréquente. Les méthodes in-situ à partir d'un navire autonome ou d'une plateforme amarrée permettent d'enregistrer des données en continu mais leur couverture spatiale reste néanmoins limitée. Ce travail a pour objectif de mettre en avant les techniques de mesures in-situ et satellite de la [MES] en se concentrant principalement sur deux points. Premièrement, d'acquérir une meilleure connaissance de la variabilité de la relation entre la [MES] et la lumière diffuse, et deuxièmement, d'établir des cartes de [MES] dans la mer du Nord avec le capteur géostationnaire météorologique Européen (SEVIRI) qui donne des images chaque 15 minutes.La variabilité de la relation entre la [MES] et la lumière diffuse est étudiée à l'aide d'une banque de données in-situ. Nous démontrons que la [MES] est le mieux estimée à partir des mesures dans l'intervalle rouge du spectre de lumière rétro-diffuse. Par ailleurs, la relation entre la [MES] et la rétrodiffusion est gouvernée par la composition organique/inorganique des particules, ce qui représente des possibilités d'amélioration pour les algorithmes d'estimation de [MES] à partir de la couleur de l'eau. Nous démontrons aussi qu'avec SEVIRI il est possible d'estimer la [MES], la turbidité et le coefficient d'atténuation, deux variables étroitement liées à la [MES], avec généralement une bonne précision. Bien qu'il y ait d'importantes incertitudes dans les eaux claires, cette réussite est remarquable pour un capteur météorologique initialement conçu pour le suivi des nuages et des masses glaciaires, cibles beaucoup plus brillantes que la mer! Ce travail démontre pour la première fois que la variabilité de la [MES] à l'échelle temporelle des marées dans les eaux côtières au sud de la mer du Nord peut être capturée et mesurée par le biais de la télédétection de la couleur de l'eau ; ce qui ouvre des opportunités pour le monitoring de la turbidité et pour la modélisation des écosystèmes. Le premier capteur géostationnaire couleur de l'eau a été lancé en juin 2012, donnant des images multispectrale des eaux coréennes chaque heure. D'autres capteurs vont probablement suivre dans l'avenir, couvrant le reste des eaux du globe. Ce travail nous permet donc de préparer, de façon optimale, l'arrivée de ces capteurs qui vont révolutionner l'océanographie optique.Particles suspended in seawater include sediments, phytoplankton, zooplankton, bacteria, viruses, and detritus, and are collectively referred to as suspended particulate matter, SPM. In coastal waters, SPM is transported over long distances and in the water column by biological, tide or wind-driven advection and resuspension processes, thus varying strongly in time and space. These strong dynamics challenge the traditional measurement of the concentration of SPM, [SPM], through filtration of seawater sampled from ships. Estimation of [SPM] from sensors recording optical scattering allows to cover larger temporal or spatial scales. So called ocean colour satelittes, for example, have been used for the mapping of [SPM] on a global scale since the late 1970s. These polar-orbiting satellites typically provide one image per day forthe North Sea area. However, the sampling frequency of these satellites is a serious limitation in coastal waters where [SPM] changes rapidly during the day due to tides and winds.Optical instruments installed on moored platforms or on under-water vehicles can be operated continuously, but their spatial coverage is limited. This work aims to advance in situ and space-based optical techniques for [SPM] retrieval by investigating the natural variability in the relationship between [SPM] and light scattering by particles and by investigating whether the European geostationary meteorological SEVIRI sensor, which provides imagery every 15 minutes, can be used for the mapping of [SPM] in the southern North Sea. Based on an extensive in situ dataset, we show that [SPM] is best estimated from red light scattered in the back directions (backscattering). Moreover, the relationship between [SPM]] and particulate backscattering is driven by the organic/inorganic composition of suspended particles, offering opportunities to improve [SPM] retrieval algorithms. We also show that SEVIRI successfully retrieves [SPM] and related parameters such as turbidity and the vertical light attenuation coefficient in turbid waters. Even though uncertainties are considerable in clear waters, this is a remarkable result for a meteorological sensor designed to monitor clouds and ice, much brighter targets than the sea! On cloud free days, tidal variability of [SPM] can now be resolved by remote sensing for the first time, offering new opportunities for monitoring of turbidity and ecosystem modelling. In June 2010 the first geostationary ocean colour sensor was launched into space which provides hourly multispectral imagery of Korean waters. Other geostationary ocean colour sensors are likely to become operational in the (near?) future over the rest of the world's sea. This work allows us to maximally prepare for the coming of geostationary ocean colour satellites, which are expected to revolutionize optical oceanography.De in zeewater aanwezige zwevende materie zoals sedimenten, fytoplankton, zooplankton, bacteriën, virussen en detritus, worden collectief "suspended particulate matter" (SPM) genoemd. In kustwateren worden deze deeltjes over lange afstanden en in de waterkolom getransporteerd door biologische processen of wind- of getijdenwerking, waardoor SPM sterk varieert in ruimte en tijd. Door deze sterke dynamiek wordt de traditionele bemonstering van de concentratie van SPM, [SPM], door middel van filtratie van zeewaterstalen aan boord van schepen ontoereikend. Optische technieken die gebruik maken van de lichtverstriioongseigenschappen van SPM bieden een gebieds- of tijdsdekkend alternatief. Zogenaamde "ocean colour" satellieten bijvoorbeeld leveren beelden van o.a. [SPM] aan het zeeoppervlak op globale schaal sinds eind 1970, met een frequantie van één beeld per dag voor de Noordzee. Deze frequentie is echter onvoldoende in onze kustwateren waar [SPM] drastisch kan veranderen in enkele uren tijd. Optische instrumenten aan boord vann schepen of op onderwatervoertuigen kunnen continu meten, maar de gebiedsdekking is deperkt. Dit werk heeft tot doel de lichtverstriioongseigenschappen van SPM te karakterizeren en te onderzoeken of de Europese geostationaire weersatelliet, die elk kwartier een beeld geeft, kan worden gebruikt voor de kartering van [SPM] in de zuidelijke Noordzee. Op basis van een grote dataset van in situ metingen tonen wij aan dat [SPM] het nauwkeurigst kan worden bepaald door de meting van de verstrooiing van rood licht in achterwaartse richtingen (terugverstrooiing). Bovendien blijkt de relatie tussen [SPM] en terugverstrooiing afhankelijk van de organische-anorganische samenstelling van zwenvende stof, wat mogelijkhenden biedt tot het verfijnen van teledetectiealgoritmen voor [SPM]. Voorts tonen woj aan dat de Europese weersatelliet, SEVIRI, successvol kan worden aangewend voor de kartering van [SPM] en gerelateerde parameters zoals troebelheid en lichtdemping in de waterkolom. Hoewel met grote meetonzekerheid in klaar water toch een opmerkelijk resultaat voor een sensor die ontworpen werd voor detectie van wolken en ijs! Op wolkenvrije dagen wordt hierdoor de getijdendynamiek van [SPM] in de zuidelijke Noordzee voor het eerst detecteerbaar vanuit de ruimte, wat nieuwe mogelijkheden biedt voor de monitoring van waterkwaliteit en verbetering van ecosysteellodellen. Sinds juni 2010 is de eerste geostationaire ocean colour satelliet een feit : elk uur een multispectraal beeld van Koreaanse wateren. Vermoedelijk zullen er in de (nabije?) toekomst meer volgen over Europa en Amerika. Dit werk laat toe ons maximaal voor te bereiden op te komst van zo'n satellieten, waarvan verwacht wordt dat zij een nieuwe revolutie in optische oceanografie zullen ontketenen

    Optimization and quality control of suspended particulate matter concentration measurement using turbidity measurements

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    The dry weight concentration of suspended particulate material, [SPM] (units: mg L?1), is measured by passing a known volume of seawater through a preweighed filter and reweighing the filter after drying. This is apparently a simple procedure, but accuracy and precision of [SPM] measurements vary widely depending on the measurement protocol and experience and skills of the person filtering. We show that measurements of turbidity, T (units: FNU), which are low cost, simple, and fast, can be used to optimally set the filtration volume, to detect problems with the mixing of the sample during subsampling, and to quality control [SPM]. A relationship between T and ?optimal filtration volume?, Vopt, is established where Vopt is the volume at which enough matter is retained by the filter for precise measurement, but not so much that the filter clogs. This relationship is based on an assessment of procedural uncertainties in the [SPM] measurement protocol, including salt retention, filter preparation, weighing, and handling, and on a value for minimum relative precision for replicates. The effect of filtration volume on the precision of [SPM] measurement is investigated by filtering volumes of seawater ranging between one fifth and twice Vopt. It is shown that filtrations at Vopt maximize precision and cost effectiveness of [SPM]. Finally, the 90% prediction bounds of the T versus [SPM] regression allow the quality control of [SPM] determinations. In conclusion it is recommended that existing [SPM] gravimetric measurements be refined to include measurement of turbidity to improve their precision and quality control

    Halo Estimates and Simulations for Linear Colliders

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    Halo simulations and estimates are important for the design of future linear accelerators. We describe the main processes with analytic estimates and present our generic simulations in application to the ILC

    Mangroves facing climate change: landward migration potential in response to projected scenarios of sea level rise

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    Mangrove forests prominently occupy an intertidal boundary position where the effects of sea level rise will be fast and well visible. This study in East Africa (Gazi Bay, Kenya) addresses the question of whether mangroves can be resilient to a rise in sea level by focusing on their potential to migrate towards landward areas. The combinatory analysis between remote sensing, DGPS-based ground truth and digital terrain models (DTM) unveils how real vegetation assemblages can shift under different projected (minimum (+9 cm), relative (+20 cm), average (+48 cm) and maximum (+88 cm)) scenarios of sea level rise (SLR). Under SLR scenarios up to 48 cm by the year 2100, the landward extension remarkably implies an area increase for each of the dominant mangrove assemblages except for Avicennia marina and Ceriops tagal, both on the landward side. On the one hand, the increase in most species in the first three scenarios, including the socio-economically most important species in this area, Rhizophora mucronata and C. tagal on the seaward side, strongly depends on the colonisation rate of these species. On the other hand, a SLR scenario of +88 cm by the year 2100 indicates that the area flooded only by equinoctial tides strongly decreases due to the topographical settings at the edge of the inhabited area. Consequently, the landward Avicennia-dominated assemblages will further decrease as a formation if they fail to adapt to a more frequent inundation. The topography is site-specific; however non-invadable areas can be typical for many mangrove settings

    The Higgs Working Group: Summary Report (2001)

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    Report of the Higgs working group for the Workshop `Physics at TeV Colliders', Les Houches, France, 21 May - 1 June 2001. It contains 7 separate sections: A. Theoretical Developments B. Higgs Searches at the Tevatron C. Experimental Observation of an invisible Higgs Boson at LHC D. Search for the Standard Model Higgs Boson using Vector Boson Fusion at the LHC E. Study of the MSSM channel A/HττA/H \to \tau \tau at the LHC F. Searching for Higgs Bosons in ttˉHt\bar t H Production G. Studies of Charged Higgs Boson Signals for the Tevatron and the LHCComment: 120 pages, latex, many figures, proceedings of the Workshop `Physics at TeV Colliders', Les Houches, France, 21 May - 1 June 2001, full Author list included in paper. Typos corrected, author list and acknowledgements completed. Convernors: D. Cavalli, A. Djouadi, K. Jakobs, A. Nikitenko, M. Spira, C.E.M. Wagner, W.-M. Ya

    Energy Linearity and Resolution of the ATLAS Electromagnetic Barrel Calorimeter in an Electron Test-Beam

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    A module of the ATLAS electromagnetic barrel liquid argon calorimeter was exposed to the CERN electron test-beam at the H8 beam line upgraded for precision momentum measurement. The available energies of the electron beam ranged from 10 to 245 GeV. The electron beam impinged at one point corresponding to a pseudo-rapidity of eta=0.687 and an azimuthal angle of phi=0.28 in the ATLAS coordinate system. A detailed study of several effects biasing the electron energy measurement allowed an energy reconstruction procedure to be developed that ensures a good linearity and a good resolution. Use is made of detailed Monte Carlo simulations based on Geant which describe the longitudinal and transverse shower profiles as well as the energy distributions. For electron energies between 15 GeV and 180 GeV the deviation of the measured incident electron energy over the beam energy is within 0.1%. The systematic uncertainty of the measurement is about 0.1% at low energies and negligible at high energies. The energy resolution is found to be about 10% sqrt(E) for the sampling term and about 0.2% for the local constant term