49 research outputs found

    Structures of PI4KIIIβ complexes show simultaneous recruitment of Rab11 and its effectors

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    Phosphatidylinositol 4-kinases (PI4Ks) and small guanosine triphosphatases (GTPases) are essential for processes that require expansion and remodeling of phosphatidylinositol 4-phosphate (PI4P)-containing membranes, including cytokinesis, intracellular development of malarial pathogens, and replication of a wide range of RNA viruses. However, the structural basis for coordination of PI4K, GTPases and their effectors is unknown. Here, we describe structures of PI4KB (PI4KIIIβ) bound to the small GTPase Rab11a without and with the Rab11 effector protein FIP3. The Rab11-PI4KIIIβ interface is unique compared with known structures of Rab complexes, and does not involve switch regions used by GTPase effectors. Our data provide a mechanism for how PI4KIIIβ coordinates Rab11 and its effectors on PI4P-enriched membranes, and also provide strategies for the design of specific inhibitors that could potentially target plasmodial PI4KIIIβ to combat malaria

    Foro de debate: seguridad de las alternativas a la transfusión alogénica en el paciente quirúrgico y/o crítico

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    Estos últimos años han aparecido alertas de seguridad, no siempre bien sustentadas, que cuestionan el uso de algunas alternativas farmacológicas a la transfusión de sangre alogénica y/o lo restringen en indicaciones establecidas. Asistimos también a la preconización de otras alternativas, incluyendo productos hemáticos y fármacos antifibrinolíticos, sin que haya una base científica sólida que lo justifique. Por iniciativa del Grupo de Estudios Multidisciplinares sobre Autotransfusión y del Anemia Working Group Espana¿ se reunió a un panel multidisciplinar de 23 expertos del área de cuidados de la salud en un foro de debate para: 1) analizar las diferentes alertas de seguridad en torno a ciertas alternativas a la transfusión; 2) estudiar los antecedentes que las han propiciado, la evidencia que las sustentan y las consecuencias que conllevan para la práctica clínica, y 3) emitir una valoración argumentada de la seguridad de cada alternativa a la transfusión cuestionada, según el uso clínico de la misma. Los integrantes del foro mantuvieron contactos por vía telemática y una reunión presencial en la que presentaron y discutieron las conclusiones sobre cada uno de los elementos examinados. Se elaboró un primer documento que fue sometido a 4 rondas de revisión y actualización hasta alcanzar un consenso, unánime en la mayoría de los casos. Presentamos la versión final del documento, aprobada por todos los miembros del panel, esperando sea de utilidad para nuestros colegas

    Neurotensin Receptor 1 Gene (NTSR1) Polymorphism Is Associated with Working Memory

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    BACKGROUND: Recent molecular genetics studies showed significant associations between dopamine-related genes (including genes for dopamine receptors, transporters, and degradation) and working memory, but little is known about the role of genes for dopamine modulation, such as those related to neurotensin (NT), in working memory. A recent animal study has suggested that NT antagonist administration impaired working memory in a learning task. The current study examined associations between NT genes and working memory among humans. METHODS: Four hundred and sixty healthy undergraduate students were assessed with a 2-back working memory paradigm. 5 SNPs in the NTSR1 gene were genotyped. 5 ANOVA tests were conducted to examine whether and how working memory differed by NTSR1 genotype, with each SNP variant as the independent variable and the average accuracy on the working memory task as the dependent variable. RESULTS: ANOVA results suggested that two SNPs in the NTSR1 gene (rs4334545 and rs6090453) were significantly associated with working memory. These results survived corrections for multiple comparisons. CONCLUSIONS: Our results demonstrated that NTSR1 SNP polymorphisms were significantly associated with variance in working memory performance among healthy adults. This result extended previous rodent studies showing that the NT deficiency impairs the working memory function. Future research should replicate our findings and extend to an examination of other dopamine modulators

    Constraints on the structure and seasonal variations of Triton's atmosphere from the 5 October 2017 stellar occultation and previous observations

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    Context. A stellar occultation by Neptune's main satellite, Triton, was observed on 5 October 2017 from Europe, North Africa, and the USA. We derived 90 light curves from this event, 42 of which yielded a central flash detection. Aims. We aimed at constraining Triton's atmospheric structure and the seasonal variations of its atmospheric pressure since the Voyager 2 epoch (1989). We also derived the shape of the lower atmosphere from central flash analysis. Methods. We used Abel inversions and direct ray-tracing code to provide the density, pressure, and temperature profiles in the altitude range similar to 8 km to similar to 190 km, corresponding to pressure levels from 9 mu bar down to a few nanobars. Results. (i) A pressure of 1.18 +/- 0.03 mu bar is found at a reference radius of 1400 km (47 km altitude). (ii) A new analysis of the Voyager 2 radio science occultation shows that this is consistent with an extrapolation of pressure down to the surface pressure obtained in 1989. (iii) A survey of occultations obtained between 1989 and 2017 suggests that an enhancement in surface pressure as reported during the 1990s might be real, but debatable, due to very few high S/N light curves and data accessible for reanalysis. The volatile transport model analysed supports a moderate increase in surface pressure, with a maximum value around 2005-2015 no higher than 23 mu bar. The pressures observed in 1995-1997 and 2017 appear mutually inconsistent with the volatile transport model presented here. (iv) The central flash structure does not show evidence of an atmospheric distortion. We find an upper limit of 0.0011 for the apparent oblateness of the atmosphere near the 8 km altitude.J.M.O. acknowledges financial support from the Portuguese Foundation for Science and Technology (FCT) and the European Social Fund (ESF) through the PhD grant SFRH/BD/131700/2017. The work leading to these results has received funding from the European Research Council under the European Community's H2020 2014-2021 ERC grant Agreement nffi 669416 "Lucky Star". We thank S. Para who supported some travels to observe the 5 October 2017 occultation. T.B. was supported for this research by an appointment to the National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) Post-Doctoral Program at the Ames Research Center administered by Universities Space Research Association (USRA) through a contract with NASA. We acknowledge useful exchanges with Mark Gurwell on the ALMA CO observations. This work has made use of data from the European Space Agency (ESA) mission Gaia (https://www.cosmos.esa.int/gaia), processed by the Gaia Data Processing and Analysis Consortium (DPAC, https://www.cosmos.esa.int/web/gaia/dpac/consortium).Funding for the DPAC has been provided by national institutions, in particular the institutions participating in the Gaia Multilateral Agreement. J.L.O., P.S.-S., N.M. and R.D. acknowledge financial support from the State Agency for Research of the Spanish MCIU through the "Center of Excellence Severo Ochoa" award to the Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (SEV-2017-0709), they also acknowledge the financial support by the Spanish grant AYA-2017-84637-R and the Proyecto de Excelencia de la Junta de Andalucia J.A. 2012-FQM1776. The research leading to these results has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 Research and Innovation Programme, under Grant Agreement no. 687378, as part of the project "Small Bodies Near and Far" (SBNAF). P.S.-S. acknowledges financial support by the Spanish grant AYA-RTI2018-098657-J-I00 "LEO-SBNAF". The work was partially based on observations made at the Laboratorio Nacional de Astrofisica (LNA), Itajuba-MG, Brazil. The following authors acknowledge the respective CNPq grants: F.B.-R. 309578/2017-5; R.V.-M. 304544/2017-5, 401903/2016-8; J.I.B.C. 308150/2016-3 and 305917/2019-6; M.A. 427700/20183, 310683/2017-3, 473002/2013-2. This study was financed in part by the Coordenacao de Aperfeicoamento de Pessoal de Nivel Superior -Brasil (CAPES) -Finance Code 001 and the National Institute of Science and Technology of the e-Universe project (INCT do e-Universo, CNPq grant 465376/2014-2). G.B.R. acknowledges CAPES-FAPERJ/PAPDRJ grant E26/203.173/2016 and CAPES-PRINT/UNESP grant 88887.571156/2020-00, M.A. FAPERJ grant E26/111.488/2013 and A.R.G.Jr. FAPESP grant 2018/11239-8. B.E.M. thanks CNPq 150612/2020-6 and CAPES/Cofecub-394/2016-05 grants. Part of the photometric data used in this study were collected in the frame of the photometric observations with the robotic and remotely controlled telescope at the University of Athens Observatory (UOAO; Gazeas 2016). The 2.3 m Aristarchos telescope is operated on Helmos Observatory by the Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing of the National Observatory of Athens. Observations with the 2.3 m Aristarchos telescope were carried out under OPTICON programme. This project has received funding from the European Union's Horizon 2020 research and innovation programme under grant agreement No 730890. This material reflects only the authors views and the Commission is not liable for any use that may be made of the information contained therein. The 1. 2m Kryoneri telescope is operated by the Institute for Astronomy, Astrophysics, Space Applications and Remote Sensing of the National Observatory of Athens. The Astronomical Observatory of the Autonomous Region of the Aosta Valley (OAVdA) is managed by the Fondazione Clement Fillietroz-ONLUS, which is supported by the Regional Government of the Aosta Valley, the Town Municipality of Nus and the "Unite des Communes valdotaines Mont-Emilius". The 0.81 m Main Telescope at the OAVdA was upgraded thanks to a Shoemaker NEO Grant 2013 from The Planetary Society. D.C. and J.M.C. acknowledge funds from a 2017 'Research and Education' grant from Fondazione CRT-Cassa di Risparmio di Torino. P.M. acknowledges support from the Portuguese Fundacao para a Ciencia e a Tecnologia ref. PTDC/FISAST/29942/2017 through national funds and by FEDER through COMPETE 2020 (ref. POCI010145 FEDER007672). F.J. acknowledges Jean Luc Plouvier for his help. S.J.F. and C.A. would like to thank the UCL student support observers: Helen Dai, Elise Darragh-Ford, Ross Dobson, Max Hipperson, Edward Kerr-Dineen, Isaac Langley, Emese Meder, Roman Gerasimov, Javier Sanjuan, and Manasvee Saraf. We are grateful to the CAHA, OSN and La Hita Observatory staffs. This research is partially based on observations collected at Centro Astronomico HispanoAleman (CAHA) at Calar Alto, operated jointly by Junta de Andalucia and Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Cientificas (IAA-CSIC). This research was also partially based on observation carried out at the Observatorio de Sierra Nevada (OSN) operated by Instituto de Astrofisica de Andalucia (CSIC). This article is also based on observations made with the Liverpool Telescope operated on the island of La Palma by Liverpool John Moores University in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Instituto de Astrofisica de Canarias with financial support from the UK Science and Technology Facilities Council. Partially based on observations made with the Tx40 and Excalibur telescopes at the Observatorio Astrofisico de Javalambre in Teruel, a Spanish Infraestructura Cientifico-Tecnica Singular (ICTS) owned, managed and operated by the Centro de Estudios de Fisica del Cosmos de Aragon (CEFCA). Tx40 and Excalibur are funded with the Fondos de Inversiones de Teruel (FITE). A.R.R. would like to thank Gustavo Roman for the mechanical adaptation of the camera to the telescope to allow for the observation to be recorded. R.H., J.F.R., S.P.H. and A.S.L. have been supported by the Spanish projects AYA2015-65041P and PID2019-109467GB-100 (MINECO/FEDER, UE) and Grupos Gobierno Vasco IT1366-19. Our great thanks to Omar Hila and their collaborators in Atlas Golf Marrakech Observatory for providing access to the T60cm telescope. TRAPPIST is a project funded by the Belgian Fonds (National) de la Recherche Scientifique (F.R.S.-FNRS) under grant PDR T.0120.21. TRAPPIST-North is a project funded by the University of Liege, and performed in collaboration with Cadi Ayyad University of Marrakesh. E.J. is a FNRS Senior Research Associate

    Spread of a SARS-CoV-2 variant through Europe in the summer of 2020

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    [EN] Following its emergence in late 2019, the spread of SARS-CoV-21,2 has been tracked by phylogenetic analysis of viral genome sequences in unprecedented detail3,4,5. Although the virus spread globally in early 2020 before borders closed, intercontinental travel has since been greatly reduced. However, travel within Europe resumed in the summer of 2020. Here we report on a SARS-CoV-2 variant, 20E (EU1), that was identified in Spain in early summer 2020 and subsequently spread across Europe. We find no evidence that this variant has increased transmissibility, but instead demonstrate how rising incidence in Spain, resumption of travel, and lack of effective screening and containment may explain the variant’s success. Despite travel restrictions, we estimate that 20E (EU1) was introduced hundreds of times to European countries by summertime travellers, which is likely to have undermined local efforts to minimize infection with SARS-CoV-2. Our results illustrate how a variant can rapidly become dominant even in the absence of a substantial transmission advantage in favourable epidemiological settings. Genomic surveillance is critical for understanding how travel can affect transmission of SARS-CoV-2, and thus for informing future containment strategies as travel resumes.S

    Shaping fission yeast cells by rerouting actin-based transport on microtubules.

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    Kinesins and myosins transport cargos to specific locations along microtubules and actin filaments, respectively. The relative contribution of the two transport systems for cell polarization varies extensively in different cell types, with some cells relying exclusively on actin-based transport while others mainly use microtubules. Using fission yeast, we asked whether one transport system can substitute for the other. In this organism, microtubules and actin cables both contribute to polarized growth by transporting cargos to cell poles, but with distinct roles: microtubules transport landmarks to label cell poles for growth and actin assembly but do not directly contribute to the growth process [1]. Actin cables serve as tracks for myosin V delivery of growth vesicles to cell poles [2-4]. We engineered a chimera between the motor domain of the kinesin 7 Tea2 and the globular tail of the myosin V Myo52, which we show transports Ypt3, a myosin cargo receptor, to cell poles along microtubules. Remarkably, this chimera restores polarized growth and viability to cells lacking actin cables. It also bypasses the normal microtubule-dependent marking of cell poles for polarized growth, but not for other functions. Thus, a synthetic motor protein successfully redirects cargos along a distinct cytoskeletal route

    Buen vivir y organizaciones sociales mexicanas. Miradas de la diversidad.

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    El presente trabajo integra seis experiencias de las organizaciones que integran la Red Socioacadémica de Organizaciones por el Buen Vivir (economías solidarias, soberanía alimentaria, defensa del territorio). En esta compilación podemos encontrar el origen, su desarrollo, los proyectos estratégicos que impulsan, las formas de organización con que se dotan y los retos actuales a que se enfrentan la Alianza Ciudadana para el Desarrollo Regional Alternativo del sur de Jalisco; la Unión Regional de Acción Campesina: Cosechando Juntos lo Sembrado con sede en el estado de Querétaro; el Movimiento Popular de Pueblos y Colonias del Sur con sede en Tlalpan, Ciudad de México; la Unión de Cooperativas de San Ildefonso del municipio de Amealco, Querétaro; la Unión de Cooperativas Tosepan, con presencia en numerosos municipios de la sierra nororiental de Puebla y Yomol A´tel, organización regional con sede en Chilón y en diversos municipios de las cañadas de Chiapas

    Dengue hemorrágico en el niño Dengue hemorrágica na criança

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    <abstract language="por">Foi realizada uma revisão completa da Dengue Hemorrágica, doença infecciosa viral aguda e potencialmente, grave, transmitida por mosquito, que, em 1981, causou a morte de 158 pessoas durante uma epidemia em Cuba, sendo 101 menores de 15 anos. A Dengue, em sua forma clássica (benigna), foi primeiramente referida em 1823, porém,no ano de 1953, em Manila, Filipinas, se registrou uma nova apresentação da doença, caracterizada por manifestações hemorrágicas, choque e alta mortalidade que se denominou Febre Hemorrágica Dengue e Síndrome de Choque por Dengue (FHD/SSD). Sua patogenia é apresentada, discutindo-se também a possibilidade de repetição do fenômeno nas Américas.<br>A thorough revision on hemorragic dengue fever is presented. Dengue, an acute mosquito-borne infectious disease has occurred in epidemic form in Cuba 1981, causing death of 158 persons. The disease in its classical form was first reported in 1823 but in 1953 a new presentation characterized by hemorrhagic manifestations, shock and a high mortality was observed in Manila, Phillipines. This form was called Hemorrhagic Dengue Fever and Dengue Shock Syndrome (HDF/DSS). Its pathogenesis can be explained by two different theories: it could be a primary infection or a hipersensibility reaction depending on a previous infection

    The first wave of the Spanish COVID-19 epidemic was associated with early introductions and fast spread of a dominating genetic variant

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    The COVID-19 pandemic has shaken the world since the beginning of 2020. Spain is among the European countries with the highest incidence of the disease during the first pandemic wave. We established a multidisciplinar consortium to monitor and study the evolution of the epidemic, with the aim of contributing to decision making and stopping rapid spreading across the country. We present the results for 2170 sequences from the first wave of the SARS-Cov-2 epidemic in Spain and representing 12% of diagnosed cases until 14th March. This effort allows us to document at least 500 initial introductions, between early February-March from multiple international sources. Importantly, we document the early raise of two dominant genetic variants in Spain (Spanish Epidemic Clades), named SEC7 and SEC8, likely amplified by superspreading events. In sharp contrast to other non-Asian countries those two variants were closely related to the initial variants of SARS-CoV-2 described in Asia and represented 40% of the genome sequences analyzed. The two dominant SECs were widely spread across the country compared to other genetic variants with SEC8 reaching a 60% prevalence just before the lockdown. Employing Bayesian phylodynamic analysis, we inferred a reduction in the effective reproductive number of these two SECs from around 2.5 to below 0.5 after the implementation of strict public-health interventions in mid March. The effects of lockdown on the genetic variants of the virus are reflected in the general replacement of preexisting SECs by a new variant at the beginning of the summer season. Our results reveal a significant difference in the genetic makeup of the epidemic in Spain and support the effectiveness of lockdown measures in controlling virus spread even for the most successful genetic variants. Finally, earlier control of SEC7 and particularly SEC8 might have reduced the incidence and impact of COVID-19 in our country.This work was funded by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III project COV20/00140, Spanish 593 National Research Council project CSIC-COV19-021 and ERC StG 638553 to IC, and BFU2017- 594 89594R to FGC. MC is supported by Ramón y Cajal program from Ministerio de Ciencia and 595 grants RTI2018-094399-A-I00 and SEJI/2019/011. 596 We gratefully acknowledge Hospital Universitari Vall d'Hebron, Instituto de Salud Carlos 597 III, IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Lab and all the international researchers and institutions that 598 submitted sequenced SARS-CoV-2 genomes to the GISAID’s EpiCov™ Database, as an 599 important part of our analyses have been made possible by the share of their work.N