294 research outputs found

    Infrared Emission by Dust Around lambda Bootis Stars: Debris Disks or Thermally Emitting Nebulae?

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    We present a model that describes stellar infrared excesses due to heating of the interstellar (IS) dust by a hot star passing through a diffuse IS cloud. This model is applied to six lambda Bootis stars with infrared excesses. Plausible values for the IS medium (ISM) density and relative velocity between the cloud and the star yield fits to the excess emission. This result is consistent with the diffusion/accretion hypothesis that lambda Bootis stars (A- to F-type stars with large underabundances of Fe-peak elements) owe their characteristics to interactions with the ISM. This proposal invokes radiation pressure from the star to repel the IS dust and excavate a paraboloidal dust cavity in the IS cloud, while the metal-poor gas is accreted onto the stellar photosphere. However, the measurements of the infrared excesses can also be fit by planetary debris disk models. A more detailed consideration of the conditions to produce lambda Bootis characteristics indicates that the majority of infrared-excess stars within the Local Bubble probably have debris disks. Nevertheless, more distant stars may often have excesses due to heating of interstellar material such as in our model.Comment: 10 pages, 5 figures, 4 tables, accepted by ApJ, emulateap

    Production of microemulsion by membrane emulsification: Comparison of empty ceramic tube membrane and membrane equipped with static turbulence promoters

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    Membrane emulsification (ME) is a relatively new technique for the highly controlled production of particulates, which helps to obtain a narrower distribution compared to other emulsification techniques such as homogenizers or ultrasound. Benefits of membrane emulsification for food applications include the low shear properties and the uniform size distribution. In this process, the dispersed phase (oil) is pressed through the pores of a microporous membrane directly into the continuous phase (water) flowing tangentially to the membrane surface. The purpose of the emulsification experimentations was to find and model operating conditions of the operation. In laboratory experiments from conventional, commercial grade sunflower oil (dispersed phase) and from distilled water (solid phase), emulsions were prepared. The ceramic tube membrane with nominal pore size of 1.4 μm was used in the experiments (ZrO2). In order to increase the shear-stress near the membrane wall (influence the characteristics of the flow regime of the continuous phase), a kind of self-fabricated helical-shaped-ribbon reducer was installed inside the tube membrane

    Role of pathogenic oral flora in postoperative pneumonia following brain surgery

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    Background: Post-operative pulmonary infection often appears to result from aspiration of pathogens colonizing the oral cavity. It was hypothesized that impaired periodontal status and pathogenic oral bacteria significantly contribute to development of aspiration pneumonia following neurosurgical operations. Further, the prophylactic effects of a single dose preoperative cefazolin on the oral bacteria were investigated. Methods: A matched cohort of 18 patients without postoperative lung complications was compared to 5 patients who developed pneumonia within 48 hours after brain surgery. Patients waiting for elective operation of a single brain tumor underwent dental examination and saliva collection before surgery. Bacteria from saliva cultures were isolated and periodontal disease was scored according to type and severity. Patients received 15 mg/kg cefazolin intravenously at the beginning of surgery. Serum, saliva and bronchial secretion were collected promptly after the operation. The minimal inhibitory concentrations of cefazolin regarding the isolated bacteria were determined. The actual antibiotic concentrations in serum, saliva and bronchial secretion were measured by capillary electrophoresis upon completion of surgery. Bacteria were isolated again from the sputum of postoperative pneumonia patients. Results: The number and severity of coexisting periodontal diseases were significantly greater in patients with postoperative pneumonia in comparison to the control group (p = 0.031 and p = 0.002, respectively). The relative risk of developing postoperative pneumonia in high periodontal score patients was 3.5 greater than in patients who had low periodontal score (p < 0.0001). Cefazolin concentration in saliva and bronchial secretion remained below detectable levels in every patient. Conclusion: Presence of multiple periodontal diseases and pathogenic bacteria in the saliva are important predisposing factors of postoperative aspiration pneumonia in patients after brain surgery. The low penetration rate of cefazolin into the saliva indicates that its prophylactic administration may not be sufficient to prevent postoperative aspiration pneumonia. Our study suggests that dental examination may be warranted in order to identify patients at high risk of developing postoperative respiratory infections

    Spectral Tuning of Phototaxis by a Go-Opsin in the Rhabdomeric Eyes of Platynereis

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    SummaryPhototaxis is characteristic of the pelagic larval stage of most bottom-dwelling marine invertebrates [1]. Larval phototaxis is mediated by simple eyes that can express various types of light-sensitive G-protein-coupled receptors known as opsins [2–8]. Since opsins diversified early during metazoan evolution in the marine environment [9], understanding underwater light detection could elucidate this diversification. Opsins have been classified into three major families, the r-opsins, the c-opsins, and the Go/RGR opsins, a family uniting Go-opsins, retinochromes, RGR opsins, and neuropsins [10, 11]. The Go-opsins form an ancient and poorly characterized group retained only in marine invertebrate genomes. Here, we characterize a Go-opsin from the marine annelid Platynereis dumerilii [3–5, 12–15]. We found Go-opsin1 coexpressed with two r-opsins in depolarizing rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells in the pigmented eyes of Platynereis larvae. We purified recombinant Go-opsin1 and found that it absorbs in the blue-cyan range of the light spectrum. To characterize the function of Go-opsin1, we generated a Go-opsin1 knockout Platynereis line by zinc-finger-nuclease-mediated genome engineering. Go-opsin1 knockout larvae were phototactic but showed reduced efficiency of phototaxis to wavelengths matching the in vitro Go-opsin1 spectrum. Our results highlight spectral tuning of phototaxis as a potential mechanism contributing to opsin diversity

    Breathing Spots in a Reaction-Diffusion System

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    A quasi-2-dimensional stationary spot in a disk-shaped chemical reactor is observed to bifurcate to an oscillating spot when a control parameter is increased beyond a critical value. Further increase of the control parameter leads to the collapse and disappearance of the spot. Analysis of a bistable activator-inhibitor model indicates that the observed behavior is a consequence of interaction of the front with the boundary near a parity breaking front bifurcation.Comment: 4 pages RevTeX, see also http://chaos.ph.utexas.edu/ and http://t7.lanl.gov/People/Aric

    Forming the first planetary systems: debris around Galactic thick disc stars

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    The thick disc contains stars formed within the first Gyr of Galactic history, and little is known about their planetary systems. The Spitzer MIPS instrument was used to search 11 of the closest of these old low-metal stars for circumstellar debris, as a signpost that bodies at least as large as planetesimals were formed. A total of 22 thick disc stars has now been observed, after including archival data, but dust is not found in any of the systems. The data rule out a high incidence of debris among star systems from early in the Galaxy's formation. However, some stars of this very old population do host giant planets, at possibly more than the general incidence among low-metal Sun-like stars. As the Solar System contains gas giants but little cometary dust, the thick disc could host analogue systems that formed many Gyr before the Sun.Comment: accepted by MNRAS Letters; 5 pages, 4 figure

    The first CCD photometric study of the open cluster NGC 2126

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    We present the first CCD photometric observations of the northern open cluster NGC 2126. Data were taken on eight nights in February and December 2002 with a total time span of ~57 hours. Almost 1000 individual V-band frames were examined to find short-period variable stars. We discovered six new variable stars, of which one is a promising candidate for an eclipsing binary with a pulsating component. Two stars were classified as delta Scuti stars and one as Algol-type eclipsing binary. Two stars are slow variables with ambiguous classification. From absolute VRI photometry we have estimated the main characteristics of the cluster: m-M=11.0+/-0.5, E(V-I)=0.4+/-0.1, E(V-R)=0.08+/-0.06 (E(B-V)=0.2+/-0.15) and d=1.3+/-0.6 kpc. Cluster membership is suggested for three variable stars from their positions on the colour-magnitude diagram.Comment: 7 pages, 10 figures, accepted for publication in A&

    HST and Spitzer Observations of the HD 207129 Debris Ring

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    A debris ring around the star HD 207129 (G0V; d = 16.0 pc) has been imaged in scattered visible light with the ACS coronagraph on the Hubble Space Telescope and in thermal emission using MIPS on the Spitzer Space Telescope at 70 microns (resolved) and 160 microns (unresolved). Spitzer IRS (7-35 microns) and MIPS (55-90 microns) spectrographs measured disk emission at >28 microns. In the HST image the disk appears as a ~30 AU wide ring with a mean radius of ~163 AU and is inclined by 60 degrees from pole-on. At 70 microns it appears partially resolved and is elongated in the same direction and with nearly the same size as seen with HST in scattered light. At 0.6 microns the ring shows no significant brightness asymmetry, implying little or no forward scattering by its constituent dust. With a mean surface brightness of V=23.7 mag per square arcsec, it is the faintest disk imaged to date in scattered light.Comment: 28 pages, 8 figure

    HAT-P-58b-HAT-P-64b: Seven Planets Transiting Bright Stars

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    We report the discovery and characterization of seven transiting exoplanets from the HATNet survey. The planets, which are hot Jupiters and Saturns transiting bright Sun-like stars, include: HAT-P-58b (with mass Mp = 0.37 MJ, radius Rp = 1.33 RJ, and orbital period P = 4.0138 days), HAT-P-59b (Mp = 1.54 MJ, Rp = 1.12 RJ, P = 4.1420 days), HAT-P-60b (Mp = 0.57 MJ, Rp = 1.63 RJ, P = 4.7948 days), HAT-P-61b (Mp = 1.06 MJ, Rp = 0.90 RJ, P = 1.9023 days), HAT-P-62b (Mp = 0.76 MJ, Rp = 1.07 RJ, P = 2.6453 days), HAT-P-63b (Mp = 0.61 MJ, Rp = 1.12 RJ, P = 3.3777 days), and HAT-P-64b (Mp = 0.58 MJ, Rp = 1.70 RJ, P = 4.0072 days). The typical errors on these quantities are 0.06 MJ, 0.03 RJ, and 0.2 s, respectively. We also provide accurate stellar parameters for each of the host stars. With V = 9.710 ± 0.050 mag, HAT-P-60 is an especially bright transiting planet host, and an excellent target for additional follow-up observations. With Rp = 1.703 ± 0.070 RJ, HAT-P-64b is a highly inflated hot Jupiter around a star nearing the end of its main-sequence lifetime, and is among the largest known planets. Five of the seven systems have long-cadence observations by TESS which are included in the analysis. Of particular note is HAT-P-59 (TOI-1826.01) which is within the northern continuous viewing zone of the TESS mission, and HAT-P-60, which is the TESS candidate TOI-1580.01. * Based on observations of the Hungarian-made Automated Telescope Network and observations obtained at the following observatories: W. M. Keck Observatory, the 1.5 m and the 1.2 m telescopes at the Fred Lawrence Whipple Observatory of the Smithsonian Astrophysical Observatory, the Kitt Peak National Observatory, the 1.93 m telescope at Observatoire de Haute-Provence, the Subaru Telescope of the National Astronomical Observatory of Japan, the Nordic Optical Telescope in the Spanish Observatorio del Roque de los Muchachos of the Intituto de Astrofísica de Canarias, and the Apache Point Observatory 3.5 m telescope

    The first year of SN 2004dj in NGC 2403

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    New BVRI photometry and optical spectroscopy of the Type IIp supernova 2004dj in NGC 2403, obtained during the first year since discovery, are presented. The progenitor cluster, Sandage 96, is also detected on pre-explosion frames. The light curve indicates that the explosion occured about 30 days before discovery, and the plateau phase lasted about +110 \pm 20 days after that. The plateau-phase spectra have been modelled with the SYNOW spectral synthesis code using H, NaI, TiII, ScII, FeII and BaII lines. The SN distance is inferred from the Expanding Photosphere Method and the Standard Candle Method applicable for SNe IIp. They resulted in distances that are consistent with each other as well as earlier Cepheid- and Tully-Fisher distances. The average distance, D = 3.47 \pm 0.29 Mpc is proposed for SN 2004dj and NGC 2403. The nickel mass produced by the explosion is estimated as 0.02 \pm 0.01 M_o. The SED of the progenitor cluster is reanalysed by fitting population synthesis models to our observed BVRI data supplemented by U and JKH magnitudes from the literature. The chi^2-minimization revealed a possible "young" solution with cluster age T_{cl} = 8 Myr, and an "old" solution with T_{cl} = 20 - 30 Myr. The "young" solution would imply a progenitor mass M > 20 M_o, which is higher than the previously detected progenitor masses for Type II SNe.Comment: 19 pages, accepted in MNRA