19 research outputs found

    Two 'b's in the Beehive: The Discovery of the First Hot Jupiters in an Open Cluster

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    We present the discovery of two giant planets orbiting stars in Praesepe (also known as the Beehive Cluster). These are the first known hot Jupiters in an open cluster and the only planets known to orbit Sun-like, main-sequence stars in a cluster. The planets are detected from Doppler shifted radial velocities; line bisector spans and activity indices show no correlation with orbital phase, confirming the variations are caused by planetary companions. Pr0201b orbits a V=10.52 late F dwarf with a period of 4.4264 +/- 0.0070 days and has a minimum mass of 0.540 +/- 0.039 Mjup, and Pr0211b orbits a V=12.06 late G dwarf with a period of 2.1451 +/- 0.0012 days and has a minimum mass of 1.844 +/- 0.064 Mjup. The detection of 2 planets among 53 single members surveyed establishes a lower limit on the hot Jupiter frequency of 3.8 (+5.0)(-2.4) % in this metal-rich open cluster. Given the precisely known age of the cluster, this discovery also demonstrates that, in at least 2 cases, giant planet migration occurred within 600 Myr after formation. As we endeavor to learn more about the frequency and formation history of planets, environments with well-determined properties -- such as open clusters like Praesepe -- may provide essential clues to this end.Comment: 5 pages, 3 tables, 2 figures. Published in ApJ Letter

    HAT-P-34b -- HAT-P-37b: Four Transiting Planets More Massive Than Jupiter Orbiting Moderately Bright Stars

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    We report the discovery of four transiting extrasolar planets (HAT-P-34b - HAT-P-37b) with masses ranging from 1.05 to 3.33 MJ and periods from 1.33 to 5.45 days. These planets orbit relatively bright F and G dwarf stars (from V = 10.16 to V = 13.2). Of particular interest is HAT-P-34b which is moderately massive (3.33 MJ), has a high eccentricity of e = 0.441 +/- 0.032 at P = 5.4526540+/-0.000016 d period, and shows hints of an outer component. The other three planets have properties that are typical of hot Jupiters.Comment: 16 pages, 12 figures, 14 tables, submitted to AJ 2011 Dec 23. Minor changes after the referee repor

    Distance to the Active Galaxy NGC 6951 via the Type Ia Supernova 2000E

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    CCD-photometry and low-resolution spectroscopy of the bright supernova SN 2000E in NGC 6951 are presented. Both the light curve extending up to 150 days past maximum and the spectra obtained at 1 month past maximum confirm that SN 2000E is of Type Ia. The reddening of SN 2000E is determined as E(B-V)=0.36+/-0.15, its error is mainly due to uncertainties in the predicted SN (B-V) colour at late epochs. The V(RI)_C light curves are analyzed with the Multi-Colour Light Curve Shape (MLCS) method. The shape of the late light curve suggests that SN 2000E was overluminous by about 0.5 mag at maximum comparing with a fiducial SN Ia. This results in an updated distance of 33+/-8 Mpc of NGC 6951 (corrected for interstellar absorption). The SN-based distance modulus is larger by about +0.7 mag than the previous Tully-Fisher estimates. However, possible systematic errors due to ambiguities in the reddening determination and estimates of the maximum luminosity of SN 2000E may plague the present distance measurement.Comment: 9 p., 5 figs, accepted for publication in A&A. A reference correcte

    CSI 2264 : accretion process in classical T Tauri stars in the young cluster NGC 2264

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    APS and SHPA acknowledge support from CNPq, CAPES and Fapemig. JFG acknowledges support from FCT ref project UID/FIS/04434/2013.Context. NGC 2264 is a young stellar cluster (~3 Myr) with hundreds of low-mass accreting stars that allow a detailed analysis of the accretion process taking place in the pre-main sequence. Aims. Our goal is to relate the photometric and spectroscopic variability of classical T Tauri stars to the physical processes acting in the stellar and circumstellar environment, within a few stellar radii from the star. Methods. NGC 2264 was the target of a multiwavelength observational campaign with CoRoT, MOST, Spitzer, and Chandra satellites and photometric and spectroscopic observations from the ground. We classified the CoRoT light curves of accreting systems according to their morphology and compared our classification to several accretion diagnostics and disk parameters. Results. The morphology of the CoRoT light curve reflects the evolution of the accretion process and of the inner disk region. Accretion burst stars present high mass-accretion rates and optically thick inner disks. AA Tau-like systems, whose light curves are dominated by circumstellar dust obscuration, show intermediate mass-accretion rates and are located in the transition of thick to anemic disks. Classical T Tauri stars with spot-like light curves correspond mostly to systems with a low mass-accretion rate and low mid-IR excess. About 30% of the classical T Tauri stars observed inthe 2008 and 2011 CoRoT runs changed their light-curve morphology.Transitions from AA Tau-like and spot-like to a periodic light curves and vice versa were common. The analysis of the Hα emission line variability of 58 accreting stars showed that 8 presented a periodicity that in a few cases was coincident with the photometric period. The blue and red wings of the Hα line profiles often do not correlate with each other, indicating that they are strongly influenced by different physical processes. Classical T Tauri stars have a dynamic stellar and circumstellar environment that can be explained by magnetospheric accretion and outflow models, including variations from stable to unstable accretion regimes on timescales of a few years.PostprintPeer reviewe

    KELT-2Ab: A Hot Jupiter Transiting the Bright (V=8.77) Primary Star of a Binary System

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    We report the discovery of KELT-2Ab, a hot Jupiter transiting the bright (V=8.77) primary star of the HD 42176 binary system. The host is a slightly evolved late F-star likely in the very short-lived "blue-hook" stage of evolution, with \teff=6148\pm48{\rm K}, log⁥g=4.030−0.026+0.015\log{g}=4.030_{-0.026}^{+0.015} and \feh=0.034\pm0.78. The inferred stellar mass is M∗=1.314−0.060+0.063M_*=1.314_{-0.060}^{+0.063}\msun\ and the star has a relatively large radius of R∗=1.836−0.046+0.066R_*=1.836_{-0.046}^{+0.066}\rsun. The planet is a typical hot Jupiter with period 4.11379±0.000014.11379\pm0.00001 days and a mass of MP=1.524±0.088M_P=1.524\pm0.088\mj\ and radius of RP=1.290−0.050+0.064R_P=1.290_{-0.050}^{+0.064}\rj. This is mildly inflated as compared to models of irradiated giant planets at the ∌\sim4 Gyr age of the system. KELT-2A is the third brightest star with a transiting planet identified by ground-based transit surveys, and the ninth brightest star overall with a transiting planet. KELT-2Ab's mass and radius are unique among the subset of planets with V<9V<9 host stars, and therefore increases the diversity of bright benchmark systems. We also measure the relative motion of KELT-2A and -2B over a baseline of 38 years, robustly demonstrating for the first time that the stars are bound. This allows us to infer that KELT-2B is an early K-dwarf. We hypothesize that through the eccentric Kozai mechanism KELT-2B may have emplaced KELT-2Ab in its current orbit. This scenario is potentially testable with Rossiter-McLaughlin measurements, which should have an amplitude of ∌\sim44 m s−1^{-1}.Comment: 9 pages, 2 tables, 4 figures. A short video describing this paper is available at http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wVS8lnkXXlE. Revised to reflect the ApJL version. Note that figure 4 is not in the ApJL versio

    The first year of SN 2004dj in NGC 2403

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    New BVRI photometry and optical spectroscopy of the Type IIp supernova 2004dj in NGC 2403, obtained during the first year since discovery, are presented. The progenitor cluster, Sandage 96, is also detected on pre-explosion frames. The light curve indicates that the explosion occured about 30 days before discovery, and the plateau phase lasted about +110 \pm 20 days after that. The plateau-phase spectra have been modelled with the SYNOW spectral synthesis code using H, NaI, TiII, ScII, FeII and BaII lines. The SN distance is inferred from the Expanding Photosphere Method and the Standard Candle Method applicable for SNe IIp. They resulted in distances that are consistent with each other as well as earlier Cepheid- and Tully-Fisher distances. The average distance, D = 3.47 \pm 0.29 Mpc is proposed for SN 2004dj and NGC 2403. The nickel mass produced by the explosion is estimated as 0.02 \pm 0.01 M_o. The SED of the progenitor cluster is reanalysed by fitting population synthesis models to our observed BVRI data supplemented by U and JKH magnitudes from the literature. The chi^2-minimization revealed a possible "young" solution with cluster age T_{cl} = 8 Myr, and an "old" solution with T_{cl} = 20 - 30 Myr. The "young" solution would imply a progenitor mass M > 20 M_o, which is higher than the previously detected progenitor masses for Type II SNe.Comment: 19 pages, accepted in MNRA

    KELT-2Ab: A Hot Jupiter Transiting The Bright (V=8.77) Primary Star Of A Binary System

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    We report the discovery of KELT-2Ab, a hot Jupiter transiting the bright (V = 8.77) primary star of the HD 42176 binary system. The host is a slightly evolved late F-star likely in the very short-lived blue-hook stage of evolution, with T-eff = 6148 +/- 48 K, log g = 4.030(-0.026)(+0.015) and [Fe/H] = 0.034 +/- 0.78. The inferred stellar mass is M-* = 1.314(-0.060)(+0.063) M-circle dot and the star has a relatively large radius of R-* = 1.836(-0.046)(+0.066) R-circle dot. The planet is a typical hot Jupiter with period 4.1137913 +/- 0.00001 days and a mass of M-P = 1.524 +/- 0.088M(J) and radius of R-P = 1.290(-0.050)(+0.064) R-J. This is mildly inflated as compared to models of irradiated giant planets at the similar to 4 Gyr age of the system. KELT-2A is the third brightest star with a transiting planet identified by ground-based transit surveys, and the ninth brightest star overall with a transiting planet. KELT-2Ab\u27s mass and radius are unique among the subset of planets with V \u3c 9 host stars, and therefore increases the diversity of bright benchmark systems. We also measure the relative motion of KELT-2A and -2B over a baseline of 38 years, robustly demonstrating for the first time that the stars are bound. This allows us to infer that KELT-2B is an early K dwarf. We hypothesize that through the eccentric Kozai mechanism KELT-2B may have emplaced KELT-2Ab in its current orbit. This scenario is potentially testable with Rossiter-McLaughlin measurements, which should have an amplitude of similar to 44 m s(-1)

    CSI 2264:accretion process in classical T Tauri stars in the young cluster NGC 2264

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    Context. NGC 2264 is a young stellar cluster (~3 Myr) with hundreds of low-mass accreting stars that allow a detailed analysis of the accretion process taking place in the pre-main sequence.Aims. Our goal is to relate the photometric and spectroscopic variability of classical T Tauri stars to the physical processes acting in the stellar and circumstellar environment, within a few stellar radii from the star.Methods. NGC 2264 was the target of a multiwavelength observational campaign with CoRoT, MOST, Spitzer, and Chandra satellites and photometric and spectroscopic observations from the ground. We classified the CoRoT light curves of accreting systems according to their morphology and compared our classification to several accretion diagnostics and disk parameters.Results. The morphology of the CoRoT light curve reflects the evolution of the accretion process and of the inner disk region. Accretion burst stars present high mass-accretion rates and optically thick inner disks. AA Tau-like systems, whose light curves are dominated by circumstellar dust obscuration, show intermediate mass-accretion rates and are located in the transition of thick to anemic disks. Classical T Tauri stars with spot-like light curves correspond mostly to systems with a low mass-accretion rate and low mid-IR excess. About 30% of the classical T Tauri stars observed inthe 2008 and 2011 CoRoT runs changed their light-curve morphology.Transitions from AA Tau-like and spot-like to a periodic light curves and vice versa were common. The analysis of the Hα emission line variability of 58 accreting stars showed that 8 presented a periodicity that in a few cases was coincident with the photometric period. The blue and red wings of the Hα line profiles often do not correlate with each other, indicating that they are strongly influenced by different physical processes. Classical T Tauri stars have a dynamic stellar and circumstellar environment that can be explained by magnetospheric accretion and outflow models, including variations from stable to unstable accretion regimes on timescales of a few years