491 research outputs found

    Complejos de Reniotricarbonilo con Amidinos: síntesis, mecanismo y propiedades

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    La tesis se encuentra enmarcada dentro de la química de la coordinación de complejos de renio(I) con ligandos bidentados de tipo diimina. En concreto, durante la memoria se describe la síntesis, la caracterización y las propiedades físicas de nuevos complejos con el fragmento fac-“Re(CO)3” coordinado a ligandos amidinos bidentados, formados bien a partir del acoplamiento de un nitrilo y un pirazol, bien de un nitrilo y una nucleobase. Se ha realizado un estudio sistemático del mecanismo de formación de dichos compuestos, en el cual se evalúa la influencia que ejercen en la reacción diversos factores como son el pirazol, el disolvente, la temperatura y la presencia de sales en la disolución. Como consecuencia de este estudio, se han podido desarrollar nuevos métodos de síntesis de complejos pirazolilamidino. El estudio de las propiedades físicas nos permitió extraer tendencias acerca de la influencia de cambios en la esfera de coordinación sobre los espectros de emisión.Departamento de Química Física y Química Inorgánic

    Tribological Properties of Ti6Al4V Titanium Textured Surfaces Created by Laser: Effect of Dimple Density

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    The loss of energy due to friction is one of the major problems industries are facing nowadays. Friction and wear between sliding components reduce the mechanical efficiency of machines and have a negative impact on the environment. In recent years, surface texturing has shown tremendous ability to reduce friction and wear. Micro-features generated on surfaces act as a secondary reservoir for lubricants and wear debris receptacles to further reduce abrasion. In addition, surface texturing boosts hydrodynamic pressure, which increases the elasto-hydrodynamic lubrication regime of the Stribeck curve, reducing friction and wear. Amongst all different techniques to texture surfaces, laser texturing is the most popular due to its advantages such as high accuracy, good consistency and celerity as compared to other techniques. This study investigated the effect of laser texturing on the tribological properties of Ti6Al4V in contact with a ceramic ball. The effect of varying the dimple density on friction and wear was studied using a ball-on-flat reciprocating tribometer under lubricated conditions. Results show that friction and wear were reduced for all the textured samples as compared to an untextured sample, with important friction and wear reductions for the samples with the highest dimple densities. For samples with intermediate dimple densities, the friction coefficient stayed low until the dimples wore out from the surface and then increased to a value similar to the friction coefficient of the untextured surface. The dimple wear-out time observed in these specimens was greatly influenced by the dimple density

    Análisis on-line de las estrategias de acceso léxico en sujetos con implante

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    [Resumen] Tomando como referencia el modelo dual de adquisición de la lectura que postula la existencia de dos procesadores (directo y fonológico) para explicar la forma en que el lector accede al significado de las palabras, se estudió el posible uso de ambos tipos de procesamiento en tareas de lectura y reconocimiento de palabras utilizando dos tipos de medidas (aciertos vs. errores y tiempos de lectura o reacción según la prueba). En el estudio participó un grupo de sujetos implantados cocleares (n=20) y uno de normooyentes (n=20) con una media de edad de 9 años y 2 meses y de 9 años y 5 meses respectivamente. L os resultados encontrados apuntan a que los sujetos implantados parecen utilizar un procesamiento fonológico de forma bastante más acusada, si bien parecen beneficiarse de manera considerable del contexto para su acceso a la ruta léxica o visual. A l mismo tiempo observamos los bueno éxitos en las tareas de decisión léxica, lo cual implica una representación visual de la palabra[Abstract] According to the dual model of reading acquisition which argues the existence of two processors (direct and phonological ) to explain how the reader access the meaning of words, we studied the possible use of both types of processing tasks reading and word recognition using two types of measures (hits vs . mistakes and reading times or reaction according to the test). The study involved a group of cochlear implanted subjects (n = 20 ) and one normal hearing (n = 20) with a mean age of 9 years and 2 months and 9 years and 5 months respectively. The results suggest that the implanted subjects seem to use a phonological processing rather more pronounced , although appear to benefit significantly from context to access the lexical or visual route. A t the same time look good success in the lexical decision task , which involves a visual representation of the word

    Assessment the SlidingWear Behavior of Laser Microtexturing Ti6Al4V under Wet Conditions

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    Laser micro-texturing processes, compared to untreated surfaces, can improve the friction, wear and wettability behavior of sliding parts. This improvement is related to the micro-geometry and the dimensions of the texture which is also dependent on the processing parameters. This research studied the effect of laser textured surfaces on the tribological behavior of titanium alloy Ti6Al4V. The influence of processing parameters was analyzed by changing the scanning speed of the beam and the energy density of pulse. First, the characterization of dimensional and geometrical features of the texturized tracks was carried out. Later, their influence on the wetting behavior was also evaluated through contact angle measurements using water as a contact fluid. Then, the tribological performance of these surfaces was analyzed using a ball-on-flat reciprocating tribometer under wet and dry conditions. Finally, wear mechanisms were identified employing electronic and optical microscopy techniques capable to evaluate the wear tracks on Ti surfaces and WC–Co spheres. These analyses had determined a strong dependence between the wear behavior and the laser patterning parameters. Wear friction effects were reduced by up to a 70% replacing conventional untreated surfaces of Ti6Al4V alloy with laser textured surfaces

    La universidad andaluza ante las TIC

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    Las universidades andaluzas han tenido que adaptarse a una nueva realidad social caracterizada por rápidos y continuos avances tecnológicos y para ello han invertido en tecnologías digitales como wifi, pantallas digitales y redes sociales, no solo en la docencia en las aulas sino también en la administración y gestión de otras actividades docentes e investigadoras relacionadas. Por su parte, los alumnos que acuden a sus aulas poseen potentes tecnologías a través del smartphone con acceso a información prácticamente ilimitada, si bien diversos especialistas en la materia abogan por la necesidad de dotarles de competencias digitales en las aulas. En este estudio se identifican, por un lado, algunas buenas prácticas en el uso de redes sociales en las universidades andaluzas, y por otro, las competencias digitales que se requieren de los estudiantes para desarrollarse como profesionales y ciudadanos críticos en el siglo XXI

    Epigastralgia de difícil control, secundaria a una causa infrecuente

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    We present the case of a 52-year-old female patient, without a personal or family history of cancer, with epigastralgia, and without improvement, despite high doses with proton pump inhibitors. Due to the persistence of the symptoms, it is decided to request a new gastroscopy where duodenal lesions are described as lymphangiectasis. Biopsies are taken and sent to pathological anatomy, with a diagnosis of primary intestinal lymphoma.Presentamos el caso de una paciente de 52 años, sin antecedentes personales o familiares de cáncer, con clínica de epigastralgia y sin mejoría, a pesar de dosis plenas con inhibidores de la bomba de protones. Por la persistencia de los síntomas, se decidió solicitar una nueva gastroscopia en la que se encontraron lesiones duodenales que describen como linfangiectasias; se tomaron biopsias y se enviaron a Anatomía Patológica, con diagnóstico de linfoma intestinal primario

    Cocoa and Cocoa Fibre Intake Modulate Reactive Oxygen Species and Immunoglobulin Production in Rats Submitted to Acute Running Exercise

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    Acute high-intensity exercise can impair the immune system, and lead to oxidative stress. Cocoa intake might help in protecting against oxidative damage and impaired immune functioning. The aim of this study was to establish the effect of cocoa and cocoa fibre on the oxidative status and the immunoglobulin (Ig) production of rats following a bout of acute exercise on a treadmill. The production of reactive oxygen species (ROS) by macrophages and the concentration of serum and mucosal Ig was assessed 16 h after the running session. Exercise increased ROS production and decreased the serum IgG concentration and the salivary gland IgM content. A cocoa fibre-enriched diet prevented the increased ROS production and the reduction in salivary IgM induced by exercise, although it decreased the IgA content in serum and the salivary glands. Overall, cocoa, by means of its fibre content, can partially prevent the alterations in ROS and Ig production induced by a single session of intensive running exercise

    Affinity modulation of photoresponsive hosts for fullerenes: light-gated corannulene tweezers

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    Producción CientíficaSix azobenzene derivatives bearing polyaromatic fragments have been prepared and their reversible photoisomerization has been assessed. Corannulene-functionalized molecules have demonstrated excellent switchable hosting abilities towards fullerenes in which an interesting range of affinities has been found. The success of this design relies upon the reversible formation and destruction of tweezer-like structures.Ministerio de Economía, Industria y Competitividad (Project CTQ 2013-41067-P

    Predecir la dislexia evolutiva antes de la instrucción lectora: una revisión sistemática

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    Introducción: La dislexia evolutiva es una alteración neurobiológica con perfil heterogéneo que se diagnostica tras comprobar que un niño no ha aprendido a leer como se esperaba. Su detección, antes del inicio de la instrucción lectora, tiende a ser imprecisa. Objetivo: El objetivo de este estudio fue identificar y valorar habilidades psicolingüísticas que, evaluadas antes de la instrucción formal de la lectura, pueden predecir dificultades de lectura posteriores y guiar una intervención temprana. Método: Se llevó a cabo una revisión sistemática (años 2010-2020) siguiendo la declaración PRISMA en las bases de datos PsycINFO, Medline, Web of Science, Eric y SCOPUS. Resultados: Se seleccionaron 42 estudios que confirman que determinadas habilidades psicolingüísticas son relevantes para predecir el éxito lector. Conclusiones: Conciencia fonológica, velocidad de denominación, conocimiento del alfabeto y memoria fonológica presentan una fuerte correlación con el progreso inicial de la lectura y predicen las habilidades lectoras posteriores y la dislexia evolutiva

    Cross-cultural adaptation and test-retest reliability of the Spanish ROWAN Foot Pain Assessment Questionnaire (ROFPAQ-S)

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    The ROWAN Foot Pain Assessment Questionnaire (ROFPAQ) may be considered as a self-reported health questionnaire with 45 items to measure foot health problems such as foot pain. To date, the ROFPAQ has only been validated into an English-language version. Objectives: Therefore this study aim was to perform the cross-cultural adaptation and test-retest reliability of the Spanish ROFPAQ version (ROFPAQ-S). Study Design: A cross-sectional descriptive study. Settings: Podiatry and physiotherapy clinical centers. Methods: The recommended forward/backward translation protocol was applied for the procedure of translation and cross-cultural adaptation from United Kingdom to Spain. Results: An adequate internal consistency (Cronbach α) was shown for the 3 domains about cognitive (α = 0.763-0.792), affective (α = 0.751-0.801), and sensory (α = 0.741- 0.733) subscales, as well as for the total score (α = 0.822-0.813). Good test-retest reliability by intraclass correlation coefficients (ICC [95% confidence interval]) was shown for the total score (ICC = 0.909 [0.850-0.944]), and each domain such as cognitive (ICC = 0.785 [0.648- 0.869]), affective (ICC = 0.995 [0.991-0.997]), and sensory (ICC = 0.662 [0.447-0.794]) subscales. The Spearman correlations (rs) were adequate for the cognitive (rs = 0.81-0.83), affective (rs = 0.73-0.72), and sensory (rs = 0.67-0.63) subscales. Limitations: The original ROFPAQ was developed from a podiatry department of the health care national service. Conclusions: The ROFPAQ-S was shown as a valid and reliable tool with an acceptable use in the Spanish population