5,554 research outputs found

    História, sujeito e libertação em “Pedagogia do oprimido” de Paulo Freire

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    Se estudian los siguientes elementos inscritos en el libro Pedagogía del oprimido de Paulo Freire: 1) La perspectiva de la víctima como lugar específico desde el cual iniciar la comprensión de la historia-historias y 2) la lucha contra las ideologías, que presentamos a partir del filósofo de la liberación Ignacio Ellacuría y de distintos neomarxismos. Se interpreta y vinculan estos elementos en Freire con tradiciones críticas de la filosofía latinoamericana y europea. Emprendemos un trabajo teórico basado en la revisión de bibliografía afín en las principales bases de datos desde la que interpretar estos aspectos y vínculos del educador. Concluimos enfatizando esta relación, a nivel teórico, de una filosofía de la realidad histórica y de cierta filosofía de la alteridad con la pedagogía liberadoraWe study the following elements in the book Pedagogy of the oppressed of Paulo Freire: 1) The perspective of the victim as a specific place from which to start understanding History-histories and 2) The struggle against ideologies, from the philosopher of liberation Ignacio Ellacuría and, also, some neo-marxisms. It is interpreted and linked these topics of Freire to critical traditions of Latin American and European philosophy. This is a theoretical work based on the review of related literature in major databases from which to interpret some aspects of the educator. We conclude by emphasizing this theoretical relation of a certain philosophy of historical reality and a philosophy of otherness in the liberating pedagogyEstudam-se os seguintes elementos inscritos no livro “Pedagogia do Oprimido” de Paulo Freire: 1) A perspectiva da vítima como lugar específico a partir do qual se inicia o entendimento da história-histórias e 2) a luta contra as ideologias, que apresentamos a partir do filósofo da libertação Ignacio Ellacuría e de diferentes neo marxismos. Interpreta-se e vinculam-se estes elementos em Freire com tradições críticas da filosofia latino-americana e europeia. Empreendemos um trabalho teórico baseado em uma revisão bibliográfica realizada nos principais bancos de dados para interpretar estes aspectos e vínculos do educador. Concluímos enfatizando a relação, a nível teórico, entre uma filosofia da realidade histórica, certa filosofia da alteridade e a pedagogia liberador

    Towards Syntactic Iberian Polarity Classification

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    Lexicon-based methods using syntactic rules for polarity classification rely on parsers that are dependent on the language and on treebank guidelines. Thus, rules are also dependent and require adaptation, especially in multilingual scenarios. We tackle this challenge in the context of the Iberian Peninsula, releasing the first symbolic syntax-based Iberian system with rules shared across five official languages: Basque, Catalan, Galician, Portuguese and Spanish. The model is made available.Comment: 7 pages, 5 tables. Contribution to the 8th Workshop on Computational Approaches to Subjectivity, Sentiment and Social Media Analysis (WASSA-2017) at EMNLP 201

    Autonomous Decision-Making based on Biological Adaptive Processes for Intelligent Social Robots

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    Mención Internacional en el título de doctorThe unceasing development of autonomous robots in many different scenarios drives a new revolution to improve our quality of life. Recent advances in human-robot interaction and machine learning extend robots to social scenarios, where these systems pretend to assist humans in diverse tasks. Thus, social robots are nowadays becoming real in many applications like education, healthcare, entertainment, or assistance. Complex environments demand that social robots present adaptive mechanisms to overcome different situations and successfully execute their tasks. Thus, considering the previous ideas, making autonomous and appropriate decisions is essential to exhibit reasonable behaviour and operate well in dynamic scenarios. Decision-making systems provide artificial agents with the capacity of making decisions about how to behave depending on input information from the environment. In the last decades, human decision-making has served researchers as an inspiration to endow robots with similar deliberation. Especially in social robotics, where people expect to interact with machines with human-like capabilities, biologically inspired decisionmaking systems have demonstrated great potential and interest. Thereby, it is expected that these systems will continue providing a solid biological background and improve the naturalness of the human-robot interaction, usability, and the acceptance of social robots in the following years. This thesis presents a decision-making system for social robots acting in healthcare, entertainment, and assistance with autonomous behaviour. The system’s goal is to provide robots with natural and fluid human-robot interaction during the realisation of their tasks. The decision-making system integrates into an already existing software architecture with different modules that manage human-robot interaction, perception, or expressiveness. Inside this architecture, the decision-making system decides which behaviour the robot has to execute after evaluating information received from different modules in the architecture. These modules provide structured data about planned activities, perceptions, and artificial biological processes that evolve with time that are the basis for natural behaviour. The natural behaviour of the robot comes from the evolution of biological variables that emulate biological processes occurring in humans. We also propose a Motivational model, a module that emulates biological processes in humans for generating an artificial physiological and psychological state that influences the robot’s decision-making. These processes emulate the natural biological rhythms of the human organism to produce biologically inspired decisions that improve the naturalness exhibited by the robot during human-robot interactions. The robot’s decisions also depend on what the robot perceives from the environment, planned events listed in the robot’s agenda, and the unique features of the user interacting with the robot. The robot’s decisions depend on many internal and external factors that influence how the robot behaves. Users are the most critical stimuli the robot perceives since they are the cornerstone of interaction. Social robots have to focus on assisting people in their daily tasks, considering that each person has different features and preferences. Thus, a robot devised for social interaction has to adapt its decisions to people that aim at interacting with it. The first step towards adapting to different users is identifying the user it interacts with. Then, it has to gather as much information as possible and personalise the interaction. The information about each user has to be actively updated if necessary since outdated information may lead the user to refuse the robot. Considering these facts, this work tackles the user adaptation in three different ways. • The robot incorporates user profiling methods to continuously gather information from the user using direct and indirect feedback methods. • The robot has a Preference Learning System that predicts and adjusts the user’s preferences to the robot’s activities during the interaction. • An Action-based Learning System grounded on Reinforcement Learning is introduced as the origin of motivated behaviour. The functionalities mentioned above define the inputs received by the decisionmaking system for adapting its behaviour. Our decision-making system has been designed for being integrated into different robotic platforms due to its flexibility and modularity. Finally, we carried out several experiments to evaluate the architecture’s functionalities during real human-robot interaction scenarios. In these experiments, we assessed: • How to endow social robots with adaptive affective mechanisms to overcome interaction limitations. • Active user profiling using face recognition and human-robot interaction. • A Preference Learning System we designed to predict and adapt the user preferences towards the robot’s entertainment activities for adapting the interaction. • A Behaviour-based Reinforcement Learning System that allows the robot to learn the effects of its actions to behave appropriately in each situation. • The biologically inspired robot behaviour using emulated biological processes and how the robot creates social bonds with each user. • The robot’s expressiveness in affect (emotion and mood) and autonomic functions such as heart rate or blinking frequency.Programa de Doctorado en Ingeniería Eléctrica, Electrónica y Automática por la Universidad Carlos III de MadridPresidente: Richard J. Duro Fernández.- Secretaria: Concepción Alicia Monje Micharet.- Vocal: Silvia Ross

    An introduction to multilevel analysis: Is the individual demand for health is affected by the physician of primary care?

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    The purpose of this paper is to analyze the multilevel methodology in order to estimate the effect of primary care physician in the pharmaceutical expenditure of the patient. We use individual data from population that is part of the Spanish public health system in the Autonomous Community of Aragón in 2004. For the city of Zaragoza, our results show the existence of a random effect significant of the primary care physician in spending made by patients. The large proportion of zeros in the sample requires a correction for selection bias. The application of Heckman’s model provides evidence of this bias, although the main results do not differ. Estimating a censored model with multilevel structure called a topic of particular interest.multinivel, estructura jerárquica, sesgo de selección, gasto en salud

    Effect of Private Education Competition on the Quality of Public Education

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    This research examines the effects of private schools on public school’s quality. A premise of private school initiatives has been that these schools have direct benefits for students attending these schools and indirect benefits for other students by creating competition for public schools to improve their performance. Using cross sectional data for about 38 localities of Tucumán (2000), the research assesses how private school competition affects student-level achievement in public schools. The results show that competition doesn’t appear to improve the quality of public schoolCompetencia Educación Privada, Calidad Educación Pública, GEE

    Análisis de las bases filosóficas de las aportaciones de Pierre Bourdieu a la Teoría de la Educación.

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    The aim of this paper is analyzing philosophically the criticism of Pierre Bourdieu to the idealistic conceptions of reason and human being. This critique is applied to some topics of Theory of Education. So we have done a comprehensive review of specialized literature. The findings point to the impossibility of understanding education as separated from its socialmaterial component, and thus it is always necessary to include operationally the constitutive social and historical dimension of person. Besides, in opposition to the idealism of the modern Cartesian subject, it is necessary that both, the educator and the researcher, be conscious of their own social component.El objetivo de este trabajo es analizar filosóficamente la crítica de Pierre Bourdieu a la concepción idealista de la razón y del sujeto para aplicarla al campo de la Teoría de la Educación. Partimos de una amplia revisión bibliográfica. Las conclusiones inciden en la imposibilidad de comprender la educación escindida de su componente material-social y apuntan a la necesidad de incluir siempre operativamente lo social y lo histórico como dimensiones constituyentes de la persona. Frente al idealismo del sujeto moderno cartesiano, es preciso que tanto el educador como el investigador sean conscientes de la materia social que los constituye

    Incorporating boundary conditions in a stochastic volatility model for the numerical approximation of bond prices

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    Producción CientíficaIn this paper, we consider a two-factor interest rate model with stochastic volatil-ity, and we assume that the instantaneous interest rate follows a jump-diffusionprocess. In this kind of problems, a two-dimensional partial integro-differentialequation is derived for the values of zero-coupon bonds. To apply standardnumerical methods to this equation, it is customary to consider a boundeddomain and incorporate suitable boundary conditions. However, for thesetwo-dimensional interest rate models, there are not well-known boundary con-ditions, in general. Here, in order to approximate bond prices, we propose newboundary conditions, which maintain the discount function property of thezero-coupon bond price. Then, we illustrate the numerical approximation ofthe corresponding boundary value problem by means of an alternative directionimplicit method, which has been already applied for pricing options. We testthese boundary conditions with several interest rate pricing models.MEC-FEDER Grant MTM2017-85476-C2-P, Junta de Castilla y León Regional Grants VA041P17 (with European FEDERFunds), VA138G18 y VA148G1

    Effects of covid-19 on spain's GDP in 2020

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    RESUMEN: En este trabajo se estudia la evolución del PIB durante el año 2020, año del inicio de la crisis del coronavirus. Para analizar las causas de las fluctuaciones del PIB se utilizará el enfoque del gasto y se analizará el comportamiento de cada uno de sus componentes. Con el fin de establecer un marco comparativo se utilizan datos de la media europea para analizar el desempeño del PIB en relación con otros países. El análisis se apoya en gráficos y tablas con datos representativos del desempleo y la deuda pública cuyo comportamiento influye en el PIB, lo cual mostrará problemas estructurales de la economía española. El trabajo analiza la crisis financiera de 2008, que otorga un marco histórico-comparativo del que sacar conclusiones del comportamiento de los indicadores macroeconómicos previamente mencionados, así como las principales diferencias y similitudes entre ambos periodos de crisis.ABSTRACT: This paper studies the evolution of GDP during the year 2020, the year of the beginning of the coronavirus crisis. To analyse the causes of GDP fluctuations, the expenditure approach will be used and the behaviour of each of its components will be analysed. In order to establish a comparative framework, European average data are used to analyse GDP performance in relation to other countries. The analysis is supported by graphs and tables with representative data on unemployment and public debt whose behaviour influences GDP, which will show structural problems of the Spanish economy. The paper analyses the 2008 financial crisis, which provides a historical-comparative framework from which to draw conclusions on the behaviour of the macroeconomic indicators mentioned above, as well as the main differences and similarities between the two periods of crisis.Grado en Economí

    A Family of Heat Functions as Solutions of Indeterminate Moment Problems

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    We construct a family of functions satisfying the heat equation and show how they can be used to generate solutions to indeterminate moment problems. The following cases are considered: log-normal, generalized Stieltjes-Wigert, and q-Laguerre