2,495 research outputs found

    Comparative aspects of phytase and xylanase effects on performance, mineral digestibility, and ileal phytate degradation in broilers and turkeys

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    Two experiments were performed, using broilers or turkeys, each utilizing a 3 × 2 factorial arrangement, to compare their response to phytase and xylanase supplementation with growth performance, nutrient digestibility, and ileal phytate degradation as response criteria. For both experiments, 960 Ross 308 or 960 BUT 10 (0-day-old) birds were allocated to 6 treatments: (1) control diet, containing phytase at 500 FTU/kg; (2) the control diet with xylanase (16,000 BXU/kg); (3) the control diet supplemented on top with phytase (1,500 FTU/kg); (4) diet supplemented with 1,500 FTU/kg phytase and xylanase (16,000 BXU/kg); (5) the control diet supplemented with phytase (3,000 FTU/kg); and (6) diet supplemented with 3,000 FTU/kg phytase and xylanase (16,000 BXU/kg). Each treatment had 8 replicates of 20 birds each. Water and diets based on wheat, soybean meal, oilseed rape meal, and barley were available ad libitum. Body weight gain and feed intake were measured from 0 to 28 D, and feed conversion ratio (FCR) corrected for mortality was calculated. Ileal digestibility for dry matter and minerals on day 7 and 28 were analyzed in addition to levels of inositol phosphate esters (InsP6-3) and myo-inositol. Statistical comparisons were performed using ANOVA. Xylanase supplementation improved 28D FCR in broilers and turkeys. Increasing doses of phytase reduced FI and improved FCR only in broilers. In broilers, the age × phytase interaction for phosphorous digestibility showed that increasing phytase dose was more visible on day 7, than on day 28. Mineral digestibility was lower in 28-day-old turkey compared with 7-day-old turkey. InsP6 disappearance increased with increasing phytase levels in both species, with lower levels analyzed in turkeys. InsP6 disappearance was greater in younger turkeys (day 7 compared with day 28). In conclusion, although broilers and turkeys shared several similarities in their growth and nutrient utilization responses, the outcomes of the 2 trials also differed in many aspects. Whether this is because of difference in diets (InsP or Ca level) or differences between species needs further investigation

    Self-consistent calculation of total energies of the electron gas using many-body perturbation theory

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    The performance of many-body perturbation theory for calculating ground-state properties is investigated. We present fully numerical results for the electron gas in three and two dimensions in the framework of the GW approximation. The overall agreement with very accurate Monte Carlo data is excellent, even for those ranges of densities for which the GW approach is often supposed to be unsuitable. The latter seems to be due to the fulfillment of general conservation rules. These results open further prospects for accurate calculations of ground-state properties circumventing the limitations of standard density-functional theory

    Neonatal spontaneous biliary perforation: Case report

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    AbstractObjectiveSpontaneous biliary perforation in neonates is rare. The etiology of this pathology is idiopathic and various management strategies ranging from non-operative treatment to complex operations, such as biliary-enteric reconstruction, are performed, with few reported outcomes.Case reportA 3-week-old female, born at term, presented fever, abdominal distension, and acholic stool. An ultrasound was performed, which revealed generalized ascites and a poorly-defined collection. An emergency laparotomy confirmed perforation in the distal common bile duct and a biliary-enteric-anastomosis was performed.DiscussionWide drainage has been reported as the best initial management strategy for spontaneous biliary perforation, although it depends on the patient's clinical status and intraoperative findings.ConclusionsSpontaneous infantile biliary perforation is rare. Main management is wide drainage with, most perforations being resolved in 2 weeks

    Geoquímica orgánica del registro de la Ría de Villaviciosa desde 1400 ad (norte de España)

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    We have reconstructed the palaeoenvironmental conditions in the Villaviciosa estuary during the last 600 yrs, from the biomarker content (alkanes and alkanoic acids) of the sediment. The amino acid racemization method in ostracodes allowed determining that the sedimentation in the Selorio bay started in 1400 AD. Organic matter was well preserved, although certain microbial activity was interpreted. Three periods were established from the alkane content: 1.- Between 1400 and 1580 AD terrestrial input was dominant; 2.- Between 1580 and 1720 AD there was a major influence of aquatic macrophytes, coinciding with the Little Ice Age, 3.- Between 1720 and 2015 AD there were alternating periods during which land plants or aquatic macrophytes predominated, probably linked to anthropogenic activities. RESUMEN Se han reconstruido las condiciones paleoambientales de la zona de la ría de Villaviciosa de los últimos 600 años, a partir de los biomarcadores (alcanos y ácidos alcanoicos) presentes en el sedimento. El método de racemización de aminoácidos en ostrácodos ha permitido determinar el inicio de la sedimentación en la ensenada de Selorio, en la ría de Villaviciosa, que comenzó en 1400. La preservación de la materia orgánica es buena, aunque se observa una actividad microbiana importante. A partir de los alcanos se han establecido tres episodios: 1.- Entre 1400 y 1580 predominó el aporte de vegetación terrestre, 2.- Entre 1580 y 1720 hubo una mayor abundancia de macrofitas acuáticas, coincidiendo con la Pequeña Edad del Hielo, 3.- Entre 1720 y 2015, hubo una alternancia de aportes terrestres y de macrofitas acuáticas, posiblemente ligados a la acción antrópica

    Efecto de las fuentes de polen sobre el rendimiento en la extracción de aceite y perfil de ácidos grasos de las semillas de dátil (Phoenix dactylifera L.) cultivar Medjool de México

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    The present investigation aimed to assess the effect of pollen sources on the mass, dimension, oil content and fatty acid profile of the seeds from female palms of the Medjool date cultivar. The palms were pollinated with Deglet Noor, Khadrawy, Medjool and Zahidi cultivars. In addition, three palms were pollinated as the treatment control. The fatty acids were evaluated by gas chromatography-mass spectrometry. The surface morphology of date seed powder was examined using SEM, before and after n-hexane interaction. The seeds of the Medjool treatment had the greatest mass (1.42 g), but the lowest oil content (5.37% w/w); the control seeds showed smaller mass (1.21 g), but higher oil content (13.57% w/w). The proportion of fatty acids varied significantly among the treatments with respect to the control. The most abundant fatty acids were oleic (C18:1), lauric (C12:0), myristic (C14:0), palmitic (C16:0), linoleic (C18:2), and stearic (C18:0). Together these fatty acids presented a composition between 98.3 and 98.67% for treatments, and 99.0% for the control. The results indicate that the pollen sources from Deglet Noor, Khadrawy, Medjool and Zahidi cultivars had a significant effect on mass, dimension, oil content and fatty acid profile of the seeds of the date cultivar Medjool. The date seed oil could be used as edible oil, in food products, and in pharmaceutical and cosmetic applications.La presente investigación tuvo como objetivo evaluar el efecto de las fuentes de polen, sobre la masa, dimensión, contenido de aceite y el perfil de ácidos grasos de las semillas de dátil del cultivar Medjool. Las palmas hembras del cultivar Medjool fueron polinizadas con cultivares Deglet Noor, Khadrawy, Medjool y Zahidi. Además, tres palmas fueron polinizadas como tratamiento control. Los ácidos grasos se evaluaron por cromatografía de gases-espectrometría de masas. La morfología de la superficie del polvo de semillas de dátil se examinó utilizando un equipo SEM, antes y después de la interacción n-hexano. Las semillas del tratamiento Medjool resultaron con mayor masa (1,42 g), pero menor contenido de aceite (5,37% p/p); la semilla control, mostró una masa más pequeña (1,21 g), pero un mayor contenido de aceite (13,57% p/p). La composición de ácidos grasos varió significativamente entre los tratamientos con respecto al control. Los ácidos grasos mayoritarios fueron: oleico (C18:1), láurico (C12:0), mirístico (C14:0), palmítico (C16:0), linoleico (C18:2) and esteárico (C18:0). En total, estos ácidos grasos alcanzan una composición entre 98.3 y 98.67% para los tratamientos, y 99.0% para el control. Los resultados indican que la fuente de polen de los cultivares Deglet Noor, Khadrawy, Medjool y Zahidi tiene un efecto significativo sobre la masa, dimensión, contenido de aceite y el perfil de ácidos grasos de la semilla del cultivar de dátil Medjool. El aceite de la semilla de dátil, podría usarse como aceite comestible, productos alimenticios, aplicaciones farmacéuticas y cosméticas

    Muscle mass measured using bioelectrical impedance analysis, calf circumference and grip strength in older adults

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    AbstractObjectiveTo determine the correlation between muscle mass, measured using bioelectrical impedance analysis (BIA), with calf circumference and grip strength.Materials and methodsCross-sectional and observational study. Including all functional adults over 60 years of age seen in our Geriatric Clinic during the months of March 2013–February 2014. Measurements of weight, height, BMI, calf circumference, grip strength and muscle mass by BIA were made after the signature of informed consent.Results105 patients were evaluated, 73 women and 32 men, with a mean age of 76 years (SD±7.3). Muscle mass showed a mild positive correlation with calf circumference: Pearson (r=0.31; p=0.000) and a moderate positive correlation with grip strength: Pearson (r=0.50; p=0.000).DiscussionMuscle mass by BIA has a positive correlation with calf circumference and grip strength, and is a reliable measure to assess muscle mass and physical performance in older adults in geriatric ambulatory clinics and can be used in the diagnosis of sarcopenia in Mexican patients

    The Core Dimensions of Integrated Care: A Literature Review to Support the Development of a Comprehensive Framework for Implementing Integrated Care

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    Objective: As part of the EU-funded Project INTEGRATE, the research sought to develop an evidence-based understanding of the key dimensions and items of integrated care associated with successful implementation across varying country contexts and relevant to different chronic and/or long-term conditions. This paper identifies the core dimensions of integrated care based on a review of previous literature on the topic. Methodology: The research reviewed literature evidence from the peer-reviewed and grey literature. It focused on reviewing research articles that had specifically developed frameworks on integrated care and/or set out key elements for successful implementation. The search initially focused on three main scientific journals and was limited to the period from 2006 to 2016. Then, the research snowballed the references from the selected published studies and engaged leading experts in the field to supplement the identification of relevant literature. Two investigators independently reviewed the selected articles using a standard data collection tool to gather the key elements analyzed in each article. Results: A total of 710 articles were screened by title and abstract. Finally, 18 scientific contributions were selected, including studies from grey literature and experts’ suggestions. The analysis identified 175 items grouped in 12 categories. Conclusions: Most of the key factors reported in the literature derive from studies that developed their frameworks in specific contexts and/or for specific types of conditions. The identification and classification of the elements from this literature review provide a basis to develop a comprehensive framework enabling standardized descriptions and benchmarking of integrated care initiatives carried out in different contexts

    Factors modulating herbivory patterns in Cymodocea nodosa meadows

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    In coastal marine food webs, seagrass-grazer interactions play a fundamental role in ecological processes by regulating the structure and functioning of plant communities. Therefore, assessing the strength of these seagrass-grazer links and identifying the mechanisms that regulate these relationships are crucial to increasing our understanding of community and ecosystem structure and dynamics. Herbivory on the temperate seagrass Cymodocea nodosa was evaluated in four locations with contrasting abiotic and biotic factors (i.e., depth; meadow size; seagrass shoot density, productivity, and leaf traits; and herbivore presence) using cross-transplantation experiments carried out once per season to account for seasonal variation. Patterns of feeding rates on C. nodosa meadows showed high temporal variability, with peaks occurring in spring and summer. Results indicate that between 46.59% and 74.08% of the annual leaf production is lost to herbivory at the locations sampled in this study. Herbivory rates increased with higher nitrogen content and shoot density for all types of consumers (mesograzers, fishes, and sea urchins). This work highlights the need to integrate the abiotic and biotic factors modulating herbivory patterns, particularly in a foundation species like C. nodosa, for which changes in plant traits and grazer abundance may trigger trophic cascades with far-reaching consequences for associated species.This study was funded by the Spanish national project CTM2011-24482 (SEA-LIVE), by the Junta de Andalucia Excelence Project PRODESCA (P12-RNM-3020)) and by Ser-Cady project (FEDER-UCA18-107451) cofinanced by the 2014–2020 ERDF Operational Programme and by the Department of Economy, Knowledge, Business and University of the Regional Government of Andalusia. We thank Carmen Henares for field assistance

    Hysteroscopic findings and intrauterine pathology treatment in Mexican infertile women

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    Background: Hysteroscopy is a minimally invasive approach in gynecologic surgery and one of the main procedures performed on women undergoing fertility treatments. Intrauterine pathology negatively affects fertility by decreasing endometrial receptivity and embryo implantation success, and its prevalence has been reported between 19% and 62%. The aim of our study was to describe the hysteroscopic findings, prevalence of intrauterine pathology, the instruments used for the treatment of structural lesions in Mexican infertile women; and to compare the relationship of positive findings with the type of infertility. Methods: This was a descriptive, cross-sectional study conducted at fertility clinic at a private hospital. Results: We evaluated 191 hysteroscopies; the mean age of women was 35.5+3.2 years and the mean time of infertility 5.7+3.2 years. Primary infertility was the most prevalent (79.1%). In 118 cases (61.8%), uterine cavity abnormalities were diagnosed, the most frequent findings were: polyps (n=51, 26.7%), endometritis (n=30, 15.7%), fibroids (n=15, 7.6 %), synechiae (n=12, 6.5%), and müllerian anomalies (n=10, 5.3%). For structural pathology treatment, cold scissors and bipolar energy were used in 65.5% and 34.5%, respectively. Conclusions: Overall intrauterine pathology prevalence in our study population was 61.8%. Cold scissors and bipolar energy were used for structural lesions treatment. When comparing the relationship of hysteroscopic findings, no statistically significant difference was found in the presence of positive findings, with the type of infertility.

    Seagrass Patch Complexity Affects Macroinfaunal Community Structure in Intertidal Areas: An In Situ Experiment Using Seagrass Mimics

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    [EN] Seagrasses, as key ecosystem engineers in coastal ecosystems, contribute to enhancing diversity in comparison with nearby bare areas. It has been proved mainly for epifauna, but data on infauna are still scarce. The present study addresses how seagrass structural complexity (i.e., canopy properties) affects the diversity of infaunal organisms inhabiting those meadows. Canopy attributes were achieved using seagrass mimics, which were used to construct in situ vegetation patches with two contrasting canopy properties (i.e., shoot density and morphology) resembling the two seagrass species thriving in the inner Cadiz Bay: Zostera noltei and Cymodocea nodosa. After three months, bare nearby areas, two mimicked seagrass patches (‘Zostera’ and ‘Cymodocea’), and the surrounding natural populations of Zostera noltei were sampled in a spatially explicit way. Shifts in organism diets were also determined using15N and13C analyses in available food sources and main infaunal organisms, mixing models, and niche metrics (standard ellipse area). Seagrass-mimicked habitats increased the species richness (two-fold), organism abundance (three to four times), and functional diversity compared with bare nearby areas. The clam Scrobicularia plana (deposit/filter feeder) and the worm Hediste diversicolor (omnivore) were dominant in all of the samples (> 85%) and showed an opposite spatial distribution in the reconstructed patches: whilst S. plana accumulated in the outer-edge parts of the meadow, H. diversicolor abounded in the center. Changes in the isotopic signature of both species depending on the treatment suggest that this faunal distribution was associated with a shift in the diet of the organisms. Based on our results, we concluded that facilitation processes (e.g., reduction in predation and in bioturbation pressures) and changes in food availability (quality and quantity) mediated by seagrass canopies were the main driving forces structuring this community in an intertidal muddy area of low diversitySIThis work was supported by the Spanish Project PAVAROTTI (CTM2017-85365-R) from the Ministry of Science and Innovation and by the Junta de Andalucía Excellence Project PAMBIO (P08-RNM-03783