223 research outputs found

    Hydrophobic aggregation and collective absorption of dioxin into lipid membranes: insights from atomistic simulations

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    Dioxins are a highly toxic class of chlorinated aromatic chemicals. They have been extensively studied, but several molecular-level details of their action are still missing. Here we present molecular dynamics simulations of their absorption and diffusion through cell membranes. We show that, due to their hydrophobic character, dioxins can quickly penetrate into a lipid membrane, both as single molecules and as aggregates. We find clear evidence for their ability to accumulate in cell membranes. Our free energy calculations indicate that subsequent transport into the cell is unlikely to be a simple diffusive process

    Hydrogen Bonds Involving Metal Centers

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    Vodikova veza u kojoj atom metala sudjeluje kao donor ili akceptor vodika samo je jedan oblik interakcije vodika s metalnim centrom, pa je stoga vodikovu vezu s metalom teško razlikovati od drugih vodikovih interakcija, posebice agostičkih. U ovom pregledu razmatraju se specifična obilježja vodikovih veza u kojima sudjeluje metal, i to sa stajališta strukturne kemije te molekularne spektroskopije (IR, NMR). Prikazane su vodikove veze tipa M···H-D i M-H···A u kompleksima teških metala (Pt, Pd, Ir, Co, Rh, Ni, Cu, Ag, Os) s aromatskim (naftalenskim, kinuklidinskim, benzokinolinskim) i nearomatskim ligandima (ugljikov monoksid, tricijanofosfin) kao i u sendvičnim i polusendvičnim spojevima.Hydrogen bonds involving metal center as a hydrogen donor or hydrogen acceptor are only a specific type of metal-hydrogen interactions; it is therefore not easy to differentiate hydrogen bond from other metal-hydrogen interactions, especially agostic ones. The first part of the review is therefore devoted to the results of structural chemistry and molecular spectroscopy (NMR, IR), as a tool for differentiating hydrogen bondings from other hydrogen interactions. The classical examples of Pt···H-N, Pt···H-O, Pt···H-C, and Pd···H-N hydrogen bonds were discussed as well as hydrogen bonds involving half-sandwich complexes (η5-C5R5)ML2, where M stays for Co, Ir or Rh, R for H or CH3, and L for CO, PMe3 or C2H4. The paper deals also with metal donating (M-H···A) and bifurcated hydrogen bonds. The hydrogen interactions in complexes of other heavy metals (Ni, Cu, Ag, Os) were also briefly discussed

    Early Stages of Homopolymer Collapse

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    Interest in the protein folding problem has motivated a wide range of theoretical and experimental studies of the kinetics of the collapse of flexible homopolymers. In this Paper a phenomenological model is proposed for the kinetics of the early stages of homopolymer collapse following a quench from temperatures above to below the theta temperature. In the first stage, nascent droplets of the dense phase are formed, with little effect on the configurations of the bridges that join them. The droplets then grow by accreting monomers from the bridges, thus causing the bridges to stretch. During these two stages the overall dimensions of the chain decrease only weakly. Further growth of the droplets is accomplished by the shortening of the bridges, which causes the shrinking of the overall dimensions of the chain. The characteristic times of the three stages respectively scale as the zeroth, 1/5 and 6/5 power of the the degree of polymerization of the chain.Comment: 11 pages, 3 figure

    Techno-economic evaluation of buffered accelerated weathering of limestone as a CO2 capture and storage option

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    Carbon dioxide storage technologies are needed not only to store the carbon captured in the emissions of hard-to-abate sectors but also for some carbon dioxide removal technologies requiring a final and permanent storage of CO2. The pace and scale of geological CO2 storage deployment have fallen short of expectations, and there is a growing interest in ocean-based CO2 storage options. As complementary to geological storage, buffered accelerated weathering of limestone (BAWL) has been proposed to produce a buffered ionic solution at seawater pH, derived from the reaction in seawater between a CO2 stream and a micron-sized powder of calcium carbonate (CaCO3), within a long tubular reactor. The addition of calcium hydroxide to buffer the unreacted CO2 before the discharge in seawater is also envisaged. BAWL avoids the risks of CO2 degassing back into the atmosphere and does not induce seawater acidification. This work presents a mass and energy balance and preliminary cost analysis of the technology for different configurations of discharge depth (100, 500, 3,000 m), pipeline length (10, 25, 100 km) and diameter of CaCO3 particles (1, 2, 10 mu m) fed in the tubular reactor. The total energy consumption to capture and store 1 t of CO2 generated by a steam-methane reforming (SMR) process ranges from 1.3 to 2.2 MWh. The CO2 released from the CaCO3 calcination to produce the buffering solution leads to a total CO2 storage requirement 43-85% higher than the CO2 derived by SMR. The total cost to capture and store 1 t of CO2 from SMR is estimated in the range 142-189 euro

    Pyrazolium- versus imidazolium-based ionic liquids: Structure, dynamics and physicochemical properties

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    Ionic liquids (ILs) composed of two different pyrazolium cations with dicyanamide and bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide anions have been synthesized and characterized by NMR, Kamlet-Taft solvatochromic parameters, conductivity and rheological measurements, as well as ab initio calculations. Density functional calculations for the two pyrazolium cations, 1-butyl-2- methylpyrazolium [bmpz] and 1-butyl-2,3,5-trimethylpyrazolium [bm 3pz], provide a full picture of their conformational states. Homo- and heteronuclear NOE show aggregation motives sensitive to steric hindrance and the anions' nature. Self-diffusion coefficients D for the anion and the cation have been measured by pulsed field gradient spin-echo NMR (PGSE-NMR). The ionic diffusivity is influenced by their chemical structure and steric hindrance, giving the order Dcation > Danion for all of the examined compounds. The measured ion diffusion coefficients, viscosities, and ionic conductivity follow the Vogel-Fulcher-Tammann (VFT) equation for the temperature dependencies, and the best-fit parameters have been determined. Solvatochromic parameters indicate an increased ion association upon going from bis(trifluoromethanesulfonyl)imide to dicyanamide-based pyrazolium salts, as well as specific hydrogen bond donor capability of H atoms on the pyrazolium ring. All of these physical properties are compared to those of an analogous series of imidazolium-based ILs

    Electron transport in crystalline PCBM-like fullerene derivatives: a comparative computational study

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    We present an extensive study of electron transport (ET) in several crystal forms of phenyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (PCBM) and 1-thienyl-C61-butyric acid methyl ester (ThCBM) fullerene derivatives. Our calculations are based on a localized representation of the electronic states. Orbital couplings, site energies and reorganization energies have been calculated using various density functional and semi-empirical techniques and used within the Landau–Zener, Marcus and Marcus–Levich–Jortner expressions to evaluate electron transfer rates. Electron mobilities have been then estimated by kinetic Monte Carlo (KMC) simulations. The adiabaticity of electron transfer directions within the different crystal structures has also been verified using the Landau–Zener expression. Finally, the role of low energy virtual orbitals of the fullerene molecules has been investigated using charge transport networks of increasing complexities. Our results show that these molecules may form one-, two- or three-dimensional percolation networks and that their higher energy orbitals often participate in ET. The highest mobility values were obtained for the crystal structure of ThCBM and are comparable to experimental values

    An integral equation approach to effective interactions between polymers in solution

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    We use the thread model for linear chains of interacting monomers, and the ``polymer reference interaction site model'' (PRISM) formalism to determine the monomer-monomer pair correlation function hmm(r)h_{mm}(r) for dilute and semi-dilute polymer solutions, over a range of temperatures from very high (where the chains behave as self-avoiding walks) to below the θ\theta temperature, where phase separation sets in. An inversion procedure, based on the HNC integral equation, is used to extract the effective pair potential between ``average'' monomers on different chains. An accurate relation between hmm(r)h_{mm}(r), hcc(r)h_{cc}(r) [the pair correlation function between the polymer centers of mass (c.m.)], and the intramolecular form factors is then used to determine hcc(r)h_{cc}(r), and subsequently extract the effective c.m.-c.m. pair potential vcc(r)v_{cc}(r) by a similar inversion procedure. vcc(r)v_{cc}(r) depends on temperature and polymer concentration, and the predicted variations are in reasonable agreement with recent simulation data, except at very high temperatures, and below the θ\theta temperature.Comment: 13 pages, 13 figures, revtex ; revised versio

    Sensing with the Motor Cortex

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    The primary motor cortex is a critical node in the network of brain regions responsible for voluntary motor behavior. It has been less appreciated, however, that the motor cortex exhibits sensory responses in a variety of modalities including vision and somatosensation. We review current work that emphasizes the heterogeneity in sensorimotor responses in the motor cortex and focus on its implications for cortical control of movement as well as for brain-machine interface development