663 research outputs found

    Single-leg airline revenue management with overbooking

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    Airline revenue management is about identifying the maximum revenue seat allocation policies. Since a major loss in revenue results from cancellations and no-show passengers, over the years overbooking has received a significant attention in the literature. In this study, we propose new models for static and dynamic single-leg overbooking problems. In the static case, we introduce computationally tractable models that give upper and lower bounds for the optimal expected revenue. In the dynamic case, we propose a new dynamic programming model, which is based on two streams of arrivals. The first stream corresponds to the booking requests and the second stream represents the cancellations. We also conduct simulation experiments to illustrate the proposed models and the solution methods

    Capital Fixity and Mobility in Response to the 2008-09 Crisis: Variegated Neoliberalism in Mexico and Turkey

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    The article examines the 2008-9 crisis responses in Mexico and Turkey as examples of variegated neoliberalism. The simultaneous interests of corporations and banks relative to the national fixing of capital and their mobility in the form of global investment heavily influenced each state authority’s policy responses to the crisis at the expense of the interests of the poor, workers, and peasantry. Rather than pitching this as either evidence of persistent national differentiation or some Keynesian state resurgence, we argue from a historical materialist geographical framework that the responses of capital and state authorities in Mexico and Turkey actively constitute and reconstitute the global parameters of market regulatory design and neoliberal class rule through each state’s distinct domestic policy formation and crisis management processes. While differing in specific content the form of Mexico and Turkey’s state responses to the crisis ensured continuity in their foregoing neoliberal strategies of development and capital accumulation, most notably in the continued oppression of workers. That is, the prevailing strategy of accumulation continues to be variegated neoliberalism

    Modeling interestingness of streaming classification rules as a classification problem

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    Inducing classification rules on domains from which information is gathered at regular periods lead the number of such classification rules to be generally so huge that selection of interesting ones among all discovered rules becomes an important task. At each period, using the newly gathered information from the domain, the new classification rules are induced. Therefore, these rules stream through time and are so called streaming classification rules. In this paper, an interactive classification rules' interestingness learning algorithm (ICRIL) is developed to automatically label the classification rules either as "interesting" or "uninteresting" with limited user interaction. In our study, VFFP (Voting Fuzzified Feature Projections), a feature projection based incremental classification algorithm, is also developed in the framework of ICRIL. The concept description learned by the VFFP is the interestingness concept of streaming classification rules. © Springer-Verlag Berlin Heidelberg 2006

    Use of Lactobacillus farciminis to improve antioxidant status of Tuj lambs

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    The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of Lactobacillus farciminis on growth traits and antioxidant status in preweaning and postweaning Tuj lambs. Twenty lambs were divided into four groups, regardless of gender, with a mean live weight of 7.81 ± 0.50 kg. At the start of the experiment, the average age of the lambs was seven days. During the six-week preweaning period, control (C) lambs were fed with colostrum only, and Lactobacillus farciminis was given orally to the treated lambs at 1 g/day/lamb (L1), 2 g/day/lamb (L2) or 4 g/day/lamb (L3). The experiment continued for a total of 22 weeks. During the first six weeks, bodyweight (BW) increased significantly in L1 at the sixth week. Also during this period, bodyweight gain (BWG) in L2 at 2 - 3 weeks and in L3 at 5 - 6 weeks differed from C. In the subsequent period, BW and BWG were not affected by probiotic supplementation. The effects of probiotic supplementation on malondialdehyde (MDA), nitric oxide (NO), superoxide dismutase (SOD), glutathione peroxidase (GPx), and catalase (CAT) were significant throughout the experiment, with the effect on glutathione (GSH) also being important in the first six weeks. Thus, Lactobacillus farciminis provided orally to Tuj breed lambs could be used to improve their antioxidant status without compromising growth

    Foreign direct investment, stock market capitalization, and sustainable development: relative impacts of domestic and foreign capital

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    It is well acknowledged that achieving sustainable development goals without negatively impacting a country’s economic activity is complicated. The question of whether foreign or domestic capital can be used to address the financial demands of the nations who lack the financial resources for a green transformation should now be resolved. Based on this, the main goal of this research is to analyze the impacts of domestic and foreign capital on carbon emissions for a heterogeneous panel of 42 countries for the period from 1990 to 2017. Aside from capital accumulation, the environmental impact of elements such as economic growth, urbanization, trade openness, and energy usage is also studied. The newly developed quantile via moment approach is utilized to isolate the impacts according to the countries’ emission levels. Finally, the impact of these variables on the recently constructed sustainable development index is investigated in order to ensure its robustness. The findings of the study reveal that the environmental efficiency of domestic capital accumulation in countries with low emission levels is higher than in countries with high emission levels. Foreign capital, on the other hand, has no substantial effect on emission levels in all quantiles. © 2022, The Author(s), under exclusive licence to Springer-Verlag GmbH Germany, part of Springer Nature

    Modeling the combined effect of RNA-binding proteins and microRNAs in post-transcriptional regulation

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    Recent studies show that RNA-binding proteins (RBPs) and microRNAs (miRNAs) function in coordination with each other to control post-transcriptional regulation (PTR). Despite this, the majority of research to date has focused on the regulatory effect of individual RBPs or miRNAs. Here, we mapped both RBP and miRNA binding sites on human 3′UTRs and utilized this collection to better understand PTR. We show that the transcripts that lack competition for HuR binding are destabilized more after HuR depletion. We also confirm this finding for PUM1(2) by measuring genome-wide expression changes following the knockdown of PUM1(2) in HEK293 cells. Next, to find potential cooperative interactions, we identified the pairs of factors whose sites co-localize more often than expected by random chance. Upon examining these results for PUM1(2), we found that transcripts where the sites of PUM1(2) and its interacting miRNA form a stem-loop are more stabilized upon PUM1(2) depletion. Finally, using dinucleotide frequency and counts of regulatory sites as features in a regression model, we achieved an AU-ROC of 0.86 in predicting mRNA half-life in BEAS-2B cells. Altogether, our results suggest that future studies of PTR must consider the combined effects of RBPs and miRNAs, as well as their interactions.No sponso

    Akdeniz Bölgesi Seralarında Yetiştirilen Bitkilerin Beslenme Durumlarının incelenmesi II. Domates, Hıyar, Biber ve Patlıcan Bitkilerinin Beslenme Durumları

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    Bu çal ışma, Akdeniz Bölgesinde yeti ştirilen domates, h ı yar, biber ve patl ı can bitkilerinin beslenme durumlar ı n ı incelemek ve beslenme sorunlar ı n ı belirlemek amac ı yla yap ı lm ışt ı r. Bu amaçla; domates, h ı yar, biber ve patl ı can yetiştirilen toplam 314 adet seradan yaprak örnekleri al ı nm ışt ı r. Yaprak örneklerinde, azot N , fosfor P , potasyum K , kalsiyum Ca , magnezyum Mg , demir Fe , bak ı r Cu , çinko Zn , mangan Mn ve bor B analizleri yap ı lm ışt ı r. Yaprak örneklerine ait analiz sonuçlar ı sı n ı r değerleri ile karşı laşt ı r ı larak incelenen bitkilerin beslenme durumlar ı n ı n ortaya konulmas ı na çal ışı lm ışt ı r. Elde edilen bulgulara göre, domates bitkisi yaprak örneklerinin N, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Mn kapsamlar ı sı n ı r değ erlerine göre yeterli ve fazla düzeyde, K ve B kapsamlar ı yönünden noksan, P ve Zn bakı m ı ndan ise büyük çoğ unlu ğ u yeterli ve noksan düzeylerde belirlenmi ştir. H ı yar bitkisi yapraklar ı n ı n N kapsamlar ı noksan düzeyden fazla düzeye kadar de ğ i şim gösterirken, P, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn ve Mn kapsamlar ı bak ı m ı ndan yeterli, K kapsamları yönünden örneklerin ço ğu ve B bakı m ı ndan da hemen hemen tamam ı noksan düzeylerde belirlenmi ştir. Biber bitkisinin yaprak örneklerinin N, P, Ca, Mg, Fe, Cu, Zn ve Mn kapsamlar ı bak ı m ı ndan çoğ unluğu yeterli ve fazla, B kapsamları yönünden örneklerin tamam ı noksan, K bak ı m ı ndan ise noksandan fazla düzeye kadar de ğiştiği saptanm ışt ı r. Patl ı can bitkisi yaprak örneklerinin N, K, Mg, Cu kapsamlar ı noksan düzeyden fazla düzeye kadar bir değişim gösterirken, B kapsamlar ı bak ı m ı ndan örneklerin tamam ı noksan düzeyde, P, Ca ve Fe kapsamlar ı yönünden yeterli, Zn ve Mn kapsamlar ı bak ı m ı ndan ise noksan ve yeterli düzeylerde de ğişen bir dağı l ı m göstermiştir

    ISRM Suggested Method for Determining the Abrasivity of Rock by the CERCHAR Abrasivity Test

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    Rock abrasivity plays an important role in characterizing a rock material for excavation purposes. Abrasion can be defined as the wearing or tearing away of particles from the surface, i.e. it is a process causing removal or displacement of material at a solid surface, which will lead to wear, especially on tools that are used in mining, drilling, and tunneling applications. The CERCHAR Abrasivity Test is a method to determine an index called CERCHAR Abrasivity Index (CAI) for the rock's abrasivity. The test was originally developed by the Laboratoire du Centre d'Etudes et Recherches des Charbonnages (CERCHAR) de France for coal mining applications (Cerchar 1986). Two standards exist for this test method: the French standard AFNOR NF P 94-430-1 (2000) and ASTM D7625-10 (2010). The test is widely used in research and practice. There are essentially two designs of testing apparatus: the original design as developed at the CERCHAR Centre (Valantin 1973) and a modified design as reported by West (1989). While the designs are similar there are some important differences as well as ambiguities in test conditions that include equipment actuation, material properties of the stylus and sample preparation as summarized by Plinninger et al. (2003