316 research outputs found

    Numerical modeling of air-vented parallel plate ionization chambers for ultra-high dose rate applications

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    Purpose: air-vented ionization chambers have been the secondary standard for radiation dosimetry since the origins of radiation metrology. However, the feasibility of their use in ultra-high dose rate pulsed beams has been a matter of discussion, as large losses are caused by ion recombinations and no suitable theoretical model is available for their correction. The theories developed by Boag and his contemporaries since the 1950s, which have provided the standard ion recombination correction factor in clinical dosimetry, do not provide an accurate description when used under the limit conditions of ultra-high dose rates (UHDRs). Moreover, the high-ion recombination effects of ionization chambers under extreme dose-rate applications are an obstacle to the development of adequate dosimetry standardsThis work has received funding from the EMPIR programme project 18HLT04 UHDpulse co-financed by the Participating States and from the European Union’s Horizon 2020 research and innovation programmeS

    Budgetary impact for the National Health System of Apixaban Prophylaxis of venous thromboembolism in patients undergoing yotal knee or hip replacement

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    Fundamentos: Debido al elevado coste sanitario del tromboembolismo venoso (TEV) es necesario realizar análisis económicos que determinen la eficiencia de sus diferentes tratamientos farmacológicos. El objetivo del trabajo es estimar el impacto presupuestario para el Sistema Nacional de Salud (SNS) de la prevención del tromboembolismo venoso (TEV) con apixaban en artroplastia total de cadera (ATC) o rodilla (ATR). Métodos: Se consideraron los costes de los diferentes fármacos para la prevención del TEV (apixaban, dabigatrán, enoxaparina, fondaparinux, otras heparinas, rivaroxaban y warfarina) y los de las complicaciones del TEV a corto plazo (90 días) y a 5 años (trombosis venosa profunda, embolismo pulmonar, sangrados y síndrome postrombótico). La eficacia de la prevención se estimó mediante un metaanálisis. Las tasas de TEV y muerte con apixaban fueron inferiores en ATC y ATR a las observadas con enoxaparina (-3,5% y -10,0%, respectivamente) y tuvo menos acontecimientos hemorrágicos (-0,7% y -1,6%, respectivamente). Los datos poblacionales y los costes se obtuvieron de fuentes españolas. Horizonte temporal: 5 años. Todos los costes se descontaron anualmente un 3,5%. Se estimó que a los cinco años de su comercialización el consumo de apixaban supondría el 23% de la prevención del TEV y el de enoxaparina descendería del 60% hasta el 33%. Resultados: La introducción de apixaban para la prevención del TEV produciría un ahorro para el SNS de 547.422 € en un periodo de 5 años. En el caso de considerar sin coste la administración ambulatoria de las heparinas, el ahorro quinquenal para el SNS ascendería a 270.068 €. Conclusiones: La introducción de apixaban podría reducir la tasa de TEV y sangrados en comparación con enoxaparina, reduciéndose el gasto del SNS en la prevención del TEVDue to high health care costs of venous thromboembolism (VTE), economic analyses are needed to determine the efficiency of different drug treatments. Consequently, a study was conducted to estimate the budgetary impact for the National Health System (NHS) with apixaban for prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in total hip (THR) or knee (TKR) replacement. Methods: Cost considered: the drugs for the prevention of VTE (apixaban, dabigatran, enoxaparin, fondaparinux, other heparins, rivaroxaban and warfarin) and the complications of VTE in the short term and in 5 years (deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, bleedings and the post-thrombotic syndrome). The effectiveness of prophylaxis was estimated using a meta-analysis. The VTE rates and death with apixaban are lower in THR and TKR than enoxaparin (-3.5% and -10.0%, respectively) with less bleeding events (-0.7% and -1.6%, respectively). Population data and unit costs were obtained from Spanish sources. Time horizon: 5 years. All costs were discounted by 3.5% annually. Five years after commercialization, the use of apixaban was estimated to account for 23% of the prophylaxis of VTE and the use of enoxaparin decrease from the 60% to 33%. Results: Apixaban´s introduction for the prophylaxis of VTE would have a significant impact for the NHS, resulting in a saving of 547,422 over a period of 5 years. In the case of outpatient administration of heparin did not have a cost, the savings for the NHS five years amount to Due to high health care costs of venous thromboembolism (VTE), economic analyses are needed to determine the efficiency of different drug treatments. Consequently, a study was conducted to estimate the budgetary impact for the National Health System (NHS) with apixaban for prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in total hip (THR) or knee (TKR) replacement. Methods: Cost considered: the drugs for the prevention of VTE (apixaban, dabigatran, enoxaparin, fondaparinux, other heparins, rivaroxaban and warfarin) and the complications of VTE in the short term and in 5 years (deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, bleedings and the post-thrombotic syndrome). The effectiveness of prophylaxis was estimated using a meta-analysis. The VTE rates and death with apixaban are lower in THR and TKR than enoxaparin (-3.5% and -10.0%, respectively) with less bleeding events (-0.7% and -1.6%, respectively). Population data and unit costs were obtained from Spanish sources. Time horizon: 5 years. All costs were discounted by 3.5% annually. Five years after commercialization, the use of apixaban was estimated to account for 23% of the prophylaxis of VTE and the use of enoxaparin decrease from the 60% to 33%. Results: Apixaban´s introduction for the prophylaxis of VTE would have a significant impact for the NHS, resulting in a saving of 547,422 over a period of 5 years. In the case of outpatient administration of heparin did not have a cost, the savings for the NHS five years amount to 270,068. Conclusions: According to this study, the introduction of apixaban may reduce the rate of VTE and bleeding compared with enoxaparin, decreasing the expenditure of NHS in VTE prophylaxis Due to high health care costs of venous thromboembolism (VTE), economic analyses are needed to determine the efficiency of different drug treatments. Consequently, a study was conducted to estimate the budgetary impact for the National Health System (NHS) with apixaban for prevention of venous thromboembolism (VTE) in total hip (THR) or knee (TKR) replacement. Methods: Cost considered: the drugs for the prevention of VTE (apixaban, dabigatran, enoxaparin, fondaparinux, other heparins, rivaroxaban and warfarin) and the complications of VTE in the short term and in 5 years (deep vein thrombosis, pulmonary embolism, bleedings and the post-thrombotic syndrome). The effectiveness of prophylaxis was estimated using a meta-analysis. The VTE rates and death with apixaban are lower in THR and TKR than enoxaparin (-3.5% and -10.0%, respectively) with less bleeding events (-0.7% and -1.6%, respectively). Population data and unit costs were obtained from Spanish sources. Time horizon: 5 years. All costs were discounted by 3.5% annually. Five years after commercialization, the use of apixaban was estimated to account for 23% of the prophylaxis of VTE and the use of enoxaparin decrease from the 60% to 33%. Results: Apixaban´s introduction for the prophylaxis of VTE would have a significant impact for the NHS, resulting in a saving of € 547,422 over a period of 5 years. In the case of outpatient administration of heparin did not have a cost, the savings for the NHS five years amount to 270,068. Conclusions: According to this study, the introduction of apixaban may reduce the rate of VTE and bleeding compared with enoxaparin, decreasing the expenditure of NHS in VTE prophylaxis € 270,068. Conclusions: According to this study, the introduction of apixaban may reduce the rate of VTE and bleeding compared with enoxaparin, decreasing the expenditure of NHS in VTE prophylaxisEstudio financiado, sin restricciones, por Bristol-Myers Squibb y Pfize

    Evolución de las licencias federativas (1994 – 2016). Pádel vs Tenis

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    Los últimos años del deporte en España muestran un alto crecimiento en la práctica del pádel. Se puede observar un amplio colectivo formado por personas jóvenes y mayores que cada vez ayudan más al desarrollo de este deporte. Existe poca información sobre las características del jugador que lo practica, para ello y sobre la falta de estudios que lo determinen, este estudio pone en relación la evolución de licencias federativas que han tenido los diferentes deportes de raqueta. El estudio tiene como principal objetivo comenzar a encontrar información acerca del perfil de jugador que tiene preferencia sobre esta modalidad deportiva. Los resultados indican que el pádel es la modalidad deportiva con mayor subida de licencias federativas con un 85% de aumento mientras que el tenis tuvo una disminución del 27,1%, entre los años 2011-2016

    Small static radiosurgery field dosimetry with small volume ionization chambers

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    Purpose: To evaluate the response of the four smallest active volume thimble type ionization chambers commercially available (IBA-dosimetry RAZOR Nano Chamber, Standard Imaging Exradin A16, IBA-dosimetry CC01 and PTW T31022) when measuring SRS cone collimated Flattening Filter Free (FFF) fields. Methods: We employed Monte Carlo simulation for calculating correction factors as defined in IAEA TRS-483. Monte Carlo simulation beam model and ion chamber geometry definitions were supported by an extensive set of measurements. Type A and B uncertainty components were evaluated.Results: Commissioning of Monte Carlo 6 MV and 10 MV FFF beam models yielded relative differences between measured and simulated dose distributions lower than 1.5%. Monte Carlo simulated output factors for 5 mm SRS field agree with experimental values within 1% local relative difference for all chambers. Smallest active volume ion chamber (IBA-dosimetry RAZOR Nano Chamber) exhibits smallest correction, being compatible with unity. Correction factor combined uncertainties range between 0.7% and 0.9%. Smallest uncertainties were recorded for smallest and largest active volume ion chambers, although the latter exhibited largest correction factor. Highest contribution to combined uncertainty was type B component associated with beam model initial electron spatial Full Width Half Maximum (FWHM) uncertainty. Conclusions: Among the investigated chambers, the IBA RAZOR Nano Chamber was found to be an excellent choice for narrow beam output factor measurement since it requires minimum correction (in line with IAEA TRS-483 recommendations). This is caused by its tiny size and tissue equivalence materials which produce minimum volume averaging and fluence perturbationS

    Cambio de hábitos en el fast food en el periodo post pandemia.

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    Identificar cómo se ha afectado el consumo en los restaurantes de Fast food desde que empezó la pandemia del COVID-19, la forma de reposicionar correctamente las marcas y la oferta de valor de este negocio con miras al futuro, conociendo todas las adversidades y oportunidades que se puedan obtener durante esta época son sin duda las prácticas que se quieren llevar a cabo para posicionar alguna nueva marca de Fast Food.Capítulo introductorio ; Metodología ; Análisis bibliográfico ; Análisis del consumidor ; Perfilamiento ; Análisis del productor ; Conclusiones ; BibliografíaMagíster en Dirección de Marketing, CESA.Maestrí

    Prevalence and Risk Factors of Mastitis among Dairy Buffaloes from the Departments of Antioquia and Córdoba, Colombia

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    Background: Mastitis is the most common disease among dairy buffaloes worldwide, and it significantly affects the economic profitability of buffalo farms as well as animal welfare and public health. Methods: This study was conducted between 2018 and 2019 at the Colombian departments of Antioquia and Córdoba, where 41% of the country’s total buffalo population is concentrated. Overall, 1,018 dairy buffaloes, including 603 in Antioquia and 415 in Córdoba, distributed among 11 farms, were assessed in the study. These animals were evaluated using the California mastitis test (CMT) and somatic cell count (SCC) to determine the presence of subclinical mastitis (SM). They were considered positive for SM when the results of CMT were higher than traces and SCC was >200,000 cells/mL. Results: The total prevalence of the disease was 7.9%, and microbiological culture was performed on the samples obtained from the SM-positive animals. The main isolated bacterium was coagulase-negative Staphylococcus. Furthermore, risk factors affecting milking routine, hygiene, and farm facilities were determined. Manual milking, milking in the barn, non-disinfection of milkers' hands, etc., were identified as risk factors for the disease. Conclusion: To the best of our knowledge, this is the first large-scale study of mastitis among buffaloes in Colombia

    Simplifying UAV-Based Photogrammetry in Forestry: How to Generate Accurate Digital Terrain Model and Assess Flight Mission Settings

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    In forestry, aerial photogrammetry by means of Unmanned Aerial Systems (UAS) could bridge the gap between detailed fieldwork and broad-range satellite imagery-based analysis. How-ever, optical sensors are only poorly capable of penetrating the tree canopy, causing raw image-based point clouds unable to reliably collect and classify ground points in woodlands, which is essential for further data processing. In this work, we propose a novel method to overcome this issue and generate accurate a Digital Terrain Model (DTM) in forested environments by processing the point cloud. We also developed a highly realistic custom simulator that allows controlled experimentation with repeatability guaranteed. With this tool, we performed an exhaustive evaluation of the survey and sensor settings and their impact on the 3D reconstruction. Overall, we found that a high frontal overlap (95%), a nadir camera angle (90◦), and low flight altitudes (less than 100 m) results in the best configuration for forest environments. We validated the presented method for DTM generation in a simulated and real-world survey missions with both fixed-wing and multicopter UAS, showing how the problem of structural forest parameters estimation can be better addressed. Finally, we applied our method for automatic detection of selective logging.Fil: Pessacg, Facundo Hugo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Computación. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Computación; ArgentinaFil: Gómez Fernández, Francisco Roberto. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Computación. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Computación; ArgentinaFil: Nitsche, Matias Alejandro. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Computación. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Computación; ArgentinaFil: Chamorro, Nicolás. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Computación. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Computación; ArgentinaFil: Torrella, Sebastián Andrés. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: Ginzburg, Rubén Gabriel. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Ecología, Genética y Evolución de Buenos Aires; ArgentinaFil: de Cristóforis, Pablo. Consejo Nacional de Investigaciones Científicas y Técnicas. Oficina de Coordinación Administrativa Ciudad Universitaria. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Computación. Universidad de Buenos Aires. Facultad de Ciencias Exactas y Naturales. Instituto de Investigación en Ciencias de la Computación; Argentin

    Neuroprotective Effect of Tauroursodeoxycholic Acid on N-Methyl-D-Aspartate-Induced Retinal Ganglion Cell Degeneration

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    Retinal ganglion cell degeneration underlies the pathophysiology of diseases affecting the retina and optic nerve. Several studies have previously evidenced the anti-apoptotic properties of the bile constituent, tauroursodeoxycholic acid, in diverse models of photoreceptor degeneration. The aim of this study was to investigate the effects of systemic administration of tauroursodeoxycholic acid on N-methyl-D-aspartate (NMDA)-induced damage in the rat retina using a functional and morphological approach. Tauroursodeoxycholic acid was administered intraperitoneally before and after intravitreal injection of NMDA. Three days after insult, full-field electroretinograms showed reductions in the amplitudes of the positive and negative-scotopic threshold responses, scotopic a- and b-waves and oscillatory potentials. Quantitative morphological evaluation of whole-mount retinas demonstrated a reduction in the density of retinal ganglion cells. Systemic administration of tauroursodeoxycholic acid attenuated the functional impairment induced by NMDA, which correlated with a higher retinal ganglion cell density. Our findings sustain the efficacy of tauroursodeoxycholic acid administration in vivo, suggesting it would be a good candidate for the pharmacological treatment of degenerative diseases coursing with retinal ganglion cell loss.This work was supported by project grants from Spanish Ministerio de Economía y Competitividad-FEDER (http://www.mineco.gob.es) #BFU2012‐36845, Instituto de Salud Carlos III RETICS (http://www.oftared.com) #RD12/0034/0010 and Organización Nacional de Ciegos Españoles (http://www.once.es) to NC; Ministerio de Ciencia e Innovación #JCI‐2009‐05224 to VGV; Universidad de Alicante (http://www.ua.es) #2010-48536273 to GE; Instituto de Salud Carlos III (http://www.isciii.es) #PI13/02098 and RETICS #RD12/0034/0006 to PdV; and FUNDALUCE

    Espacio EpD: una experiencia de desarrollo profesional docente

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    Describimos una experiencia realizada con un grupo de docentes de diversos niveles educativos: Educación Infantil, Educación Primaria, Educación Secundaria y Universidad, que, a través de un Proyecto de la ONG “Madre Coraje” han desarrollado un proceso de aprendizaje cooperativo en una plataforma digital para compartir experiencias en el diseño y experimentación de propuestas didácticas sobre Educación para el Desarrollo (ED). Entre los resultados destacamos las posibilidades que ofrecen las temáticas relacionadas con la ED para cambiar la concepción de los contenidos curriculares de los docentes, pasando de una visión centrada en el profesor y en su disciplina de referencia a una posición centrada en los alumnos y en sus intereses y necesidades.We describe an experience conducted with a group of teachers of different educational levels: kindergarten, primary school, secondary school and university, which, through a project of the NGO "Mother Courage" have developed a process of cooperative learning in a digital platform to share experiences in the design and testing of didactic proposals on Development Education (ED). The results highlight the potential of topics related to the ED to change the design of the curricula of teachers, moving from a teachercentered vision and discipline reference to a student-centered position and its interests and needs

    Development of an ultra-thin parallel plate ionization chamber for dosimetry in FLASH radiotherapy

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    Conventional air ionization chambers (ICs) exhibit ion recombination correction factors that deviate substantially from unity when irradiated with dose per pulse magnitudes higher than those used in conventional radiotherapy. This fact makes these devices unsuitable for the dosimetric characterization of beams in ultra-high dose per pulse as used for FLASH radiotherapyParticipating States; Horizon 2020; European Metrology Programme for Innovation and Research, Grant/Award Number: 18HLT04UHD PulseS