1,542 research outputs found

    Caracterización molecular de genotipos de Enterocytozoon bieneusi y ensamblajes de Giardia duodenalis aislados de heces de crías de alpaca (Vicugna pacos)

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    Enterocytozoon bieneusi y Giardia duodenalis son considerados como los parásitos intestinales más comunes de seres humanos, animales domésticos, silvestres y en cautiverio. Estos patógenos son responsables de causar diarrea en individuos inmunocomprometidos e inmunocompetentes. El presente estudio tuvo por objetivo identificar los genotipos de E. bieneusi y G. duodenalis en muestras de heces de crías de alpaca. Las muestras de heces usadas en el estudio correspondieron a 126 crías de alpaca de 1 a 30 días de edad, de tres regiones geográficas en los andes del Perú (Huancavelica, Cuzco y Puno). Para el diagnostico se amplifico mediante PCR anidado la región espaciador transcrito interno (ITS) del gen ARNr de E. bieneusi, así como el locus triosafosfato isomerasa (TPI) de G. duodenalis. Todas las muestras positivas (E. bieneusi = 65; G. duodenalis = 42) fueron secuenciadas. Sesenta y cinco crías (51.6%) resultaron ser positivas en el PCR para E. bieneusi. Se encontró diez distintos genotipos de E. bieneusi en los aislamientos de crías de alpaca, seis de los aislamientos pertenecen a nuevos genotipos (ALP1, ALP2, ALP3, ALP4, ALP5 y ALP6). Cinco crías (7.7%) fueron positivos para el genotipo P, cuatro crías (6.2%) fueron positivos para el genotipo Tipo IV, dos (3.1%) al genotipo D, una (1.5%) al genotipo Beb6, 48 (73,8%) al genotipo ALP1, y cinco crías fueron positivos para cada genotipo nuevo (ALP2, ALP3, ALP4, ALP5 y ALP6). Así mismo, cuarenta y dos muestras fueron positivas para G. duodenalis. Los ensamblajes A (n = 33) y E (n = 9) fueron detectados en las crías. El ensamblaje A fue el más frecuentemente en crías de Puno y Huancavelica, mientras que el ensamblaje E se encontró en 8 crías en Cuzco y uno de Huancavelica. El papel potencial de E. bieneusi y G. duodenalis en el síndrome diarreico neonatal de la alpaca necesita ser seriamente considerada y evaluada, a pesar de no haber asociación entre la presencia de los parásitos y la presentación de diarrea. Palabras claves: Enterocytozoon bieneusi, Giardia duodenalis, alpaca, diarrea, zoonosis--- Enterocytozoon bieneusi and Giardia duodenalis are considered the most common intestinal parasites found in humans and domestic, captive and wild animals. These pathogens are responsible for causing diarrhea in immunocompromised and immunocompetent individuals. The aim of the present study was to identify E. bieneusi and G. duodenalis genotypes in fecal samples from alpaca crias. Fecal samples were collected from 126 alpaca crias up to 30 days of age from three geographic regions in the highland of Peru (Huancavelica, Cuzco and Puno). The internal transcribed spacer (ITS) region of the rRNA gene of E. bieneusi, and the amplification of the triosephosphate isomerase (TPI) locus of G. duodenalis, were amplified for a nestedPCR. All positives samples were sequenced. Sixty-five crias (51.6%) were found to be PCR positive for E. bieneusi. Ten distinct genotypes of E. bieneusi were found in alpaca cria isolates, six of all isolates belong to novel genotypes (ALP1, ALP2, ALP3, ALP4, ALP5, and ALP6). Five (7.7%) crias were positive to genotype P, four (6.2%) crias were positive to genotype Type IV, two (3.1%) to genotype D, one (1.5%) to genotype Beb6, 48 (73.8%) to genotype ALP1, and five crias were positive each to new genotype (ALP2, ALP3, ALP4, ALP5, and ALP6). Forty-two samples were positive for G. duodenalis. Assemblages A (n=33) and E (n=9) were detected in crias, Assemblage A was the most frequently found in Puno and Huancavelica, while Assemblage E was found in 8 crias in Cuzco and one from Huancavelica. The potential role of E. bieneusi and G. duodenalis in the neonatal diarrhea syndrome of alpaca needs to be seriously considered and further evaluated, although had not association between the presence of parasites and diarrhea. Key words: Enterocytozoon bieneusi, Giardia duodenalis, alpaca, diarrhea, zoonosis.Tesi

    Presencia de trypanosoma sp. en sajinos (Tayassu tacaju) críados en cautiverio en Iquitos y Moyobamba

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    La crianza del sajino (Tayassu tajacu) en cautiverio en nuestra amazonía está orientada a la obtención de carne y cuero, este último con fines de exportación para la fabricación de guantes y peleterías, manteniéndose el Perú como único exportador mundial de cueros de esta especie. Sin embargo, en la producción de esta y otras especies silvestres tropicales presentan escasos estudios que determinan las enfermedades infecciosas y/o parasitarias que ocasionan bajas en su producción. Tal es el caso del Trypanosoma sp. donde algunas de sus especies son zoonóticos. El objetivo del presente estudio fue determinar la presencia de Trypanosoma sp. en sajinos en cautiverio de Iquitos y Moyabamba. Se colectaron muestras de sangre de 38 sajinos procedentes de tres zoocriaderos y cuyas edades fluctuaban entre 3 meses y 2 años. Las técnicas diagnósticas empleadas fueron del microcapilar o técnica de Woo y del Frotis sanguíneo delgado. No se halló la presencia de Trypanosoma sp. en las muestras examinadas por diferentes razones entre ellas la baja sensibilidad de las técnicas usadas. La técnica de evaluación de riesgo por simulación Monte Carlo (programa @Risk) indico que el 95% de las observaciones analizadas se encontraron en un intervalo de 0.006 a 0.854% y que la probabilidad de encontrar la infección real en sajinos provenientes de Iquitos y Moyobamba se encuentra en un rango promedio de infección de 0.02%. Por ello se recomienda el uso de técnicas de mayor sensibilidad como el PCR.In our Amazon region, the upbringing of the collared peccaries (Tayassu tajacu) in captivity is faced to the securing of meat and leather, the last one with ends of exportation for the manufacture of gloves and furrier's, being supported Peru as exporting world only one of leather of this species. Nevertheless, in the production of this one and other wild species of the Amazon region few ones are the studies destined to determine the infectious and/or parasitic illnesses that they cause low in his production. Such is the case of the Trypanosoma sp. which has been brought in a fortuitous way in collared peccaries, not going so far as to determine the implied species, fact that receives big importance because someone species of this parasite are zoonotics. The objective of the present study was to determine the presence of Trypanosoma sp. in collared peccaries in captivity of Iquitos and Moyobamba, for which they were sampled 38 collared peccaries proceeding from three breeding grounds and whose ages were fluctuating between 3 months and 2 years. The used tests were of the microcapillary or method of Woo and of the blood smear. The realized analyses did not allow us to determine the presence of the Trypanosoma sp. in the analyzed samples, nevertheless these results it does not indicate us that the illness should not exist in the collared peccaries of our Amazon region, but rather he allows us to conclude that they are more exhaustive necessary studies, with the employment of test with major sensibility as that of the PCR, which allow us to determine the real presentation of this illness, as well as to determine if it is that the Trypanosoma sp. in the collared peccaries, he behaves like in pigs in whom his detection is difficult for routine methods, since the period of parasitaemia is short.Tesi

    El camarón como una fuente de alérgenos

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    Allergy to shellfish is one of the most prevalent food allergies in several countries, especially the one induced by consuming or having contact with shrimp. Several shrimp species are known to induce allergy diseases. However, the whole spectrum of allergens they contain is unknown and few of them have been completely characterized.This study was done in order to know the recent advances in the characterization of shrimp allergens and its relationship with allergens from other arthropods of importance in allergic diseases. We emphasize the species Litopenaeus vannamei, the most consumed shrimp in Colombia. Well characterized shrimp allergens are named following an official classification; nevertheless, they are better known according to the biological function associated with them.Tropomiosin, the main and most studied allergen in different shrimp species, is involved in cross reactivityamong shrimp and other arthropods like domestic mites. The other characterized allergens seem to have a minor participation in this cross-reactivity. The allergenic potential of L. vannamei is not well known and few of its allergens have been characterized, whilst others that were recently identified such as the hemocyanin and the fatty acid binding proteins are beginning to be studied. Preliminary results suggest that these allergens are involved in the cross-reactivity between shrimp and domestic mites, which deserves further evaluation. The molecular and immunological characterization of all allergens present in shrimp would help understanding its allergenic role. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7705/biomedica.v33i2.795La alergia a los mariscos es una de las alergias alimentarias de mayor prevalencia en muchos países, especialmente la inducida por el consumo o contacto con los camarones. A varias especies de camarón se les conoce la capacidad de inducir alergias; sin embargo, el conjunto de alérgenos que producen no se conoce y pocos de ellos se han caracterizado completamente.Este trabajo se llevó a cabo para conocer los avances recientes en la caracterización de los alérgenos del camarón y su relación con alérgenos de otros artrópodos de importancia en las alergias. Se hace énfasis en la especie Litopenaeus vannamei, la de mayor consumo en Colombia. A los alérgenos de los camarones mayormente caracterizados se les nombra según la nomenclatura oficial, aunque se les conoce más por la función biológica asociada.La tropomiosina, el alérgeno principal y más estudiado en diferentes especies de camarón, participa en la reacción cruzada entre el camarón y otros artrópodos, como los ácaros domésticos. Los otros alérgenos caracterizados parecen contribuir poco en este tipo de reacción. El potencial alergénicodel camarón L. vannamei no está completamente dilucidado y unos pocos de sus alérgenos se han caracterizado, mientras que otros recientemente identificados, como la hemocianina y las proteínas de unión a ácidos grasos, se empiezan a investigar. Los resultados preliminares sugieren que participanen la reacción cruzada entre el camarón y los ácaros. La caracterización molecular e inmunológica del conjunto de alérgenos presentes en el camarón, ayudaría a conocer mejor su papel alergénico. doi: http://dx.doi.org/10.7705/biomedica.v33i2.795

    Sucrose esters from Physalis peruviana calyces with anti-inflammatory activity

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    Physalis peruviana is a native plant from the South American Andes and is widely used in tra- ditional Colombian medicine of as an anti-inflam- matory medicinal plant, specifically the leaves, calyces, and small stems in poultice form. Pre- vious studies performed by our group on P. pe- ruviana calyces showed potent anti-inflamma- tory activity in an enriched fraction obtained from an ether total extract. The objective of the present study was to obtain and elucidate the ac- tive compounds from this fraction and evaluate their anti-inflammatory activity in vivo and in vi- tro. The enriched fraction of P. peruviana was pu- rified by several chromatographic methods to ob- tain an inseparable mixture of two new sucrose esters named peruviose A (1) and peruviose B (2). Structures of the new compounds were eluci- dated using spectroscopic methods and chemical transformations. The anti-inflammatory activity of the peruvioses mixture was evaluated using λ-carrageenan-induced paw edema in rats and lipopolysaccharide-activated peritoneal macro- phages. Results showed that the peruvioses did not produce side effects on the liver and kidneys and significantly attenuated the inflammation in- duced by λ-carrageenan in a dosage-dependent manner, probably due to an inhibition of nitric oxide and prostaglandin E2, which was demon- strated in vitro. To our knowledge, this is the first report of the presence of sucrose esters in P. pe- ruviana that showed a potent anti-inflammatory effect. These results suggest the potential of su- crose esters from the Physalis genus as a novel natural alternative to treat inflammatory diseases

    Presencia de Bartonella spp en murciélagos no hematófagos en la Reserva Ecológica Taricaya, Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Dios, Perú

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    The aim of this study was to determine the presence of Bartonella spp in non-hematophagous bats in the Taricaya Ecological Reserve in Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Dios. In total, 62 bats of 16 species were captured using fog nets on 13 non-consecutive new moon nights. Blood samples (30 µl) were collected from the cephalic vein and poured onto Whatman FTA cards. DNA was extracted with a commercial kit and the diagnosis of Bartonella spp was made using the PCR technique, partially amplifying the citrate-synthase gene (gltA). Six bats were positive for the presence of Bartonella spp (9.68%), belonging to the species Carollia perspicillata, Artibeus lituratus, Phyllostomus elongatus and Platyrrhinus infuscus. The most abundant classification group according to the type of feeding was frugivorous (77.4%; 48/62), followed by omnivorous (12.9%; 8/62), where frugivorous species showed 83.3% (5/6) of results. positives. This is the first finding of Bartonella spp in A. lituratus, P. elongatus and P. infuscus.El estudio tuvo como objetivo determinar la presencia de Bartonella spp en murciélagos no hematófagos en la Reserva Ecológica Taricaya en Puerto Maldonado, Madre de Dios. Se capturaron 62 murciélagos de 16 especies utilizando redes neblineras en 13 noches no consecutivas de luna nueva. Se colectaron muestras de sangre (30 µl) de la vena cefálica que se vertieron en tarjetas Whatman FTA. Se extrajo el ADN con un kit comercial y el diagnóstico de Bartonella spp se realizó mediante la técnica de PCR, amplificando parcialmente el gen de citrato-sintasa (gltA). Seis murciélagos resultaron positivos a la presencia de Bartonella spp (9.68%), siendo de las especies Carollia perspicillata, Artibeus lituratus, Phyllostomus elongatus y Platyrrhinus infuscus. El grupo de clasificación más abundante según el tipo de alimentación fue el frugívoro (77.4%; 48/62), seguido del omnívoro (12.9%; 8/62), donde las especies frugívoras evidencian el 83.3% (5/6) de resultados positivos. Este es el primero hallazgo de Bartonella spp en A. lituratus, P. elongatus y P. infuscus

    Occurrence of Ascaridia hermaphrodita (Nematode: Ascaridiidae) in Blue-Headed Parrot (Pionus menstruus) in Peru

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    Reportamos por primera vez la presencia del nematodo, Ascaridia hermaphrodita Froelich, 1789, parasitando el intestino delgado de un Loro de cabeza azul (Pionus menstruus Linnaeus, 1776). El espécimen fue enviado al Laboratorio de Patología Aviar de la Facultad de Medicina Veterinaria de la Universidad San Marcos, Lima, Perú. Dieciocho nematodos (12 hembras y 6 machos) fueron estudiados e identificados como A. hermaphrodita. El hallazgo de esta especie en P. menstruus constituye el primer registro en el Perú.We report for first time the presence of nematode, Ascaridia hermaphrodita Froelich, 1789, parasiting small intestine  of a Blue-Headed Parrot (Pionus menstruus Linnaeus, 1776). The specimen was sent to Avian Pathology Laboratory of Veterinary School of San Marcos University, Lima, Peru. Eighteen nematodes (12 females and 6 males) were studied and identified as A. hermaphrodita. The dicovery of this specie in P. menstruus  is the first record in Perú

    Classroom Project: facilitating strategy for the collective construction of learning

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    Actualmente, el contexto educativo contempla la relevancia de las competencias básicas: lectura, escritura y matemáticas, TICs, idiomas, cultura científica y tecnológica, espíritu empresarial y habilidades sociales. Así mismo, las habilidades emprendedoras deben ser enseñadas a nivel académico e investigativo, para armonizar lo educativo y científico con las capacidades empresariales, fortaleciendo la educación y creando una cultura empresarial en la sociedad. Para su alcance, [1] se parte de un análisis bibliométrico con apoyo de VOSviewer 1.6.17 y Biblioshiny R de documentos indexados en Scopus que contengan las keywords classroom project, learning strategies, higher education y learning strategies. [2] Posteriormente, se presenta la experiencia del Proyecto de Aula - PA, como una mirada crítica al proceso de facilitación, cuyo objetivo es formar las competencias necesarias para el desarrollo de un proyecto empresarial.Currently, the educational context contemplates the relevance of basic skills: reading, writing and mathematics, ICTs, languages, scientific and technological culture, entrepreneurship and social skills. Likewise, entrepreneurial skills should be taught at the academic and research level, to harmonize the educational and scientific with entrepreneurial skills, strengthening education and creating an entrepreneurial culture in society. For its scope, [1] we start from a bibliometric analysis with the support of VOSviewer 1.6.17 and Biblioshiny R of documents indexed in Scopus containing the keywords classroom project, learning strategies, higher education and learning strategies. [2] Subsequently, the experience of the project is presented, as a critical look at the facilitation process, whose objective is to form the necessary competencies for the development of an entrepreneurial project

    Use of the gluteus maximus muscle as the neosphincter for restoration of anal function after abdominoperineal resection

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    Q2Q1Artículo original425-429Background Our aim was to evaluate complications and long-term functional outcome in patients who had sphincter reconstruction using the gluteus maximus muscle as the neosphincter after abdominoperineal resection for rectal cancer treatment. Methods Seven patients underwent reconstruction from 2000 to 2010. First, the sigmoid colon was brought down to the perineum as a perineal colostomy, with the procedure protected by a loop ileostomy. Reconstruction of the sphincter mechanism using the gluteus maximus took place 3 months later, and after another 8–12 weeks, the loop ileostomy was closed. We studied the functional outcome of these interventions with follow-up interviews of patients and objectively assessed anorectal function using manometry and the Cleveland Clinic Florida (Jorge-Wexner) fecal incontinence score. Results The mean follow-up was 56 months (median 47; range 10–123 months). One patient had a perianal wound infection and another had fibrotic stricture in the colocutaneous anastomosis that required several digital dilatations. Anorectal manometry at 3-month follow-up showed resting pressures from 10 to 18 mm Hg and voluntary contraction pressures from 68 to 187 mm Hg. Four patients had excellent sphincter function (Jorge-Wexner scores ≤5). Conclusions Our preliminary results show that sphincter reconstruction by means of gluteus maximus transposition can be effective in restoring gastrointestinal continuity and recovering fecal continence in patients who have undergone APR with permanent colostomy for rectal cancer. Furthermore, the reconstruction procedure can be performed 2–4 years after the APR


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    Blastocystis is a chromist that can be found in the intestinal tract of animals and humans, and is currently considered an emerging pathogen with zoonotic potential. The aim of this study was to compare the efficacy of three in vitro media culture which are considered appropriate for the development of Blastocystis: Jones, Pavlova and Boeck-Drbohlav modified (BDM). It was used 54 stool samples from Blastocystis positive pigs diagnosed by the spontaneous sedimentation technique. The number of microorganisms inoculated was divided in three categories: low, intermediate and high. Each sample was cultivated for duplicate in the three media and after 72 hours of incubation the pathogens were counted using the Neubauer chamber. Results showed that the Jones media was the more efficient, followed by Pavlova and BDM; moreover, better results were obtained when the level of microorganisms was low. The cystic form was the most commonly observed in stool samples, whereas in culture media was the vacuolar followed by the granular form.Blastocystis es un cromista que puede ser hallado en el tracto intestinal de animales y humanos y que ha pasado a ser considerado un patógeno emergente y de potencial zoonótico. El objetivo del trabajo fue comparar la eficacia de tres medios de cultivo in vitro, considerados como apropiados para el desarrollo del Blastocystis: Jones, Pavlova y Boeck-Drbohlav modificado (MBDM). Se utilizaron 54 muestras de heces de cerdos diagnosticados como positivos a Blastocystis por el método de sedimentación espontánea. El número de microorganismos inoculados fue clasificado como alto, intermedio y bajo. Las muestras fueron cultivadas por duplicado en los tres medios y al cabo de 72 h de incubación se procedió al recuento de microrganismos con la cámara de Neubauer. Los resultados indicaron que el medio Jones fue el más eficiente, seguido de los medios Pavlova y MBDM; asimismo, se obtuvieron mejores resultados en el cultivo cuando el nivel de microrganismos fue bajo. La forma quística fue la más comúnmente observada en las muestras de heces, mientras que en los medios de cultivo fue la vacuolar, seguida de la forma granular

    Equinococosis neotropical en Cuniculus paca (Linnaeus 1766) y Dasypus novemcinctus (Linnaeus 1758), en la cuenca alta del Río Itaya, Perú

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    Echinococcus vogeli originates neotropical polychistic echinococcosis, an emerging zoonotic disease in tropical countries of Central and South America. Its life cycle is adapted to a mandatory relationship between the bush dog (Speothos venaticus) and one of its main prey, the paca (Cuniculus paca), which is, in turn, one of the most consumed species as a source of animal protein in the Peruvian Amazon. The aim of this work was to evaluate the frequency of E. vogeli in pacas hunted for personal consumption by inhabitants in the high basin of the Itaya River. During 2016-2017, subsistence hunters from the communities of Melitón Carbajal, Luz del Oriente, 28 de Enero and Nueva Villa Belén collected liver and lungs of 36 pacas and the liver of a nine-banded armadillo (Dasypus novemcinctus). These organs were analyzed by parasitological, including macroscopic, microscopic-morphometric analysis. The 13.5% (5/37) of the wild mammals collected (paca n=4; nine-banded armadillo n=1) presented polycystic masses in the liver, with rostral hooks of protocystic scolices compatible with E. vogeli. This work contributes to the ecoepidemiological knowledge of new records on the distribution of E. vogeli and confirms the first record of E. vogeli in the nine-banded armadillo in the Peruvian Amazon, reinforcing the need to raise awareness, prevent, monitor, control and expand the search for neotropical echinococcosis and other zoonoses in wildlife and human populations in coexistence, from the “One Health” approach.Echinococcus vogeli origina la Equinococosis Neotropical Poliquística, enfermedad zoonótica emergente en países tropicales de Centro y Sur América. Su ciclo natural está adaptado a una relación predador–presa representado principalmente por el perro de monte (Speothos venaticus) y el majaz (Cuniculus paca), que es una de las especies silvestres más consumidas en la Amazonia. El objetivo de este trabajo fue evaluar la frecuencia de E. vogeli en majaces cazados para consumo personal por pobladores de la cuenca alta del Río Itaya, en la Amazonía peruana. Durante el periodo 2016-2017, cazadores de subsistencia de las comunidades de Melitón Carbajal, Luz del Oriente, 28 de Enero y Nueva Villa Belén realizaron la colecta de hígados y pulmones de 36 majaces y el hígado de un armadillo de nueve bandas, (Dasypus novemcinctus). Se realizaron análisis parasitológicos, que incluyó descripciones macroscópicas, microscópicas y morfometría. El 13,5% (5/37) de los mamíferos silvestres colectados (majaz n=4; armadillo de nueve bandas n=1) presentaron masas poliquísticas en hígado, con ganchos rostelares de protoescólices compatibles con E. vogeli. Este trabajo aporta al conocimiento ecoepidemiológico de nuevos registros sobre la distribución de E. vogeli y confirma el primer registro de E. vogeli en armadillo de nueve bandas en la Amazonia peruana, reforzando la necesidad de concientizar, prevenir, monitorear, controlar y ampliar la búsqueda de la equinococosis neotropical y otras zoonosis en fauna silvestre y en poblaciones humanas en coexistencia, desde el enfoque de “Una Salud”