378 research outputs found

    Le TGV-Atlantique : entre récession et concurrence

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    Le TGV véhicule bien des images. Train des Parisiens ou de la décentralisation ? Vitesse démocratisée ou tarifs élevés ? Train d'affaires ou service public ? Le TGV transporte d'abord des voyageurs. Qui sont-ils ? Que font-ils ? Quelles sont leurs spécificités par rapport aux voyageurs utilisant un autre moyen de transports ? Sont-ils différents de ceux qui voyageaient avant sa mise en service ? En d'autres termes, quelles transformations de la mobilité tant professionnelle que personnelle peuvent-elles être reliées à la mise en service du TGV ?Pour répondre à ces questions, une enquête coordonnée sur les trois modes de transport (autoroute, avion, train) a été réalisée à l'initiative de l'Observatoire Economique et Statistique des Transports par le Laboratoire d'Economie des Transport en 1989 et en 1993 autour du TGV-Atlantique. Cette enquête, intervenue juste avant et quatre ans après la mise en service du TGV-Atlantique, a permis de recueillir 18.000 questionnaires portant sur l'ensemble des parcours Province-Paris concernés par la nouvelle offre. Cette synthèse des résultats permet de mieux comprendre comment les déplacement professionnels, les déplacements domicile-travail, les déplacements personnels ainsi que les relations entre l'Ile-de-France et les principales agglomérations de la façade atlantique de la France se sont modifiées à la faveur de la mise en service du TGV-A.TGV-Atlantique ; transport ferroviaire ; transport à grande vitesse ; choix du mode de transport ; déplacement domicile-travail; mobilité professionnelle ; déplacement personnel ; enquête ; étude avant-après

    The Arrestin Fold: Variations on a Theme

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    Endocytosis of ligand-activated plasma membrane receptors has been shown to contribute to the regulation of their downstream signaling. β-arrestins interact with the phosphorylated tail of activated receptors and act as scaffolds for the recruitment of adaptor proteins and clathrin, that constitute the machinery used for receptor endocytosis. Visual- and β-arrestins have a two-lobe, immunoglobulin-like, β-strand sandwich structure. The recent resolution of the crystal structure of VPS26, one of the retromer subunits, unexpectedly evidences an arrestin fold in this protein, which is otherwise unrelated to arrestins. From a functional point of view, VPS26 is involved in the retrograde transport of the mannose 6-P receptor from the endosomes to the trans-Golgi network. In addition to the group of genuine arrestins and Vps26, mammalian cells harbor a vast repertoire of proteins that are related to arrestins on the basis of their PFAM Nter and Cter arrestin- domains, which are named Arrestin Domain- Containing proteins (ADCs). The biological role of ADC proteins is still poorly understood. The three subfamilies have been merged into an arrestin-related protein clan

    Global existence and collisions for symmetric configurations of nearly parallel vortex filaments

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    We consider the Schr\"odinger system with Newton-type interactions that was derived by R. Klein, A. Majda and K. Damodaran [18] to modelize the dynamics of N nearly parallel vortex filaments in a 3-dimensional homogeneous incompressible uid. The known large time existence results are due to C. Kenig, G. Ponce and L. Vega [17] and concern the interaction of two filaments and particular configurations of three filaments. In this article we prove large time existence results for particular configurations of four nearly parallel filaments and for a class of configurations of N nearly parallel filaments for any N\geq 2. We also show the existence of travelling wave type dynamics. Finally we describe configurations leading to collision.Comment: 21 page

    The arrestin-domain containing protein AdcA is a response element to stress.

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    International audienceBACKGROUND: Cell behaviour is tightly determined by sensing and integration of extracellular changes through membrane detectors such as receptors and transporters and activation of downstream signalling cascades. Arrestin proteins act as scaffolds at the plasma membrane and along the endocytic pathway, where they regulate the activity and the fate of some of these detectors. Members of the arrestin clan are widely present from unicellular to metazoa, with roles in signal transduction and metabolism. As a soil amoeba, Dictyostelium is frequently confronted with environmental changes likely to compromise survival. Here, we investigated whether the recently described arrestin-related protein AdcA is part of the cell response to stresses. RESULTS: Our data provide evidence that AdcA responds to a variety of stresses including hyperosmolarity by a transient phosphorylation. Analysis in different mutant backgrounds revealed that AdcA phosphorylation involves pathways other than the DokA and cGMP-dependent osmostress pathways, respectively known to regulate PKA and STATc, key actors in the cellular response to conditions of hyperosmolarity. Interestingly, however, both AdcA and STATc are sensitive to changes in the F-actin polymerization status, suggesting a common primary sensor/trigger and linking the stress-sensitive kinase responsive for AdcA phosphorylation to the actin cytoskeleton. We also show that STATc-dependent transcriptional activity is involved for the timely dephosphorylation of AdcA in cells under stress. CONCLUSION: Under osmotic stress, AdcA undergoes a phosphorylation-dephosphorylation cycle involving a stress-sensitive kinase and the transcription regulator STATc. This transient post-transcriptional modification may allow a regulation of AdcA function possibly to optimize the cellular stress response

    Assortative mating and differential male mating success in an ash hybrid zone population

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    BACKGROUND: The structure and evolution of hybrid zones depend mainly on the relative importance of dispersal and local adaptation, and on the strength of assortative mating. Here, we study the influence of dispersal, temporal isolation, variability in phenotypic traits and parasite attacks on the male mating success of two parental species and hybrids by real-time pollen flow analysis. We focus on a hybrid zone population between the two closely related ash species Fraxinus excelsior L. (common ash) and F. angustifolia Vahl (narrow-leaved ash), which is composed of individuals of the two species and several hybrid types. This population is structured by flowering time: the F. excelsior individuals flower later than the F. angustifolia individuals, and the hybrid types flower in-between. Hybrids are scattered throughout the population, suggesting favorable conditions for their local adaptation. We estimate jointly the best-fitting dispersal kernel, the differences in male fecundity due to variation in phenotypic traits and level of parasite attack, and the strength of assortative mating due to differences in flowering phenology. In addition, we assess the effect of accounting for genotyping error on these estimations. RESULTS: We detected a very high pollen immigration rate and a fat-tailed dispersal kernel, counter-balanced by slight phenological assortative mating and short-distance pollen dispersal. Early intermediate flowering hybrids, which had the highest male mating success, showed optimal sex allocation and increased selfing rates. We detected asymmetry of gene flow, with early flowering trees participating more as pollen donors than late flowering trees. CONCLUSION: This study provides striking evidence that long-distance gene flow alone is not sufficient to counter-act the effects of assortative mating and selfing. Phenological assortative mating and short-distance dispersal can create temporal and spatial structuring that appears to maintain this hybrid population. The asymmetry of gene flow, with higher fertility and increased selfing, can potentially confer a selective advantage to early flowering hybrids in the zone. In the event of climate change, hybridization may provide a means for F. angustifolia to further extend its range at the expense of F. excelsior

    Kaluza-Klein and Gauss-Bonnet cosmic strings

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    We make a systematic investigation of stationary cylindrically symmetric solutions to the five-dimensional Einstein and Einstein-Gauss-Bonnet equations. Apart from the five-dimensional neutral cosmic string metric, we find two new exact solutions which qualify as cosmic strings, one corresponding to an electrically charged cosmic string, the other to an extended superconducting cosmic string surrounding a charged core. In both cases, test particles are deflected away from the singular line source. We extend both kinds of solutions to exact multi-cosmic string solutions.Comment: 26 pages, LaTex, no figure

    Extensive NEUROG3 occupancy in the human pancreatic endocrine gene regulatory network.

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    OBJECTIVE: Mice lacking the bHLH transcription factor (TF) Neurog3 do not form pancreatic islet cells, including insulin-secreting beta cells, the absence of which leads to diabetes. In humans, homozygous mutations of NEUROG3 manifest with neonatal or childhood diabetes. Despite this critical role in islet cell development, the precise function of and downstream genetic programs regulated directly by NEUROG3 remain elusive. Therefore, we mapped genome-wide NEUROG3 occupancy in human induced pluripotent stem cell (hiPSC)-derived endocrine progenitors and determined NEUROG3 dependency of associated genes to uncover direct targets. METHODS: We generated a novel hiPSC line (NEUROG3-HA-P2A-Venus) where NEUROG3 is HA-tagged and fused to a self-cleaving fluorescent VENUS reporter. We used the CUT&RUN technique to map NEUROG3 occupancy and epigenetic marks in pancreatic endocrine progenitors (PEP) that were differentiated from this hiPSC line. We integrated NEUROG3 occupancy data with chromatin status and gene expression in PEPs as well as their NEUROG3-dependence. In addition, we investigated whether NEUROG3 binds type 2 diabetes mellitus (T2DM)-associated variants at the PEP stage. RESULTS: CUT&RUN revealed a total of 863 NEUROG3 binding sites assigned to 1263 unique genes. NEUROG3 occupancy was found at promoters as well as at distant cis-regulatory elements that frequently overlapped within PEP active enhancers. De novo motif analyses defined a NEUROG3 consensus binding motif and suggested potential co-regulation of NEUROG3 target genes by FOXA or RFX transcription factors. We found that 22% of the genes downregulated in NEUROG3-/- PEPs, and 10% of genes enriched in NEUROG3-Venus positive endocrine cells were bound by NEUROG3 and thus likely to be directly regulated. NEUROG3 binds to 138 transcription factor genes, some with important roles in islet cell development or function, such as NEUROD1, PAX4, NKX2-2, SOX4, MLXIPL, LMX1B, RFX3, and NEUROG3 itself, and many others with unknown islet function. Unexpectedly, we uncovered that NEUROG3 targets genes critical for insulin secretion in beta cells (e.g., GCK, ABCC8/KCNJ11, CACNA1A, CHGA, SCG2, SLC30A8, and PCSK1). Thus, analysis of NEUROG3 occupancy suggests that the transient expression of NEUROG3 not only promotes islet destiny in uncommitted pancreatic progenitors, but could also initiate endocrine programs essential for beta cell function. Lastly, we identified eight T2DM risk SNPs within NEUROG3-bound regions. CONCLUSION: Mapping NEUROG3 genome occupancy in PEPs uncovered unexpectedly broad, direct control of the endocrine genes, raising novel hypotheses on how this master regulator controls islet and beta cell differentiation

    Sub-terahertz, microwaves and high energy emissions during the December 6, 2006 flare, at 18:40 UT

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    The presence of a solar burst spectral component with flux density increasing with frequency in the sub-terahertz range, spectrally separated from the well-known microwave spectral component, bring new possibilities to explore the flaring physical processes, both observational and theoretical. The solar event of 6 December 2006, starting at about 18:30 UT, exhibited a particularly well-defined double spectral structure, with the sub-THz spectral component detected at 212 and 405 GHz by SST and microwaves (1-18 GHz) observed by the Owens Valley Solar Array (OVSA). Emissions obtained by instruments in satellites are discussed with emphasis to ultra-violet (UV) obtained by the Transition Region And Coronal Explorer (TRACE), soft X-rays from the Geostationary Operational Environmental Satellites (GOES) and X- and gamma-rays from the Ramaty High Energy Solar Spectroscopic Imager (RHESSI). The sub-THz impulsive component had its closer temporal counterpart only in the higher energy X- and gamma-rays ranges. The spatial positions of the centers of emission at 212 GHz for the first flux enhancement were clearly displaced by more than one arc-minute from positions at the following phases. The observed sub-THz fluxes and burst source plasma parameters were found difficult to be reconciled to a purely thermal emission component. We discuss possible mechanisms to explain the double spectral components at microwaves and in the THz ranges.Comment: Accepted version for publication in Solar Physic