124 research outputs found

    Catalase as a Molecular Target for Male Infertility Diagnosis and Monitoring: An Overview

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    Catalase (CAT) stands out as one of the most efficient natural enzymes when catalysing the split of H2O2 into H2O and O2; H2O2 is one of the reactive oxygen species (ROS) involved in oxidative stress, a process closely related to aging and several health disorders or diseases like male infertility. Some studies have correlated H2O2 with male infertility and catalase with fertility restoration. However, the number of studies conducted with human beings remains scarce. Considering the use of CAT as a molecular target for biochemical analysis, this review summarises the current knowledge on how CAT influences human beings’ male fertility. Thus, three different databases were consulted—Scopus, PubMed and WOS—using single keywords and combinations thereof. A total of 40,823 articles were identified. Adopting inclusion and exclusion criteria, a final database of 197 articles served to conduct this work. It follows from this analysis that CAT could play an important role in male fertility and could become a good target for male infertility diagnosis and monitoring. However, that potential role of CAT as a tool in diagnosis must be confirmed by clinical trials. Finally, guidelines are suggested to reinforce the use of CAT in daily clinical tests for male fertility diagnosis and monitoring.This research was funded by the Human Fertility Chair, the Department of Biotechnology (VIGROB-186) and the Applied Biochemistry research group of the University of Alicante (VIGROB-309)

    Remoción de iones Ca⁺², Cu⁺², Cd⁺² y Pb⁺² mediante la filtración de una membrana de polipropileno modificada con quitosano

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    En el presente proyecto de investigación se llevará a cabo la evaluación de la eficiencia de remoción de iones Ca⁺², Cu⁺², Cd⁺² y Pb⁺² utilizando como filtro una membrana de polipropileno modificada con quitosano, en donde se propone que los iones se coordinen con los grupos hidroxilo y amino del polisacárido para remover los iones de la solución acuosa. Se preparan soluciones de concentración conocida de CaSO₄, CuSO₄, CdSO₄ y PbSO₄ conforme a los límites máximos permitidos para agua de uso común establecidos en la NOM-127-SSA1-1994 “Salud Ambiental, agua para uso y consumo humano – límites permisibles de calidad y tratamiento a que debe someterse el agua para su potabilización” para evaluar la eficiencia de remoción de iones en las membranas modificadas, analizando los filtrados por Espectrometría de Absorción Atómica. La eficiencia de la membrana está determinada en función de la máxima remoción de los metales en las soluciones preparadas, las cuales deben presentar valores debajo del límite máximo permisible para cada metal en estudio como se indica en la norma.The present investigation project will evaluate the ions Ca⁺², Cu⁺², Cd⁺² and Pb⁺² for the removal efficiency using a polypropylene modified with chitosan membrane as a filter, is proposed that the ions coordinate with the hydroxyl and amino groups of the polysaccharide for the removal in aqueous solution. Solutions of CaSO₄, CuSO₄, CdSO₄ and PbSO₄ with known concentration are prepared according to the maximum levels permitted for water of common use established in NOM-127-SSA1- 1994 “Environmental health, water for common and human use – quality permitted limits and water treatment for its potabilization” to evaluate the ion removal efficiency for the modified membranes, analyzing the filtered solutions with Atomic Absorption Spectrometry. The efficiency of the membranes is determined by the maximum metal removal of the prepared solution, which must show values under the maximum limit permitted for each metal in study as written in regulation

    The Emotional Experience of Mexican Women with SARS-CoV-2 during Pregnancy―A Qualitative Study

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    Pregnant women have been considered a high-risk group for SARS-CoV-2 infection; the impact of the disease on the health of a mother and her child is still being studied. The emotional impact of the pandemic on pregnant women has been extensively studied. Emotional distress is proposed as a perspective to explain the emotional manifestations in women during this stage as something common rather than pathological. The objective of this study was to explore the emotional experience of women who tested positive for SARS-CoV-2 towards the end of their pregnancy, during the first and second waves of COVID-19 in Mexico. A qualitative study was carried out: 18 pregnant women with COVID-19 were interviewed. A thematic analysis of the data was performed, resulting in 3 main themes and 14 subthemes. The COVID-19-infected mothers-to-be experienced mild to moderate emotional distress. It was more intense for those with comorbidities. This distress was aggravated during obstetrical complications and comorbidities, as well as during COVID-19 and postpartum. The emotional distress was appeased by both the perception of medical care and social support. The emotional distress of pregnant women with COVID-19 requires emotional support to reduce its impact

    Biodiesel Production from Waste Cooking Oil Catalyzed by a Bifunctional Catalyst

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    The objective of this study was to prepare bifunctional catalysts based on iron and CaO and test them in the biodiesel production using waste cooking oil (WCO) as feedstock. Two iron precursors were studied, Fe2O3 and Fe(NO3)3·9H2O. The identified crystalline phases were Ca2Fe2O5 and CaFeO3. Surface morphology and textural properties (distribution of active species, specific surface area, size, and pore volume) were also analyzed. Additionally, thermal stability was studied and 800 °C was established as the optimum calcination temperature. The density of both acidic and basic sites was higher with the catalyst prepared with Fe2O3 than with that prepared with Fe(NO3)3·9H2O. The latter, however, leads to reach equilibrium in half of the time than with the former. This was ascribed to the ratio of acidic to basic sites, which is higher with the catalyst prepared with the precursor salt. This ratio not only affects the overall cost of the process by affecting the time at which equilibrium is reached but also by dictating the methanol/oil molar ratio at which the equilibrium is reached sooner. The prepared bifunctional catalyst allowed us to produce biodiesel with 90% of methyl ester content at atmospheric pressure, reaction temperature of 60 °C, reaction time of 2 h, with 12:1 M ratio of methanol/WCO, 10 wt % of Fe over CaO, and a catalyst loading of 5 wt %. This catalyst can be used at least 3 times. The so-obtained biodiesel met the European norm EN-14214 regarding viscosity and density.Proyecto UAEM: 5021/2020/CIB Beca CONACYT(Maestría): 861011 Proyecto CONACYT: 26909

    Prevalence and Severity of Dental Cavities in Adolescents

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    Introduction: Dental cavities is a multifactorial disease prevalent during childhood and adolescence. Objective: To determine the prevalence and severity of dental cavities in adolescents. Methods: A descriptive cross-sectional study was carried out in adolescents belonging to the Plaza de la Revolución municipality, Havana, Cuba, in the period from October 2019 to October 2022. The sample used was a stratified random sample of 969 adolescents. The COP-D was used to measure the prevalence of cavities, and the ICDAS system was used for severity and severity. The primary data were processed with Statistica 6.1 software. The chi-square test was performed with the Epidat program and the results were described by frequency and percentage figures. Results: The COP-D index was 1.92; in the group aged 18-19 years the COP-D was 1.96. In relation to cavities severity, 19.2% presented code 1 cavities; the 18-19 years age group showed 18.9% cavities involvement, related to the severity of the lesions; the highest percentages were presented in mild lesions with 35.2%. Conclusions: The prevalence of dental cavities was low. The rate of COP-D was slightly higher in the 18-19 years age group. In terms of severity, cavities code 1 and 2 lesions predominated; the highest proportions were mild

    Una aproximación a la interdisciplinariedad desde la Filosofía

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    En la bibliografía consultada se pone de manifiesto que la dimensión teórica de la interdisciplinariedad está más desarrollada que su dimensión práctica. Se comprende que desarrollar la interdisciplinariedad desde la práctica exige singularizar su proyección desde el colectivo de año y los colectivos de las disciplinas que integran un determinado plan de estudio. El colectivo de la disciplina Filosofía y Sociedad puso en práctica una aproximación interdisciplinaria desde la propia disciplina, aplicada en el primer año de la carrera de medicina, aprovechando las posibilidades que ofrece su contenido de amplia generalidad. Se exponen los resultados obtenidos y se ofrecen recomendaciones sobre el papel que puede jugar la Filosofía Marxista y Leninista para establecer una ruptura dialéctica con la presentación de contenidos por estancos, de manera fragmentada y en muchos casos descontextualizada de la realidad en que vive el estudiante. El trabajo tiene como objetivo exponer las posibilidades que ofrece la disciplina Filosofía y Sociedad para fortalecer la dimensión práctica de la interdisciplinariedad

    Equity and patient autonomy in the care strategies for patients with chronic disease of health services in Spain

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    Objetivo Analizar los modelos de atención a pacientes crónicos de los distintos servicios de salud en España y discutir las cuestiones éticas derivadas de la aplicación de algunos de sus componentes. Método Revisión narrativa de las estrategias y de los programas de atención a pacientes crónicos y el estudio de sus componentes, a partir de la búsqueda en las páginas web de las consejerías y departamentos de sanidad, utilizando los términos “Programas”, “Estrategias”, “Pacientes crónicos” y “Cronicidad”. Resultados Se encontraron 15 programas. En la mayoría se incluyen todos los componentes de los modelos de atención a pacientes crónicos, siendo el «apoyo a la toma de decisiones» el menos representado. Los principales conflictos en la autonomía de los pacientes surgen por el uso de bigdata para estratificar a la población y la telemonitorización. La estratificación de la población no considera los factores sociales que acompañan a la enfermedad. Conclusiones Las estrategias de atención a pacientes crónicos deberían considerar la autonomía y la intimidad de los pacientes en el uso de los datos clínicos y la telemonitorización. Para ser equitativas, deberían prestar una atención integrada e incorporar medidas para reducir las desigualdades debidas a los determinantes sociales que acompañan a la enfermedad.Objective To examine the chronic care models of the different Spanish health services and to discuss the ethical questions derived from implementing some of their components. Method Narrative review of care strategies and programmes for chronic patients in the different Autonomous Communities, searching in official health departments’ web pages, using the terms “Programmes”, “Strategies”, “Chronic patients”, and “Chronicity”. Results 15 programmes were found. Most of them include all components of the chronic care model, “decision-making support” being under-represented. The main conflicts in the autonomy of patients arise from the use of big data to stratify the population and from telemonitoring. The stratification of population does not consider the social factors that accompany the disease. Conclusions Chronic care strategies should consider the autonomy and privacy of patients in the use of clinical data and telemonitoring. In order to be equitable, they would have to provide an integrated health care system, incorporating measures to reduce the inequalities due to the social determinants that accompany the disease

    Una aproximación a la interdisciplinariedad desde la Filosofía

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    En la bibliografía consultada se pone de manifiesto que la dimensión teórica de la interdisciplinariedad está más desarrollada que su dimensión práctica. Se comprende que desarrollar la interdisciplinariedad desde la práctica exige singularizar su proyección desde el colectivo de año y los colectivos de las disciplinas que integran un determinado plan de estudio. El colectivo de la disciplina Filosofía y Sociedad puso en práctica una aproximación interdisciplinaria desde la propia disciplina, aplicada en el primer año de la carrera de medicina, aprovechando las posibilidades que ofrece su contenido de amplia generalidad. Se exponen los resultados obtenidos y se ofrecen recomendaciones sobre el papel que puede jugar la Filosofía Marxista y Leninista para establecer una ruptura dialéctica con la presentación de contenidos por estancos, de manera fragmentada y en muchos casos descontextualizada de la realidad en que vive el estudiante. El trabajo tiene como objetivo exponer las posibilidades que ofrece la disciplina Filosofía y Sociedad para fortalecer la dimensión práctica de la interdisciplinariedad