181 research outputs found

    Les salicornietum emerici et ramosissimae du littoral méditerranéen français

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    En este trabajo, los áutores señalan precisiones taxonómicas y corológicas sobre las Salicornias anuales del litoral mediterráneo francés. Salicornia emerie!, tetraploide y Salicornia ramosissima diploide tienen una distribución mediterránea, atlántica alcanzando Bretaña y el 5. de Inglaterra. En el Mediterráneo definen dos asociaciones territoriales, Arthocnemo-Salieornietum emerieiy Arthorocnemo-Salicornietum ramosissimae la primera en la franja interna y la segunda en la franja externa de las lagunas sobre sustrato mineral clorurado y sujeto a desecación estival

    O nekim biljnim zajednicama s vrstom Euphorbia dendroides L. u Grčkoj

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    The article is a study of vegetation in some maquises of Euphorbia dendroides and Olea sylvestris the authors have found in continental Greece at Monastiraki (the Corinth Canal) and on the island of Crete (at Kissomos and Sauda). Such vegetation belongs to the association Oleo-Euphorbie- tum dendroidis Trinajstic (1973) 1984 described for some places along the coast of Yugoslavia. Among the relevés shown, the ones coming from Monastiraki are the most corresponding to the association, while the others taken on the Island Crete belong to a really nitrophilous variant of the same association.Prikazana je vegetacija nekih sastojina s vrstama Euphorbia den- droides i Olea sylvestris, koje su autori pronašli u kontinentalnoj Grčkoj kraj Monastirakija (Korintski kanal) i na otoku Kreti (u Kissomosu i Saudi). Ta je vegetacija označena kao asocijacija Oleo-Euphorbietum dendroidis Trinajstić (1973) 1984 opisana ranije iz nekih područja jugoslavenske obale. Među prikazanim sastojinama najviše odgovaraju asocijaciji one iz okolice Monastirakija, dok ostale, snimljene na otoku Kreti, pripadaju nitrofilnoj varijanti te asocijacije. Iznesena su napokon neka razmatranja o rasprostranjenosti te zajednice u Sredozemlju. Autori smatraju da je as. Oleo-Euphorbietum dendroidis prisutna samo na Balkanskom poluotoku gdje se javlja u obliku dviju geografskih rasa, od kojih je jedna rasprostranjena pretežno uz Jadran s mezofilnim karakteristikama, i druga uz Egejsko more termofilnoga karaktera. Sastojine s vrstom Ephorbia dendroides, dominantnom u središnjem i zapadnom Mediteranu, pripadale bi, međutim, drugim zajednicama koje će moći biti opisane kasnije nakon podrobnijih istraživanja

    Visão Integrada do Contacto com Cliente numa Empresa da Indústria de Bebidas

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    Phytocoenotic Index of Forests Age The authors review the principal phytocoenotic and vegetative index which may give some more information about the valuation of the age of forests. These index are of dendrological, floristical, structural, coenotic, ecodynamical and finally chronological matter.Les auteurs passent en revue les principaux indices végétaux et phytocœnotiques susceptibles d'apporter des éléments d'information pour l'évaluation de l'âge des forêts. Ces indices sont d'ordre dendrologique, floristique, structural, cœnotique, éco-dynamique et chronologique.Géhu Jean-Marie, Géhu-franck Jeannette. Indices phytocoenotiques d'ancienneté des forêts. In: Hommes et Terres du Nord, 1986/2-3. Actes du colloque Du pollen au cadastre pp. 107-109

    Les Juniper-eta macrocarpae sur sable

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    Les auteurs étudient les Junipereta macrocarpae sur sable des dunes mediterranéennes.L'application des méthodes phytosociologiques actuelles permet de mettre en évidence sur les dotes méditerranéennes et les littoraux voisins quatre associations territoriales géosynvicariantes a Juniperus oxycedrus L. ssp. macrocarpa (Sibth. et Sm.) Ball possédant chacunc une aire géographique particuliere.Los autores estudian lalunipereta macrocarpae sobre arena de dunas mediterráneas.La aplicación de métodos fitosociológicos actuales permiten distinguir sobre las costas mediterráneas y los litorales vecinos cuatro asociaciones territoriales geosinvicariantes con Junipertis avycedrus L. subsp. macrocarpa (Sibth. et Sm.) Ball teniendo cada una un entorno geográfico particular

    Regional metacommunities in two coastal systems: spatial structure and drivers of plant assemblages

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    Aim Biogeographical patterns in metacommunities are still poorly understood, and different processes are expected to occur in different habitats. We analysed the regional plant metacommunities of coastal habitats to test whether (1) the influence of space and climate differs between two habitats differentiated along the seashore–inland gradient, and (2) regional variation in species composition of these habitats can be ascribed to different metacommunity paradigms. Location The entire coast of the Iberian Peninsula, south-western Europe. Methods We collected data on the plant species composition of coastal sites on sand dunes across 3000 km of coastline. The sites were classified into two habitats corresponding to shifting and stable sand dunes, and divided into three distinct geographical regions: Cantabrian, Atlantic and Mediterranean. We assessed the geographical structure of the species composition using ordination, estimates of species turnover and spatial autocorrelation. We then used multivariate models and variation partitioning to test the influence of climatic and spatial effects. Analyses were conducted for the whole data set and the geographical subsets. Results Metacommunities from shifting and stable dunes showed similar spa- tial patterns, with the highest species turnover occurring in the Mediterranean region. Similarities between communities that were nearer each other (typically < 100 km) were weaker in shifting than in stable dunes, although the distance decay for sites that were further apart was similar in both habitats. Variation in species composition in shifting dunes was mainly explained by distance and climate, while in stable dunes the effect of climate was clearly dominant. The observed differences were relatively consistent across geographical regions. Main conclusions Distinct processes structure the metacommunities in two dune habitats differentiated along the seashore–inland gradient. Communities of shifting dunes seem to be structured by an interplay of neutral or patch-dynamic processes and to a lesser degree by species sorting. In contrast, communities of stable dunes are mainly governed by species sorting in response to climatic gradi- ents. These results highlight the importance of differentiating habitats according to local ecological factors when analysing regional patterns in metacommunities

    Plant communities of Italy. The vegetation prodrome

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    The Vegetation Prodrome of Italy was promoted in 2012 by the Italian "Ministry of Environment, Land and Sea Protection", in collaboration with the "Italian Society of Botany", to provide a comprehensive and systematic catalogue and description of Italian plant communities. The Prodrome that is presented in this paper is the first full organic synthesis of the vegetation of Italy at the alliance syntaxonomic level. It fulfils several needs, the main one being a unified and comprehensive national framework that may make an important contribution to the definition of the European Vegetation Prodrome. Syntaxonomy, as well as taxonomy, is sometimes based on considerations that may in part diverge: several authors tend to favour models that are divisive or aggregative to a greater or lesser extent in terms of flora, biogeography and ecology. These different points of view stimulate the scientific debate and allow the adoption of a framework that is more widely supported. The Prodrome includes 75 classes, 2 subclasses, 175 orders, 6 suborders and 393 alliances. The classes were grouped into nine broad categories according to structural, physiognomic and synecological elements rather than to syntaxonomic criteria. The rank, full valid name, any synonymies and incorrect names are provided for each syntaxon. The short declaration highlights the physiognomy, synecology, syndynamics and distribution of the plant communities that belong to the syntaxon. The Prodrome of the Italian Vegetation is linked to the European Strategy for Biodiversity, the European Habitats Directive and the European Working Groups related to the ecosystems and their services. In addition to basic applications, the Prodrome can be used as a framework for scientific research related to the investigation of the relationships between plant communities and the environmental factors that influence their composition and distribution

    Effect of Manure vs. Fertilizer Inputs on Productivity of Forage Crop Models

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    Manure produced by livestock activity is a dangerous product capable of causing serious environmental pollution. Agronomic management practices on the use of manure may transform the target from a waste to a resource product. Experiments performed on comparison of manure with standard chemical fertilizers (CF) were studied under a double cropping per year regime (alfalfa, model I; Italian ryegrass-corn, model II; barley-seed sorghum, model III; and horse-bean-silage sorghum, model IV). The total amount of manure applied in the annual forage crops of the model II, III and IV was 158, 140 and 80 m3 ha−1, respectively. The manure applied to soil by broadcast and injection procedure provides an amount of nitrogen equal to that supplied by CF. The effect of manure applications on animal feeding production and biochemical soil characteristics was related to the models. The weather condition and manures and CF showed small interaction among treatments. The number of MFU ha−1 of biomass crop gross product produced in autumn and spring sowing models under manure applications was 11,769, 20,525, 11,342, 21,397 in models I through IV, respectively. The reduction of MFU ha−1 under CF ranges from 10.7% to 13.2% those of the manure models. The effect of manure on organic carbon and total nitrogen of topsoil, compared to model I, stressed the parameters as CF whose amount was higher in models II and III than model IV. In term of percentage the organic carbon and total nitrogen of model I and treatment with manure was reduced by about 18.5 and 21.9% in model II and model III and 8.8 and 6.3% in model IV, respectively. Manure management may substitute CF without reducing gross production and sustainability of cropping systems, thus allowing the opportunity to recycle the waste product for animal forage feeding

    Is salinity the main ecologic factor that shapes the distribution of two endemic Mediterranean plant species of the genus Gypsophila?

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    The final publication is available at Springer via http://dx.doi.org/10.1007/s11104-014-2218-2Aims Responses to salt stress of two Gypsophila species that share territory, but with different ecological optima and distribution ranges, were analysed. G. struthium is a regionally dominant Iberian endemic gypsophyte, whereas G. tomentosa is a narrow endemic reported as halophyte. Theworking hypothesis is that salt tolerance shapes the presence of these species in their specific habitats. Methods Taking a multidisciplinary approach, we assessed the soil characteristics and vegetation structure at the sampling site, seed germination and seedling development, growth and flowering, synthesis of proline and cation accumulation under artificial conditions of increasing salt stress and effect of PEG on germination and seedling development. Results Soil salinity was low at the all sampling points where the two species grow, but moisture was higher in the area of G. tomentosa. Differences were found in the species salt and drought tolerance. The different parameters tested did not show a clear pattern indicating the main role of salt tolerance in plant distribution. Conclusions G. tomentosa cannot be considered a true halophyte as previously reported because it is unable to complete its life cycle under salinity. The presence of G. tomentosa in habitats bordering salt marshes is a strategy to avoid plant competition and extreme water stressSoriano, P.; Moruno Manchón, JF.; Boscaiu Neagu, MT.; Vicente Meana, Ó.; Hurtado, A.; Llinares Palacios, JV.; Estrelles, E. (2014). Is salinity the main ecologic factor that shapes the distribution of two endemic Mediterranean plant species of the genus Gypsophila?. Plant and Soil. 384(1-2):363-379. doi:10.1007/s11104-014-2218-2S3633793841-2Alonso MA (1996) Flora y vegetación del Valle de Villena (Alicante). 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