94 research outputs found

    Türkiye’de İlköğretim Sisteminin Geliştirilmesi İçin Gelecek Senaryoları

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    The purpose of this study is to analyze the current situation in Turkish Primary Education and determine the possible future scenarios towards changes in age population, probable problem areas in the future, alternative policy suggestions, and process of improving the quality in education. Therefore, qualitative research method and phenomenology design were conducted in the study. Purposeful sampling method, maximum variation, and criterion sampling were applied to select the participants. A semi-structural interview form was developed by the researcher and used to gather data in the study. Data of the study were examined in the dimensions of population and quality. The findings of the study demonstrated that the key factor in determining the success in primary schools was the quality of teachers. As a result, it can easily be said that Turkey needs to develop a model for improving quality in primary schools based on its own characteristics and conditions.Bu araştırmanın amacı Türkiye’de ilköğretimin mevcut durum analizini yaparak, çağ nüfusunun değişimi, gelecekteki sorun alanları, alternatif politika önerileri ve ilköğretimde kalitenin geliştirilmesi sürecinde olası gelecek senaryolarının belirlenmesidir. Çalışmada nitel araştırma yöntemi kullanılmış ve olgubilim (fenomenoloji) deseni benimsenmiştir. Katılımcıların belirlenmesinde amaçlı örnekleme yöntemi ve buna bağlı olarak maksimum çeşitlilik ve ölçüt örnekleme teknikleri kullanılmıştır. Araştırmanın verileri araştırmacı tarafından geliştirilen yarı yapılandırılmış bir görüşme formu ile toplanmıştır. Araştırmada elde edilen veriler nüfus ve kalite boyutlarında incelenmiştir. Araştırmanın bulguları, gelecekte ilköğretimin niteliğini belirleyecek temel faktörün öğretmen niteliği olacağını göstermiştir. Sonuç olarak, ilköğretimde kalitenin artırılmasına yönelik Türkiye’nin kendi özellik ve koşullarına odaklı özgün bir model tasarlaması gerektiği söylenebilir

    Nesfatin-1 levels predict angiographic no-reflow in patients with st-segment elevation myocardial infarction

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    Background: Nesfatin-1 is a novel peptide possessing pleiotropic metabolic effects. No-reflow phenomenon (NR) is a poor prognostic indicator occurring in around 30% of all patients undergoing primary percutaneous coronary interventions (pPCI). Inflammation and complexity of coronary artery disease (CAD) play pivotal roles in the pathogenesis of NR. In this study, we investigated the relationship between admission serum nesfatin-1 level, NR and complexity of CAD assessed by SYNTAX-1 (SS-1) and SYNTAX-2 (SS-2) scores in patients with ST-segment elevation myocardial infarction (STEMI) undergoing pPCI. Methods: A total of 174 STEMI patients who underwent pPCI were included in the study and divided into NR (n = 36) and normal flow (n = 138) groups. Serum nesfatin-1 was measured by enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay. Seventy-eight consecutive age-, gender-and co-morbidity-matched patients undergoing coronary angiography with < 50% stenosis comprised the control group. Results: Nesfatin-1 levels were significantly lower in the NR group compared to the normal flow and control groups (10.8 ± 6.6 ng/mL vs. 34.9 ± 24 ng/mL vs. 43.6 ± 23.2 ng/mL, respectively, p < 0.001). Nesfatin-1 was significantly and inversely correlated with SS-1 and SS-2 scores (r =-0.709 and r =-0.655, respectively, both p < 0.001). Multivariate logistic regression analysis showed that nesfatin-1 [odds ratio (OR) = 0.81, 95% confidence interval (CI) = 0.708-0.936, p = 0.004] and glomerular filtration rate (OR = 0.94, 95% CI = 0.892-0.989, p = 0.018) were independently associated with NR. In the receiver operating characteristic analysis, nesfatin-1 < 15.21 ng/mL predicted NR with 78.4% sensitivity and 72.2% specificity (area under the curve = 0.809, 95% CI = 0.701-0.918, p < 0.001). Conclusions: Admission nesfatin-1 level is a potent predictor of NR in STEMI patients undergoing pPCI. Additionally, nesfatin-1 has a robust and negative correlation with the complexity of CAD. © 2020, Republic of China Society of Cardiology. All rights reserved

    Chondrostoma smyrnae, a new nase from the Tahtali reservoir drainage in the Aegean Sea basin (Teleostei, Leuciscidae)

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    Chondrostoma smyrnae, a new species, from the Tahtali reservoir drainage is distinguished by having a slightly arched lower jaw with a well-developed keratinised edge, a deep and cylindric body, a complete lateral line with 47-52+1 total scales, 8-9 scale rows between the lateral line and the dorsal-fin origin, 4 scale rows between the lateral line and the pelvic fin-origin, and 19-23 gill rakers on the first gill arch. Moreover, molecular analyses using full cyt b (1141 bp) and partial coI (652 bp) sequences of the mitochondrial genome from specimens of the new species, C. smyrnae and specimens belonging to other Chondrostoma species from central and western Anatolia demonstrated that the C. smyrnae is easily differentiated by their high pairwise genetic distances of cyt b and coI data set (>2.20 and 1.03%, respectively) and by their position in the phylogenetic trees obtained through Maximum Likelihood (ML) methodology

    Multilevel analysis of the effects of leardership styles, decision making strategies and personality on decision-making process in schoolsLiderlik stilleri, karar verme stratejileri ve kişiliğin okullardaki karar sürecine etkilerinin çok düzeyli analizi

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    This study aims to identify factors that are effective on decision making at school, to analyse how these processes occur, to investigate whether decision making processes differ from school to school; and to demonstrate whether decision making processes at schools are associated with personality, decision making strategies and principals’ leadership. The research was conducted during 2012-2013 academic year in central districts of Ankara. It covered a total number of 473 participants (22 principals and 449 teachers), who work in 24 different elementary schools. In order to collect necessary data for the research, Adjective Based Personality Scale (Bacanlı, İlhan and Aslan, 2009), Leadership Styles Scale (Çuhadaroğlu, 2008) and Decision-Making Questionnaire at School and Decision Making Process Questionnaire at School, which were developed by the authors, were employed in this study. In analysing the data, two-level hierarchical linear model technique was used. According to the research findings, the most important factors in decision making at schools are deputy principals, senior education managers and teachers. The least effective ones are citizens that are not custodians for students, non-educative personnel at school and representatives of non-governmental organisations. ÖzetBu çalışmada, okullarda karar verme sürecinde etkili olan faktörlerin neler olduğu, okulda karar süreçlerinin nasıl gerçekleştiği, karar verme süreçlerinin okullara göre farklılaşıp farklılaşmadığı ve okullardaki karar verme süreçlerinin kişilik, karar verme stratejileri ve okul müdürünün liderliği ile ilişkili olup olmadığının ortaya konulması amaçlanmaktadır. Araştırma, 2012-2013 eğitim ve öğretim yılında, Ankara ili merkez ilçelerindeki 24 ilköğretim okulunda görev yapan 22 okul müdürü ve 449 öğretmen olmak üzere toplam 473 katılımcı ile gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma için gerekli verilerin toplanması amacıyla Sıfatlara Dayalı Kişilik Testi (Bacanlı, İlhan ve Aslan, 2009) ve Liderlik Stilleri Ölçeği (Çuhadaroğlu, 2008) ve araştırmacılar tarafından geliştirilen Okulda Karar Alma Anketi ve Okulda Karar Alma Süreci Ölçeği kullanılmıştır. Verilerin analizinde iki düzeyli hiyerarşik doğrusal model tekniği kullanılmıştır. Araştırma  sonuçlarına göre, okullarda karar alımında en etkili olan faktörler müdür yardımcıları, üst düzey eğitim yöneticileri ve öğretmenlerdir. En az etkili olanlar ise öğrenci velisi olmayan vatandaşlar, okuldaki eğitici olmayan personel ve sivil toplum kuruluşu temsilcileridir

    Current fish fauna of Göksu River (Turkey) and evaluation of its ecological status

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    Orta Toroslar’daki karst alanlardan beslenen Göksu Irmağı, Doğu Akdeniz Havzası’nın Akdeniz’e dökülen en büyük akarsuyudur. Bu çalışmada, 2014-2017 yılları arasında farklı tarihlerde yapılan örnekleme, gözlem ve literatür taraması ışığında; Göksu Irmağı balık faunasının güncel taksonomik durumu, dağılım alanları, IUCN koruma ölçütleri ve akarsu bölgelerinin ekolojik yapısı değerlendirilmiştir. Çalışmamızda akarsuyun acısu bölgesi hariç 8 familyadan; 7’si yerli, 2’si egzotik ve 2’si göç eden tür (diadrom) olmak üzere toplam 11 tür belirlenmiş olup, bunlardan 6’sı Türkiye için endemiktir. Akarsuyun üst havzasındaki bu yüksek endemizm oranı oldukça dikkat çekicidir. Irmağın ana kollarını oluşturan, yukarı-orta havza drenaj alanı içerisindeki Göksu Çayı ve Ermenek Çayı (Gevne Çayı)’nın üzerinde gerçekleşen karayolu, köprü, baraj ve HES yapımı gibi fiziki tahribatların akarsu ekosisteminin doğal yapısını bozduğu, akarsu yatağında kısmi kurumalar ve habitat parçalanmasına neden olduğu gözlemlenmiştir. Bu baskılar sonucunda, Göksu Çayı ve Gevne Çayı’nın baskın balık türü olan endemik Toros sirazı (Capoeta caelestis) popülasyon yoğunluğunun önemli ölçüde azaldığı tespit edilmiştir. Aynı olumsuz etkenler nedeniyle Gevne Çayı’nın Beyreli Köyü (Hadim-Konya) ile Dumlugöze (Sarıveliler-Karaman) arasında kalan yaklaşık 45 km’lik üst kesiminde 2004-2009 yılları arasında nadiren örneklenen kırmızıbenekli alabalık (Salmo opimus) popülasyonunun yok olduğu belirlenmiştir.The Göksu River, fed by the Central Taurus karst areas, is the largest river of the Eastern Mediterranean Basin flowing into the Mediterranean. In this study, within the scope of the samples and observations we made on different dates between 2014-2017, and in the light of other research findings; the current taxonomic status of the Göksu River fish fauna, distribution areas, IUCN conservation criteria and ecological structure of the river regions were evaluated. In our study, except for the brackish water region of the stream; A total of 11 taxa were identified, belong to 8 families; 7 native (as 6 endemic and 1 widespread), 2 exotic and 2 migratory (diadromous). The high rate of endemism in the upper basins of the river is quite remarkable. There have been physical destructions such as the construction of highways, bridges, dams and HEPPs on Göksu Stream and Ermenek Stream (Gevne Stream) within the upper-middle basin drainage area, which form the main branches of this river. It has been observed that these destructions disrupt the natural structure of the river ecosystem, causing partial drying in the river bed and habitat fragmentation. As a result of these pressures on the stream, it has been determined that the population density of the endemic Taurus scraper (Capoeta caelestis), which is the dominant fish species of Göksu and Gevne streams, has decreased significantly. Due to the same negative factors, it was determined that the red spotted trout (Salmo opimus) population, which was rarely sampled between 2004 and 2009, disappeared in the upper part of the Gevne Stream, approximately 45 km between Beyreli Village (Hadim-Konya) and Dumlugöze (Sarıveliler-Karaman)


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    Amaç: Kliniğimizde Tuboovarian Abse nedeniyle cerrahi operasyon uygulanan hastalarınretrospektif olarak araştırılarak, klinik ve laboratuar sonuçlarını, uygulanan tedaviyöntemlerini ve gelişen komplikasyonlarını incelemektir.Gereç ve yöntem: Ocak 2003 - Mart 2007 tarihleri arasında tuboovarian abse tanısıile opere edilen 39 hasta retrospektif olarak incelendi. Hastaların klinik ve laboratuarsonuçları, uygulanan operasyon yöntemleri ve gelişen komplikasyonlar kaydedildi.Bulgular: Hastaların %71,7'si multipardı. Hastaların başlıca şikayetleri pelvik ağrı(%92,3) ve ateş (%69,6)'idi. Rahim içi araç kullanımı prevelansı %48,7, son 6 ay içindegeçirilmiş intrauterin veya intraabdominal operasyon prevelansı %33,3 ve pelvikinflamatuar hastalık prevelansı %28,2 olarak saptandı. Klinik bulgu olarak; %69,2 hastada38,3ËšC üzerinde ateş, %64,1 hastada lökositoz, %92,3 hastada yükseksedimentasyon hızı, %89,7 hastada C-reaktif protein yüksekliği tespit edilmiştir. Doğurganlığınıkorumak isteyen hastalara abse drenajı uygulandı. TOA drenajı yapılan hastalarınoranı %71,8 idi. Kullanılan rezektif cerrahi yöntemler arasında; total abdominalhisterektomi oranı (%12,8), unilateral salpingoooferektomi oranı (%10,3), bilateralsalpingoooferektomi oranı (%5,1) saptandı. Hastaların 5'inde (%12,8) intra-operatifkomplikasyon olarak barsak hasarı gelişirken, 4 hastada (%10,3) postoperatif komplikasyonolarak yara yeri enfeksiyonu ve atelektazi gelişti.Sonuç: TOA'yi takip eden yüksek morbidite ve azalmış fertilite oranları nedeniyle erkentanı ve cerrahi müdahale oldukça önemlidir.Objective: The aim of study is retrospective evaluation of the clinical and laboratoryresults, the treatments and complications in patients who were managed for tuboovarianabscess (TOA) clinic in our department.Materials and method: The records of 39 patients who has operated with thediagnosis of tuboovarian abscess between January 2003 and March 2007 were studiedretrospectively. The patients clinical and laboratory results, operational methods appliedand the complications raised were recorded.Results: 71.7% of the patients were multipar. The main complaints of the patientswere pelvic pain (92.3%) and fever (69.6%). Prevelance of intrauterine device (IUD)usage, intrauterin or intraabdominal operations applied in the last 6 months, previouspelvic inflamatuary disease (PID) were as 48.7%, 33.3 %, 28.2%. As clinical andlaboratory signs; in 69.2 % of patients high axillary fever (>38.3ºC), in %64.1 of patientsleukocytosis, in 92.3 % of patients high sedimentation rate and in 89.7 % of patientshigh C-Reactive Protein (CRP) detected. For the patients who would like to preservereproductivity; TOA abscess drainage is applied with a ratio of 71.8%. As resectivesurgery methods that were applied; total abdominal hysterectomy ratio was 12.8 %,unilateral salphingoophorectomy ratio was 10.3 %, bilateral salphingoophorectomy ratiowas 5.1%. Intraoperative complications were observed in 5 (12.8%) patients (bowelinjury) where as postoperative complication were observed in 4 (10.3%) patients(wound enfection and atelectasia).Conclusion: Due to minimizing decreased fertility and high morbidity following TOA; itis important for the women health to apply early diagnosis and early surgery

    Investigation of pilot scale manufacturing of polysulfone (PSf) membranes by wet phase inversion method

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    Membranes are used as a support layer for the fabrication of thin film composite membranes. Sup- port layer properties can affect many performance parameters of TFC membranes such as flux, rejection, morphology and stability against pressure. Although studies in lab scale fabrication exist, investigation the pilot scale polysulfone membrane fabrication has not been done. In this study, opti- mization of polysulfone support membranes fabrication was conducted in pilot scale. Coagulation bath temperature; casting speed and solution content were selected as main parameters for the opti- mization. Membrane surface properties were investigated in details with SEM and pore size dis- tribution. Membrane performance were determined with permeability experiments. Differences in pilot scale and lab scale membrane manufacturing were observed and compared with literature. On the contrary to literature it was found that, coagulation bath temperature has exact opposite effect in pilot scale membrane formation compared to lab scale studies. 10°C drop (from 25°C to 15°C) in coagulation bath temperature decreased mean pore size of membranes from 27 nm to 8 nm and per- meability from 464 l/m2h to 100 l/m2h while everything else was kept constant


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    Amaç: Doğum ağrılarının giderilmesinde Kombine Spinal - Epidural Analjezi (KSEA), Epidural Analjeziye (EA) bir alternatif olarak sunulmaktadır. Bu çalışmada, doğum eyleminin birinci evresinde KSEA veya EA uygulanan gebelerde analjezik yöntemin, doğum eylemi üzerine etkilerini karşılaştırmayı amaçladık. Gereç ve yöntem: Fakülte Etik Kurul onayı alındıktan sonra, ASA I-II'ye uyan 130 nullipar gebe kombine spinal-epidural (n=65) veya epidural (n=65) analjezi uygulanmak üzere çalışmaya alındı. KSEA grubunda, intratekal aralığa 20 μg fentanil + 1 ml %0,25 bupivakain uygulandı; epidural kateter yerleştirildi. Epidural grupta %0,125 bupivakain + 50μg fentanil (toplam 10 ml) epidural aralığa enjekte edilerek analjezi sağlandı. Her iki grupta analjezi idamesinde Hasta Kontrollü Epidural Analjezi (HKEA) (%0,125 bupivakain + 2 μg/ml fentanil-10 ml bolus + 30 dk. kilit süresi) uygulandı. Serviksin dilatasyon ve efasman derecesi, fetus başının seviyesi, oksitosin infüzyon hızı, doğumun I ve II evre süreleri, yeni doğanın Apgar skoru, doğum şekli ve anne memnuniyeti; ayrıca hemodinamik parametreler, ağrı skorları, motor blok ve yan etkiler kaydedildi. Veriler istatistiksel olarak değerlendirildi. Bulgular: Oksitosin infüzyon hızının Grup EA'da 3-8. saatlerde daha yüksek olduğu (p<0,05), serviks dilatasyonunun KSEA grubunda daha hızlı ilerlediği, efasman dereceleri arasında fark olmadığı saptandı. KSEA grubunda fetus başının daha hızlı iniş yaptığı belirlendi (p<0,05). Motor blok görülme oranı, doğum şekli, Apgar Skorları, anne memnuniyeti gruplar arasında farklı değildi. Sonuç: Geleneksel EA ile kıyaslandığında, KSE analjezi uygulanan nullipar gebelerde, serviks dilatasyonu ve fetus başının seviyesinin daha hızlı indiği ve bu yöntemin geleneksel epidural analjeziye bir alternatif olabileceği kanaatına varıldı. Objective: Combined spinal-epidural analgesia (CSEA) technique is proposed as an alternative to conventional epidural analgesia (EA) for pain of labor. In this study we aimed to compare the effects of CSEA with those of epidural analgesia on the progress of labor during the first stage of labor. Material and method: After approval by the local ethics committee, one hundredthirty nulliparous parturients were randomly allocated to receive either CSEA (n=65) combined spinal-epidural analgesia 1 ml of bupivacaine 0.25% with 20 μg fentanyl were injected into the subarachnoid space and the epidural catheter was inserted. The initial dose consisted of 0.125 % bupivacaine+50μg fentanyl in 10 ml of saline in the epidural group. Both groups received epidural top-ups of 10 ml 0.125 % bupivacaine+2μg/ml fentanyl via Patient Controlled Epidural Analgesia (PCEA) pump. Data were collected on cervical dilation, effacement, station, oxytocin infusion rates, length of 1st and 2nd stage of labor, Apgar scores, mode of delivery, mother satisfaction, hemodynamic parameters, side effects, pain and degree of motor block. Results: The mean cervical dilation rates and progress of station were significantly faster in patients receiving CSEA. Oxytocin infusion rates were higher in patients receiving EA. Progress of effacement, the incidence of side effects, and mode of delivery and Apgar scores were similar between groups. Parturients in both groups were equally satisfied. Conclusion: In nulliparous parturients, CSEA is associated with rapid progress of cervical dilation and station when compared to conventional EA; and can be an alternative to EA in our opinion

    Alburnoides manyasensis (Actinopterygii, Cyprinidae), a new species of cyprinid fish from Manyas Lake basin, Turkey

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    GUCLU, Salim Serkan/0000-0002-9256-449X; Kaya, Cuneyt/0000-0002-4531-798XWOS: 000315765700006PubMed: 23794819Alburnoides manyasensis, sp. n., is described from the Koca Stream (Lake Manyas drainage, Marmara Sea basin) in Anatolia. It is distinguished from all species of Alburnoides in Turkey and adjacent regions, Alburnoides tzanevi (Rezovska [Rezve], Istranca and Terkos streams in the western Black Sea drainage), Alburnoides cf. smyrnae (Banaz Stream, a drainage of Buyuk Menderes River, Aegean Sea basin), Alburnoides fasciatus (streams and rivers in the eastern Black Sea drainage) and Alburnoides eichwaldii (Kura and Aras rivers [a drainage of Kura River], Caspian Sea basin) by a combination of the following characters (none unique to the species): marked hump at nape, especially in specimens larger than 60 mm SL; partly developed ventral keel between pelvic fin and anal fin, scaleless 1/2 to 2/3 its length; body depth at dorsalfin origin 29-32% SL; caudal peduncle depth 11-12% SL; 45-52+ 2-3 lateral-line scales; 9-12 scale rows between lateral line and dorsal-fin origin; 4-5 scale rows between lateral line and anal-fin origin, 101/2-121/2 branched anal-fin rays; 40-42 total vertebrae

    The efficacy of cinacalcet in the treatment of hyperparathyroidism in Turkish hemodialysis patient population

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    WOS: 000393291900012OBJECTIVE: Cinacalcet reduces parathyroid hormone levels by increasing the sensitivity of the parathyroid gland to calcium. in this study, we firstly aimed to evaluate the efficacy of cinacalcet in Turkish hemodialysis patients. MATERIAL and METHODS: 4483 hemodialysis patients were screened and 469 patients who had used cinacalcet were included in the study. the patients were divided into 4 groups according to drug usage durations (Group 1: 3 months, Group 2: 6 months, Group 3: 9 months and Group 4: 12 months). the patients' Parathormone, Ca, P and CaxP levels at the 3rd, 6th, 9th and 12th months were compared to the start of treatment and previous months. RESULTS: the levels of Parathormone, Ca, P and CaxP significantly decreased compared to their initial levels in all groups (from 1412 pg/ml to 1222 pg/mL for Parathormone, p< 0,001) in the 3rd month. However, this reduction was not continued in the subsequent months (Parathormone: 1381 pg/ml for the 12th month). CONCLUSION: Cinacalcet may not provide adequate benefit in control of hyperparathyroidism in Turkish hemodialysis patient population