362 research outputs found

    Geodèsia física

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    Descripció del recurs: 23 de setembre de 2015El llibre pretén proporcionar a l'alumne una visió bàsica i multidisciplinària sobre la Geodèsia Física. És una Geociència fonamental que utilitza un ampli ventall d'observacions terrestres, marines i espacials que contribueixen al coneixement del sistema Terra, la seva dinàmica i interaccions. Es presenta el camp gravitatori estàtic (distribució de masses, geoide) i variable (transport de masses, especialment el cicle de l'aigua). Es descriuen les noves tècniques geodèsiques com el monitoratge oceànic (satèl·lits radar i làser altimètrics), monitorització per teledetecció i mesures de la gravetat (LAGEOS, GRACE i GOCE). Finalment s'exposa la implementació del sistema GGOS (Global Geodetic Observing System) i les seves principals tècniques associades: VLBI, SLR, GNSS i DORIS

    Effect of an Er,Cr:YSGG Laser on the Debonding of Lithium Disilicate Veneers With Four Different Thicknesses

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    Introduction: The objective of this study was to compare in vitro the resistance and type of failure in the debonding of lithium disilicate veneers with four different thicknesses using an erbium chromium yttrium-scandium gallium-garnet (Er, Cr: YSGG) laser.Methods: Sixty-eight bovine teeth were used to bond round lithium disilicate veneers with a 6-millimeter diameter and four different thicknesses: group 1 (0.4 mm), group 2 (0.8 mm), group 3 (1.2 mm), and group 4 (1.6 mm). Each sample was irradiated with an Er, Cr: YSGG laser with 4 W of power and a frequency of 50 Hz, during 60 seconds, scanning concentrically. The energy density per pulse or fluency applied was 5.33 J/cm2 for the four groups. The samples were subjected to a force in a universal testing machine and then observed under a microscope to determine the type of failure. Data were statistically analyzed with the non-parametric Kruskal-Wallis test.Results: The tendency in the results revealed that the thicker veneers showed more resistance to the debonding process. The debonding strength for group 3 was the highest (5.62 MPa), followed by group 4 (5.20 MPa), then group 2 (0.85 MPa), and finally group 1 (0.0 MPa). The most frequent type of failure was a cohesive failure in cement (CC) for all groups, with 73.53% (P ≤ 0.083).Conclusion: Er, Cr: YSGG laser irradiation influences the debonding of lithium disilicate veneers with different thicknesses: the smaller thickness showed the greater debonding. The thickness of veneers was not associated with the type of failure

    Phosphatidic Acid Stimulates Lung Cancer Cell Migration through Interaction with the LPA1 Receptor and Subsequent Activation of MAP Kinases and STAT3

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    Phosphatidic acid (PA) is a key bioactive glycerophospholipid that is implicated in the regulation of vital cell functions such as cell growth, differentiation, and migration, and is involved in a variety of pathologic processes. However, the molecular mechanisms by which PA exerts its pathophysiological actions are incompletely understood. In the present work, we demonstrate that PA stimulates the migration of the human non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC) A549 adenocarcinoma cells, as determined by the transwell migration assay. PA induced the rapid phosphorylation of mitogen-activated protein kinases (MAPKs) ERK1-2, p38, and JNK, and the pretreatment of cells with selective inhibitors of these kinases blocked the PA-stimulated migration of cancer cells. In addition, the chemotactic effect of PA was inhibited by preincubating the cells with pertussis toxin (PTX), a Gi protein inhibitor, suggesting the implication of a Gi protein-coupled receptor in this action. Noteworthy, a blockade of LPA receptor 1 (LPA1) with the specific LPA1 antagonist AM966, or with the selective LPA1 inhibitors Ki1645 or VPC32193, abolished PA-stimulated cell migration. Moreover, PA stimulated the phosphorylation of the transcription factor STAT3 downstream of JAK2, and inhibitors of either JAK2 or STAT3 blocked PA-stimulated cell migration. It can be concluded that PA stimulates lung adenocarcinoma cell migration through an interaction with the LPA1 receptor and subsequent activation of the MAPKs ERK1-2, p38, and JNK, and that the JAK2/STAT3 pathway is also important in this process. These findings suggest that targeting PA formation and/or the LPA1 receptor may provide new strategies to reduce malignancy in lung cancer.This work was supported by Grant IT1720-22 from “Departamento de Educación, Viceconsejería de Universidades e Investigación del Gobierno Vasco” (GV/EJ, Basque Country, Spain). N. Presa is the recipient of a fellowship from “Departamento de Educación, Universidades e Investigación del Gobierno Vasco” (GV/EJ, Basque Country, Spain)

    Envejeciendo juntos : familia y adulto mayor en el municipio de Giraldo 2015 - 2016

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    RESUMEN: El trabajo de grado Envejeciendo Juntos: familia y adulto mayor, “Redes de apoyo familiar de los adultos mayores del municipio de Giraldo en la etapa de vejez, y su relación con la calidad de vida, en los años 2015-2016”, surge a partir de comprender la necesidad de las redes de apoyo de los adultos mayores en su etapa de vejez y cuáles son sus vínculos afectivos en relación con su familia extensa. Esta investigación se centró en los testimonios de cuatro (4) familias, que conviven con Adultos Mayores, y con un grupo Gerontológico de la vereda La Puná, del municipio de Giraldo Antioquia; principalmente la investigación es motivada por situaciones de abandono, negligencia y desprotección evidentes dentro del municipio hacia esta población, además nace de un anteproyecto que se realizó con la Casa Gerontológica en el año 2015, donde se presentan estas problemáticas.ABSTRACT: The work of degree Growing Old Together: family and senior, "family support networks of older adults in the municipality of Giraldo in the stage of old age, and its relationship with the quality of life, in the years 2015-2016", comes from understanding the need of the support networks of older adults in their stage of old age and what are their emotional ties with their extended family. This research focused on the testimony of four (4) families, who live with older adults, and with a group Gerontology of the Vereda La Puna, in the municipality of Giraldo Antioch; mainly the research is motivated by situations of abandonment, neglect and lack of evident within the municipality toward this population, as well as born of a preliminary draft that was carried out with the Gerontological House in the year 2015, where these issues.RESUMEN:El trabajo de grado Envejeciendo Juntos: familia y adulto mayor, “Redes de apoyo familiar de los adultos mayores del municipio de Giraldo en la etapa de vejez, y su relación con la calidad de vida, en los años 2015-2016”, surge a partir de comprender la necesidad de las redes de apoyo de los adultos mayores en su etapa de vejez y cuáles son sus vínculos afectivos en relación con su familia extensa. Esta investigación se centró en los testimonios de cuatro (4) familias, que conviven con Adultos Mayores, y con un grupo Gerontológico de la vereda La Puná, del municipio de Giraldo Antioquia; principalmente la investigación es motivada por situaciones de abandono, negligencia y desprotección evidentes dentro del municipio hacia esta población, además nace de un anteproyecto que se realizó con la Casa Gerontológica en el año 2015, donde se presentan estas problemáticas.ABSTRACT: The work of degree Growing Old Together: family and senior, "family support networks of older adults in the municipality of Giraldo in the stage of old age, and its relationship with the quality of life, in the years 2015-2016", comes from understanding the need of the support networks of older adults in their stage of old age and what are their emotional ties with their extended family. This research focused on the testimony of four (4) families, who live with older adults, and with a group Gerontology of the Vereda La Puna, in the municipality of Giraldo Antioch; mainly the research is motivated by situations of abandonment, neglect and lack of evident within the municipality toward this population, as well as born of a preliminary draft that was carried out with the Gerontological House in the year 2015, where these issues

    Influence of Transcranial Direct Current Stimulation and Exercise on Fatigue and Quality of Life in Multiple Sclerosis

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    [EN] Background: Multiple sclerosis (MS) is a chronic autoimmune disease of the central nervous system that leads to a great deterioration in the quality of life. Objective: We aimed to assess the effectiveness of two individual programs, one based on transcranial direct current stimulation (tDCS) and another based on the effect of physical exercise on fatigue and quality of life in patients with MS. Methods: A total of 12 patients with relapsing–remitting and progressive secondary MS participated. Fatigue and quality of life were assessed before and after intervention. The exercise program and tDCS were carried out over a 4-week period, with a washout period of 5 months. Results: The results show significant improvements in the different quality of life subscales after the application of tDCS, activities of daily living (r = 0.625; p = 0.037) (g = 0.465), psychological well-being (r = 0.856; p = 0.004) (g = 0.727) and coping (r = 0.904; p = 0.18) (g = 0.376), and in those after the application of exercise, activities of daily living (r = 0.853; p = 0.003) (g = 0.570) and psychological well-being (r = 0.693; p = 0.041) (g = 0.417). After the application of both therapies, more than 50% of the subjects did not have a positive fatigue score on the MFIS scale. Conclusion: The major findings suggest that the application of both therapies produces a beneficial effect with significant improvements in the quality of life of this sample.SIThis research was funded by a grant from the Professional Association of Physiotherapists of Castilla y Leó

    PPAR γ

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    Rotavirus infection has been reported to induce an inflammatory response in the host cell accompanied by the increased expression or activation of some cellular molecules including ROS, NF-κB, and COX-2. PPARγ stimulation and N-acetylcysteine (NAC) treatment have been found to interfere with viral infections including rotavirus infection. Small intestinal villi isolated from in vivo infected mice with rotavirus ECwt were analyzed for the percentage of ECwt-infected cells, the presence of rotavirus antigens, and infectious virion yield following treatment with pioglitazone. Isolated villi were also infected in vitro and treated with PPARγ agonists (PGZ, TZD, RGZ, DHA, and ALA), all-trans retinoic acid (ATRA), and NAC. After treatments, the expression of cellular proteins including PPARγ, NF-κB, PDI, Hsc70, and COX-2 was analyzed using immunochemistry, ELISA, immunofluorescence, and Western blotting. The results showed that rotavirus infection led to an increased accumulation of the cellular proteins studied and ROS. The virus infection-induced accumulation of the cellular proteins studied and ROS was reduced upon pioglitazone treatment, causing also a concomitant reduction of the infectious virion yield. We hypothesized that rotavirus infection is benefiting from the induction of a host cell proinflammatory response and that the interference of the inflammatory pathways involved leads to decreased infection

    Fast Polymeric Functionalization Approach for the Covalent Coating of MoS2 Layers

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    We present the covalent coating of chemically exfoliated molybdenum disulfide (MoS2) based on the polymerization of functional acryl molecules. The method relies on the efficient diazonium anchoring reaction to provoke the in situ radical polymerization and covalent adhesion of functional coatings. In particular, we successfully implement hydrophobicity on the exfoliated MoS2 in a direct, fast, and quantitative synthetic approach. The covalent functionalization is proved by multiple techniques including X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy and TGA-MS. This approach represents a simple and general protocol to reach dense and homogeneous functional coatings on 2D materials

    Herbicidal potential of the natural compounds carvacrol, thymol, eugenol, p-cymene, citral and pelargonic acid in field conditions: indications for better performance

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    In recent years, interest in natural products with herbicidal activity as new tools for integrated weed management has increased. The European Union is demanding a reduction in the number of herbicides used, forbidding use of the most toxic ones, despite the problem of weed resistance increasing. Pelargonic acid (PA) is the only natural herbicide available in Spain. In this work, two field assays were performed with the natural compounds carvacrol (CAR), citral (CIT), eugenol (EUG), thymol (THY), p-cymene (P-CYM), (PA), and the combination of PA with CIT—all except P-CYM formulated by Seipasa—to test their herbicidal efficacy in real conditions. They were compared with commercial PA, glyphosate (GLY) and oxyfluorfen (OXY). In both experiments, GLY achieved the best weed control. Considering the natural herbicides, PA formulated by Seipasa and PA plus CIT were the most effective. From both experiments, some conclusions can be extracted for better herbicidal performance of natural products: (1) use products on sensitive weed species, (2) treat weeds at earlier phenological stages, (3) find the active doses in field conditions, (4) cover weeds well when treating, (5) ensure adequate formulation of products, and (6) develop a strategy for correct application.AGROSUS | Ref. 101084084Agencia Estatal de Investigación | Ref. RTI2018-094716-B-I0

    Motivation, satisfaction and achievement motivation: Are there really differences between Sciences and Humanities?

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    Tras tanta polémica entre "letras" y "ciencias" sobre cuál de los dos es mejor o más difícil, se ha pretendido comprobar si existe algún tipo de diferencia entre ambas especialidades en cuanto a motivación, satisfacción o rendimiento; y a su vez, si existe algún tipo de relación entre estos tres constructos. Por lo tanto, participaron en el estudio una muestra de 120 alumnos de ambas ramas, obteniendo seis carreras diferentes con 20 alumnos en cada una. Los resultados no dieron ningún valor significativo en cuanto a diferencias entre ambas especialidades, pero sí una correlación entre motivación y satisfacción.After so much controversy between "Humanities" and "Sciences" about which one is better or harder, we'd like to test if there are any differences between both specialties in terms of motivation, satisfaction and academic achievement; and at the same time, if there is some kind of relationship between these three constructs. Thus, participated a sample of 120 students of those two special i ties, from six different degrees, pi cking 20 st udents from each one . Results didn't provide any significant difference between both specialties, but did provide a correlation between motivation and satisfaction.ReiDoCrea. Departamento de Psicología Social. Universidad de Granada

    High prevalence of S. Stercoralis infection among patients with Chagas disease: A retrospective case-control study

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    Background: We evaluate the association between Trypanosoma cruzi infection and strongyloidiasis in a cohort of Latin American (LA) migrants screened for both infections in a non-endemic setting. Methodology: Case-control study including LA individuals who were systematically screened for T. cruzi infection and strongyloidiasis between January 2013 and April 2015. Individuals were included as cases if they had a positive serological result for Strongyloides stercoralis. Controls were randomly selected from the cohort of individuals screened for T. cruzi infection that tested negative for S. stercoralis serology. The association between T. cruzi infection and strongyloidiasis was evaluated by logistic regression models. Principal findings: During the study period, 361 individuals were screened for both infections. 52 (14.4%) individuals had a positive serological result for strongyloidiasis (cases) and 104 participants with negative results were randomly selected as controls. 76 (48.7%) indiviuals had a positive serological result for T. cruzi. Factors associated with a positive T. cruzi serology were Bolivian origin (94.7% vs 78.7%; p = 0.003), coming from a rural area (90.8% vs 68.7%; p = 0.001), having lived in an adobe house (88.2% vs 70%; p = 0.006) and a referred contact with triatomine bugs (86.7% vs 63.3%; p = 0.001). There were more patients with a positive S. stercoralis serology among those who were infected with T. cruzi (42.1% vs 25%; p = 0.023). Epidemiological variables were not associated with a positive strongyloidiasis serology. T. cruzi infection was more frequent among those with strongyloidiasis (61.5% vs 42.3%; p = 0.023). In multivariate analysis, T. cruzi infection was associated with a two-fold increase in the odds of strongyloidiasis (OR 2.23; 95% CI 1.07-4.64; p = 0.030). Conclusions: T. cruzi infection was associated with strongyloidiasis in LA migrants attending a tropical diseases unit even after adjusting for epidemiological variables. These findings should encourage physicians in non-endemic settings to implement a systematic screening for both infections in LA individuals