570 research outputs found

    Gauging the Full R-Symmetry Group in Five-dimensional, N=2 Yang-Mills/Einstein/tensor Supergravity

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    We show that certain five dimensional, N=2 Yang-Mills/Einstein supergravity theories admit the gauging of the full R-symmetry group, SU(2)_R, of the underlying N=2 Poincare superalgebra. This generalizes the previously studied Abelian gaugings of U(1)_R subgroup of SU(2)_R and completes the construction of the most general vector and tensor field coupled five dimensional N=2 supergravity theories with gauge interactions. The gauging of SU(2)_R turns out to be possible only in special cases, and leads to a new type of scalar potential. For a large class of these theories the potential does not have any critical points.Comment: Latex file, 15 pages ; section two is split in two and the discussion of the critical points is moved into the new section. Version to appear in Physical Review

    Lectures on Spectrum Generating Symmetries and U-duality in Supergravity, Extremal Black Holes, Quantum Attractors and Harmonic Superspace

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    We review the underlying algebraic structures of supergravity theories with symmetric scalar manifolds in five and four dimensions, orbits of their extremal black hole solutions and the spectrum generating extensions of their U-duality groups. For 5D, N=2 Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories (MESGT) defined by Euclidean Jordan algebras, J, the spectrum generating symmetry groups are the conformal groups Conf(J) of J which are isomorphic to their U-duality groups in four dimensions. Similarly, the spectrum generating symmetry groups of 4D, N=2 MESGTs are the quasiconformal groups QConf(J) associated with J that are isomorphic to their U-duality groups in three dimensions. We then review the work on spectrum generating symmetries of spherically symmetric stationary 4D BPS black holes, based on the equivalence of their attractor equations and the equations for geodesic motion of a fiducial particle on the target spaces of corresponding 3D supergravity theories obtained by timelike reduction. We also discuss the connection between harmonic superspace formulation of 4D, N=2 sigma models coupled to supergravity and the minimal unitary representations of their isometry groups obtained by quantizing their quasiconformal realizations. We discuss the relevance of this connection to spectrum generating symmetries and conclude with a brief summary of more recent results.Comment: 55 pages; Latex fil


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    We review the construction of extended ( N=2 and N=4 ) superconformal algebras over triple systems and the gauged WZW models invariant under them. The N=2 superconformal algebras (SCA) realized over Freudenthal triple systems (FTS) admit extension to ``maximal'' N=4 SCA's with SU(2)XSU(2)XU(1) symmetry. A detailed study of the construction and classification of N=2 and N=4 SCA's over Freudenthal triple systems is given. We conclude with a study and classification of gauged WZW models with N=4 superconformal symmetry.Comment: Invited talk presented at the Gursey Memorial Conference I in Istanbul, Turkiye (June 6-10, 1994). To appear in the proceedings of the conference. (21 pages. Latex document.

    Orbits of Exceptional Groups, Duality and BPS States in String Theory

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    We give an invariant classification of orbits of the fundamental representations of exceptional groups E7(7)E_{7(7)} and E6(6)E_{6(6)} which classify BPS states in string and M theories toroidally compactified to d=4 and d=5. The exceptional Jordan algebra and the exceptional Freudenthal triple system and their cubic and quartic invariants play a major role in this classification. The cubic and quartic invariants correspond to the black hole entropy in d=5 and d=4, respectively. The classification of BPS states preserving different numbers of supersymmetries is in close parallel to the classification of the little groups and the orbits of timelike, lightlike and space-like vectors in Minkowski space. The orbits of BPS black holes in N=2 Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories in d=4 and d=5 with symmetric space geometries are also classified including the exceptional N=2 theory that has E7(25)E_{7(-25)} and E6(26)E_{6(-26)} as its symmety in the respective dimensions.Comment: New references and two tables added, a new section on the orbits of N=2 Maxwell-Einstein supergravity theories in d=4 and d=5 included and some minor changes were made in other sections. 17 pages. Latex fil

    Topological wave functions and heat equations

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    It is generally known that the holomorphic anomaly equations in topological string theory reflect the quantum mechanical nature of the topological string partition function. We present two new results which make this assertion more precise: (i) we give a new, purely holomorphic version of the holomorphic anomaly equations, clarifying their relation to the heat equation satisfied by the Jacobi theta series; (ii) in cases where the moduli space is a Hermitian symmetric tube domain G/KG/K, we show that the general solution of the anomaly equations is a matrix element \IP{\Psi | g | \Omega} of the Schr\"odinger-Weil representation of a Heisenberg extension of GG, between an arbitrary state Ψ\bra{\Psi} and a particular vacuum state Ω\ket{\Omega}. Based on these results, we speculate on the existence of a one-parameter generalization of the usual topological amplitude, which in symmetric cases transforms in the smallest unitary representation of the duality group GG' in three dimensions, and on its relations to hypermultiplet couplings, nonabelian Donaldson-Thomas theory and black hole degeneracies.Comment: 50 pages; v2: small typos fixed, references added; v3: cosmetic changes, published version; v4: typos fixed, small clarification adde

    Conformally coupled supermultiplets in four and five dimensions

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    We obtain by superfield methods the exceptional representations of the OSp(2N/4,R) and SU(2,2/1) superalgebras which extend to supersingletons of SU(2,2/2N) and F(4), respectively. These representations describe superconformally coupled multiplets and appear in three- and four-dimensional superconformal field theories which are holographic descriptions of certain anti-de Sitter supergravities

    Massless Higher Spins and Holography

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    We treat free large N superconformal field theories as holographic duals of higher spin (HS) gauge theories expanded around AdS spacetime with radius R. The HS gauge theories contain massless and light massive AdS fields. The HS current correlators are written in a crossing symmetric form including only exchange of other HS currents. This and other arguments point to the existence of a consistent truncation to massless HS fields. A survey of massless HS theories with 32 supersymmetries in D=4,5,7 (where the 7D results are new) is given and the corresponding composite operators are discussed. In the case of AdS_4, the cubic couplings of a minimal bosonic massless HS gauge theory are described. We examine high energy/small tension limits giving rise to massless HS fields in the Type IIB string on AdS_5 x S^5 and M theory on AdS_{4/7} x S^{7/4}. We discuss breaking of HS symmetries to the symmetries of ordinary supergravity, and a particularly natural Higgs mechanism in AdS_5 x S^5 and AdS_4 x S^7 where the HS symmetry is broken by finite g_{YM}. In AdS_5 x S^5 it is shown that the supermultiplets of the leading Regge trajectory cross over into the massless HS spectrum. We propose that g_{YM}=0 corresponds to a critical string tension of order 1/R^2 and a finite string coupling of order 1/N. In AdS_7 x S^4 we give a rotating membrane solution coupling to the massless HS currents, and describe these as limits of Wilson surfaces in the A_{N-1}(2,0) SCFT, expandable in terms of operators with anomalous dimensions that are asymptotically small for large spin. The minimal energy configurations have semi-classical energy E=s for all s and the geometry of infinitely stretched strings with energy and spin density concentrated at the endpoints.Comment: 77 pages, latex, minor corrections to eqs 4.26-30, a refined discussion of long strings in Sec

    Jordan Pairs, E6 and U-Duality in Five Dimensions

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    By exploiting the Jordan pair structure of U-duality Lie algebras in D = 3 and the relation to the super-Ehlers symmetry in D = 5, we elucidate the massless multiplet structure of the spectrum of a broad class of D = 5 supergravity theories. Both simple and semi-simple, Euclidean rank-3 Jordan algebras are considered. Theories sharing the same bosonic sector but with different supersymmetrizations are also analyzed.Comment: 1+41 pages, 1 Table; v2 : a Ref. and some comments adde

    The R-map and the Coupling of N=2 Tensor Multiplets in 5 and 4 Dimensions

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    We study the dimensional reduction of five dimensional N=2 Yang-Mills-Einstein supergravity theories (YMESGT) coupled to tensor multiplets. The resulting 4D theories involve first order interactions among tensor and vector fields with mass terms. If the 5D gauge group, K, does not mix the 5D tensor and vector fields, the 4D tensor fields can be integrated out in favor of 4D vector fields and the resulting theory is dual to a standard 4D YMESGT. The gauge group has a block diagonal symplectic embedding and is a semi-direct product of the 5D gauge group K with a Heisenberg group of dimension (2P+1), where 2P is the number of tensor fields in five dimensions. There exists an infinite family of theories, thus obtained, whose gauge groups are pp-wave contractions of the simple noncompact groups of type SO*(2M). If, on the other hand, the 5D gauge group does mix the 5D tensor and vector fields, the resulting 4D theory is dual to a 4D YMESGT whose gauge group does, in general,NOT have a block diagonal symplectic embedding and involves additional topological terms. The scalar potentials of the dimensionally reduced theories naturally have some of the ingredients that were found necessary for stable de Sitter ground states. We comment on the relation between the known 5D and 4D, N=2 supergravities with stable de Sitter ground states.Comment: 42 pages;latex fil