122 research outputs found

    Amino acidic substitutions in the polymerase N-terminal region of a reassortant betanodavirus strain causing poor adaptation to temperature increase

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    International audienceAbstractNervous necrosis virus (NNV), Genus Betanodavirus, is the causative agent of viral encephalopathy and retinopathy (VER), a neuropathological disease that causes fish mortalities worldwide. The NNV genome is composed of two single-stranded RNA molecules, RNA1 and RNA2, encoding the RNA polymerase and the coat protein, respectively. Betanodaviruses are classified into four genotypes: red-spotted grouper nervous necrosis virus (RGNNV), striped jack nervous necrosis virus (SJNNV), barfin flounder nervous necrosis virus (BFNNV) and tiger puffer nervous necrosis virus (TPNNV). In Southern Europe the presence of RGNNV, SJNNV and their natural reassortants (in both RNA1/RNA2 forms: RGNNV/SJNNV and SJNNV/RGNNV) has been reported. Pathology caused by these genotypes is closely linked to water temperature and the RNA1 segment encoding amino acids 1–445 has been postulated to regulate viral adaptation to temperature. Reassortants isolated from sole (RGNNV/SJNNV) show 6 substitutions in this region when compared with the RGNNV genotype (positions 41, 48, 218, 223, 238 and 289). We have demonstrated that change of these positions to those present in the RGNNV genotype cause low and delayed replication in vitro when compared with that of the wild type strain at 25 and 30 °C. The experimental infections confirmed the impact of the mutations on viral replication because at 25 °C the viral load and the mortality were significantly lower in fish infected with the mutant than in those challenged with the non-mutated virus. It was not possible to challenge fish at 30 °C because of the scarce tolerance of sole to this temperature

    Antemortem versus postmortem methods for detection of betanodavirus in Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis)

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    The suitability of nested reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction (nRT-PCR) to detect betanodavirus in blood samples from naturally infected Senegalese sole (Solea senegalensis) was evaluated in comparison with other diagnostic methods. Results indicated that histologic examination of brain lesions could be regarded as the most consistent indicator of nodavirus infection in this species. The nRT-PCR showed low to moderate levels of detection; the best values were obtained in brain samples followed by blood samples. Inoculation of SSN-1 and SAF-1 cells with fish samples did not cause cytopathic effect, although virus was detected by reverse transcription polymerase chain reaction in approximately 25% of the SSN-1 inoculated wells. The efficiency of detection of the viral genome was dramatically increased by the use of nRTPCR, reaching 90.6% of positives in brain samples and 84.4% in blood samples. The sensitivity and the negative predictive value of nRT-PCR in blood samples were slightly lower than those obtained using brain samples. Nevertheless, it is suggested that the advantage of being able to perform diagnosis on live fish adequately counterbalances the slightly lower sensitivity of nRT-PCR on blood samples. This technique is proposed as a useful tool, not only for the selection of nodavirus-free breeders but also to check the fish status during ongrowing

    Nervous Necrosis Virus (NNV) Booster Vaccination Increases Senegalese Sole Survival and Enhances Immunoprotection

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    iral encephalopathy and retinopathy (VER), caused by nervous necrosis virus (NNV), is a serious threat to Senegalese sole farming. We have previously demonstrated that immunization with an inactivated vaccine confers partial protection against the infection. However, a vaccination program must be finely adjusted to achieve the best results in terms of immune system stimulation and protection. In this study we show that a booster injection 30 days after prime vaccination increases sole survival and reduces NNV replication in brain (viral target organ). The analysis of immune-related genes expression indicated that T CD4+ lymphocytes and the proteins Mx and HERC4 may play an important role in the protection. These findings increase our understanding of sole immune response against NNV and may contribute to the development of effective protection measures.This research was funded by Ministerio de Ciencia, Innovación y Universidades (MCIUI), the Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) and FEDER, grant number RTI2018-094687-B-C21. Dr. Sandra Souto was funded with a postdoctoral grant from Consellería de Cultura, Educación e Universidade, Xunta de Galicia (grant number: ED481D-2022-024). Partial funding for open access charge: Universidad de Málag

    El espacio de los editores: Nutrición Hospitalaria en 2017

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    Como es habitual, coincidiendo con el comienzo de un nuevo ejercicio, el Comité Editorial da cuenta del último año en Nutrición Hospitalaria (NH), de su situación general, de los cambios producidos y de los resultados obtenidos. Dos son los aspectos relevantes durante 2017, en apariencia, contrapuestos: el incremento en la visibilidad de la revista y, a la vez, la disminución en el factor de impacto Journal Citation Report (JCR)

    The Spanish society of Parenteral and Enteral Nutrition (SENPE) and its relation with healthcare authorities

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    Está muy bien documentado en la literatura médica que la desnutrición es un problema común en todos los niveles de atención sanitaria, desde atención primaria a especializada y en centros de atención geriátrica. Este problema no se limita a países con pocos recursos económicos o con limitado desarrollo social y económico. También es un problema universal en Europa. La desnutrición aumenta las cifras de morbilidad, mortalidad, ingresos hospitalarios y duración de la estancia. Estas cifras más elevadas suponen lógicamente un aumento del uso de recursos sanitarios. A pesar de esto, el problema de la desnutrición a menudo puede pasar desapercibido y el paciente no recibir el tratamiento necesario. Este problema requiere la cooperación de múltiples agentes tales como los Gobiernos de los Estados, los profesionales de la salud y los mismos ciudadanos. El VIII Foro de Debate concluye con la necesidad de establecer un claro plan de actuación (a semejanza de la European Alliance for Health Nutrition) y la creación de una plataforma (coalición) que reúna las voces de asociaciones de profesionales sanitarios, instituciones, colegios profesionales, asociaciones de pacientes, industria y entidades aseguradoras. Los fines de esta plataforma consistirán en informar de la extensión del problema, identificar y potenciar líderes que transmitan los fines de esta iniciativa ante las autoridades autonómicas y nacionales, propuesta de soluciones y colaboración en su puesta en marcha y finalmente, evaluación/ control de las acciones desarrolladasIt has been well documented in medical literature that hyponutrition is a common issue at all healthcare levels, from primary to specialized health care, as well as geria - tric healthcare facilities. This problem is not limited to countries with scarce economic resources or limited social development; it is also a universal issue in Europe. Hyponutrition increases the rates of morbidity, mortality, hospital admissions, and hospital stay. These higher figures also represent a higher use of healthcare resources. In spite of this, hyponutrition may often go undetected and the patient may not receive the necessary treatment. This problem requires the cooperation of multiple agents such as the Governments, the healthcare professionals, and the citizens themselves. The VIII Discussion Forum concludes on the need to establish a clear-cut plant for action (similar to the European Alliance for Health Nutrition) and the creation of a platform (coalition) encompassing the voices of healthcare professionals associations, institutions, professional colleges, patients associations, the pharmaceutical companies, and insurance companies. The goals of this platform will be to inform about the extent of this issue, to identity and promote leaders that will convey the aims of this initiative to regional and national healthcare authorities, to present solutions and to collaborate in their implementation, and finally to assess/control the actions take

    Influência da estrutura populacional de Psectrogaster falcata (Perciformes: Curimatidae) no parasitismo de Excorallana berbicensis (Isopoda: Corallanidae) do reservatório da Usina Hidrelétrica Coaracy Nunes (UHECN), Rio Araguari, Ferreira Gomes, Amapá, Brasil.

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    Estudos sobre a fauna de ectoparasitos crustáceos em peixes de reservatórios hidrelétricos foram conduzidos em diferentes bacias hidrográficas do Brasil. Esses estudos registraram infestações por espécies de Isopoda, Copepoda e Branchiura. Em condições naturais, a presença e abundância de crustáceos ectoparasitos têm sido influenciadas tipicamente por uma variedade de fatores, tais como o ambiente, fisiologia, comportamento, imunologia e estado nutricional dos hospedeiros. O objetivo deste estudo foi avaliar a influência da estrutura populacional do hospedeiro P. falcata no parasitismo de E. berbicensis do reservatório da UHECN, Rio Araguari. Os espécimes de P. falcata foram capturados bimestralmente, de outubro de 2012 a agosto de 2013, em seis pontos distribuídos no reservatório da UHECN (00º54'11.8"N e 051º15'35.5"W), Rio Araguari. Para a pesca foram utilizadas redes de espera simples de diferentes malhas (20 a 60 mm entre nós opostos), com 12 horas de permanência e vistorias a cada duas horas. De cada peixe-hospedeiro foi mensurado o Comprimento Padrão (Cp), em centímetros. A sexagem foi realizada através de inspeção macroscópica das gônadas. A boca, câmara branquial, tegumento e nadadeiras de cada peixe foi examinada imediatamente após a captura, para verificar a presença de E. berbicensis. Para testar a proporção sexual de hospedeiros machos e fêmeas foi utilizado o teste qui-quadrado (X2), sendo que os valores de X2>3.84 foram considerados significativamente diferentes. O teste paramétrico Kolmogorov-Smirnov foi utilizado para comparar tanto a estrutura populacional em classes de tamanho entre os sexos, quanto a abundância de E. berbicensis por classe de tamanho de machos e fêmeas de P. falcata. O nível de significância estatística adotado foi p menor ou igual a 0.05. Um total de 65 espécimes de P. falcata foram capturados, sendo 28 machos (43,1%), com comprimento padrão variando entre 11,2 e 28,0 cm (16,5 ± 3,4 cm), e 37 fêmeas (56,9%), com comprimento padrão entre 11,2 e 27,8 cm (19,5 ± 3,9 cm). A proporção sexual de hospedeiros machos e fêmeas (1M:1,3F) não apresentou diferenças significativas (X2 = 1,904; p=0,168). A estrutura populacional para hospedeiros machos e fêmeas em comprimento foi construída por meio de distribuições de frequência de exemplares e o teste Kolmogorov-Smirnov (p>0,01) evidenciou fêmeas significativamente maiores que os machos. Após inspeção dos hospedeiros foram coletados 279 espécimes de E. berbicensis, sendo 82 presentes em hospedeiros machos (29,4%) e 197 em hospedeiros fêmeas (70,6%). Quanto a abundância de ectoparasitos crustáceos por classe de tamanho do hospedeiro, o teste Kolmogorov-Smirnov evidenciou diferenças significativas (p<0,01), onde a maioria dos parasitos coletados nos hospedeiros do sexo feminino (90,9%) estiveram no maior intervalo de classe (18 a 30 cm). Nos hospedeiros machos, esteve presente em sua maioria (73,0%) no intervalo de classe intermediário (12 a 24 cm). Essa diferença na abundância parasitária de E. berbicensis entre a estrutura populacional de machos e fêmeas de P. falcata pode estar relacionada, principalmente, a diferenças ecológicas e comportamentais entre os sexos dos hospedeiros. Além disso, hospedeiros maiores podem albergar uma maior quantidade parasitos que hospedeiros menores.Resumo 131-2

    European sea bass brain DLB-1 cell line is susceptible to nodavirus: A transcriptomic study

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    Viral diseases are responsible for high rates of mortality and subsequent economic losses in modern aquaculture. The nervous necrosis virus (NNV) produces viral encephalopathy and retinopathy (VER), which affects the fish central nervous system. It is considered one of the most serious viral diseases in marine aquaculture, the European sea bass (Dicentrarchus labrax) being amongst the most susceptible. We have evaluated the European sea bass brain derived cell line (DLB-1) susceptibility to NNV genotypes and evaluated its transcriptomic profile. DLB-1 cells supported NNV gene transcription and replication since strains belonging to the four NNV genotypes produce cytopathic effects. Afterwards, DLB-1 cells were infected with an RGNNV strain, the one which showed the highest replication, for 12 and 72 h and an RNA-seq analysis was performed to identify potential genes involved in the host-NNV interactions. Differential expression analysis showed the up-regulation of many genes related to immunity, heat-shock proteins or apoptosis but not to proteasome or autophagy processes. These data suggest that the immune response, mainly the interferon (IFN) pathway, is not powerful enough to abrogate the infection, and cells finally suffer stress and die by apoptosis liberating infective particles. GO enrichment also revealed, for the first time, the down-regulation of terms related to brain/neuron biology indicating molecular mechanisms causing the pathogenic effect of NNV. This study opens the way to understand key elements in sea bass brain and NNV interactions.Versión del edito

    Predicting high risk of exacerbations in bronchiectasis: the E-FACED score

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    BACKGROUND: Although the FACED score has demonstrated a great prognostic capacity in bronchiectasis, it does not include the number or severity of exacerbations as a separate variable, which is important in the natural history of these patients. OBJECTIVE: Construction and external validation of a new index, the E-FACED, to evaluate the predictive capacity of exacerbations and mortality. METHODS: The new score was constructed on the basis of the complete cohort for the construction of the original FACED score, while the external validation was undertaken with six cohorts from three countries (Brazil, Argentina, and Chile). The main outcome was the number of annual exacerbations/hospitalizations, with all-cause and respiratory-related deaths as the secondary outcomes. A statistical evaluation comprised the relative weight and ideal cut-off point for the number or severity of the exacerbations and was incorporated into the FACED score (E-FACED). The results obtained after the application of FACED and E-FACED were compared in both the cohorts. RESULTS: A total of 1,470 patients with bronchiectasis (819 from the construction cohorts and 651 from the external validation cohorts) were followed up for 5 years after diagnosis. The best cut-off point was at least two exacerbations in the previous year (two additional points), meaning that the E-FACED has nine points of growing severity. E-FACED presented an excellent prognostic capacity for exacerbations (areas under the receiver operating characteristic curve: 0.82 for at least two exacerbations in 1 year and 0.87 for at least one hospitalization in 1 year) that was statistically better than that of the FACED score (0.72 and 0.78, P<0.05, respectively). The predictive capacities for all-cause and respiratory mortality were 0.87 and 0.86, respectively, with both being similar to those of the FACED. CONCLUSION: E-FACED score significantly increases the FACED capacity to predict future yearly exacerbations while maintaining the score’s simplicity and prognostic capacity for death