11 research outputs found

    Effectiveness of Percutaneous Electrolysis in Supraspinatus Tendinopathy: A Single-Blinded Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Supraspinatus tendinopathy is one of the most common causes of shoulder pain. Many studies support conservative treatments such as exercise, trigger point dry needling or corticosteroid injections. Otherwise, a minimally invasive approach with percutaneous electrolysis (PE) has also been used successfully in shoulder pain, although evidence about its long-term effects is scarce. The aim of this trial was to determine the effects of PE on supraspinatus tendinopathy compared with trigger point dry needling (TDN). Thirty-six patients with supraspinatus tendinopathy were randomly assigned to either a PE group (n=18) or a TDN group (n=18). Both groups also performed eccentric exercises. The main outcome to be measured was the Numerical Pain Rating Scale (NPRS), but the shoulder range of motion (ROM) and trigger point pressure pain threshold (PPT) were also considered. A one-year follow-up was conducted. Significant differences favoring the PE group were found regarding pain at one-year follow-up (p=0.002). The improvement achieved in the PE group was greater in the NPRS (p<0.001), proximal PPT, middle PPT, distal PPT (all p<0.001) and ranges of movement. PE seems to be more effective than TDN in relieving pain and improving ROM and PPT supraspinatus values in patients with supraspinatus tendinopathy, both right after treatment and at one-year follow-up

    Percutaneous Electrolysis in the Treatment of Lateral Epicondylalgia: A Single-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Few studies have considered the effects of percutaneous electrolysis (PE) in the treatment of lateral epicondylalgia (LE). For this reason, the objective of this study was to compare the effects of PE with an evidence-based approach-trigger point dry needling (TDN)-in patients with LE. A randomized controlled trial was conducted in which 32 participants with LE were randomly assigned to two treatment groups, the PE group (n= 16) and the TDN group (n= 16). Both groups received four therapy sessions and an eccentric exercise program to be performed daily. The numerical pain rating scale (NPRS), pressure pain thresholds (PPT), quality of life, and range of motion were measured before treatment, at the end of treatment, and at one- and three-month follow-ups. Significant between-group mean differences were found after treatment for NPRS (p< 0.001) and flexion movement (p= 0.006). At one-month follow-up, significant mean differences between groups were found for NPRS (p< 0.001), PPT (p= 0.021), and flexion (p= 0.036). At three-months follow-up, significant mean differences between groups were found for NPRS (p< 0.001), PPT (p= 0.004), and flexion (p= 0.003). This study provides evidence that PE could be more effective than TDN for short- and medium-term improvement of pain and PPTs in LE when added to an eccentric exercise program

    Seismic hazard in Andalucia region (Southern Spain)

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    The global objective of the SISMOSAN Project has been to provide a general seismic risk assessment of Andalusian region (Southern Spain) associated with the ground motions expected for a return period of 475 years. The project was financed by Civil Defence of Andalusia and its results will be applied to the definition of regional emergency plans. We present here the study and main results of the first phase of the project, aimed at evaluating seismic hazard. In contrast to most of the previous studies in the region, which were performed for peak ground accelerations (PGA) making use of Intensity-to-PGA relationships, hazard was here calculated in terms of magnitude and using published spectral ground-motion models. Moreover, we have considered distinct models for the Atlantic earthquakes, since the attenuation of those motions seem to be slower, as evidenced by the extensive macroseismic areas of the 1755, 1969 and 2007 earthquakes. A comprehensive revision of the seismic catalogue, as well as of the seismogenic models proposed for the region (including those for North Africa, which is part of the influence area) has been done. In a first step, seismic hazard was evaluated at generic rock sites covering the entire region, using a seismic catalogue homogenized to moment magnitude and considering attenuation models in terms of PGA and spectral ordinates (SA). A Probabilistic Seismic Hazard Assessment (PSHA) methodology was followed using a logic tree, in order to constrain the epistemic uncertainty, including two nodes for different options of zonification and attenuation models. In a second step, a geotechnical characterization of the whole region has been carried out, mainly inferred from geological maps and refined with on-site data, which are combined with rock acceleration estimates, in order to compose hazard maps that incorporate local soil effects

    Dry Needling in Physical Therapy Treatment of Chronic Neck Pain: Systematic Review.

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    Chronic Neck Pain (CNP) is one of the main causes of disability worldwide, and it is necessary to promote new strategies of therapeutic approach in the treatment of chronic pain. Dry needling (DN) is defined as an invasive physiotherapy technique used in the treatment of neuromusculoskeletal disorders. The purpose of this review was to assess the effectiveness of invasive techniques in treatment of CNP. The search focused on randomized clinical trials, and according to the selection criteria, eight studies were obtained. In conclusion, DN can be an effective treatment option for CNP, positive outcomes were achieved in the short-term and in the follow-up performed between three and six months, and this technique may offer better outcomes than a placebo intervention based on the application of simulated DN

    Effectiveness of Negative Pulsed-Pressure Myofascial Vacuum Therapy and Therapeutic Exercise in Chronic Non-Specific Low Back Pain: A Single-Blind Randomized Controlled Trial

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    Non-specific low back pain is defined as pain located in the lumbar region; this condition is the most frequent musculoskeletal disorder. Negative pulsed-pressure myofascial vacuum therapy (vacuum treatment (VT)) devices mobilize tissue according to previously programmed parameters of force, time and frequency. The purpose of this study was to compare the effects of VT combined with core therapeutic exercise versus a physical therapy program (PTP) based only on core therapeutic exercise. Fifty participants with chronic non-specific low back pain were randomly assigned to two treatment groups, the VT group (n = 25) or the PTP group (n = 25). Pain, pressure-pain threshold, range of motion, functionality and quality of life were measured before treatment, at the end of treatment, and at one-month and three-month follow-ups. Both groups received 15 therapy sessions over 5 weeks. Statistically significant differences in favor of the VT group were shown in the results. In conclusion, the intervention based on myofascial vacuum therapy improved pain, mobility, pressure pain threshold, functionality and quality of life

    Introducción a los canales RSS como método de publicación y obtención de contenidos

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    Aborda las cuestiones generales en relación con la publicación de contenidos mediante canales RSS como un método novedoso para distribuir contenidos en Internet que permite a los usuarios recibir información de su interés sin necesidad de localizarla navegando por infinidad de sitios y para los proveedores de información constituye una herramienta para diseminar su información, fidelizar usuarios y atraer nuevo visitantes a sus sitios Web. Se discuten además los conceptos generales relacionados con ella y las formas de empleo de la misma

    Calidad de vida en pacientes con osteoartrosis de cadera y rodilla

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    La Osteoartrosis es la más común de las enfermedades articulares. Es un síndrome anatomoclínico caracterizado por dolor mecánico que con frecuencia se asocia a rigidez y que conduce progresivamente a una pérdida o disminución de la función articular. Siendo una enfermedad que cursa con dolor y limitación funcional progresiva constituye, además de un motivo habitual de consulta médica con los consiguientes elevados costos para su atención y tratamiento, una causa frecuente de deterioro del estilo de vida que influye en la Calidad de Vida del individuo asociada a su salud. Se realizó un estudio prospectivo, descriptivo y observacional para evaluar la Calidad de Vida en pacientes con Osteoartrosis de cadera y rodilla en el Centro Nacional de Rehabilitación “Julio Díaz” en el período comprendido entre enero de 2004 y enero de 2005. Se aplicaron el Índice WOMAC de valoración funcional y la Escala de evaluación de Calidad de Vida denominada EUROQuol-5D. Se realizó análisis cualitativo de los datos por métodos descriptivos e inferenciales empleándose los paquetes estadísticos SPSS, versión 10.0. Como medida de resumen se emplearon los porcentajes. Se determinó además la existencia de asociación entre las escalas empleadas y las variables sociodemográficas a través de la prueba no paramétrica de independencia Chi cuadrado. El nivel de significación preestablecido fue de 0,05.Las dimensiones más afectadas en cuanto a Calidad de Vida en la Salud fueron movilidad, cuidado personal, actividades cotidianas y dolor. Ningún paciente refirió estado óptimo de salud. Las variables que influyeron en el estado de salud fueron: sexo, edad, estado civil, nivel de estudio, actividad laboral, residencia, tiempo de diagnóstico, ingreso económico y grado de discapacidad. No hubo diferencias entre la evaluación funcional del examinador y la percepción de los pacientes acerca de su estado de salud

    El libro xilográfico

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    El grabado xilográfico es el elemento común de los 27 libros de artista realizados por estudiantes de la Facultad de Bellas Artes. Nos presentan libros únicos, de los que existe un solo ejemplar, encuadernados por los propios creadores y estampados en su totalidad con técnicas de impresión en madera y linóleo

    Crecimiento urbano y cambio social : escenarios de transformación de la zona metropolitana de Mérida

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    Nuestro interés por la ciudad y los fenómenos sociales, económicos, territoriales, políticos y culturales que en ella se presentan se ha retroalimentado a lo largo de varios años, en distintas reuniones académicas, tales como seminarios, coloquio e incluso charlas informales. De ello surge la intención de conjuntar conocimientos de actualidad en un libro. Esta obra tiene tres ejes temáticos. El primero agrupa capítulos fundamentalmente planteados desde una óptica territorial. El siguiente eje temático es de corte fundamentalmente sociológico y tiene como referente principal a algunos actores sociales. El siguiente y último eje temático trata aspectos más de corte histórico y cultural a escala micro, a nivel de localidades periurbanas, ya sean éstas cabeceras municipales, comisarías o subcomisarias, todas ellas con un pasado rural muy reciente y con importante presencia étnica

    Risk for Major Bleeding in Patients Receiving Ticagrelor Compared With Aspirin After Transient Ischemic Attack or Acute Ischemic Stroke in the SOCRATES Study (Acute Stroke or Transient Ischemic Attack Treated With Aspirin or Ticagrelor and Patient Outcomes)

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    International audienc