763 research outputs found

    Simulation of subseismic joint and fault networks using a heuristic mechanical model

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    Flow simulations of fractured and faulted reservoirs require representation of subseismic structures about which subsurface data are limited. We describe a method for simulating fracture growth that is mechanically based but heuristic, allowing for realistic modelling of fracture networks with reasonable run times. The method takes a triangulated meshed surface as input, together with an initial stress field. Fractures initiate and grow based on the stress field, and the growing fractures relieve the stress in the mesh. We show that a wide range of bedding-plane joint networks can be modelled simply by varying the distribution and anisotropy of the initial stress field. The results are in good qualitative agreement with natural joint patterns. We then apply the method to a set of parallel veins and demonstrate how the variations in thickness of the veins can be represented. Lastly, we apply the method to the simulation of normal fault patterns on salt domes. We derive the stress field on the bedding surface using the horizon curvature. The modelled fault network shows both radial and concentric faults. The new method provides an effective means of modelling joint and fault networks that can be imported to the flow simulator

    Evolution of a 3 \msun star from the main sequence to the ZZ Ceti stage: the role played by element diffusion

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    The purpose of this paper is to present new full evolutionary calculations for DA white dwarf stars with the major aim of providing a physically sound reference frame for exploring the pulsation properties of the resulting models in future communications. Here, white dwarf evolution is followed in a self-consistent way with the predictions of time dependent element diffusion and nuclear burning. In addition, full account is taken of the evolutionary stages prior to the white dwarf formation. In particular, we follow the evolution of a 3 \msun model from the zero-age main sequence (the adopted metallicity is Z=0.02) all the way from the stages of hydrogen and helium burning in the core up to the thermally pulsing phase. After experiencing 11 thermal pulses, the model is forced to evolve towards its white dwarf configuration by invoking strong mass loss episodes. Further evolution is followed down to the domain of the ZZ Ceti stars on the white dwarf cooling branch. Emphasis is placed on the evolution of the chemical abundance distribution due to diffusion processes and the role played by hydrogen burning during the white dwarf evolution. Furthermore, the implications of our evolutionary models for the main quantities relevant for adiabatic pulsation analysis are discussed. Interestingly, the shape of the Ledoux term is markedly smoother as compared with previous detailed studies of white dwarfs. This is translated into a different behaviour of the Brunt-Vaisala frequency.Comment: 11 pages, 11 figures, accepted for publication in MNRA

    On the very long term evolutionary behavior of hydrogen-accreting Low-Mass CO white dwarfs

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    Hydrogen-rich matter has been added to a CO white dwarf of initial mass 0.516 \msun at the rates 10810^{-8} and 2×1082\times 10^{-8} \msun \yrm1, and results are compared with those for a white dwarf of the same initial mass which accretes pure helium at the same rates. For the chosen accretion rates, hydrogen burns in a series of recurrent mild flashes and the ashes of hydrogen burning build up a helium layer at the base of which a He flash eventually occurs. In previous studies involving accretion at higher rates and including initially more massive WDs, the diffusion of energy inward from the H shell-flashing region contributes to the increase in the temperature at the base of the helium layer, and the mass of the helium layer when the He flash begins is significantly smaller than in a comparison model accreting pure helium; the He shell flash is not strong enough to develop into a supernova explosion. In contrast, for the conditions adopted here, the temperature at the base of the He layer becomes gradually independent of the deposition of energy by H shell flashes, and the mass of the He layer when the He flash occurs is a function only of the accretion rate, independent of the hydrogen content of the accreted matter. When the He flash takes place, due to the high degeneracy at the base of the He layer, temperatures in the flashing zone will rise without a corresponding increase in pressure, nuclear burning will continue until nuclear statistical equilibrium is achieved; the model will become a supernova, but not of the classical type Ia variety.Comment: 14 pages and 3 Postscript figures, Accepted for publication on ApJ Letter

    The diffusion-induced nova scenario. CK Vul and PB 8 as possible observational counterparts

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    We propose a scenario for the formation of DA white dwarfs with very thin helium buffers. For these stars we explore the possible occurrence of diffusion-induced CNO- flashes, during their early cooling stage. In order to obtain very thin helium buffers, we simulate the formation of low mass remnants through an AGB final/late thermal pulse (AFTP/LTP scenario). Then we calculate the consequent white dwarf cooling evolution by means of a consistent treatment of element diffusion and nuclear burning. Based on physically sounding white dwarf models, we find that the range of helium buffer masses for these diffusion-induced novas to occur is significantly smaller than that predicted by the only previous study of this scenario. As a matter of fact, we find that these flashes do occur only in some low-mass (M < 0.6M) and low metallicity (Z_ZAMS <0.001) remnants about 10^6 - 10^7 yr after departing from the AGB. For these objects, we expect the luminosity to increase by about 4 orders of magnitude in less than a decade. We also show that diffusion-induced novas should display a very typical eruption lightcurve, with an increase of about a few magnitudes per year before reaching a maximum of M_V ~ -5 to -6. Our simulations show that surface abundances after the outburst are characterized by logNH/NHe ~ -0.15...0.6 and N>C>O by mass fractions. Contrary to previous speculations we show that these events are not recurrent and do not change substantially the final H-content of the cool (DA) white dwarf. (Abridged)Comment: 16 pages, 8 figures, 3 tables. Replaced to match the final version published by MNRAS. The definitive version is available at http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/journal/10.1111/%28ISSN%291365-296

    MicroRNA miR-128 represses LINE-1 (L1) retrotransposition by down-regulating the nuclear import factor TNPO1.

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    Repetitive elements, including LINE-1 (L1), comprise approximately half of the human genome. These elements can potentially destabilize the genome by initiating their own replication and reintegration into new sites (retrotransposition). In somatic cells, transcription of L1 elements is repressed by distinct molecular mechanisms, including DNA methylation and histone modifications, to repress transcription. Under conditions of hypomethylation (e.g. in tumor cells), a window of opportunity for L1 derepression arises, and additional restriction mechanisms become crucial. We recently demonstrated that the microRNA miR-128 represses L1 activity by directly binding to L1 ORF2 RNA. In this study, we tested whether miR-128 can also control L1 activity by repressing cellular proteins important for L1 retrotransposition. We found that miR-128 targets the 3' UTR of nuclear import factor transportin 1 (TNPO1) mRNA. Manipulation of miR-128 and TNPO1 levels demonstrated that induction or depletion of TNPO1 affects L1 retrotransposition and nuclear import of an L1-ribonucleoprotein complex (using L1-encoded ORF1p as a proxy for L1-ribonucleoprotein complexes). Moreover, TNPO1 overexpression partially reversed the repressive effect of miR-128 on L1 retrotransposition. Our study represents the first description of a protein factor involved in nuclear import of the L1 element and demonstrates that miR-128 controls L1 activity in somatic cells through two independent mechanisms: direct binding to L1 RNA and regulation of a cellular factor necessary for L1 nuclear import and retrotransposition

    Third Dredge-up in Low Mass Stars: Solving the LMC Carbon Star Mystery

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    A long standing problem with asymptotic giant branch (AGB) star models has been their inability to produce the low-luminosity carbon stars in the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds. Dredge-up must begin earlier and extend deeper. We find this for the first time in our models of LMC metallicity. Such features are not found in our models of SMC metallicity. The fully implicit and simultaneous stellar evolution code STARS has been used to calculate the evolution of AGB stars with metallicities of Z=0.008 and Z=0.004, corresponding to the observed metallicities of the Large and Small Magellanic Clouds, respecitively. Third dredge-up occurs in stars of 1Msol and above and carbon stars were found for models between 1Msol and 3Msol. We use the detailed models as input physics for a population synthesis code and generate carbon star luminosity functions. We now find that we are able to reproduce the carbon star luminosity function of the LMC without any manipulation of our models. The SMC carbon star luminosity function still cannot be produced from our detailed models unless the minimum core mass for third dredge-up is reduced by 0.06Msol.Comment: 6 pages, 5 figures. Accepted for publication in MNRA

    The born again (VLTP) scenario revisited: The mass of the remnants and implications for V4334 Sgr

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    We present 1-D numerical simulations of the very late thermal pulse (VLTP) scenario for a wide range of remnant masses. We show that by taking into account the different possible remnant masses, the observed evolution of V4334 Sgr (a.k.a. Sakurai's Object) can be reproduced within the standard 1D-MLT stellar evolutionary models without the inclusion of any adhocad-hoc reduced mixing efficiency. Our simulations hint at a consistent picture with present observations of V4334 Sgr. From energetics, and within the standard MLT approach, we show that low mass remnants \hbox{(M0.6M\lesssim0.6\msun)} are expected to behave markedly different than higher mass remnants \hbox{(M0.6M\gtrsim0.6\msun)} in the sense that the latter are not expected to expand significantly as a result of the violent H-burning that takes place during the VLTP. We also assess the discrepancy in the born again times obtained by different authors by comparing the energy that can be liberated by H-burning during the VLTP event.Comment: Submitted to MNRAS. In includes an appendix regarding the treatment of reduced convective motions within the Mixing Length Theor

    Type Ia supernova SN 2003du: optical observations

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    UBVRI photometry and optical spectra of type Ia supernova SN 2003du obtained at the Indian Astronomical Observatory for nearly a year since discovery are presented. The apparent magnitude at maximum was B=13.53 +/- 0.02 mag, and the colour (B-V) = -0.08 +/- 0.03 mag. The luminosity decline rate, Delta(m_{15}(B)) = 1.04 +/- 0.04 mag indicates an absolute B magnitude at maximum of M_B = -19.34 +/- 0.3 mag and the distance modulus to the parent galaxy as mu=32.89 +/- 0.4.The light curve shapes are similar, though not identical, to those of SNe 1998bu and 1990N, both of which had luminosity decline rates similar to that of SN 2003du and occurred in spiral galaxies. The peak bolometric luminosity indicates that 0.9 Msun mass of 56Ni was ejected by the supernova. The spectral evolution and the evolution of the Si II and Ca II absorption velocities closely follows that of SN 1998bu, and in general, is within the scatter of the velocities observed in normal type Ia supernovae. The spectroscopic and photometric behaviour of SN 2003du is quite typical for SNe Ia in spirals. A high velocity absorption component in the Ca II (H & K) and IR-triplet features, with absorption velocities of ~20,000 km/s and ~22,000 km/s respectively, is detected in the pre-maximum spectra of days -11 and -7.Comment: 10 pages, 10 figures; Accepted for publication in A&

    Solar Neutrinos from CNO Electron Capture

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    The neutrino flux from the sun is predicted to have a CNO-cycle contribution as well as the known pp-chain component. Previously, only the fluxes from beta+ decays of 13N, 15O, and 17F have been calculated in detail. Another neutrino component that has not been widely considered is electron capture on these nuclei. We calculate the number of interactions in several solar neutrino detectors due to neutrinos from electron capture on 13N, 15O, and 17F, within the context of the Standard Solar Model. We also discuss possible non-standard models where the CNO flux is increased.Comment: 4 pages, 1 figure, submitted to Phys. Rev. C; v2 has minor changes including integration over solar volume and addition of missing reference to previous continuum electron capture calculation; v3 has minor changes including addition of references and the correction of a small (about 1%) numerical error in the table