40 research outputs found

    Expedition 390 Preliminary Report. South Atlantic Transect 1

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    The South Atlantic Transect (SAT) is a multidisciplinary scientific ocean drilling project that comprises four International Ocean Discovery Program (IODP) expeditions: engineering Expeditions 390C and 395E as well as Expeditions 390 and 393. Altogether, the expeditions aim to recover complete sedimentary sections and the upper 100–350 m of the underlying oceanic crust along a slow/intermediate spreading rate Mid-Atlantic Ridge crustal flow line at ~31°S. The sediments along this transect were originally spot cored more than 50 y ago during Deep Sea Drilling Project Leg 3 (December 1968–January 1969) to help verify the theories of seafloor spreading and plate tectonics. Given dramatic advances in drilling technology and analytical capabilities since Leg 3, many high-priority scientific objectives can be addressed by revisiting the transect. The SAT expeditions target six primary sites on 7, 15, 31, 49, and 61 Ma ocean crust, which fill critical gaps in our sampling of intact in situ ocean crust with regards to crustal age, spreading rate, and sediment thickness. Drilling these sites is required to investigate the history of the low-temperature hydrothermal interactions between the aging ocean crust and the evolving South Atlantic Ocean and quantify past hydrothermal contributions to global biogeochemical cycles. Samples from the transect of the previously unexplored sediment- and basalt-hosted deep biosphere beneath the South Atlantic Gyre are essential to refining global biomass estimates and examining microbial ecosystems’ responses to variable conditions in a low-energy gyre and aging ocean crust. The transect is located near World Ocean Circulation Experiment Line A10, providing access to records of carbonate chemistry and deepwater mass properties across the western South Atlantic through key Cenozoic intervals of elevated atmospheric CO2 and rapid climate change. Reconstruction of the history of the deep western boundary current and deepwater formation in the Atlantic basins will yield crucial data to test hypotheses regarding the role of evolving thermohaline circulation patterns in climate change and the effects of tectonic gateways and climate on ocean acidification. Engineering Expeditions 390C and 395E cored a single hole through the sediment/basement interface with the advanced piston corer/extended core barrel system at five of the six primary proposed SAT sites and installed a reentry system with casing either into basement or within 10 m of basement at each of those five sites. Expedition 390 (7 April–7 June 2022) conducted operations at three of the SAT sites, recovering 700 m of core (77% recovery) over 30.3 days of on-site operations. Sediment coring, basement drilling, and logging were conducted at two sites on 61 Ma crust, and sediment coring was completed at the 7 Ma crust site. At Site U1557 on 61 Ma crust, the drill bit was deposited on the seafloor prior to downhole logging, leaving Hole U1557D available for future deepening and to establish a legacy borehole for basement hydrothermal and microbiological experiments. Expedition 390 scientists additionally described, and analyzed data from, 792 m of core collected during Expeditions 390C and 395E. Expedition 393 plans to operate at four sites, conducting basement drilling and downhole logging at the 7 Ma site, in addition to sediment coring, basement drilling, and logging at the sites intermediate in age

    Drilling-induced and logging-related features illustrated from IODP-ICDP Expedition 364 downhole logs and borehole imaging tools

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    Expedition 364 was a joint IODP and ICDP mission-specific platform (MSP) expedition to explore the Chicxulub impact crater buried below the surface of the Yucatán continental shelf seafloor. In April and May 2016, this expedition drilled a single borehole at Site M0077 into the crater's peak ring. Excellent quality cores were recovered from ~ 505 to ~1335m below seafloor (m b.s.f.), and high-resolution open hole logs were acquired between the surface and total drill depth. Downhole logs are used to image the borehole wall, measure the physical properties of rocks that surround the borehole, and assess borehole quality during drilling and coring operations. When making geological interpretations of downhole logs, it is essential to be able to distinguish between features that are geological and those that are operation-related. During Expedition 364 some drilling-induced and logging-related features were observed and include the following: effects caused by the presence of casing and metal debris in the hole, logging-tool eccentering, drilling-induced corkscrew shape of the hole, possible re-magnetization of low-coercivity grains within sedimentary rocks, markings on the borehole wall, and drilling-induced changes in the borehole diameter and trajectory

    Early paleocene paleoceanography and export productivity in the Chicxulub crater

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    The Chicxulub impact caused a crash in productivity in the world''s oceans which contributed to the extinction of ~75% of marine species. In the immediate aftermath of the extinction, export productivity was locally highly variable, with some sites, including the Chicxulub crater, recording elevated export production. The long-term transition back to more stable export productivity regimes has been poorly documented. Here, we present elemental abundances, foraminifer and calcareous nannoplankton assemblage counts, total organic carbon, and bulk carbonate carbon isotope data from the Chicxulub crater to reconstruct changes in export productivity during the first 3 Myr of the Paleocene. We show that export production was elevated for the first 320 kyr of the Paleocene, declined from 320 kyr to 1.2 Myr, and then remained low thereafter. A key interval in this long decline occurred 900 kyr to 1.2 Myr post impact, as calcareous nannoplankton assemblages began to diversify. This interval is associated with fluctuations in water column stratification and terrigenous flux, but these variables are uncorrelated to export productivity. Instead, we postulate that the turnover in the phytoplankton community from a post-extinction assemblage dominated by picoplankton (which promoted nutrient recycling in the euphotic zone) to a Paleocene pelagic community dominated by relatively larger primary producers like calcareous nannoplankton (which more efficiently removed nutrients from surface waters, leading to oligotrophy) is responsible for the decline in export production in the southern Gulf of Mexico. © 2021. American Geophysical Union. All Rights Reserved

    A steeply-inclined trajectory for the Chicxulub impact

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    The environmental severity of large impacts on Earth is influenced by their impact trajectory. Impact direction and angle to the target plane affect the volume and depth of origin of vaporized target, as well as the trajectories of ejected material. The asteroid impact that formed the 66 Ma Chicxulub crater had a profound and catastrophic effect on Earth’s environment, but the impact trajectory is debated. Here we show that impact angle and direction can be diagnosed by asymmetries in the subsurface structure of the Chicxulub crater. Comparison of 3D numerical simulations of Chicxulub-scale impacts with geophysical observations suggests that the Chicxulub crater was formed by a steeply-inclined (45–60° to horizontal) impact from the northeast; several lines of evidence rule out a low angle (<30°) impact. A steeply-inclined impact produces a nearly symmetric distribution of ejected rock and releases more climate-changing gases per impactor mass than either a very shallow or near-vertical impact

    Three-dimensional joint inversion of traveltime and gravity data across the Chicxulub impact crater

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    In 2005 an extensive new seismic refraction data set was acquired over the central part of the Chicxulub impact crater, allowing us to image its structure with much better resolution than before. However, models derived from traveltime data are limited by the available ray coverage and the nonuniqueness that is inherent to all geophysical methods. Therefore, many different models can fit the data equally well. To address these issues, we have developed a new method to simultaneously invert traveltime and gravity data to obtain an integrated model. To convert velocity to density, we use a linear relationship derived from measurements on core from the Chicxulub impact basin, thus providing a reliable conversion equation that is typical for lithologies of the central part of this crater. Prior to utilizing the inversion on the observed data, we have run a suite of tests to establish the optimum weighting between traveltime and gravity constraints, using a synthetic model of central crater structure and the real experimental geometry. These synthetic tests indicate which inversion parameters lead to the best recovery of subsurface structure, as well as which parts of the model are well resolved. We applied the method to all existing gravity data and to seismic refraction data acquired in 1996 and the new, higher-resolution seismic refraction data acquired in 2005. We favor the traveltime model wherever we have sufficient ray coverage and the joint model where we have no ray coverage

    Seismic images of the Transition fault and the unstable Yakutat-Pacific-North American triple junction

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    In southern Alaska, the Pacific plate and Yakutat terrane subduct beneath the North American plate along the Aleutian Trench and Pamplona zone, respectively, and are sliding past each other at minimal rates along the Transition fault. As the deformation front of the Pamplona zone stepped eastward during the Pliocene–Pleistocene, the Pacific–North American–Yakutat triple junction became unstable. Four recent seismic images reveal that the Transition fault changes from a single strike-slip boundary east of the deformation front to three strands that step increasingly seaward between the deformation front and the Aleutian Trench. The southern two strands deform the Pacific crust, and the outermost of these became increasingly convergent sometime since 1 Ma, as demonstrated by young growth strata. We propose that this internal deformation of the Pacific plate is an attempt to reattain stability, which can only be reached by creating a tectonic boundary collinear with the Pamplona zone. The plate reorganization will result in initiation of subduction such that a portion of former Pacific crust will become accreted to the North American plate. Such accretion events caused by triple-junction instability may be an important mechanism for transferring oceanic crust to continental margins

    South Atlantic Transect: Variations in Oceanic Crustal Structure at 31°S

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    Abstract We present an analysis of geophysical data acquired along a transect of 0–62 Ma crust located on the western flank of the Mid‐Atlantic Ridge at 31°S; all crust was formed at the same ridge segment. Crustal thickness, constrained by five wide‐angle profiles, has mean values of 5.6 km at 6.6 and 15.2 Ma, 7.0 km at 30.6 Ma, 5.5 km at 49.2 Ma, and 3.6 km at 61.2 Ma. Crustal thickness is uniform along each ridge‐parallel profile (standard deviations 0.1–0.3 km), indicating uniform along‐axis magmatic accretion over lateral distances of 40–60 km. The crustal structure of 61.2 Ma crust is not only anomalously thin compared to the other profiles but also contains regions with a linear velocity gradient from seafloor to Moho, which suggests that intense fracturing may extend to the base of the thin crust. Abyssal hill root‐mean‐square heights in the study region are 57–142 m and have an inverse correlation with spreading rate. These values are lower than the average root‐mean‐square height of 196 m elsewhere on the southern Mid‐Atlantic Ridge and indicate relatively high mantle temperatures in our study area. Unsedimented or lightly sedimented basement highs are prevalent at all ages; we argue that bottom currents scour the high topography, transporting sediment into adjacent basement lows. All drillsites planned for International Ocean Discovery Program Expeditions 390 and 393 are within 1–10 km of unsedimented or lightly sedimented basement highs, which should facilitate fluid flow and continued geochemical exchange between crust and seafloor

    Borehole Seismic Observations From the Chicxulub Impact Drilling: Implications for Seismic Reflectivity and Impact Damage

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    International audienceWe conducted a vertical seismic profile (VSP) in the borehole of International Ocean Discovery Program/International Continental Scientific Drilling Program Expedition 364 Site M0077 to better understand the nature of the seismic reflectivity and the in situ seismic properties associated with the Chicxulub impact structure peak ring. Extraction of the up-going wavefield from the VSP shows that a strong seismic reflection event imaged in seismic reflection data results from discontinuities in the elastic impedance Z (the product of density and wave speed) at the top and bottom of a zone of hydrothermally altered melt-bearing polymict breccia (suevite) that are characterized by anomalously low Z. Below this strong carbonate/suevite reflection event, the upgoing seismic wavefield is chaotic, indicating high levels of scattering from the suevites and underlying melt rocks and shocked granitoids of the peak ring, in contrast to the clear coherent reflections throughout the overlying Cenozoic sediments. We extract shear wave speeds, which, together with those provided from the complementary sonic log and densities from core scanning, allowed determination of VP/VS and Poisson's ratio v. These values are anomalously high relative to comparable terrestrial lithologies. We also calculate a variety of damage parameters for the disrupted peak ring granitoids. These values may assist in linking seismic observations to shock levels that are necessary to calibrate current impact models and may also be useful in assessing levels of fracturing within major fault zones

    Full waveform tomographic images of the peak ring at the Chicxulub impact crater

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    Peak rings are a feature of large impact craters on the terrestrial planets and are generally believed to be formed from deeply buried rocks that are uplifted during crater formation. The precise lithology and kinematics of peak ring formation, however, remains unclear. Previous work has revealed a suite of bright inward dipping reflectors beneath the peak ring at the Chicxulub impact crater and that the peak ring was formed from rocks with a relatively low seismic velocity. New two-dimensional, full waveform tomographic velocity images show that the uppermost lithology of the peak ring is formed from a thin (∼100–200 m thick) layer of low-velocity (∼3000–3200 m/s) rocks. This low-velocity layer is most likely composed of highly porous, allogenic impact breccias. Our models also show that the change in velocity between lithologies within and outside the peak ring is more abrupt than previously realized and occurs close to the location of the dipping reflectors. Across the peak ring, velocity appears to correlate well with predicted shock pressures from a dynamic model of crater formation, where the rocks that form the peak ring originate from an uplifted basement that has been subjected to high shock pressures (10–50 GPa) and lie above downthrown sedimentary rocks that have been subjected to shock pressures of <5 GPa. These observations suggest that low velocities within the peak ring may be related to shock effects and that the dipping reflectors underneath the peak ring might represent the boundary between highly shocked basement and weakly shocked sediments

    Physical properties and seismic structure of Izu-Bonin-Mariana fore-arc crust: Results from IODP Expedition 352 and comparison with oceanic crust

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    Most of the well‐preserved ophiolite complexes are believed to form in suprasubduction zone (SSZ) settings. We compare physical properties and seismic structure of SSZ crust at the Izu‐Bonin‐Mariana (IBM) fore arc with oceanic crust drilled at Holes 504B and 1256D to evaluate the similarities of SSZ and oceanic crust. Expedition 352 basement consists of fore‐arc basalt (FAB) and boninite lavas and dikes. P‐wave sonic log velocities are substantially lower for the IBM fore arc (mean values 3.1–3.4 km/s) compared to Holes 504B and 1256D (mean values 5.0–5.2 km/s) at depths of 0–300 m below the sediment‐basement interface. For similar porosities, lower P‐wave sonic log velocities are observed at the IBM fore arc than at Holes 504B and 1256D. We use a theoretical asperity compression model to calculate the fractional area of asperity contact Af across cracks. Af values are 0.021–0.025 at the IBM fore arc and 0.074–0.080 at Holes 504B and 1256D for similar depth intervals (0–300 m within basement). The Af values indicate more open (but not necessarily wider) cracks in the IBM fore arc than for the oceanic crust at Holes 504B and 1256D, which is consistent with observations of fracturing and alteration at the Expedition 352 sites. Seismic refraction data constrain a crustal thickness of 10–15 km along the IBM fore arc. Implications and inferences are that crust‐composing ophiolites formed at SSZ settings could be thick and modified after accretion, and these processes should be considered when using ophiolites as an analog for oceanic crust