2,995 research outputs found

    Pediatric intestinal transplant: postoperative management and immunosuppressive agents

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    Trabajo fin de grado en EnfermeríaIntroducción: desde finales de los años 60 del siglo XX es posible cubrir la función intestinal a través de la nutrición parenteral (NP). Debido a las complicaciones asociadas a este tipo de nutrición, en ocasiones se hace necesaria la realización del trasplante intestinal (TI). Las innovaciones técnicas, los nuevos protocolos de inmunosupresión y un mejor manejo postoperatorio han permitido que el TI sea una opción terapéutica viable. Objetivo: estudiar la literatura publicada sobre los protocolos actuales de inmunosupresión utilizados en el trasplante intestinal pediátrico. Metodología: se realizó una revisión narrativa utilizando las bases de datos PubMed, Cuiden y Cinhal, además de consultar libros de ciencias de la salud y diversas asociaciones y entidades públicas. Se establecieron los criterios de inclusión y exclusión. Se realizaron las búsquedas bibliográficas utilizando lenguaje libre y controlado, combinando los términos mediante operadores booleanos. Resultados: se seleccionaron 21 artículos cuyo contenido se expuso en base a varios apartados, que comprenden (1) terapia inmunosupresora, (2) protocolos, (3) monitorización del rechazo, (4) complicaciones por infección y (5) enfermedad linfoproliferativa. Conclusiones: el TI solo ha sido posible gracias a la introducción de fármacos inmunosupresores. La atención a este tipo de pacientes, es un reto, que abre puertas a nuevos campos de actuación para la enfermería y permite un mayor desarrollo de nuestra profesión.Introduction: since the end of the years 60 of the twentieth century it is possible to cover the intestinal function through parenteral nutrition (NP). Due to the complications associated with this type of nutrition, it is sometimes necessary to carry out the intestinal transplant (TI). Technical innovations, new immunosuppression protocols, and improved postoperative management have allowed it to be a viable therapeutic option. Objective: to study the published literature on the current immunosuppression protocols used in pediatric intestinal transplantation. Methodology: a narrative review was carried out using the PubMed, Cuiden and Cinhal databases, in addition to consulting health Sciences books and various associations and public entities. Inclusion and exclusion criteria were established. Terms of free and controlled language were used for searches in combination with boolean operators. Results: 21 articles were chosen which content was detailed in four epigraphs comprising: (1) immunosuppressive therapy, (2) protocols, (3) Rejection monitoring, (4) Infection Complications and (5) Lymphoproliferative disease. Conclusions: TI alone has been made possible by the introduction of immunosuppressive drugs. The attention to this type of patients, is a challenge, that opens doors to new fields of action for the nursing and allows a further development of our profession


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    Con la actividad propuesta se pretende, por un lado, que los alumnos aprendan la conjugación de un tiempo verbal determinado. Por otro, mediante el aprendizaje cooperativo, los aprendientes tendrán la oportunidad de trabajar en equipo, beneficiándose de los conocimientos de los otros miembros. Cada uno de ellos será responsable del buen funcionamiento del grupo, es decir, cada individuo influirá de forma decisiva en el progreso del equipo

    Los destinos de los conversos en la sociedad cristiana tardomedieval: integración, criminalización, fuga. Introducción y presentación

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    Introducción y presentación del dosier "Los destinos de los conversos en la sociedad cristiana tardomedieval: integración, criminalización, fuga"


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    Treballs Finals de Grau de Belles Arts. Facultat de Belles Arts. Universitat de Barcelona, Curs: 2015-16, Tutor: Jordi Dalmau[spa] La realidad es múltiple, la manera que tenemos de representarla, el lenguaje, es a través de significantes —se entiende que el significado es único o puro y que el significante es impuro—. A partir de la postmodernidad, el lenguaje deja de ser tan solo un canal para la comunicación a tener en cuenta el lenguaje, que en sí mismo activa los agentes de los que se rodea. Es en el significante donde cristalizan las ideologías que se encuentran en las estructuras, en el contexto, es donde se encuentran las cargas sociales que conforman nuestra sociedad. Una propuesta de huida del significante sería la de no tener contexto, siendo una propuesta imposible e irreal. No se puede concebir ningún conocimiento sin contexto, por lo que https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-98Wq4ApZfEPkoSAdfKvViyIyqG3RXUV se presenta en la problemática de la ficción en la que vivimos, que es la realidad. En torno a las reflexiones presentadas a continuación, se presenta la era digital que se habita en la actualidad y se plantean fugas de la episteme, o nuevos paradigmas habitables; se presenta la ficción para poder desarticularla.[eng] Reality is multiple, the way we represent it -language- is through signifieds —understanding that the signifier itself is unique or pure and the signified is impure—.From postmodernism to the present day, language moved from only having a comunicative purpose to consider its potential to activate and reminisce. It is in the signifieds, in the context, where ideologies and social weight crystallize. A way to escape from the signified would be not having a context, but it is an impossible and surreal approach. No knowledge can be conceived without context, that is why https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PL-98Wq4ApZfEPkoSAdfKv-ViyIyqG3RXUV revolves around the problematic fiction that we habitate, called reality. In the next reflections, the neo-digital era is presented in order to raise consciousness about the need of constructing new habitable paradigm; a fiction is presented in order to be able to dismantle it

    Análisis del autoconcepto físico en estudiantes de enseñanza secundaria que participan en el Proyecto de Especialización Deportiva de la Comunidad de Madrid

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    El propósito del presente estudio consistió, por una parte, en analizar el efecto de la participación en el Proyecto de Especialización Deportiva de centros de secundaria de la Comunidad de Madrid sobre el autoconcepto físico de los participantes y, por otra parte, el efecto del volumen de actividad físico-deportiva extraescolar desarrollado por los alumnos de la ESO sobre este autoconcepto físico. Los participantes fueron 516 estudiantes del primer curso de la ESO de diferentes centros de la Comunidad de Madrid. Se utilizó el Cuestionario de Autoconcepto Físico (CAF) validado para población adolescente española. Los resultados muestran mejoras significativas en el autoconcepto físico de los estudiantes que han participado en seis sesiones de educación física a la semana, con respecto a los que los que han tenido dos o cuatro sesiones semanales; así como mejoras significativas en la habilidad física, condición física y fuerza de aquellos alumnos que realizan al menos tres o cuatro sesiones de actividad físico-deportiva extraescolar con respecto a los que no la desarrollan.The aim of the present study was twofold: 1º) To analyse the effect of physical education developed during the Projects Sport Education of Madrid on students' physical self-concept; and 2º) to identify the importance of extra-curricular physical activity developed by the students on their physical self-concept. The sample was composed of 516 students enrolled in the first year of secondary education in some Secondary Schools of the Autonomous Region of Madrid. The Physical Self-concept questionnaire (CAF) validated for Spanish population was used. The results showed significant improvements on physical self-concept for those students that received 6 lessons of physical education per week compared with the students that only received two or four lessons per week. In addition, the results showed significant improvements in physical skills, physical fitness and strength for those students that developed at least three or four extra curricular lessons per week compared with those students that did not develop extra-curricular physical activities.O objetivo deste estudo foi, em primeiro lugar, para analisar o efeito da participação no projeto das escolas secundárias Sports especialização em Comunidade de Madrid sobre o eu físico dos participantes e, por outro lado, o efeito de volume actividade física e do desporto fora da escola eu desenvolvido pelos alunos do ESO nesta auto física. Os participantes foram 516 estudantes do primeiro ano de ESO de diferentes centros da Comunidade de Madrid. Foi utilizado Self-Concept Física Questionnaire (CAF) validado para população adolescente espanhol. Os resultados mostram melhorias significativas na auto-conceito físico de estudantes que participaram em seis sessões de educação física por semana, em comparação com aqueles que tiveram duas ou quatro sessões semanais; bem como melhorias significativas na capacidade física, condição física e força daqueles estudantes que realizam pelo menos três ou quatro sessões de exercício formal regularmente em comparação com aqueles que não desenvolveram

    Exploring the Application of Hybrid Evolutionary Computation Techniques to Physical Activity Recognition

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    This paper has been presented at: GECCO '16 Companion Proceedings of the 2016 on Genetic and Evolutionary Computation Conference Companion.This paper focuses on the problem of physical activity recognition, i.e., the development of a system which is able to learn patterns from data in order to be able to detect which physical activity (e.g. running, walking, ascending stairs, etc.) a certain user is performing.While this field is broadly explored in the literature, there are few works that face the problem with evolutionary computation techniques. In this case, we propose a hybrid system which combines particle swarm optimization for clustering features and genetic programming combined with evolutionary strategies for evolving a population of classifiers, shaped in the form of decision trees. This system would run the segmentation, feature extraction and classification stages of the activity recognition chain.For this paper, we have used the PAMAP2 dataset with a basic preprocessing. This dataset is publicly available at UCI ML repository. Then, we have evaluated the proposed system using three different modes: a user-independent, a user-specific and a combined one. The results in terms of classification accuracy were poor for the first and the last mode, but it performed significantly well for the user-specific case. This paper aims to describe work in progress, to share early results an discuss them. There are many things that could be improved in this proposed system, but overall results were interesting especially because no manual data transformation took place.This project was partially funded by European Union's CIP Programme (ICT-PSP-2012) under grant agreement no. 325146 (SEACW project), and is supported the Spanish Ministry of Education, Culture and Sport through FPU fellowship with identifier FPU13/03917

    Performance of cultural heritage institutions: A regional perspective

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    Producción CientíficaMost studies on performance evaluation in the cultural sector are based on the efficiency assessment of a network of institutions. Nevertheless, very few works take territorial divisions as the case study. Under this approach, we design a spatial production function which merges several cultural resources in order to optimize the impact of a regional system of cultural institutions in terms of cultural production and use of services provided. The aim of this paper is therefore to evaluate the efficiency of cultural heritage institutions in Spain from a regional perspective. We take regional networks of museums and libraries as emblematic case studies over a long period, from 2002 to 2020. We first apply a dynamic-network DEA model to measure efficiency, which allows the production function to be divided into stages and time intervals, considering inter-reliant inputs between production phases and time lapses. We also apply truncated regression models to study the effect of external variables on regional cultural efficiency, especially those related to socioeconomic conditions in regions, the scope of the cultural and tourist sector, and institutional indicators. Results show that regional cultural efficiency depends on the level of training and on the demographic structure rather than on economic wealth. Differences are also found between the goals of cultural production and cultural consumption (visitor impact). These findings might prove useful for policy implications regarding resource allocation vis-à-vis defining and accomplishing cultural purposes at a regional scale, and also for revealing causes of inefficiency with a view to improving quality in institutions –which ultimately drives economic development

    Study of the influence on the deformation and the economic impact of the type of knots in Warren trusses

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    The indisputable advantages of steel structures for large spans, makes the use of trusses is commonly used as structural good results using less material than other structural materials and less weight. The study aims to study the influence on the deformation produced in Warren type trusses, when they are subjected to different load values and with different types of knots, in order to optimize the amount of material used in structures