386 research outputs found

    Application of the parametrical surface-wave prediction model to rapidly varying wind fields during JONSWAP 1973

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    The capability of a parametrical surface wave model to predict the sea state on a small array for highly variable wind fields is shown for three examples. The model treats the wind sea, for which the nonlinear interaction is most effective, in a parametrical sense. The swell is propagated along characteristics, and the source function for the swell is assumed to be zero. The model output is compared with wave measure- ments from the JONSWAP 73 experimen

    Separation properties in algebraic categories of topological spaces

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    AbstractFull subcategories C ⊆ Top of the category of topological spaces, which are algebraic over Set in the sense of Herrlich [2], have pleasant separation properties, mostly subject to additional closedness assumptions. For instance, every C-object is a T1-space, if the two-element discrete space belongs to C. Moreover, if C is closed under the formation of finite powers in Top and even varietal [2], then every C-object is Hausdorff. Hence, the T2-axiom turns out to be (nearly) superfluous in Herrlich's and Strecker's characterization of the category of compact Hausdorff spaces [1], although it is essential for the proof.If we think of C-objects X as universal algebras (with possibly infinite operations), then the subalgebras of X form the closed sets of a compact topology on X, provided that the ordinal spaces [0, β] belong to C. This generalizes a result in [3]. The subalgebra topology is used to prove criterions for the Hausdorffness of every space in C, if C is only algebraic

    Exponentiability for maps means fibrewise core-compactness

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    AbstractOriginally, exponentiable spaces X were characterized by Day and Kelly in terms of Scott-open sets, which form a topology on the topology of X. Later on, Hofmann and Lawson described exponentiability for spaces by standard topological terminology as core-compactness or quasi-local compactness. The primary characterization of exponentiable maps by Niefield is in the spirit of Day–Kelly and entails their result as special case, because spaces may be considered as maps to the one-point space. A map-version for the Hofmann–Lawson description was missing. Now, this paper offers a fibrewise notion of core-compactness which is equivalent to exponentiability and specializes to core-compactness for spaces. Moreover, among separated maps (i.e. distinct points in the same fibre may be separated by disjoint open neighbourhoods), the exponentiable ones are just the restrictions of perfect (i.e. separated and proper) maps to open subspaces. This is the map-version of the Whitehead–Michael characterization of exponentiable Hausdorff spaces by local compactness and extends the corresponding result by Clementino–Hofmann–Tholen for Hausdorff spaces to arbitrary ones. It proves their respective conjecture

    O desafio de ensinar História em cursos de Relações Internacionais

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    This article addresses the challenge that exists in teaching History for International Relations courses. This is a brief reflection on key concepts of the discipline of History of International Relations and its applicability in a discipline offered in the undergraduate course at the Federal University of Santa Maria. The reflections contained here were inspired by the exemplary career of Professor Emeritus at the University of Brasília, Amado Luiz Cervo, to whom the author owes much of his training and professional choices.O presente artigo aborda o desafio que existe no ensino de História para cursos de Relações Internacionais.  Trata-se de uma breve reflexão sobre conceitos-chave da disciplina de História das Relações Internacionais e de sua aplicabilidade em uma disciplina oferecida no curso de graduação da Universidade Federal de Santa Maria. As reflexões aqui contidas foram inspiradas na carreira exemplar do Professor Emérito da Universidade de Brasília, Amado Luiz Cervo, a quem o autor deve muito de sua formação e escolhas profissionais

    Bertolt Brecht e as ideologias de tempos sombrios

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    A presente monografia tem como foco principal a busca de um elo entre a atuação de intelectuais de campos diversos e os grandes temas atinentes às Relações Internacionais. Isto se dá primeiramente através da leitura de algumas das principais causas da Segunda Guerra Mundial e das ideologias políticas envolvidas no contexto. Em seguida, apresenta-se uma busca pelos fatos relativos à vida de Bertolt Brecht como exemplo de intelectual orgânico, sua ligação com a ideologia marxista e seu método de trabalho. Por fim, a análise de uma peça de teatro escrita por Brecht que caracteriza situações típicas da Alemanha dominada pelo regime nazista. Esta interpretação faz uma ligação entre conceitos trabalhados ao longo dos primeiros capítulos e a obra em si

    Drug Targeting of Chromosomal Translocations in Fusion-Positive Sarcoma

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    Sarcomas are heterogeneous cancers of bone or soft tissue. They occur in children, adolescents, and young adults (AYAs). Herein, the subgroup of fusion-positive (FP) sarcomas is characterized by chromosomal rearrangements generating pathognomonic fusion transcripts and oncoproteins. In Ewing sarcoma (EwS), FP-rhabdomyosarcomas (FP-RMS) and synovial sarcomas (SyS), the most common and aggressive forms of sarcomas in childhood and adolescence, the oncogenic rearrangements involve transcription cofactors such as by FET-ETS, PAX3/7-FOXO1 or SS18-SSX fusion oncogenes in EwS, FP-RMS, or SyS, respectively causing widespread epigenetic rewiring and aberrant gene expression. Regardless of these translocations, few recurrent mutations are observed in these sarcomas that may contribute to disease; thus, it is of particular interest to consider the consequences of these translocations for tumor development. Results of current research examining the disease, analyzing, and classifying the role of associated rearrangements of chromatin, and investigating possibilities for tumor-specific intervention such as blocking the transcriptional activity of the fusion protein, or the processes caused by this activity are summarized here and some resulting therapeutic opportunities are presented

    Oswaldo Aranha y la deuda externa brasileña: auditoría y diversificación comercial

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    Este artículo aborda la relación entre las acciones de política exterior de Brasil emprendidas por el gobierno de Getúlio Vargas a partir de 1930, y la fuerte influencia de la auditoria de la deuda externa realizada en el período en que Oswaldo Aranha fue ministro de Hacienda (1931-1934). Analiza, además, la participación de Aranha, ya como embajador, en la firma del acuerdo de libre comercio con Estados Unidos, motivado, según las fuentes, por la fortaleza del dólar tras el fin del patrón oro, por un lado, y por el costoso compromiso de Brasil a causa de sus bonos de deuda en posesión de los acreedores estadounidenses, por el otro

    Relações internacionais do Brasil no limiar da era Vargas: processo decisório e questão siderúrgica

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     RESUMO Este artigo trata das relações internacionais do Brasil nos primeiros anos Vargas, em especial nos aspectos atinentes ao processo decisório. Defende-se, com base em fontes primárias, que a proposta de construção de uma usina siderúrgica empreendida pelo Estado, bem como a finalidade de tal empreendimento, esteve relacionada à preocupação do governo Vargas com os conflitos sul-americanos.Palavras-chave: política externa do governo Vargas, siderurgia, conflitos sul-americanos.  ABSTRACT This article deals with Brazil's international relations in the early years of Vargas administration, particularly in aspects relating to decision-making process. It is argued, based on primary sources, that the proposal to build a steel plant undertaken by the State, and the purpose of such an enterprise, was related to concern with the conflicts in South America. Keywords: foreign policy of Vargas administration, steel mil, conflicts in South America