198 research outputs found

    Rescate del patrimonio literario argentino: Edición de novelas deficientemente editadas o inéditas La realidad del país a mediados del Siglo XIX: Contraste de voces en la narrativa romántica

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    El proyecto propone rescatar y difundir un importante sector del patrimonio literario argentino, olvidado en los archivos, sin copias de seguridad y en inminente riesgo de destrucción o pérdida definitiva. Este rescate permitirá enriquecer nuestra historia literaria mediante la incorporación de novelas ignoradas o desdeñadas por el canon, pero no por ello menos significativas. Tiene como objetivos específicos: 1.Publicar en forma completa una edición crítica y anotada de Amalia (base para un análisis genético de esta novela prototípica), de la cual se publicó solo un volumen en 1990. Transcurridos muchos años desde entonces, se procederá previamente a una revisión general. 2. Publicar María de Montiel, de Mercedes Rosas de Rivera. La edición crítica, modernizada y facsimilarestá completa, salvo índices e iconografía. 3. Publicar Alí Bajá (sólo conocida por folletines de 1843) y Capitán Vargas, de Vicente Fidel López. A través de Capitán Vargas, novela hasta ahora inédita, se puede acceder no sólo a la concepción histórico-literaria del autor sino también a claves interpretativas acerca del proceso de configuración de la historiografía sobre la independencia sudamericana. 4. Publicar las siguientes novelas de Miguel Cané (p.): Eugenio Segry o El Traviato, Una noche de boda, Cora o la partida de caza.Resultados esperados: conocimiento en profundidad de los textos editados y de su contexto. Ampliación del canon narrativo decimonónico argentino. Conocimiento más concreto acerca de los mecanismos de producción literaria vigentes por ese entonces y acerca de las divergencias ideológicas operantes en el sistema cultural argentino a mediados del siglo XIX

    Description of industrial pollution in Spain

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    BACKGROUND: Toxic substances released into the environment (to both air and water) by many types of industries might be related with the occurrence of some malignant tumours and other diseases. The publication of the EPER (European Pollutant Emission Register) Spanish data allows to investigate the presence of geographical mortality patterns related to industrial pollution. The aim of this paper is to describe industrial air and water pollution in Spain in 2001, broken down by activity group and specific pollutant, and to plot maps depicting emissions of carcinogenic substances. METHODS: All information on industrial pollution discharge in 2001 was drawn from EPER-Spain public records provided by the European Commission server. We described the distribution of the number of industries and amounts discharged for each pollutant, as well as emission by pollutant group and the industrial activities associated with each pollutant. Maps of Spain were drawn up, with UTM coordinates being used to plot pollutant foci, and circles with an area proportional to the emission to depict pollution emission values. RESULTS: The EPER-Spain contained information on 1,437 industrial installations. The industrial plants that discharge pollutant substances into air and water above the pollutant-specific EPER threshold were mainly situated in the Autonomous Regions of Aragon, Andalusia and Catalonia and in Catalonia, the Basque Country and Andalusia respectively. Pollution released in 2001 into air approached 158 million Mt. Emissions into water were over 8 million Mt. CONCLUSION: A few single industrial plants are responsible for the highest percentage of emissions, thus rendering monitoring of their possible health impact on the surrounding population that much simpler. Among European countries Spain is the leading polluter in almost one third of all EPER-registered pollutant substances released into the air and ranks among the top three leading polluters in two-thirds of all such substances. Information obtained through publication of EPER data means that the possible consequences of reported pollutant foci on the health of neighbouring populations can now be studied

    Los nuevos modelos de aprendizaje basados en tecnologías de información y comunicación en los grados de administración y dirección de empresas y su aplicación en la Universidad CEU San Pablo

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    El Espacio Europeo de Educación Superior (EEES) replantea los modelos de aprendizaje de las Universidades Españolas, donde el aprendizaje basado en la adquisición de competencias sólo se puede conseguir con el apoyo de las nuevas tecnologías. Es el aprendizaje virtual el que permitirá la vinculación entre los distintos agentes implicados y los instrumentos de enseñanza, que deben modificarse y volcarse en materiales multimedia. De esta forma, cobra importancia la denominada formación virtual o “e-learning”, como nuevo enfoque docente capaz de unir el uso de las nuevas tecnologías con la enseñanza. No obstante, todavía se aprecia un escaso uso de las nuevas Tecnologías de Información y Comunicación (TIC) y, sobre todo, de las herramientas proporcionadas por la web 2.0. Analizaremos las distintas posibilidades existentes gracias a las TIC en el nuevo planteamiento de enseñanza propuesto por el EEES, y el uso que se hace de las mismas en la Universidad CEU San Pablo, a través del denominado “Portal del Profesor/Alumno” como complemento a la enseñanza presencial. Finalmente, analizaremos, también, las ventajas e inconvenientes que plantean las nuevas herramientas docentes y la utilidad de las mismas en las distintas asignaturas de la Unidad Docente de Economía de la Empresa

    Juego serio para la evaluación de competencias digitales en educación secundaria

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    En los últimos años, se ha puesto el foco en la importancia de las competencias digitales con el fin de reducir la brecha entre lo que se enseña en las aulas y lo que necesita el alumnado para afrontar el día a día en la sociedad digital actual. Este énfasis de ofrecer una formación acorde a los tiempos, se observa al analizar los principales ejes transversales de la legislación educativa española (LOMLOE), en donde cabe destacar la educación digital y el aprendizaje competencial-crítico-reflexivo. Dicho desafío está a la orden del día con los intereses de la educación a nivel europeo, donde se identifican lotes de financiación para impulsar las competencias digitales entre el alumnado y el profesorado acorde al modelo DigComp. No obstante, la evaluación de estas competencias digitales se realiza a través de un cuestionario tradicional que puede ser tedioso y poco atractivo para el alumnado. Teniendo en cuenta estos aspectos, este trabajo presenta un juego serio para la autoevaluación de las competencias digitales, desarrollado en el marco de un proyecto europeo, así como los resultados preliminares de su aplicación en educación secundaria.In recent years, the focus has been placed on the importance of digital competencies in order to reduce the gap between what is taught in the classroom and what students need to face daily life in today's digital society. This emphasis on offering training connected with the current society can be seen when analyzing the main cross-cutting themes of Spanish educational legislation (LOMLOE), where digital education and critical-reflective competency learning stand out. This challenge is up-to-date with the interests of education at the European level, where funding lots are identified to promote digital competencies among students and teachers according to the DigComp framework. However, the assessment of these digital competencies is done through a traditional questionnaire that can be tedious and unattractive for students. Taking these aspects into account, this paper presents a serious game for the self-assessment of digital competences, developed in the framework of a European project, as well as the preliminary results of its application in secondary education.Este trabajo ha sido financiado por el Programa Erasmus+ de la Unión Europea a través del proyecto Dig4Life – Digital for Literacy and Future Education (2020-1-IT02-KA201-079420), por la Agencia Estatal de Investigación (AEI) con fondos FEDER dentro del proyecto EngageIT (PID2019-105455GB-C33) y el Plan Andaluz de Investigación, Desarrollo e Innovación con fondos FEDER dentro del proyecto PlayfulLife (P20_00330) y el grupo de investigación Mejora del Proceso Software y Métodos Formales (TIC-195)

    Angioedema, uso de IECA e infección por SARS-CoV-2

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    The SARS-CoV-2 infection, as well as other viral infections, can lead to a considerable variety of cutaneous manifestations. However, angioedema is not usual, generally showing up associated with urticaria and respiratory symptoms. Its emergence in patients who are under ACE inhibitors is not common. It seems that the mechanism by which the virus and ACE inhibitors produce angioedema is similar, both causing dysregulation of ACE-2 receptors and increasing bradykinin levels. It is reasonable to believe that SARS-CoV-2 may act as a potential trigger when combined with the use of these products.La infección por SARS-CoV-2, al igual que otras infecciones víricas, produce una gran variedad de manifestaciones cutáneas. Sin embargo, el angioedema no es frecuente y se presenta generalmente asociado a urticaria y a síntomas respiratorios. Su aparición tampoco es habitual en pacientes que además están en tratamiento con IECA. Parece que el mecanismo por el cual el virus y los IECA producen angioedema es similar, alterando la regulación de los receptores ACE-2 y aumentando los niveles de bradicinina. Es razonable pensar que el SARS-CoV-2 pudiera actuar como un factor precipitante al combinarse con estos productos

    Active superelasticity in three-dimensional epithelia of controlled shape

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    Fundamental biological processes are carried out by curved epithelial sheets that enclose a pressurized lumen. How these sheets develop and withstand three-dimensional deformations has remained unclear. Here we combine measurements of epithelial tension and shape with theoretical modelling to show that epithelial sheets are active superelastic materials. We produce arrays of epithelial domes with controlled geometry. Quantification of luminal pressure and epithelial tension reveals a tensional plateau over several-fold areal strains. These extreme strains in the tissue are accommodated by highly heterogeneous strains at a cellular level, in seeming contradiction to the measured tensional uniformity. This phenomenon is reminiscent of superelasticity, a behaviour that is generally attributed to microscopic material instabilities in metal alloys. We show that in epithelial cells this instability is triggered by a stretch-induced dilution of the actin cortex, and is rescued by the intermediate filament network. Our study reveals a type of mechanical behaviour—which we term active superelasticity—that enables epithelial sheets to sustain extreme stretching under constant tension

    Toenail zinc as a biomarker: Relationship with sources of environmental exposure and with genetic variability in MCC-Spain study

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    Background: Toenails are commonly used as biomarkers of exposure to zinc (Zn), but there is scarce information about their relationship with sources of exposure to Zn. Objectives: To investigate the main determinants of toenail Zn, including selected sources of environmental exposure to Zn and individual genetic variability in Zn metabolism. Methods: We determined toenail Zn by inductively coupled plasma mass spectrometry in 3,448 general popu-lation controls from the MultiCase-Control study MCC-Spain. We assessed dietary and supplement Zn intake using food frequency questionnaires, residential proximity to Zn-emitting industries and residential topsoil Zn levels through interpolation methods. We constructed a polygenic score of genetic variability based on 81 single nucleotide polymorphisms in genes involved in Zn metabolism. Geometric mean ratios of toenail Zn across categories of each determinant were estimated from multivariate linear regression models on log-transformed toenail Zn. Results: Geometric mean toenail Zn was 104.1 mu g/g in men and 100.3 mu g/g in women. Geometric mean toenail Zn levels were 7 % lower (95 % confidence interval 1-13 %) in men older than 69 years and those in the upper tertile of fibre intake, and 9 % higher (3-16 %) in smoking men. Women residing within 3 km from Zn-emitting industries had 4 % higher geometric mean toenail Zn levels (0-9 %). Dietary Zn intake and polygenic score were unrelated to toenail Zn. Overall, the available determinants only explained 9.3 % of toenail Zn variability in men and 4.8 % in women. Discussion: Sociodemographic factors, lifestyle, diet, and environmental exposure explained little of the indi-vidual variability of toenail Zn in the study population. The available genetic variants related to Zn metabolism were not associated with toenail Zn

    Cimetidine disrupts the renewal of testicular cells and the steroidogenesis in a hermaphrodite fish

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    The importance of histamine in the physiology of the testis in mammals and reptiles has been recently shown. Histamine receptors (Hrs) are well conserved in fish and are functional in several fish species. We report here for the first time that histamine and the mRNA of Hrh1, Hrh2 and Hrh3 are all present in the gonad of the hermaphrodite teleost fish gilthead seabream. Moreover, cimetidine, which acts in vitro as an agonist of Hrh1 and Hrh2 on this species, was intraperitoneally injected in one and two years old gilthead seabream males. After three and five days of cimetidine injection, we found that this compound differently modified the gonadal hrs transcript levels and affects the testicular cell renewal and the gene expression of steroidogenesis-related molecules as well as the serum steroid levels. Our data point to cimetidine as a reproductive disruptor and elucidate a role for histamine in the gonad of this hermaphrodite fish species through Hr signalling.Postprint2,616

    High adherence to the Western, Prudent, and Mediterranean dietary patterns and risk of gastric adenocarcinoma: MCC-Spain study

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    BACKGROUND: The influence of dietary habits on the development of gastric adenocarcinoma is not clear. The objective of the present study was to explore the association of three previously identified dietary patterns with gastric adenocarcinoma by sex, age, cancer site, and morphology. METHODS: MCC-Spain is a multicase-control study that included 295 incident cases of gastric adenocarcinoma and 3040 controls. The association of the Western, Prudent, and Mediterranean dietary patterns-derived in another Spanish case-control study-with gastric adenocarcinoma was assessed using multivariable logistic regression models with random province-specific intercepts and considering a possible interaction with sex and age. Risk according to tumor site (cardia, non-cardia) and morphology (intestinal/diffuse) was evaluated using multinomial regression models. RESULTS: A high adherence to the Western pattern increased gastric adenocarcinoma risk [odds ratiofourth_vs._first_quartile (95% confidence interval), 2.09 (1.31; 3.33)] even at low levels [odds ratiosecond_vs._first_quartile (95% confidence interval), 1.63 (1.05; 2.52)]. High adherence to the Mediterranean dietary pattern could prevent gastric adenocarcinoma [odds ratiofourth_vs._first_quartile (95% confidence interval), 0.53 (0.34; 0.82)]. Although no significant heterogeneity of effects was observed, the harmful effect of the Western pattern was stronger among older participants and for non-cardia adenocarcinomas, whereas the protective effect of the Mediterranean pattern was only observed among younger participants and for non-cardia tumors. CONCLUSION: Decreasing the consumption of fatty and sugary products and of red and processed meat in favor of an increase in the intake of fruits, vegetables, legumes, olive oil, nuts, and fish might prevent gastric adenocarcinoma.The study was supported by the “Acción Transversal del Cáncer,” approved by the Spanish Ministry Council on 11 October 2007, by the Consortium for Biomedical Research in Epidemiology and Public Health (CIBERESP), by the Instituto de Salud Carlos III grants, co-funded by FEDER funds: a way to build Europe-PI08/1770 (to M. Kogevinas), PI09/0773 (to J. Llorca), PI09/1286 (to V. Martín), PI09/1903 (to R. Peiró), PI09/2078 (to F.J. Caballero), PI09/1662 (to J.J. Jiménez-Moleón), PI11/01403 (to N. Aragonés), and PI12/00150 (to B. Pérez-Gómez), by the Fundación Marqués de Valdecilla grant API 10/09 (to J. Llorca), by Catalan Government DURSI grant 2014SGR647 (to V. Moreno) and 2014SGR756 (to S. de Sanjose), by the Junta de Castilla y León Grant LE22A10-2 (to V. Martín), by the Consejería de Salud of the Junta de Andalucía Grant 2009-S0143 (to J. Alguacil), by the Conselleria de Sanitat of the Generalitat Valenciana grant AP061/10 (to R. Peiró), by the Regional Government of the Basque Country, by the Consejería de Sanidad de la Región de Murcia, by the Fundación Caja de Ahorros de Asturias, by the University of Oviedo, by the Spanish Association Against Cancer (AECC) Scientific Foundation, and by the Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness Juan de la Cierva de Incorporación Grant IJCI-2014-20900 (to A. Castelló). None of the sponsors intervened in any stage of the research.S

    Analytical Evaluation of Dried Blood Spot and Rapid Diagnostic Test as a New Strategy for Serological Community Screening for Chronic Chagas Disease

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    Trypanosoma cruzi; Mancha de sangre seca (DBS); Cribado serológicoTrypanosoma cruzi; Taca de sang seca (DBS); Cribratge serològicTrypanosoma cruzi; Dried blood spot (DBS); Serological screeningBackground: Chagas disease is a public health problem not only in Latin America, but also in other regions, including Spain, due to migration movements. Conventional serological diagnosis requires an invasive sample (plasma or serum) and a well-equipped laboratory. To circumvent those limitations, blood samples dried on filter paper (DBS) or Rapid Diagnostic Test (RDT) could be a practical alternative to reference protocol for serological screening in epidemiological studies. We evaluated the usefulness of dried blood sampling and a rapid diagnostic test (Trypanosoma Detect™) for the detection of antibodies against T. cruzi for their use in community-based screening. Methodology/Principal Findings: A total of 162 stored paired whole-blood and serum samples from Latin American migrants and 25 negative-control blood samples were included. Diagnosis of chronic Chagas disease was performed in serum according to WHO algorithms. Blood samples were retrospectively collected as dried spots and then analyzed using two different serological techniques, enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA) and electrochemiluminescence immunoassay (E-CLIA). Whole-blood samples were also used to evaluate a rapid diagnostic test based on immunochromatography. A better correlation with conventional serum was observed in dried blood elutes using E-CLIA than ELISA (97% vs. 77% sensitivity, respectively). Both assays reported 100% specificity. The median cut-off index values of E-CLIA for dried blood were significantly lower than those for serum (138.1 vs. 243.3, P<0.05). The Trypanosoma Detect™ test presented a sensitivity and specificity of 89.6% and 100%, respectively. Conclusions: The detection of antibodies against T. cruzi in dried blood samples shows a higher sensitivity when using E-CLIA compared with ELISA. Trypanosoma Detect™ is easier to use but has a lower sensitivity. Hence, we propose a sequential strategy based on performing the rapid test first, and a negative result will be confirmed by DBS-ECLIA for use in community Chagas disease screening programs.This work has been supported by the Fundació la Marató TV3 (project number 20182610)