81 research outputs found

    Multimodal recognition of frustration during game-play with deep neural networks

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    Frustration, which is one aspect of the field of emotional recognition, is of particular interest to the video game industry as it provides information concerning each individual player’s level of engagement. The use of non-invasive strategies to estimate this emotion is, therefore, a relevant line of research with a direct application to real-world scenarios. While several proposals regarding the performance of non-invasive frustration recognition can be found in literature, they usually rely on hand-crafted features and rarely exploit the potential inherent to the combination of different sources of information. This work, therefore, presents a new approach that automatically extracts meaningful descriptors from individual audio and video sources of information using Deep Neural Networks (DNN) in order to then combine them, with the objective of detecting frustration in Game-Play scenarios. More precisely, two fusion modalities, namely decision-level and feature-level, are presented and compared with state-of-the-art methods, along with different DNN architectures optimized for each type of data. Experiments performed with a real-world audiovisual benchmarking corpus revealed that the multimodal proposals introduced herein are more suitable than those of a unimodal nature, and that their performance also surpasses that of other state-of-the–art approaches, with error rate improvements of between 40% and 90%.Open Access funding provided thanks to the CRUE-CSIC agreement with Springer Nature. The first author acknowledges the support from the Spanish “Ministerio de Educación y Formación Profesional” through grant 20CO1/000966. The second and third authors acknowledge support from the “Programa I+D+i de la Generalitat Valenciana” through grants ACIF/2019/042 and APOSTD/2020/256, respectively

    Comparison of different methods of grapevine yield Prediction in the time window Between fruitset and veraison

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    Aim: To compare grape yield prediction methods to determine which provide the best results in terms of earliness of prediction in the growing season, accuracy and precision. Methods and results: The grape yields predicted by six models ? one for use at fruitset (FS), two for use at veraison (V1 and V2), and three for use during the lag phase (LP40, LP50 and LP60) ? were compared to fieldmeasured yields. Regressions for the yield predicted by each model were constructed. The V1 and V2 models had the highest R2 (0.75) and efficiency index (EF; 0.67-0.71) and the lowest RMSE values (±16-17%, or <0.5 kg per mof row). The FS model had the same or similar R2 (0.58), EF (0.06) and RMSE (±30%, or <0.83 kg per m of row) values as the LP models, but allowed yield predictions to be made one month earlier

    Multi-probe measurement system based on single-cut transformation for fast testing of linear arrays

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    This paper introduces a near-field measurement system concept for the fast testing of linear arrays suited for mass production scenarios where a high number of nominally identical antennas needs to be measured. The proposed system can compute the radiation pattern, directivity and gain on the array plane, as well as the array complex feeding coefficients in a matter of seconds. The concept is based on a multi-probe antenna array arranged in a line which measures the near field of the antenna under test in its array plane. This linear measurement is postprocessed with state-of-the-art single-cut transformation techniques. To compensate the lack of full 3D information, a previous complete characterization of a “Gold Antenna” is performed. This antenna is nominally identical to the many ones that will be measured with the proposed system. Therefore, the data extracted from this full characterization can be used to complement the postprocessing steps of the single-cut measurements. An X-band 16-probe demonstrator of the proposed system is implemented and introduced in this paper, explaining all the details of its architecture and operation steps. Finally, some measurement results are given to compare the developed demonstrator with traditional anechoic measurements, and show the potential capabilities of the proposed concept to perform fast and reliable measurements.This work was funded by Indra Sistemas S.A. and by the Spanish Government, Ministry of Economy, National Program of Research, Development and Innovation through the project FUTURERADIO “Radio systems and technologies for high capacity terrestrial and satellite communications in an hyperconnected world” (project number TEC2017-85529-C3-1-R)

    Mythos (II): Mito e imagen en la antigüedad clásica y sus pervivencias

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    Mythos: mito e imagen en la antigüedad clásica y sus pervivencias (II)) es una Base de Datos cuyos primeros resultados se alojaron en el repositorio de Filología OdA. Con dicho proyecto iniciábamos una andadura con la que pretendemos renovar materiales didácticos tradicionales y poner dichos materiales al servicio de los estudiantes, que pudiera servir de apoyo a la docencia tanto presencial, como semipresencial o virtual

    Efficacy of medium chain triglyceride oil dietary supplementation in reducing seizure frequency in dogs with idiopathic epilepsy without cluster seizures : a non-blinded, prospective clinical trial

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    This study was fully funded by Nestlé Purina ResearchDespite appropriate antiseizure drug (ASD) treatment, around two-thirds of dogs with idiopathic epilepsy (IE) have seizures long-term and 20-30per cent of affected dogs remain poorly controlled. The current study aim is to test in a field trial the efficacy and tolerability of a commercially available diet enriched with 6.5per cent medium chain triglyceride (MCT) oil in dogs (n=21) with at least a tier 1 idiopathic epilepsy diagnosis, without cluster seizures, in 10 veterinary practices across Europe. Each dog's quality of life (QoL), ataxia, sedation and frequency and severity of seizures were recorded by owners throughout the study. The mean seizure frequency per month, averaged over the entire 84-day study, significantly (P=0.04) decreased 32per cent compared with the baseline monthly seizure frequency recorded during the month immediately before feeding the diet. Similarly, the seizure days rate (days/month) also declined (P8.5/10) in 20 of the 21 dogs before starting the diet and this remained unchanged during the trial. This study demonstrates the use of a diet enriched with MCTs as an adjunct to ASD treatment may have some antiseizure properties for dogs diagnosed with IE, as demonstrated in previous studies

    La modernización del campo y la globalización económica

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    El presente libro incluye las ponencias presentadas en el del XIV Seminario de Economía Agrícola del Tercer Mundo, en el cual participan distinguidos especialistas nacionales y extranjeros, atentos a la dinámica y a la problemática actual de la producción primaria y el desarrollo rural de México y el mundo. El interés se centró en la elaboración de análisis críticos y propositivos en torno a los cambios ocurridos durante los últimos años en el sector rural mexicano a la luz del proceso de modernización y globalización económica en que está inmerso nuestro país. Los trabajos presentados en el Seminario muestran un consenso básico en torno a la importancia estratégica del sector agropecuario y rural para la construcción de un proyecto de desarrollo nacional sostenido, equilibrado y democrático

    El Castru (Vigaña, Balmonte de Miranda, Asturias): un pequeño poblado fortificado de las montañas occidentales cantábricas durante la Edad del Hierro

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    p. 211-237Este artículo presenta los datos arqueológicos recuperados en las excavaciones del poblado castreño de El Castru, en Vigaña (Balmonte de Miranda, Asturias) realizadas en 2012 y 2013. Dicho yacimiento constituye un buen ejemplo de los pequeños castros de la Edad del Hierro en las montañas del área occidental cantábrica. Por ello, el análisis de las informaciones obtenidas y su contextualización a escala regional ofrecen interesantes aportaciones al debate sobre las formas de poblamiento y subsistencia adoptadas por las comunidades del I milenio a.C. en el Noroeste ibérico.S

    Hyperkalemia in Heart Failure Patients in Spain and Its Impact on Guidelines and Recommendations: ESC-EORP-HFA Heart Failure Long-Term Registry

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    [Abstract] Introduction and objectives: Hyperkalemia is a growing concern in the treatment of patients with heart failure and reduced ejection fraction because it limits the use of effective drugs. We report estimates of the magnitude of this problem in routine clinical practice in Spain, as well as changes in potassium levels during follow-up and associated factors. Methods: This study included patients with acute (n=881) or chronic (n=3587) heart failure recruited in 28 Spanish hospitals of the European heart failure registry of the European Society of Cardiology and followed up for 1 year. Various outcomes were analyzed, including changes in serum potassium levels and their impact on treatment. Results: Hyperkalemia (K+> 5.4 mEq/L) was identified in 4.3% (95%CI, 3.7%-5.0%) and 8.2% (6.5%-10.2%) of patients with chronic and acute heart failure, respectively, and was responsible for 28.9% of all cases of contraindication to mineralocorticoid receptor antagonist use and for 10.8% of all cases of failure to reach the target dose. Serum potassium levels were not recorded in 291 (10.8%) of the 2693 chronic heart failure patients with reduced ejection fraction. During follow-up, potassium levels increased in 179 of 1431 patients (12.5%, 95%CI, 10.8%-14.3%). This increase was directly related to age, diabetes, and history of stroke and was inversely related to history of hyperkalemia. Conclusions: This study highlights the magnitude of the problem of hyperkalemia in patients with heart failure in everyday clinical practice and the need to improve monitoring of this factor in these patients due to its interference with the possibility of receiving optimal treatment.[Resumen] Introducción y objetivos. La hiperpotasemia es una preocupación creciente en el tratamiento de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca y fracción de eyección reducida, pues limita el uso de fármacos eficaces. Este trabajo ofrece estimaciones de la magnitud de este problema en la práctica clínica habitual en España, los cambios en las concentraciones de potasio en el seguimiento y los factores asociados. Métodos. Pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca aguda (n = 881) y crónica (n = 3.587) seleccionados en 28 hospitales españoles del registro europeo de insuficiencia cardiaca de la European Society of Cardiology y seguidos 1 año para diferentes desenlaces, incluidos cambios en las cifras de potasio y su impacto en el tratamiento. Resultados. La hiperpotasemia (K+ > 5,4 mEq/l) está presente en el 4,3% (IC95%, 3,7-5,0%) y el 8,2% (6,5-10,2%) de los pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca crónica y aguda; causa el 28,9% de todos los casos en que se contraindica el uso de antagonistas del receptor de mineralocorticoides y el 10,8% de los que no alcanzan la dosis objetivo. Del total de 2.693 pacientes ambulatorios con fracción de eyección reducida, 291 (10,8%) no tenían registrada medición de potasio. Durante el seguimiento, 179 de 1.431 (12,5%, IC95%, 10,8-14,3%) aumentaron su concentración de potasio, aumento relacionado directamente con la edad, la diabetes mellitus y los antecedentes de ictus e inversamente con los antecedentes de hiperpotasemia. Conclusiones. Este trabajo destaca el problema de la hiperpotasemia en pacientes con insuficiencia cardiaca de la práctica clínica habitual y la necesidad de continuar y mejorar la vigilancia de este factor en estos pacientes por su interferencia en el tratamiento óptimo