14 research outputs found

    Anthropic resource exploitation and use of the territory at the onset of social complexity in the Neolithic-Chalcolithic Western Pyrenees: a multi-isotope approach

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    Carbon (ÎŽ13C) and nitrogen (ÎŽ15N) stable isotope analyses from bone collagen provide information about the dietary protein input, while strontium isotopes (87Sr/86Sr) from tooth enamel give us data about provenance and potential territorial mobility of past populations. To date, isotopic results on the prehistory of the Western Pyrenees are scarce. In this article, we report human and faunal values of the mentioned isotopes from the Early-Middle Neolithic site of Fuente Hoz (Anuntzeta) and the Late Neolithic/Early Chalcolithic site of Kurtzebide (Letona, Zigoitia). The main objectives of this work are to analyze the dietary and territorial mobility patterns of these populations. Furthermore, as an additional aim, we will try to discuss social ranking based on the isotope data and existing literature on this topic in the region of study. Our results show that, based on the bioavailable Sr values, both purported local and non-local humans were buried together at the sites. Additionally, they suggest similar resource consumption based on C3 terrestrial resources (i.e. ovicaprids, bovids, and suids) as the main part of the protein input. Overall, this study sheds light on how individuals from different backgrounds were still buried together and shared the same dietary lifestyle at a time in the Prehistory of Iberia when social complexities started to appear

    Les inhumations chassĂ©ennes du Pirou et de Vigne de Bioaux (Valros, HĂ©rault) : un recrutement spĂ©cifique en contexte d’habitat ?

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    International audienceThe Middle Neolithic sites of Le Pirou and La Vigne de Bioaux in Valros (Herault, southern France) are less than 300 m apart. Both can be attributed to the early Chassean culture (4300–4100 BC). Excavations in the former site revealed more than 150 domestic pits, 7 of which contained single burials. The latter site revealed about fifteen domestic pits, including one single burial. Thanks to the close proximity between the burials and the domestic area and to the various multidisciplinary studies under way; we were able to cross-analyse the datasets to investigate the status of the individuals buried in pits used for domestic purposes. Anthropological and isotopic analyses enabled us to characterise the eight individuals and to contribute new points of discussion on Chassean burials in domestic contexts. Despite the small number of individuals, the anthropological data brought out the particularities of these individuals, all female, and the heterogeneousness of the metric data. Isotopic analyses (ÎŽ13C, ÎŽ15N) of the human and animal remains were compared, from a paleo diet and a paleo behavioural perspective, with the results of recent discoveries in the region. The anthropological and isotopic data have showed the very heterogeneous nature of the buried individuals, prompting discussions on how this group has formed and buried in these graves in the Le Pirou and La Vigne de Bioaux sites. This study also highlights the need to pursue discussions on small-sized groups in order to fully understand the diversity off unerary practices of the southern Chassean, and the putative correlation between the social status of individuals and their funerary treatment.Les sites nĂ©olithiques moyens du Pirou et de la Vigne de Bioaux Ă  Valros (HĂ©rault, France) sont distants de moins de 300 m. Ils sont tous deux attribuables Ă  la phase ancienne de la culture chassĂ©enne (4300–4100 av. J.-C.). Le premier regroupait plus de 150 structures excavĂ©es dont sept contenaient des inhumations individuelles. Le second a livrĂ© une quinzaine de fosses dont une contenait une inhumation individuelle. La mise en Ă©vidence d’une proximitĂ© Ă©troite entre les inhumations et l’espace domestique ainsi que les diffĂ©rentes Ă©tudes pluridisciplinaires engagĂ©es offrent l’occasiondecroiserunensemblededonnĂ©espermettantd’interroger le statut des individus inhumĂ©s en fosses domestiques rĂ©employĂ©es. L’analyse anthropologique et isotopique a, ainsi, permis de caractĂ©riser les huit individus et d’apporter de nouveaux Ă©lĂ©ments de discussion relatifs au phĂ©nomĂšne des inhumations chassĂ©ennes en contexte d’habitat. MalgrĂ© la taille de l’effectif, les donnĂ©es anthropologiques ont montrĂ© la particularitĂ© de ces sujets, tous fĂ©minins, et l’hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© des donnĂ©es mĂ©triques. Des analyses isotopiques (ÎŽ13C, ÎŽ15N) menĂ©es sur les restes humains et animaux ont Ă©tĂ© confrontĂ©es aux rĂ©sultats de dĂ©couvertes regionals rĂ©centes dans une perspective palĂ©oalimentaire et palĂ©ocomportementale. Les donnĂ©es anthropologiques et isotopiques montrent, ainsi, une hĂ©tĂ©rogĂ©nĂ©itĂ© trĂšs importante des dĂ©funts,quipermetd’interrogerlesmodalitĂ©sdeconstitution de ce groupe d’individus. Cette Ă©tude souligne la nĂ©cessitĂ© de poursuivre les discussions Ă©galement sur des effectifs faibles si l’on veut comprendre toute la diversitĂ© des pratiques funĂ©raires existant durant le ChassĂ©en mĂ©ridional ainsi que la corrĂ©lation qui pourrait exister entre le statut social des sujets et le traitement funĂ©raire dont ils font l’objet

    StratĂ©gies de subsistance et analyse culturelle de populations nĂ©olithiques de Ligurie: Approche par l’étude isotopique (ÎŽ13C et ÎŽ15N) des restes osseux

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    For the last ten millennia humans have learned how to manage and produce their own food resources. In Liguria, the exploitation of the marine and coastal environment as well as the acquisition and use of agriculture and pastoralism at the time of Neolithisation (i.e. 6th millennia BC) are evidenced by both archaeological and palaeoenvironmental studies. However, it is difficult, using these methods, to determine the relative contributions to human diets made by foods from these difference sources, especially throughout the Neolithic period. The presence of human burials and animal remains from various sites from this region allows the use of isotopic methods, and in particular the study of the ÎŽ13C and ÎŽ15N values of bone collagen, which provides information on the sources of dietary protein. This method is able to determine the relative importance of marine foods in the diets of the early Neolithic agriculturalists and pastoralists, as well as indicate dietary differences between contemporary populations. Two coastal Neolithic sites were the subject of our study: Pendimoun (France) and Arene Candide (Italy). The results show, contrary to expectations, the absence of regular consumption of marine resources and the food differences within the populations