274 research outputs found

    Particle size and potential toxic element speciation in municipal solid waste incineration (Mswi) bottom ash

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    The speciation of potentially toxic elements (PTE) in bottom ashes from municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) and their relationship with grain size is investigated. The proposed enrichment of several potential toxic elements in lower sized grains is discussed, comparing the literature and new data on Parma’s waste incinerator. Results from X-ray fluorescence spectrometry (XRF), SEM-EDS, and XRD analyses on different grain size show (1) a positive Si-trend, correlated with grain size and few lithophile elements, such as Zr and Rb. In Parma, Al, K, Mg, and Fe also correlate with Si for the portion below 2 mm; (2) a Ca-trend, with a strong negative correlation with Si and a positive correlation with loss on ignition (LOI), S, Cl, Ti, Zn, Pb, and Sn. Mineralogical composition shows a little change in grain size, as in previous investigations, but with substantial differences in amorphous content. SEM-EDS analysis shows that the amorphous portion is highly heterogeneous, with portions coming from melting during incineration, residual glass, and unburnt loss on ignition (LOI). The above results show that PTE elements are either present as metals (such as Cu and Ni, or Zn, Pb and Sn) in carbonate, sulfate, and amorphous residual LOI portions

    Laboratório Clinico Silva Araujo

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    Urban mining of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI) residues with emphasis on bioleaching technologies: a critical review

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    Metals are essential in our daily lives and have a finite supply, being simultaneously contaminants of concern. The current carbon emissions and environmental impact of mining are untenable. We need to reclaim metals sustainably from secondary resources, like waste. Biotechnology can be applied in metal recovery from waste streams like fly ashes and bottom ashes of municipal solid waste incineration (MSWI). They represent substantial substance flows, with roughly 46 million tons of MSWI ashes produced annually globally, equivalent in elemental richness to low-grade ores for metal recovery. Next-generation methods for resource recovery, as in particular bioleaching, give the opportunity to recover critical materials and metals, appropriately purified for noble applications, in waste treatment chains inspired by circular economy thinking. In this critical review, we can identify three main lines of discussion: (1) MSWI material characterization and related environmental issues; (2) currently available processes for recycling and metal recovery; and (3) microbially assisted processes for potential recycling and metal recovery. Research trends are chiefly oriented to the potential exploitation of bioprocesses in the industry. Biotechnology for resource recovery shows increasing effectiveness especially downstream the production chains, i.e., in the waste management sector. Therefore, this critical discussion will help assessing the industrial potential of biotechnology for urban mining of municipal, post-combustion waste

    Universities, Archaeology and Paulo Duarte.

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    This article aims to analyze the trajectory of the academic Archaeology in Brazilian Universities from an institutional perspective of the State of São Paulo. Choosing an externalist view of the history of science, one that insets science itself into a wider social context, we will discuss: the University of São Paulo foundation and the institutionalization of intellectual relations with France in the 1930s and 1940s; the work of Paul Duarte, Brazilian humanist, responsible, among other accomplishments, for the creation of the Institute of Prehistory ; the military coup and its aftermath on university’s Archaeology; and, at last, the political democratization in the 1980s and the insertion of Brazilian researches in the international arena.O presente artigo almeja analisar a trajetória da Arqueologia acadêmica universitária no Brasil, partindo de uma perspectiva institucional do Estado de São Paulo. Opta-se por uma visão externalista da História da Ciência, inserindo a própria ciência em um contexto social mais amplo.Com esse objetivo, passaremos pela fundação da Universidade de São Paulo e a institucionalização das relações intelectuais com a França, nas décadas de 1930 e 1940; as ações de Paulo Duarte, humanista brasileiro responsável, entre outras realizações, pela fundação do Instituto de Pré-história; o Golpe Militar e seus desdobramentos sobre algumas das práticas da Arqueologia universitária, chegando, por fim, à democratização política nos anos de 1980 e a inserção das pesquisas brasileiras no cenário internacional


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    Background:Nursing management in Rheumatic Diseases (RD) is focused on global patient care. Starting from basic knowledge of diagnostic and therapeutic management, nurses can assess the impact of RD on patients' quality of life not only at the physical level, but also at the psychological, social, and emotional levels.Objectives:To evaluate psycosocial changes in RD patients through nursing-led Patient-Reported OutcomesMethods:We performed a cross-sectional study of 100 RD patients compared with 100 healthy volunteers matched for age, sex and BMI. Specialist nurses invited patients and volunteers to complete questionnaires on quality of life through seven domains (anxiety, depression, fatigue, sleep disturbance, pain interference, physical functions and satisfaction with participation in social roles) of the Patient-Reported Outcomes Measurement Information System (PROMIS).Results:Among 100 RD patients, 52 (52%) had a diagnosis of Rheumatoid Arthritis; 17 (17%) had a diagnosis of axial spondylorthritis (Ankylosing Spondylitis and Psoriatic Artritis); 25 (25%) had connectivitis (i.e. Lupus, Systemic Sclerosis, Sjögren Syndrome), and finally 6 (6%) had vasculitis. Median disease duration was 7±5 years. Just under half (43%) of RD patients had active disease measured by specific disease activity index. As shown in table 1, no significant difference highlight between the two groups with regard to anthropompetric and demographic characteristics. We found that patients report significantly greater psychosocial changes than healthy controls. More specifically, as shown in figure 1A, mean T score for anxiety, depression, fatigue and sleep disturbances were significantly higher in the RD patients than in healthy controls (56 ± 9 vs 48 ± 8 p<0.001; 52 ± 9 vs 46 ± 8 p <0.001; 58 ± 8vs 48 ± 8 p <0.001; 52 ± 10 vs 44 ± 8 p <0.001) respectively. Moreover, also in the social dimension in terms of pain interference, physical functions and satisfaction with participation in social roles, patients showed a median T score worse than healthy controls (Fig.1B).Table 1Patients(N=100)Healthy(N=100)pDemographic and AnthropometricAge (years)52.5±1151±18nsGender n male (%)43 (43)47 (47)nsBMI (Kg/m2)25.1±427.8±4nsSmoke n (%)52 (52)46 (46)nsMarital Status n not married (%)42(42)41 (41)nsOccupation n yes (%)31 (31)35 (35)nsEducation level n degree (%)54 (54)64 (64)nsRheumatoid Arthritis52 (52)-Axial Spondylorthritis17 (17)-Connectivitis25 (25)-Vasculitis6 (6)-Disease duration (years)7.1±5.18-Disease Activity n yes (%)43 (43)-Medications n (% patients)-NSAID7 (7)-Steroids26 (26)-Biological Treatment54 (54)-Methotrexate34 (34)-Continuous variables are shown as mean ± standard deviation. Categorical variables are presented as number and proportion. The overall p-value was calculated by the Mann–Whitney non-parametric test for independent samples and by Chi-square test as appropriateFigure 1.Median T Score stratified by study group. Data are shown as mean and standard deviation. The overall p-value wascalculated by the Mann–Whitney non-parametric test for independent samples.Conclusion:This exploratory study highlights the need to adopt validated questionnaires in clinical practice, and demonstrates that PROMIS is a valid, objective, and standardized instrument that can help nursing staff to better define the consequences of the disease in a patient's daily life.References:[1]Minnock P, McKee G, Kelly A, et al. Nursing sensitive outcomes in patients with rheumatoid arthritis: a systematic literature review.Int. J. Nurs. Stud., 77 (2017), pp. 115-129[2]Bartlett SJ, Orbai AM, Duncan T, et al. Reliability and validity of selected PROMIS measures in people with rheumatoid arthritis. PloS One. 2015Disclosure of Interests:None declare

    Trypanocidal Activity Of Brazilian Plants Against Epimastigote Forms From Y And Bolivia Strains Of Trypanosoma Cruzi

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    Chagas disease is one of the main public health problems in Latin America. Since the available treatments for this disease are not effective in providing cure, the screening of potential antiprotozoal agents is essential, mainly of those obtained from natural sources. This study aimed to provide an evaluation of the trypanocidal activity of 92 ethanol extracts from species belonging to the families Annonaceae, Apiaceae, Cucurbitaceae, Lamiaceae, Lauraceae, Moraceae, Nyctaginaceae, and Verbenaceae against the Y and Bolivia strains of Trypanosoma cruzi. Additionally, cytotoxic activity on LLCMK2 fibroblasts was evaluated. Both the trypanocidal activity and cytotoxicity were evaluated using the MTT method, in the following concentrations: 500, 350, 250, and 100 μg/mL. Benznidazole was used for positive control. The best results among the 92 samples evaluated were obtained with ethanol extracts of Ocotea paranapiacabensis (Am93) and Aegiphila lhotzkiana (Am160). Am93 showed trypanocidal activity against epimastigote forms of the Bolivia strain and was moderately toxic to LLCMK2 cells, its Selectivity Index (SI) being 14.56, while Am160 showed moderate trypanocidal activity against the Bolivia strain and moderate toxicicity, its SI being equal to 1.15. The screening of Brazilian plants has indicated the potential effect of ethanol extracts obtained from Ocotea paranapiacabensis and Aegiphila lhotzkiana against Chagas disease.223528533Bastos, J.K., Albuquerque, S., Silva, M.L.A., Evaluation of the trypanocidal activity of lignans isolated from the leaves of Zanthoxylum naranjillo (1999) Planta Med, 65, pp. 1-4Batista Jr., J.M., Lopes, A.A., Ambrósio, D.L., Regasini, L.O., Kato, M.J., Bolzani, V.S., Cicarelli, R.M., Furlan, M., Natural chromenes and chromene derivatives as potencial antitrypanosomal agents (2008) Biol Pharm Bull, 31, pp. 538-540Botsaris, A., Plants used traditionally to treat malaria in Brazil: The archives of Flora Medicinal (2007) J Ethnobiol Ethnomed, 1, p. 18Buainain, A., Giazzi, J.F., Belda Neto, F.M., Martini, A.S., Rosa, J.A., Pozetti, G.L., Estudo da atividade de extratos vegetais sobre o desenvolvimento de Trypanosoma cruzi em meio líquido de Warren (1992) Rev Cien Farm, 14, pp. 93-102Cabral, M.M., Barbosa-Filho, J.M., Maia, G.L., Chaves, M.C., Braga, M.V., de Souza, W., Neolignans from plants in northeastern Brazil (Lauraceae) with activity against (2010) Trypanosoma Cruzi. Exp Parasitol, 124, pp. 319-324Costa-Lotufo, L.V., Silveira, E.R., Barros, M.C., Lima, M.A., de Moraes, M.E., de Moraes, M.O., Pessoa, C., Antiproliferative effects of abietane diterpenes from aegiphilla lhotzkyana (2004) Planta Med, 70, pp. 180-182Cotinguiba, F., Regasini, L.O., Bolzani, V.S., Debonsi, H.M., Passerini, D.O., Cicarelli, R.M.B., Kato, M.J., Furlan, M., Piperamides and their derivatives as potential antitrypanosomal agents (2009) Med Chem Res, 18, pp. 703-711Coura, J.R., Castro, S.L., A critical review on Chagas disease chemotherapy (2002) Mem I Oswaldo Cruz, 97, pp. 3-24Coura, J.R., Present situation and new strategies for Chagas disease chemotherapy: A proposal (2009) Mem I Oswaldo Cruz, 104, pp. 549-554Fernandes, O., Souto, R.P., Castro, J.A., Pereira, J.B., Fernandes, N.C., Junqueira, A.C., Naiff, R.D., Coura, J.R., Brazilian isolates of Trypanosoma cruzi from humans and triatomines classified into two lineages using mini-exon and ribosomal RNA sequences (1998) Am J Trop Med Hyg, 58, pp. 807-811Fournet, A., Ferreira, M.E., Rojas de Arias, A., Guy, I., Guinaudeau, H., Heinzen, H., Phytochemical and antiprotozoal activity of (2007) Ocotea Lancifolia. Fitoterapia, 78, pp. 382-384Lopes, A.A., López, S.N., Regasini, L.O., Batista, J.M., Ambrósio, D.L., Kato, M.J., da Silva, B.V., Furlan, M., In vitro activity of compounds isolated from Piper crassinervium against Trypanosoma cruzi (2008) Nat Prod Res, 22, pp. 1040-1046Macedo, A.M., Oliveira, R.P., Pena, S.D.J., Chagas disease: Role of parasite genetic variation in pathogenesis (2002) Exp Mol Med, 4, pp. 1-16Muelas-Serrano, S., Nogal-Ruiz, J.J., Gómez-Barrio, A., Setting of a colorimetric method to determine the viability of Trypanosoma cruzi epimastigotes (2000) Parasitol Res, 86, pp. 999-1002Nwaka, S., Ridley, R.G., Virtual drug discovery and development for neglected diseases through publicprivate partnerships (2003) Nat Rev Drug Discov, 2, pp. 919-928Osorio, E., Arango, G.J., Jiménez, N., Alzate, F., Ruiz, G., Gutiérrez, D., Paco, M.A., Robledo, S., Antiprotozoal and cytotoxic activities in vitro of Colombian Annonaceae (2007) J Ethnopharmacol, 111, pp. 630-635Regasini, L.O., Cotinguiba, F., Passerini, G.D., Bolzani, V.S., Cicarelli, R.M.B., Kato, M.J., Furlan, M., Trypanocidal activity of Piper arboreum and Piper tuberculatum (Piperaceae) (2009) Rev Bras Farmacog, 19, pp. 199-203Saraiva, J., Vega, C., Rolon, M., da Silva, R., Silva, M.L., Donate, P.M., Bastos, J.K., de Albuquerque, S., In vitro and in vivo activity of lignan lactones derivatives against Trypanosoma cruzi (2007) Parasitol Res, 100, pp. 791-795Tibayrenc, M., Ayala, F.J., The clonal theory of parasitic protozoa: 12 years on (2002) Trends Parasitol, 18, pp. 405-410(2010), http://www.who.int/mediacentre/factsheets/fs340/en/index.html, World Health Organization 2010, accessed in Au

    Disease Gene Characterization through Large-Scale Co-Expression Analysis

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    In the post genome era, a major goal of biology is the identification of specific roles for individual genes. We report a new genomic tool for gene characterization, the UCLA Gene Expression Tool (UGET).Celsius, the largest co-normalized microarray dataset of Affymetrix based gene expression, was used to calculate the correlation between all possible gene pairs on all platforms, and generate stored indexes in a web searchable format. The size of Celsius makes UGET a powerful gene characterization tool. Using a small seed list of known cartilage-selective genes, UGET extended the list of known genes by identifying 32 new highly cartilage-selective genes. Of these, 7 of 10 tested were validated by qPCR including the novel cartilage-specific genes SDK2 and FLJ41170. In addition, we retrospectively tested UGET and other gene expression based prioritization tools to identify disease-causing genes within known linkage intervals. We first demonstrated this utility with UGET using genetically heterogeneous disorders such as Joubert syndrome, microcephaly, neuropsychiatric disorders and type 2 limb girdle muscular dystrophy (LGMD2) and then compared UGET to other gene expression based prioritization programs which use small but discrete and well annotated datasets. Finally, we observed a significantly higher gene correlation shared between genes in disease networks associated with similar complex or Mendelian disorders.UGET is an invaluable resource for a geneticist that permits the rapid inclusion of expression criteria from one to hundreds of genes in genomic intervals linked to disease. By using thousands of arrays UGET annotates and prioritizes genes better than other tools especially with rare tissue disorders or complex multi-tissue biological processes. This information can be critical in prioritization of candidate genes for sequence analysis

    Integrated management of ash from industrial and domestic combustion : a new sustainable approach for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from energy conversion

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    This work supports, for the first time, the integrated management of waste materials arising from industrial processes (fly ash from municipal solid waste incineration and coal fly ash), agriculture (rice husk ash), and domestic activities (ash from wood biomass burning in domestic stoves). The main novelty of the paper is the reuse of wood pellet ash, an underestimated environmental problem, by the application of a new technology (COSMOS-RICE) that already involves the reuse of fly ashes from industrial and agricultural origins. The reaction mechanism involves carbonation: this occurs at room temperature and promotes permanent carbon dioxide sequestration. The obtained samples were characterized using XRD and TGA (coupled with mass spectroscopy). This allowed quantification of the mass loss attributed to different calcium carbonate phases. In particular, samples stabilized using wood pellet ash show a weight loss, attributed to the decomposition of carbonates greater than 20%. In view of these results, it is possible to conclude that there are several environmental benefits from wood pellet ash reuse in this way. In particular, using this technology, it is shown that for wood pellet biomass the carbon dioxide conversion can be considered negative
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