32 research outputs found

    Significant association between high serum CCL5 levels and better disease‐free survival of patients with early breast cancer

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    Analysis of anticancer immunity aids in assessing the prognosis of patients with breast cancer. From 250 operated breast cancers, we focused on serum levels of C-C motif chemokine ligand 5 (CCL5), which is involved in cancer immune reactions. Serum levels of CCL5 were measured using a cytometric bead-based immunoassay kit and CCL5 expression in cancer cells was determined using immunohistochemical staining. In addition, mRNA in cancer and stromal cells was analyzed by microdissection and comparison with the public dataset. Disease-free survival (DFS) of patients with high CCL5 levels (cut-off, 13.87 ng/mL; n = 192) was significantly better than those with low CCL5 levels (n = 58; hazard ratio, 0.20; 95% confidence interval, 0.10- 0.39; P < .0001). An improved overall survival was observed in patients with high CCL5 levels compared to those with low CCL5 levels (P = .024). On the contrary, high immunohistochemical expression of CCL5 in cancer cells was significantly associated with decreased DFS. As serum CCL5 levels did not correlate with CCL5 expression in cancer cells and the relative expression of mRNA CCL5 was elevated in stromal cells in relation to cancer cells, serum CCL5 might be derived not from cancer cells, but from stromal cells. Expression of CCL5 in serum, but not in cancer cells, might contribute to improved patient prognosis mediating through not only immune reaction, but through other mechanisms. Determination of circulating CCL5 levels could be useful for predicting patient prognosis

    First Data Release of the Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program

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    The Hyper Suprime-Cam Subaru Strategic Program (HSC-SSP) is a three-layered imaging survey aimed at addressing some of the most outstanding questions in astronomy today, including the nature of dark matter and dark energy. The survey has been awarded 300 nights of observing time at the Subaru Telescope and it started in March 2014. This paper presents the first public data release of HSC-SSP. This release includes data taken in the first 1.7 years of observations (61.5 nights) and each of the Wide, Deep, and UltraDeep layers covers about 108, 26, and 4 square degrees down to depths of i~26.4, ~26.5, and ~27.0 mag, respectively (5sigma for point sources). All the layers are observed in five broad bands (grizy), and the Deep and UltraDeep layers are observed in narrow bands as well. We achieve an impressive image quality of 0.6 arcsec in the i-band in the Wide layer. We show that we achieve 1-2 per cent PSF photometry (rms) both internally and externally (against Pan-STARRS1), and ~10 mas and 40 mas internal and external astrometric accuracy, respectively. Both the calibrated images and catalogs are made available to the community through dedicated user interfaces and database servers. In addition to the pipeline products, we also provide value-added products such as photometric redshifts and a collection of public spectroscopic redshifts. Detailed descriptions of all the data can be found online. The data release website is https://hsc-release.mtk.nao.ac.jp/.Comment: 34 pages, 20 figures, 7 tables, moderate revision, accepted for publication in PAS

    瀬戸内国際芸術祭2013 沙弥島アートプロジェクト by 神戸芸術工科大学

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    本稿は、瀬戸内国際芸術祭2013 春の部(2013年3月20日[春分の日]~4月21日[日])の一環として参加した「沙弥島アートプロジェクト by 神戸芸術工科大学」で行われた全ての活動について、成果物の画像を交えながらその内容を述べたものである。成果物として挙げられるのは、次の4つ、①香川県坂出市沙弥島内3カ所(西ノ浜、ナカンダ浜、旧沙弥小中学校)を舞台にした本学の教員(助手・実習助手含む)6名による作品展示・建築作品の公開、②準備期間中に行った地元の子供・親子を対象にしたワークショップ、③会期中に行った一般客及び地元住人を対象にしたイベント、④大学院の選択科目のひとつである大学院総合プロジェクト「沙弥島アートプロジェクト」において、担当教員の指導のもと、学生が行ったポスターや周辺地図などの印刷物およびスタッフ用パーカーなどのグッズ企画・制作である。This report assesses all the activities carried out in ‘Shamijima Art Project by Kobe Design University’ which was held as a part of Setouchi Triennale 2013 Spring term (20th March and 21st April 2013), together with the images of the project outcomes. The following four types of work have been completed in the project; ① Works of art and architecture created by six teachers of KDU(including assistants and a research assistant) in three different venues (Nishinohama Beach, Nakandahama Beach and Fomer-Shami Elementary and Junior High School), ②Workshops for the local people held in the preparation period, ③ Events for both the local and general visitors during the Triennale period, and ④ Poster, map and other graphic design works and goods productions such as staff costume created by students under the supervision in the one of the Kobe Design University graduate school’s optional subjects which is also called ‘Shamijima Art Project’


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    2013 年、第2 回「瀬戸内国際芸術祭2013」が開催され、本学でも香川県坂出市沙弥島を会場とする「沙弥島アートプロジェクト by 神戸芸術工科大学」として参加した。このプロジェクトは2013 年3 月20 日から4 月21 日を会期としたもので、全容は昨年の紀要「芸術工学2013」において報告したが、沙弥島を対象とした研究は継続して行われ、秋季には「沙弥島・あの感動を再び」と題して、独自の展覧会を行った。プロジェクトは2012 年度と13 年度をまたいで実践されることになったが、2013 年度共同研究としての位置づけとしては、春季開催中の会場運営、夏期芸術祭期間の他会場での開催プロジェクトとの比較考察、秋季展覧会の企画・実践を担っている。また、この2013 年の成果をもとに沙弥島でのプロジェクトは2014 年度も継続することが決定している。‘Shamijima Art Project by Kobe Design University’ was held as a part of Setouchi Triennale 2013 Spring term (20th March to 21st April 2013). Complete works of the spring term project were reported on bulletin of last year ‘2013’. Since then the project was continued under the subvention of the University.In the summer term of the Trinnale, some member of research inspect the another area of Setouchi and consider the way of community formation by arts or architectural design.In autumn, we planned a second exhibition and workshop titled ‘we remember the Shamijima’. The main subject of the show is retrospect of spring term project. But then two particular programs are executed. ‘Possible futures Sakaide’ show the fictional cityscape. These works are represented by high-school students of Sakaide city. At the workshop for children, salt and shell of Shami-beach is the matter.At present, Shamijima Art Project progress to 2014’s new program


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    The authors assessed the vocabulary age(VA) by using the Picture Vocabulary Test (PVT) though the preschool-training, for investigated the development of vocabulary comprehension of the 7 cases of children wearing Cochlear Implant(CI) :[Group-A; 3 cases of children started wearing CI before the age of 3, Group-B; 4 cases of children started wearing CI after the age of 3,]and 3 cases of children wearing hearing aids: [Group-C].And we assessed them since age of 6 months to age of 6 and 6 months.The results were as follows. 1)We could assess VA by PVT more early times in order of Group-A, Group-C, and Group-B. 2) It needed less times to catch up with the normal developmental level as calendar age on VA in order of Group-A, Group-B, Group-C. 3)It suggested that we should have CI worn on the children before the age of 3 for the reason of those, at first the development of vocabulary comprehension depended on the hearing, and secondarily it could improve using the hearing.4)In case of wearing hearing aids, it needed more times, but they could catch up with the normal developmental level as calendar age on vocabulary comprehension, on condition that we adjusted their environment on early language acquisition

    「緩和ケアを推進する看護師教育プログラム」の評価 : 修了者およびその上司への調査から

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    京都府立医科大学医学部看護学科京都府立医科大学附属病院看護部京都府立医科大学看護実践キャリア開発センター京都府立医科大学附属病院地域医療推進部School of Nursing, Kyoto Prefectural University of MedicineDepartment of Nursing, University Hospital Kyoto Prefectural University of MedicineKyoto Prefectural University of Medicine, Career Development Center for NursingPromotion Division of Regional Medicine, University Hospital Kyoto Prefectural University of Medicine 本研究の目的は、「緩和ケア実践看護師養成コース(以下Aコース)」「在宅緩和ケア推進看護師養成コース(以下Bコース)」を受講した修了者とその上司への調査からプログラム評価および看護実践への活用状況を指標にしてプログラムを評価することである。【方法】平成27~31年度の間に京都府立医科大学看護実践キャリア開発センターが開催する「緩和ケアを推進する看護師教育プログラム」のAコースまたはBコースを受講した修了者25名のうち、調査時点で受講時と同じ施設・病院で就労を継続している21名(Aコース14名、Bコース7名)、とその上司21名(Aコース14名、Bコース7名)を研究対象者とした。修了生の施設・病院に質問紙を郵送し、令和3年7月~8月に無記名の自記式質問紙調査を行った。調査項目は、基本属性、カリキュラムについて、教育目標について、受講内容の適切性について、学習内容の臨床での活用について、とした。なお所属する大学の医学倫理審査委員会の承認を得て実施した(ERB-E-444)。【結果】回答者は、Aコース修了者9名、Aコース上司7名、Bコース修了者5名、Bコース上司3名であった。受講した修了者の評価においては、プログラムの内容についてAコースの8割以上が、Bコースの全員が(とても・まあまあ)適切としている。自己能力の発揮状況について、Aコースは4~6割、Bコースについては4~8割ができているとしている。 上司からの評価では、両コースとも受講した講義・演習・実習が7割程度現在の看護実践に役立っていると答えた。期待される能力については両コースとも8割以上が現在の看護活動に活きていると答えた。【結論】平成27年度から開始された「緩和ケアを推進する看護師教育プログラム」に対して、受講した修了者とその上司に,研修が有用であったかを問うたところ、受講した修了者はプログラムの内容が看護の実践で活かされていると実感していることが明らかとなった。さらに、上司は、受講した修了者が研修を踏まえた看護実践ができていると評価していることが明らかになった。修了者、上司の評価からプログラムの効果を評価することができた

    The Hyper Suprime-Cam SSP survey: Overview and survey design

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    Hyper Suprime-Cam (HSC) is a wide-field imaging camera on the prime focus of the 8.2-m Subaru telescope on the summit of Mauna Kea in Hawaii. A team of scientists from Japan, Taiwan, and Princeton University is using HSC to carry out a 300-night multi-band imaging survey of the high-latitude sky. The survey includes three layers: the Wide layer will cover 1400 deg2 in five broad bands (grizy), with a 5 σ point-source depth of r ≈ 26. The Deep layer covers a total of 26 deg2 in four fields, going roughly a magnitude fainter, while the UltraDeep layer goes almost a magnitude fainter still in two pointings of HSC (a total of 3.5 deg2). Here we describe the instrument, the science goals of the survey, and the survey strategy and data processing. This paper serves as an introduction to a special issue of the Publications of the Astronomical Society of Japan, which includes a large number of technical and scientific papers describing results from the early phases of this survey