539 research outputs found

    Tipificació de dos noms Cavanillesians, Galium Fruticescens (Rubiaceae) i Scorzonera pumila (Compositae)

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    The Cavanillesian names Galium fruticescens and Scorzonera pumila, basionym of Launaea pumila, are lectotypified from original specimens preserved in the Cavanilles herbarium in the Royal Botanic Garden of Madrid (MA).Els noms cavanillesians Galium fruticescens i Scorzonera pumila, basiònim de Launaea pumila, són lectotipificats a partir d’espècimens que pertanyen al material original de l’autor conservat a l’herbari del Reial Jardí Botànic de Madrid (MA)

    Identification of the Early Permian (Autunian) in the subsurface of the Ebro Basin, NE Spain, and its paleogeographic consequences

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    The Early Permian (Autunian) has not been identifi ed up to now in the subsurface of the Tertiary Ebro Basin because of the scarcity of oil well boreholes reaching the Variscan basement and the systematic attribution of a Carboniferous age, without any paleontological data, to the unmetamorfosed siliciclastic sediments found at the base of some of them, clearly above the Early Paleozoic basement. Grey and black shale samples recovered from cores preserved in the REPSOL-YPF archives of the Caspe-1 oil well between meters 1.437 and 1.449 have yielded palynological assemblages dominated by Vittatina costabilis, Potonieisporites novicus, Potonieisporites sp., and other poorly preserved elements. This association has an Early Permian (Autunian) age and closely resembles other fi ndings in the Iberian Ranges, the Pyrenees and the southern margin of the Iberian Massif, shading new light on the early stages of the extensional events taking place in central and NE parts of the Iberian Microplate just after the main compressive phases of the Variscan orogeny. [ABSTRACT] El Pérmico Inferior (Autuniense) no había sido identifi cado hasta ahora en el subsuelo de la Cuenca Terciaria del Ebro dada la escasez de pozos de petróleo que alcanzasen el basamento varisco de la zona y la sistemática atribución de una edad Carbonífero, sin dato paleontológico alguno, a los sedimentos siliciclásticos no metamórfi cos encontrados en la base de algunos de ellos, claramente sobre el basamento del Paleozoico Inferior. Se recuperaron muestras de lutitas grises y negras de testigos conservados en los archivos de REPSOL-YPF del sondeo Caspe-1, entre los metros 1.437 y 1.449, que han proporcionado una asociación de palinomorfos compuesta por Vittatina costabilis, Potonieisporites novicus, Potonieisporites sp., y otros elementos peor conservados. Esta asociación tiene una edad Pérmico Inferior (Autuniense) y tiene gran similitud con otras descritas en la Cordillera Ibérica, los Pirineos y el borde S del Macizo Ibérico, arrojando nueva luz sobre los primeros eventos extensivos que tuvieron lugar en el centro y NE de la Microplaca Ibérica inmediatamente después de las principales fases de compresión de la orogenia Varisca

    Un nou llistonar (Teucrio muletii-Brachypodietum retusi ass. nova) per a la província de Castelló (Espanya)

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    Es proposa un nou llistonar (Teucrio muletii-Brachypodietum retusi) pertanyent a l’aliança Teucriopseudochamaepityos-Brachypodion retusi (classe Lygeo-Stipetea), emplaçada al Paratge Natural delDesert de les Palmes (Castelló, Espanya).A new xerophytic grassland association (Teucrio muletii-Brachypodietum retusi) inCastelló province (Spain)A new association of perennial xerophytic grassland (Teucrio muletii-Brachypodietum retusi)belonging to the alliance Teucrio pseudochamaepityos-Brachypodion retusi (Lygeo-Stipetea class) isproposed, occurring in the Natural Park Desert de les Palmes (Castellón, Spain)

    Decoupling of defect and short-range order contributions to resistivity recovery measurements in binary alloys

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    © 2014 American Physical Society. We report a new and improved approach that uses low-temperature resistivity recovery measurements to study the defect kinetics in metallic binary alloys. This method is able to decouple the effect related to the irradiation defect contribution to the resistivity from that of the short-range order, which is enhanced by the free migration of defects. This approach can provide reliable experimental data which are more suitable for comparisons with current computational models. Furthermore, the difference in this method with respect to the classical one is that our method gives information concerning the role of vacancies and interstitials on short-range order. The method is applied to a model alloy Fe-5%Cr, of interest for fusion applications, where short-range order effects have been previously found to play a role.Peer Reviewe

    Teucrium expassum subsp. meridionale, subsp. nov. (sect. Polium (Mill.) Schreb., Labiatae), a new taxon for the Iberian flora

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    Es descriu i il·lustra una nova subespècie de Teucrium expassum Pau (sect. Polium (Mill.) Schreb., Labiatae) per a l’est peninsular ibèric: T. expassum subsp. meridionale, subsp. nov. Es presenta una descripció morfològica i els principals caràcters diagnòstics.A new subspecies of Teucrium expassum Pau (sect. Polium (Mill.) Schreb., Labiatae) for the Iberian Peninsula flora is described and illustrated: T. expassum subsp. meridionale, subsp. nov. A morphological description and the main diagnostic characters are presented

    News on Sideritis ×puiggariana (Labiatae)

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    Es descriu una nothosubespècie per a Sideritis ×puiggariana (Labiatae): S. ×puiggariana nothosubsp. sorianoi. nothosubsp. nov., producte de l’encreuament natural entre S. bourgaeana i S. tragoriganum subsp. mugronensis. Aquest nou híbrid es va trobar entre Montealegre del Castillo i Fuenteálamo (Albacete). S’hi aporta una descripció d’aquest híbrid, una varietat, una taula diagnòstica per tal de diferenciar-lo dels seus progenitors, així com de la nothosubespècie tipus, a més d’una iconografia. Així mateix, es lectotipifica el nom Sideritis ×puiggarianaA nothosubspecies of Sideritis ×puiggariana (Labiatae) is described: S. ×puiggariana nothosubsp. sorianoi nothosubsp.nov., as a result of the natural crossing between S. bourgaeana and S. tragoriganum subsp. mugronensis. This new hybrid has been found between Montealegre del Castillo and Fuenteálamo (Albacete). A description of this hybrid, a new variety, a diagnostic table to differentiate it from its two progenitors and the nothosubspecies type, in addition to an iconography, are reported. Likewise, the name Sideritis ×puiggariana is lectotypified

    Un nou llistonar (Teucrio muletii-Brachypodietum retusi ass. nova) per a la província de Castelló (Espanya)

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    Es proposa un nou llistonar (Teucrio muletii-Brachypodietum retusi) pertanyent a l’aliança Teucrio pseudochamaepityos-Brachypodion retusi (classe Lygeo-Stipetea), emplaçada al Paratge Natural del Desert de les Palmes (Castelló, Espanya).A new association of perennial xerophytic grassland (Teucrio muletii-Brachypodietum retusi) belonging to the alliance Teucrio pseudochamaepityos-Brachypodion retusi (Lygeo-Stipetea class) is proposed, occurring in the Natural Park Desert de les Palmes (Castellón, Spain)

    Centaurea × sanchisiana nothosp. nov. (Asteraceae), un nou híbrid per a la flora ibèrica

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    Es descriu un nou híbrid del gènere Centaurea L. (Asteraceae) producte de l’encreuament entre C. aspera L. i C. bofilliana Sennen ex Devesa & E. López, C. × sanchisiana nothosp. nov., a més de dues noves notovarietats, var. malvarosae i var. pectiniformis. Aquestos híbrids han estat localitzats a Alatoz i Casas de Ves (Albacete, Espanya) i Borriana (Castelló, Espanya) respectivament. A més de les corresponents descripcions i diagnosis, s’hi aporten 4 làmines i una taula amb els principals trets diagnòstics que els diferencien dels parentals i de dos tàxons morfològicament pròxims. Es comparen trets reproductius de la nova notoespecie referits a l’involucre i al pol·len amb els de C. × pouzinii DC. Es proposa una nova notosecció Calciseridia R. Roselló et al., nothosect. nov.Centaurea x sanchisiana nothosp. nov. (Asteraceae), a new hibrid for the iberian flora A new hybrid of the genus Centaurea L. (Asteraceae), coming from the cross between C. aspera L. and C. bofilliana Sennen ex Devesa & E. López, C. × sanchisiana, nothosp. nov., and two new nothovarieties, var. malvarosae and var. pectiniformis are described. These hybrids were found respectively in Alatoz and Casas de Ves (Albacete, Spain), and Borriana (Castellón, Spain). The plant descriptions and diagnosis, as well as iconography and the table showing the main diagnostic characters to distinguish them from both parentals and two morphologycally similar taxa are provided. New nothospecies’s reproductive traits related to the involucre and pollen are compared with those of C. × pouzinii DC. A new nothosection Calciseridia R. Roselló et al., nothosect. nov., is proposed

    Tipificación de Statice dichotoma Cav. (Plumbaginaceae)

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    A lectotype and an epitype are here designated for Statice dichotoma Cav. (Plumbaginaceae), an endemic taxon from the central part of the Iberian Peninsula, which is currently named Limonium dichotomum (Cav.) Kuntze.Se designan un lectótipo y un epítipo para Statice dichotoma Cav. (Plumbaginaceae), un taxon endémico del centro de la península Ibérica, actualmente denominado Limonium dichotomum (Cav.) Kuntze