55 research outputs found

    AusdĂŒnnung von Äpfeln durch Beschattung

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    Shading with nets of 2 m and 3 m width respectively, which reduce the photosynthetic active radiation by 74%, lead to successful fruit thinning of apple trees. In field trials, three days of shading reduced fruits per 100 flower clusters to a satisfactory extent for Golden Delicious (if shading occurred after 19, 26 and 33 days after full bloom (DAFB)) and Topaz (if shading occurred after 19 and 26 DAFB). For Elstar, seven days shading at 25 DAFB resulted in a good thinning effect. However, practicability of the method in commercial orchards has to be improved

    Den Diskurs anders denken

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    Wir legen Texte ĂŒber diese Welt, um sie uns verfĂŒgbar zu machen. VerfĂŒgbarkeiten folgen Strategien, die sich wiederum aus dem Stimmengewirr von selbst ergeben, so scheinbar universeller, vormals göttlicher Logik entstammen, in weiterer Folge nicht mehr verhandelbar scheinen. Gerade weil sie sich der Autorenschaft entziehen, die Strategie nicht im Subjekt verortbar ist, wird ihnen ObjektivitĂ€t angedichtet. Es genĂŒgt das wiederholende Sprechen der immer selben Worte von institutionell legitimierten Menschen, um Gedachtes zu manifestieren. Es ist dies ein Wahr-Sprechen von Mythen, die einer Auslese unterzogen werden, wobei sich Letztere der Strategie zu fĂŒgen hat, schließlich muss Sinn geschaffen werden, der wiederum erst im Einklang von Strategie entstehen kann. So gehen Strategie, Mythos und Sinn einen Pakt ein, der von einer Welt erzĂ€hlt, die immer schon so war, also selbst Mythos ist. Ein vierblĂ€ttriges Kleeblatt etwa, hat da wie dort vier BlĂ€tter, die Bedeutung des GlĂŒcks allerdings, ist Zuschreibung, ist auf einer Metaebene verhandelt worden, liegt nicht im Objekt begraben, ist einer speziellen Art von Logik entsprungen, der wiederum selbst eine Geschichte zu eigen ist, nicht Zeuge eines So-Seins von Welt war. Das wissenschaftlich geschulte Auge meint zu erkennen, dass Erkenntnis vormals Logos und Mythos benötigte, um die Welt zu ordnen, uns allerdings mit der AufklĂ€rung - quasi der Logos-stasierung von Welt - Letzterer abhanden gekommen ist. Diese Sicht der Dinge verkennt, dass der Mythos in den Logos integriert wurde, immer schon war, der Logos selbst Mythos ist. Da nun allerdings der Mythos als besiegt geglaubt wird, wird der Logos selbst zur Wahrheit erhoben. Nunmehr ist es das Wort selbst, das Wahrheit spricht, Kampfplatz ist, Kampfplatz um Wahrheit. Eben diesen Kampfplatz zu untersuchen, das Entstehen, das Produzieren von Wahrheiten, die nicht absolut zu denken sind, war Foucaults Anliegen. Das marxistisch gedachte Außen, das fĂŒr eine Revolution nötig ist, wurde ĂŒberwunden. Damit Einiges mehr. Sprache ist nicht lĂ€nger Vehikel, mit dem eine Ideologie transportiert wird, vielmehr liegt in ihr selbst die Entstehung von Welt. Das Wort wird zum produktiven Ereignis, durch welches ebenso erst das Subjekt im Werden begriffen ist. Dadurch erkennt man den Machtcharakter des Wortes, erkennt man, dass Macht nur durch das Wort verteilt werden kann. Diese normschaffende Instanz ist nicht lĂ€nger repressiv zu denken, sie lĂ€sst vielmehr Wissen durch das Wort entstehen. Sprache, Macht und das Selbst, drei Dinge, denen Ereignischarakter zukommen, welche die Welt als solche erst gebĂ€ren, drei Dinge, die im Mittelpunkt foucaultÂŽscher Denkweise stehen. Da ist die geordnete, produzierende Rede, der Diskurs, sowie Strategien, welche nach „sinnhaften“ Machtspielen zu Dispositiven gerinnen und das endliche Selbst, welches durch Hervorbringen all dessen sich selbst zugleich permanent verĂ€ndert. Diese Arbeit vergleicht insbesondere zwei DenkgebĂ€ude, um dadurch herauszufinden, welche Effekte die neu gedachten Elemente auf den Diskurs, mithin die Diskursanalyse selbst haben

    Control-oriented modeling of a LiBr/H2O absorption heat pumping device and experimental validation

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    Absorption heat pumping devices (AHPDs, comprising absorption heat pumps and chillers) are devices that use thermal energy instead of electricity to generate heating and cooling, thereby facilitating the use of waste heat and renewable energy sources such as solar or geothermal energy. Despite this benefit, widespread use of AHPDs is still limited. One reason for this is partly unsatisfactory control performance under varying operating conditions, which can result in poor modulation and part load capability. A promising approach to tackle this issue is using dynamic, model-based control strategies, whose effectiveness, however, strongly depend on the model being used. This paper therefore focuses on the derivation of a viable dynamic model to be used for such model-based control strategies for AHPDs such as state feedback or model-predictive control. The derived model is experimentally validated, showing good modeling accuracy. Its modeling accuracy is also compared to alternative model versions, that contain other heat transfer correlations, as a benchmark. Although the derived model is mathematically simple, it does have the structure of a nonlinear differential-algebraic system of equations. To obtain an even simpler model structure, linearization at an operating point is discussed to derive a model in linear state space representation. The experimental validation shows that the linear model does have slightly worse steady-state accuracy, but that the dynamic accuracy seems to be almost unaffected by the linearization. The presented new modeling approach is considered suitable to be used as a basis for the design of advanced, model-based control strategies, ultimately aiming to improve the modulation and part load capability of AHPDs

    Urenheter i breis : akkumulasjon, transport og albedo

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    The Greenland ice sheet is the largest ice mass in the Northern Hemisphere and has experienced accelerating mass loss in recent decades. An increase in surface melt is the major cause for the loss of mass. Albedo is a major control of surface melt and has decreased over the entire Greenland ice sheet, especially at lower elevations near the margin where glacier ice is exposed for part of each year. The albedos of ice and snow are lowered by dark impurities such as mineral dust and black carbon, a by-product of combustion. These impurities are a heterogeneous group of highly absorbent particles which reach the ice sheet via atmospheric transport from distant and local sources. Parts of these impurities are buried in the accumulation zone and become part of the moving ice. After a significant transport time, up to tens of thousands of years, these englacial impurities re-emerge in the ablation zone near the margin. These re-emerging impurities, together with those directly deposited, accumulate on the ice surface. Once located on the ice surface, these impurities darken the ice surface for several years and lower the albedo, causing more melt. Current sea-level projections rarely include albedo as a dynamic model component. In models which consider albedo, snow albedo is often treated with sophisticated methods, while ice albedo is still treated as a constant. Albedo lowering is a major cause of the current mass loss of the Greenland ice sheet, and the role of ice albedo will increase under a warmer climate. Therefore, this study presents a model with a dynamic component of ice albedo. The model framework includes the effect of impurities on the mass balance and ice sheet geometry. The framework consists of an ice dynamics component which is linked to a module of englacial impurity transport. This component feeds into the impurity accumulation module, which deals with both snow and ice. An albedo module which accounts for mineral dust and black carbon accumulation uses this output to derive daily albedo values. A simplified surface energy balance model is used to derive the surface melt rate and surface mass balance, which is then fed back into the ice dynamics component. This model framework is used to investigate the role of melt-out and impurity accumulation on the melt of the Greenland ice sheet. For that purpose, simplified geometry and different temperature pathways are used to simulate the evolution of the ice sheet over 1000 years. Due to the feedback between melt-out, ice albedo and impurity accumulation, the role of impurities is disproportionally larger in warmer scenarios. In the warmest scenario (RCP8.5), a conservative estimate for the additional mass loss due to impurity accumulation in the year 3000 was 7%. Melt-out of dust is the largest source of impurities on the ice surface. Darkening is not always dominated by dust, however, due to the high absorption of black carbon. The amount of impurities from melt-out depends on the englacial impurity concentration and surface melt. The englacial impurity concentration, in turn, relies on the computed age of the ice and a time series of impurity concentration. Therefore, the accuracy of the transport scheme, which provides the age of the ice, is crucial for overall accuracy. A semi-Lagrangian transport scheme of second-order accuracy was implemented in the 3D ice sheet model SICOPOLIS (SImulation COde for POLythermal Ice Sheets). The model was applied to the ice sheets of Greenland and Antarctica. Artificial ice cores of 18O, a proxy for surface temperature, were compared to ice core data. The results of the second-order scheme were identical to the results of the first-order scheme in the ice sheet interior. The results deviated substantially, however, in the outer regions near the margin. The results emphasise that the role of ice albedo and impurities for the surface mass balance will be even greater under warmer conditions. Furthermore, the presented model framework is not limited to Greenland but can also be adapted for valley glaciers and paleo-ice sheets.Iskappen pÄ GrÞnland er den stÞrste ismassen pÄ den nordlige halvkule og massetapet her har vÊrt akselererende de siste tiÄrene. En Þkning i overflatesmeltingen er den viktigste Ärsaken til tap av masse. Albedoen, som er hovedfaktoren for overflatesmeltingen, har avtatt over hele iskappen pÄ GrÞnland, og sÊrlig i lavere hÞyde nÊr iskanten hvor breisen er eksponert for et visst tidsrom Ärlig. Albedoen for is og snÞ er redusert pga mÞrkere partikler og urenheter, som mineralstÞv og black carbon (sot), et bi-produkt av forbrenning. Disse urenhetene er en heterogen gruppe av svÊrt absorberende partikler som transporteres til iskappen via atmosfÊren fra lokale og fjerntliggende kilder. Deler av disse urenhetene opptas i akkumulasjonssonen og blir del av den bevegelige isen. Etter lang tids transport, opptil titusener av Är, vil disse englasiale urenhetene komme frem i ablasjonssonen nÊr brekanten. BÄde englasialt transporterte urenhetene og dirkete avsatte urenheter akkumuleres pÄ isoverflaten. NÄr urenhetene fÞrst er avsatt pÄ isoverflaten vil de bidra til en mÞrkere isoverflate med redusert albedo, og derved bidra til Þkt smelting. NÄvÊrende havnivÄ prognoser inkluderer sjelden albedo som en dynamisk modellkomponent. I modeller som inkluderer albedo blir snÞalbedoen ofte justert med sofistikerte metoder, mens isalbedoen blir holdt konstant. Albedo er hoveddriveren av det pÄgÄende massetapet for GrÞnlandsisen, og isalbedoens rolle vil forsterkes under et varmere klima. Av denne grunn presenteres det i dette studie en modell med en dynamisk komponent for isalbedo. Dette modellrammeverket blir brukt til Ä undersÞke hvilken rolle utsmelting og akkumulasjon av urenheter spiller pÄ avsmeltingen av iskappen pÄ GrÞnland. En forenklet geometri og forskjellige temperaturtraseer blir brukt til Ä simulere utviklingen av iskappen over 1000 Är. PÄ grunn av tilbakekoblingsmekanismene mellom utsmelting, isalbedo, og akkumulasjon av urenheter er rollen av urenheter uproporsjonalt stÞrre i varmere scenarier. I det varmeste scenariet (RCP8.5) er et konservativt estimat for massetap pÄ grunn av akkumulasjon av urenheter i Äret 3000 pÄ 7 %. Utsmelting av stÞv er den stÞrste kilden til urenheter pÄ isoverflaten. Sverting av overflaten er allikevel ikke alltid dominert av stÞv, pga. den hÞye absorbsjonen av black carbon. Mengden av urenheter pga. utsmelting avhenger av den englasiale urenhetskonsentrasjonen og overflatesmelting. Den englasiale konsentrasjonen avhenger igjen av den beregnede alderen av isen og av en tidsserie av urenhetskonsentrasjoner. Derfor er nÞyaktigheten av transportskjema, som gir alderen pÄ isen, essensiell for den generelle nÞyaktigheten. Et semi-Lagrangian transport skjema av annen ordens nÞyaktighet ble implementert i den tre dimensjaonale iskappemodellen SICOPOLIS (SImulation COde for POLythermal Ice Sheets). Modellen ble anvendt for iskappene pÄ GrÞnland og Antarktis. Genererte iskjerne data av 18O, en proxy for overflate temperatur, ble sammenlignet med iskjerne data. Resultatet av annen ordens skjemaet var identisk til resultatet til fÞrste ordens skjemaet i det indre av iskappen, men resultatene avvek vesentlig i de ytre regionene nÊr iskanten. Resultatene understreker rollen isalbedo og urenheter har for overfalte massebalansen, en rolle som ogsÄ vil bli enda stÞrre ved varmere forhold. Videre er det presenterte modellrammeverket ikke begrenset til GrÞnland men det kan ogsÄ tilpasses dalbreer og paleo-iskapper.NCoE SVALI ; ResCli

    Studien zur kallimacheischen Lexis

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    von Franz GöllesGraz, Univ., Diss., 191

    Talangfull? : En studie om hur medarbetare i en stor organisation upplever att deras kompetens och talang tillvaratas

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    Denna studie har som syfte att se hur medarbetare pĂ„ ”golvet” i en stor organisation upplever att deras kompetens och talang tas tillvara pĂ„. Avsikten Ă€r dessutom att jĂ€mföra hur denna hantering av kompetens och talang skiljer sig i tvĂ„ likadana verksamheter pĂ„ olika platser i Sverige. För att undersöka detta har enkĂ€ter delats ut, dĂ€r medarbetare ombads skatta hur de anser att organisationen tar tillvara pĂ„ deras kompetens och talang. De ombads Ă€ven skatta den egna kompetensen och talangen samt besvara en rad bakgrundsfrĂ„gor som senare lĂ„g till grund för analysen. EnkĂ€tens innehĂ„ll bygger pĂ„ en teoretisk referensram dĂ€r en samlad bild av kompetens och Talent management ligger till grund för utformandet. Teorin om Talent management menar att det finns tvĂ„ sĂ€tt att arbeta, att se varje medarbetare som en talang, eller endast ett fĂ„tal. I denna undersökning menar den undersökta organisationen att varje medarbetare ses som en talang. Resultatet visar att det finns ett fĂ„tal faktorer som har inverkan pĂ„ hur kompetens och talang tas tillvara i det undersökta företaget. Ju mer kompetens de svarande anser att de besitter, samt hur god kĂ€nnedom organisationen har om kompetensen och talangen hos medarbetarna, desto bĂ€ttre Ă€r organisationen pĂ„ att tillvarata denna. Dessutom visar resultatet att om medarbetarna har för avsikt att utvecklas inom organisationen, upplever de att organisationen Ă€r bĂ€ttre pĂ„ att tillvarata kompetens och talang. The purpose of this study is to examine how co-workers on the “ground-level” of a big organization experience that their competence and talent is used. The purpose is also to compare how the use of competence and talent differs in two similar units within the same organization in two different parts of Sweden. To examine this, surveys was handed out to the co-workers, and they were asked to estimate how they think that the organization make use of their competence and talent. They were also asked to estimate their own competence and talent, along with answering some background questions which later on was used as foundation for the analysis. The survey was conducted from a theoretical viewpoint, where theory on competence and Talent management were the base for the survey. The theory of Talent management suggests that there are two ways of using the term; either every co-worker is seen as a talent, or only a few. The organization in this study sees every employee as a talent. The results show that there are some factors that effects who is seen as a talent. The more competence the answerer has, and how good knowledge the organization has of the competence and talent, the better they make use of it. The results also show that if the co-workers want to develop within the organization, the better their competence and talent is used

    Talangfull? : En studie om hur medarbetare i en stor organisation upplever att deras kompetens och talang tillvaratas

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    Denna studie har som syfte att se hur medarbetare pĂ„ ”golvet” i en stor organisation upplever att deras kompetens och talang tas tillvara pĂ„. Avsikten Ă€r dessutom att jĂ€mföra hur denna hantering av kompetens och talang skiljer sig i tvĂ„ likadana verksamheter pĂ„ olika platser i Sverige. För att undersöka detta har enkĂ€ter delats ut, dĂ€r medarbetare ombads skatta hur de anser att organisationen tar tillvara pĂ„ deras kompetens och talang. De ombads Ă€ven skatta den egna kompetensen och talangen samt besvara en rad bakgrundsfrĂ„gor som senare lĂ„g till grund för analysen. EnkĂ€tens innehĂ„ll bygger pĂ„ en teoretisk referensram dĂ€r en samlad bild av kompetens och Talent management ligger till grund för utformandet. Teorin om Talent management menar att det finns tvĂ„ sĂ€tt att arbeta, att se varje medarbetare som en talang, eller endast ett fĂ„tal. I denna undersökning menar den undersökta organisationen att varje medarbetare ses som en talang. Resultatet visar att det finns ett fĂ„tal faktorer som har inverkan pĂ„ hur kompetens och talang tas tillvara i det undersökta företaget. Ju mer kompetens de svarande anser att de besitter, samt hur god kĂ€nnedom organisationen har om kompetensen och talangen hos medarbetarna, desto bĂ€ttre Ă€r organisationen pĂ„ att tillvarata denna. Dessutom visar resultatet att om medarbetarna har för avsikt att utvecklas inom organisationen, upplever de att organisationen Ă€r bĂ€ttre pĂ„ att tillvarata kompetens och talang. The purpose of this study is to examine how co-workers on the “ground-level” of a big organization experience that their competence and talent is used. The purpose is also to compare how the use of competence and talent differs in two similar units within the same organization in two different parts of Sweden. To examine this, surveys was handed out to the co-workers, and they were asked to estimate how they think that the organization make use of their competence and talent. They were also asked to estimate their own competence and talent, along with answering some background questions which later on was used as foundation for the analysis. The survey was conducted from a theoretical viewpoint, where theory on competence and Talent management were the base for the survey. The theory of Talent management suggests that there are two ways of using the term; either every co-worker is seen as a talent, or only a few. The organization in this study sees every employee as a talent. The results show that there are some factors that effects who is seen as a talent. The more competence the answerer has, and how good knowledge the organization has of the competence and talent, the better they make use of it. The results also show that if the co-workers want to develop within the organization, the better their competence and talent is used
